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Middle East Institute is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Middle East Journal. http://www.jstor.org CHRONOLOGY May 16, 1971 -August 15, 1971 June 9: IsraeliPremier Golda Meir said the Egyptian- Arab Israeli Conflict Soviet treaty of May 27 was a "frameworkper- mitting intervention in the life and actions of 1971 Egypt,"and that Egypt would try to use the treaty May 17: US Secretaryof State William Rogers met as a lever for threateningIsrael. with UN Special Envoy GunnarJarring and Secre- The US State Department accused Israel of tary General U Thant to brief them on his efforts violating the 1949 Geneva conventionby building to promote an "interim"agreement opening the apartmentsin occupiedJerusalem. Suez said he a final Canal. Rogers hoped peace June 10: President Sadat said Egypt would have to would be achievedby Jarring. fight for "every inch of Arab land and the right May 20: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat said, of the Palestinianpeople for self-determination." despitethe shakeupin the to the Egypt, offer reopen June 13: A Liberian tanker carrying crude oil to Suez Canalon Egyptianterms still stood. He added Elath was attackedby a motor launch armed with that he asked US to Secretaryof State Rogers in the Straitsof Bab al-Mandab.The ship "squeeze Israel if for bazookas necessary peace" and said arrivedsafely in Israel. The PopularFront for the Rogers assuredhim the US would ask no further Liberationof Palestine claimed responsibilityfor compromisesfrom Egypt. the attack. May 22: Jordanissued a formal complaintto the UN Dayan said against Israel'salleged "forcibleand inhuman de- June 18: Israeli Defense Minister Moshe would resume on the Canal portation" of Arabs from occupied territory to the chances that fighting East Bank. front increasedsharply. June 2: Pravdaand Izvestia accusedthe US of trying June 26: Joseph Kraft of the WashingtonPost re- "to drive a wedge" between the USSR and Egypt ported UAR Foreign MinisterRiyad as saying that by posing as a mediatorin the Middle East. the ranking American diplomat in Cairo, Donald Bergus,submitted to Egypton May 23 a memoran- June 3: The New York Times reported the US as dum calling for an Israeli withdrawal halfway confirmingthat Israel was pressing for long term acrossSinai, an advanceof UAR forces to 15 miles commitmentson arms deliveriesin responseto the west of the Israelis and a UN force in between. 15 year Soviet-Egyptiantreaty of May 27. Riyad said the UAR thought the proposal origi- June 4: Egyptian Foreign Minister MahmiudRiyad nated in Israel and sent a favorablereply through left Moscowafter a 3 day visit. A joint communique Bergusto Rogers. said both countries agreed that the Suez Canal June 29: The Israeli Ambassadorto the US said the should not be opened unless Israel would agree to disclosureof the Bergus memorandumcaused the withdrawfrom all Arab territory. Israeli government "great concern."The US in- June 7: A Lebanesemilitary spokesmansaid Israeli formed Egyptand Israelthat the memorandumdid troops crossedthe borderand blew up 2 houses in not representUS policy but only Bergus'personal Ramiyah. views. The quarterlychronology of the Journalis compiled from a large number of sources;somewhat more than half of the items are drawnfrom The New York Times; other sourcesinclude Middle East EconomicDigest of London, Daily Report of Foreign BroadcastInformation Service of Washington,bulletins of the United Nations Officeof Public Information,United Nations, New York, United Nations Newsletter,Middle East Economic Survey of Beirut, the WashingtonPost of Washington,D. C., Arab Report and Recordof Lon- don, The New Middle East of London,Africa Report of Washington, D. C., and Middle East Newsletter of New York, regularand occasionalbulletins from the officesof press attachesof Middle EasternEmbassies in Washington,Pakistan Affairs of Washington,Pakistan News Digest of Karachi, The Arab Wo4rd of Beirut, VayhanInternational of Tehran, and The JerusalemPost. 506 CHRONOLOGY 507 Lebanonreported fighting a 2 hour battle with Deputy Premier Yigal Allon. an Israeli armored force which allegedly crossed Aug. 3: Israeli newspapersreported that Sisco was the border. proposing to the Israeli governmenta pullbackof June 30: JordanianInformation Minister Adnan Abui 25 miles from the Suez Canal followed by a token 'Awdahcalled an Israeliplan to pay compensation crossing of UAR forces and a guaranteedceasefire to Arabs in Jerusalemfor propertylost in 1948 a of 2 to 3 years. "conspiracy"to changethe citizenshipof Jerusalem Aug. 5: Sisco ended talks in Israel.He reportedthat Arabsand to "completethe annexationof the Holy "While there are differencesstill to be resolved, City.' we believe a practical basis for future progress on July 2: Editor of Al-AhramMuhammad Haykal said an interim Suez Canal agreement can be achieved." Egypt might renounceher commitmentto a peace- ful settlement and call for an Arab summit con- Aug. 7: IsraeliMinister Without Portfolio Galili said ferenceon a new war strategy. there was not much chance "at present" of an July 5: Donald Bergus and Egyptian Desk Officer interim agreementon the Suez Canal while Egypt Michael Sterner arrived in Cairo. Al-Ahram said insists on the right of her troops to cross the canal the visit was a maneuverto suggest a new Amer- and on the agreement'sincluding an Israeli com- ican initiative on the Suez Canal. mitment to withdrawto the June 1967 borders. July 6: Bergus and Michael Sterner met with UAR Aug. 9: Israeli forces attacked commando positions Acting Foreign Minister Hafiz Isma'il to discuss in Lebanon. termsfor reopeningthe Suez Canal. Aug. 12: Haykal reportedin Al-Ahramthat early in July 7: A rocketattack on Petah Tikva in Israelkilled the summerthe US promisedEgypt that she would 2 and injured25. press for specific measuresto implement Security July 11: The New York Times reported that the Council Resolution #242 if Egypt would maintain USSR had sharplyincreased deliveries of warplanes the unofficial ceasefire.Haykal said the ceasefire and helicopters to Egypt and Syria "in recent would be respecteduntil Aug. 15 after which the months." According to the report Syria received agreementwould lapse. 21 Mig-21s in the previous 3 months and Egypt Aug. 13: The US State Departmentdenied that Sadat had received 100 Mig-21s since Sept. 1970. set an Aug. 15 deadline for US efforts to achieve July 12: A US State Departmentspokesman said the an interim agreement and urged "all parties" to US was satisfiedthat the military balance in the "avoidlaying down deadlines." Middle East was unchangeddespite the increasein Soviet arms deliveries to Arab countries. He added Aug. 14: Reuters reported a general strike called in that Israeli requestsfor more US jets were under Gaza by commandosfailed when Israeli soldiers consideration. began sealing shut shops which were closed in Cairo'sRose al-Yuisifsaid the visit of Bergusand support of the strike. The strike was to protest Sterner to Cairo for talks on reopening the Suez new securitymeasures. was a "theatricalplay" to impress world opinion. July 16: US State Department officer Sterner left Cairoafter an 11 day visit. General July 19: The US announced Assistant Secretaryof State Joseph Sisco would visit Israel in an effort 1971 to break the deadlockin Suez negotiationsand to discussthe supply of more US jets to Israel. May 27: Jordan,Kuwayt, Sudan, Syria and the UAR July 21: It was reported that Israel was resettling signed an agreementsetting up an Arab Establish- Arabs from Gaza camps to reduce the concentra- ment for Investment Insurance to be based in tions of refugeesthere. Kuwaytwith a capital of KD lOim. July 23: Sadat warned that Egypt could not permit June 7: The MinisterialCouncil of the Organization the state of no war, no peace to continue past the of Arab PetroleumExporting Countries (OAPEC) end of the year. He said Egypt would "sacrifice was adjourned until Oct. 7 after a dispute over one million of our people as victims in this battle." Iraq'sapplication for membership. July 28: US AssistantSecretary of State Sisco arrived Jane 23: The 10th session of the Executive Com- in Tel Aviv. mittee of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Or- July 30: Sisco met with Israeli leaders. ganizationopened in Damascus. July 31: US officialssaid Vice PresidentSpiro Agnew June 28: Consultationsbetween the UAR, Syria and was told while in Saudi Arabia that Egypt was Libya on the draft constitutionfor the Federation willing to discussan interim settlementwith Israel of Arab Republicsended after 11 days of meetings if the negotiatorsfor Israel were native Palestinian in Cairo. The draft was reported to have been Jews.
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