................................. • • • • • • • • • • • = • • FUGITIVES = '. \ • • • • • • .. Wanted By II • • I POLICE m - I • • • • • • M • II ******* II I I • • I I • • • • • • I = l1iuisinu af lJuueatiguttnu '. m = • I. lepartmrut of 3Justtre • • • II Jl1lJn £llgar Jil1l1urr. iirrctl1r II • • • • • Bluqingtnn. II. (g. 1& • • • • I I • • • • • • • • II VOL. 2 No. 12 DECEMBER 1, 1933 • • • • ................... ......... The Division of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, is charged with the duty of investigating violations of the laws of the United States and collecting evidence in cases in which the United States is or may be a party in interest. The Division does not have investigative jurisdiction over violations of Counterfeiting, Narcotic, Customs, Immigration, or Postal Laws. - y However, the Division of Investigation will immediately institute inves­ tigations of alleged violations of Federal Laws other than those listed above. The following list indicates some of the major violations over which the Division has investigative jurisdiction:- National Motor Vehicle Theft Act National Bankruptcy Act White Slave Traffic Act Impersonation of Government Officials Larceny of Goods in Interstate Commerce Cases involving transportation in interstate or foreign commerce of any persons who have been kidnapped Theft, Embezzlement or Illegal Possession of Government Property Antitrust Laws National Bank and Federal Reserve Act Violations, such as embezzlement, abstraction or misapplication of funds Crimes on any kind of Government reservation, including Indian Reserva­ tions or in any Government building or other Government property Neutrality violations, including the shipment of arms to friendly nations Frauds against the Government Perjury, embezzlement, or bribery in connection with Federal Statutes or officials Crimes on the high seas The location of persons who are fugitives from justice by reason of vio­ lations of the Federal Laws over which the bivision has jUrisdiction, of escaped Federal prisoners, and parole and probation violators. It will be appreciated if information in the possession of law-enforce­ ment officials concerning the above listed violations is promptly forwarded to the Special Agent in Charge or the nearest ield office of the Division of Investigation, U. S. Department of JUstice. If the information indicates that immediate action is necessary, telegrams marked "Government Rate Collect" or telephone calls will be accepted. The address of each of the Field Offices of this Division appears 'on the inside back cover of this bulletin. JiuiBiou of 3'lt1lrnttgatinu 1t . :nleparfuwut of 1tatitr ln4u £ilgar Jinnner, i1irrdnr JfIapIfingtnu, I. Qr. In his address to members of the Emergency Crime Committee of the InterġĢtional Association of Chiefs of Police, recently assembled in Washington, The Attorney General of the United states said in part : "We are trying to put new life into the administration of justice, trying to humanize it and liberalize it, and at the same tiģe make it more effective and more successful. Each one of you know5 what your own problĤm id and we have our Federal problems and our state problems and our municipal and local problems. "Primarily, what I am hoping to accomplish is to bring about more complete heartfelt and friendly cooperation and coordination amongst the various law enforcing agencies of the country than ever existed before . Now, I think we can do that not perhaps on account of any particular merit of our own , but because we have the support, I think , now in fuller measure than I have l²nown it in my time of the people of the country. "I have been too many years engaged in battling with crime , as your President personally knows , to have any illusions about the difficult, the long persi stent , unre­ lenting pressure , that has got to be exerted by the law enforcing agencies . Everything that you can think of that will help in this campaign should be coordinated and systemized and made effective . Not only should there be a study of de­ vices and plans of detecting and preventing those who have been guilty of offenses, but neVi methods should constantly be studied and within our own ranks there should be greater morale." One of the new methods of fighting crime , as mentioned by the Attorney General , is aptly illustrated by the Single Finger­ print File in the Identification Unit of the Division of Investi­ gation, devoted to known or suspected kidnapers and extortioners . Every law enforcement official in the country is urged to make use of this file . In order that this file may be made as complete as possible, it is requested that law enforcement officials who can furnish from the ir files names of gangsters or individuals associated in the past with crimes of kidnaping and extortion, submit to the Division for entry in its Single Fingerprint File, the names, arrest or commitment numbers and fingerprint classifications of these individuals in order that the Division 's file may be maintained as comprehensively as possible. Since this is the lasĥ issue oĦ the Bulletin before the Christmas season, I wish to take this opportunity 'of wishing each one of you a happy Christmas . Director. - 1 - MURRAY ALLEN , with aliases: FPC : 17 L 28 W IO Murray Allan , Allan Murray . M 16 W II #17296 PD, Charleston, SC; B; 45 yrs (1933); 5'10"; 165 Ibs ; med bId; blk hair; mar eyes ; med brn comp; res - Blackville, SC; occ - lab; nat - Amer. Wanted for BURG and ESCAPE . (Notify : PD , Charleston, SC) * * * * * MELVIN L. ARNOLD , with aliases : FPC : 0 32 W lIM 23 Melvin Arnall, Melvin L. Arnall, R. L. Arnall . 0 32 W OIl #2808 PD, Charleston , SC; W: 22 yrs (1928 ); 5'8"; 157 Ibs ; med bId; brn hair; brn eyes; ruddy camp ; sc base rt mid fgr, otr; nat - Amer. Wanted for ARMED ROB . (Notify : PD, Charleston , SC ) * * * * * JAMES BARR. FPC : 7 9 aU 12 2 aU 17 #2184 PD, Durham, NC; B; 22 yrs (1931 ); 5'8t"; 150 Ibs ; med bId; blk hair; mar eyes; dk brn comp: res - Du rham, NC: nat - Ame r. Wanted for MUR. (Notify : PD, Durham, NC ) * * * * * ' B. H. BERRY, with aliases : FPC : 10 S I T II 9 Bladen Berry , Bladen Beny, Bladen Bury. M 1 R Ill 9 #-- SO, Burlington , Kans: W: 18 yrs (1929): 6'lt"; 160 Ibs; sldr bId; brn hair; bl eyes; med dk comp; Ige shot sc rt leg; res - Bu rlington, Kans ; nat - Amer. Wanted for ROB . ( Notify : SO , Garnett , Kans; Co Atty, Bu rlington , Kans) * * * * * LEON C . BROOKE, with aliases : FPC : 24 L 1 R 000 14 Leon C. Brooks, Lee. L 3 W 000 14 #38956 USPen, Leavenworth , Kans ; W; 43 yrs (1933); 5'IOt" ; 148 lbs ; sldr bId; blk ha ir; olive chest eyes ; ruddy comp ; pit sc cor It eye ; c sc root nose; irreg sc It cheek; hairy mole below It elb, otr; irreg sc base It th, otr; res - Frankfort , Ind ; occ - salesman ; married ; nat - Amer. Wanted for IMPERSONATION GOVERNMENT OFFICER . (Notify : Special Agent in Charge , Division of Investigation , US Department of Justice, 1900 Banke rs' Bu ilding, Chicago, Ill; Director, Division of InvĜstigation, US Department of Justice , Washington , DC) * * * * * JOHN THOMAS BROOKS , with aliases : FPC: 15 S I R 000 15 John Brooks , Johnnie Brooks . L 1 U 000 15 #136 SO , Anadarko, Okla; W; 21 yrs (1933); 5'9"; 140 Ibs; stky bId; brn hair - reddish tinge; brn eyes; ruddy campi It freckles; res - Anadarko, Okla; occ - lab; single; nat - Amer. Wanted for violation NATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT ACT. (Notify : Special Agent in Charge , Division of Investigation, US Department of Justice, 224 Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Okla; Director, Division of Investigation , US Department of Justice, Washington , DC) * * * * * JOHN BROWN , with aliases : FPC : 11 13 U 13 J. B. Brown, Johnnie Brown , Johnny Brown, 19 Wa 12 James Richardson, C. W. Williams. #28011 PD , Cincinnati , Ohio; B; 24 yrs (1933 ); 5'6"; 160 Ibs; sm bId; blk hairj mar eyesj med brn comp; sc top head; eire sc rt fhj sc It wrt , otr; ------- ----��-�--��================---==--� The following article, dealing with bombs, suspicious packages, photographs, and X-rays, was b,8sed- upon experimental work by officials of the Metropolitan Police Department or New York City, and was prepared by Dr. Daniel J. Donovan, Chief surgeon; Assistant Chief Inspector John J. Sullivan, Commanding, Detective Division; and Acting Lieutenant Charles E. J. Newman, Cor:1Illanding, Bomb Squad. Exhibit #1 , , . - 2 - sm scs bk rt hand; Ige sc rt ankle, otr; res - Sylvania, Ga; single; nat - Amer. Wanted for IMPERSONATION GOVERNMENT OFFICER . (Notify: Special Agent in Charge , Division of Investigat"io n , US Department of Justice, 201 Liberty National Life Building , Birmingham , Ala; Director, Division of Investigation , US Department of Justice; Washington , DC ) * * * * * LEO BROWN , wi th alias : FPC : 17 25 W IM 12 , . W .. Walter Brown . 11 0 11 #84 PD , Savannah , Ga; B; 18 yrs (1929); 5'5ill; 145 Ibs; med bId; blk hair; mar eyes; brn comp; nat - Amer. Sent StPr, Milledgeville, Ga , 1-28-33 to serve 10 yrs for BURG . ESCAPED 10-2-33 . (Notify: PD , Savannah , Ga, ) * * * * * LEWIS BROWN , with alias : FPC : 13 M 9 U OOI 13 Louis Brown . S 2 U OOI 14 #4005 SO , Saginaw , Mich; W; 20 yrs (1933); 5'7tll; 140 Ibs; med bId; chest hai r; bl eyes; ruddy comp; res - Saginaw, Mich; nat - Ame r. Wanted for BURG . (Notify: SO , Saginaw, Mich) * * * * * WALTER ALBERT BRYANT , wi th aliases : FPC : M 31 W IMO W. A. Braynt , MarIe Andrew Eichman , I 32 W MMI 16 Merle Eichman , Me rle Graber, John Malone , Morris Marvin, Marvin Morris. #24149 USDB , Fort Leavenworth , Kans; W; 26 yrs (1927); 5'911; 150 Ibs; med bId; It auburn hai r; med chest eyes; flor comp; freckled neck; tat shield with cross saber and rifle above IIU.S. II rt fa , inr; res - Kendallville , Ind; occ - automobile salesman; single; nat - Ame r.
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