St. Jude the Apostle Parish Sunday, February 14, 2021NSixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 800 NIAGARA FALLS BLVD. MASS SCHEDULE NORTH TONAWANDA, NY 14120 Saturday Vigil5:00 pm RECTORY PHONE: 6940540 • FAX: 6948943 Sunday8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, FAMILY FAITH FORMATION: 6944540 Tuesday and Thursday6:45 am After hours emergency 5251880 MondayMFriday9:00 am Website: www.stjudetheapostle.org Saturday9:00 am EMAIL: [email protected] Holy Day Massessee inside facebook.com/StJudetheApostleCatholicParishNT FIRST FRIDAY EXPOSITION 222063947871449/ 9:30 am to 5:00 pm (Sept. June) Formed Great learning tool! Formed.org. Parish code (V76GH4) No First Friday devotion during July & August PARISH STAFF NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Pastor……….………………………………... Rev. James W. Kirkpatrick, Jr. Wednesdaysat the 9:00 am. Mass. Deacons……………………………………. Daniel Brick & John Steiner Music Director/Organist/Choirmaster…… …………. ....Michael Hauser EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Folk Group………………………………… ……………. Peggy Barkley Wednesdays 9:30 amM8:00 pm in Church Family Faith Formation /Confirmation coordinator.... Lynda Mostowy Divine Mercy Chaplet recited at 3:00 pm. RECTORY HOURS CONFESSIONS Monday Thursday 9:30 am 3:00 pm. Fridays 9:30 am 1:00 pm Saturdays4:00 pm−4:45 pm (or by appointment) FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 am 2:00 pm MARRIAGE Arrangements are to be made by calling the rectory 6 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS months in advance. A date cannot be reserved until Please fill out a registration form obtained at entrances to the church or the couple meets with the pastor. Couples are to attend a PreCana Conference. contact the rectory during office hours. BAPTISMS FUNERAL LUNCHEONS The Bereavement committee is a group that provides a luncheon in the Held at 1:00 pm on the last Sunday of the month. They Parish Hall for a minimum of 25 people and not more than 100 people can also be scheduled at weekend Masses. A required following the funeral Mass of a parishioner. Volunteers are always needed class for parents and godparents is held in church the and will be placed on a rotating team. Tuesday before the Baptism at 7:00 pm. Please call the rectory for registration. A godparent is to be a Con- firmed Catholic and be able to obtain a letter of recom- mendation from his/her parish. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time MESSAGE FROM FR JIM PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Dear Parishioners, “St. Jude the Apostle is a Roman Catholic community commit- ted to knowing our Christian Faith. We are a welcoming com- Lent starts this Wednesday. Whenever Lent comes around I munity striving to live in the truth of the Gospel, with love in service to others. Led by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the certainly acknowledge it is a time that I need. It is a time for Eucharist, we believe in the dignity of each person and that all preparation and spiritual growth. We will be having Stations of life is sacred.” the Cross every Friday. Hours for the Sacrament of Reconcili- ation will be extended. I will be hearing confessions every MASSES FOR THE WEEK Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm. Bishop Fisher will be visiting February 13, 2021NFebruary 21, 2021 our parish March 16th to share a Lenten reflection. You will be hearing much more about this soon. I’m very excited to Saturday, February 13, 2021N(Vigil) have him here. Gn 3:924 Ps 90:24c, 56, 1213 Mk 8:110 9:00 am Joseph and Yolanda Tallerico by Joanne Stevick This Monday, February 15th, we begin the Consecration to St 5:00 pm Louis F. Burgler by wife and family Joseph. Every day there will be a reflection and prayers that can be found on the diocesan website https:// Sunday, February 14, 2021 MSixth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.buffalodiocese.org/consecrationtostjoseph. I suggest Lv 13:12, 4446 Ps 32:12, 5, 11 1 Cor 10:3111:1 Mk 1:4045 you take this opportunity for spiritual growth. I will be doing it 8:00 amNJohn Bartel by family along with you. It will end with the consecration on March 19th. 10:00 amN William Leach by wife 12 noon Rita Dellisola by Vince & family Finally, we have run into a difficulty with our streaming of Masses. In order for those who cannot come to Mass I will Monday, February 15, 2021NWeekday stream the 10 am Mass on our parish Facebook page on Sunday Gn 4:115, 25 Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc17, 2021 Mk 8:1113 9:00 amN Marilyn Malucci by Gwen McCallum until it is resolved. I’m very frustrated with the situation. Please be patient as we work this out. Tuesday, February 16, 2021NWeekday Gn 6:58, 7:15, 10 Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac4, 3b, 9c10 Mk 8:1421 Christ’s Peace, 6:45 amNJohn Maglio I by John Maglio II 9:00 amNFrances Prescott by family Fr Jim Kirkpatrick PREPARING FOR OUR LENTEN JOURNEY Wednesday, February 17, 2021NAsh Wednesday Jl 2:1218 Ps 51:36b, 1214, 17 2 Cor 5:206:2 Mt 6:16, 1618 On Ash Wednesday, February 17th, this is a day of fast and abstinence. 9:00 am MCharles Cupp by Wal Mart family Ashes will not be distributed on the forehead, they will be sprinkled on the 7:00 pmNDonald Duquette by Knights of Columbus members crown of your head due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. Ashes will be distrib- uted during the 9:00 am Mass and 7:00 pm Mass. Thursday, February 18, 2021NThursday after Ash Wednesday Dt 30:1520 Ps 1:14, 6 Lk 9:2225 Abstinence N All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are bound to 6:45 am MJoseph Emry family by estate abstain totally from meat on the following days: Ash Wednesday, all Fridays 9:00 amNBarb Johnston by Karen & Doug Lucin during Lent and Good Friday. FastingNAll Catholics between their 18th and 59th birthdays are also bound to Friday, February 19, 2021NFriday after Ash Wednesday observe the Law of Fast on the following days: Ash Wednesday and Is 58:19a Ps 51:36b, 1819 Mt 9:1415 Good Friday. This practice involves limiting oneself to a single full meal and 9:00 amNClaudette Lemieux (birth) by Uncle Jack & Auntie Gloria avoiding food between meals. Light sustenance may be taken on two other occasions in the course of the day. Saturday, February 20, 2021N(Vigil) Is 58:9b14 Ps 86:16 Lk 5:2732 Easter DutyNAfter they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, all 9:00 am People of our Parish the faithful are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a 5:00 pmNJoseph & Julia Wawrzynek by Wawrzynek family year. This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter season, unless for a good reason it is fulfilled at another time during the year. Since the dispensation Sunday, February 21, 2021NFirst Sunday of Lent from the obligation to attend Mass remains in place, Easter Duty, while admira- Gn 9:815 Ps 25:49 1 Pt 3:1822 Mk 1:1215 ble for those who may fulfill it, is also dispensed. Once the dispensation from 8:00 amNDonna Grawe by Jerry & Pam Casillo the obligation to attend Mass is lifted, the importance of Easter Duty, along with 10:00 amNAl DiMatteo by Rose & family regular attendance at Mass, will be a part of ongoing catechesis and evangeliza- 12 noonNMarjorie Platzer by family tion. APPEAL 2021 ROSARY GUILD When you are lonely, we are hope. What we do with the 24 hours in a day The Rosary Guild will meet on Tuesday, February 16th at can effect countless hours and days ahead. Our volunteers at Catholic Chari- 6:30 pm for their meeting. Hostesses for the evening are ties know this to be true. Through our programs, volunteers have the oppor- Meg Martin and Laura Crowe. All women of the parish are invited. Also we tunity to serve the community through our multiple food pantries, lend a will be selling 2021 calendars, depicting Buffalo on each month, in the vesti- friendly ear through Friendly Phones and the Telephone Assurance Program, bule of the Church this weekend The $5.00 goes to Ann Zon’s Nicaragua and much more. Help continue to move hands and hearts through Catholic missions. They are also on display in the rectory office. Charities and the Fund for the Faith by giving to Appeal 2021. Call our Help- line at 7162181419 if you need assistance or want to donate, or visit PRESIDENTS DAY ccwny.org/donation today. Catholic Charities of Buffalo is HOPE for All The rectory office will be closed on Monday, February 15th in observance of Seasons President’ Day. 2 February 14, 2021 VOCATIONS Our Faith Community’s Gift to God A Vocation View Receipts 2/6/21N2/7/21 “Go, show yourself to the priest...for your cleansing.” We no Regular weekly $ 7,295.22 longer have leprosy, but we do need priests to be purified of Christmas 40.00 mortal sins. Solemnity of Mary 1.00 Heat 41.00 If God is calling you to take up this healing mission, contact Fr. Snow 86.00 Dave Baker at 7168475535 or visit buffalovocations.org Auxiliary 612.00 Candles 190.00 Our Lady of Fatima, The Traveling Madonna Memorial Donations 95.00 “We Share” Elec. givingreg. wkly 1,585.00 2021 has been dedicated to St. Joseph Total Weekly receipts $9,945.22 St. Joseph is a Pilar of Families Catholic Relief Services $ 5.00 Church in C. & E Europe & Poland $ 225.00 Jesus, Mary and Joseph love families. Their three hearts are very concerned about what is happening to families For more information about the “We Share” Contribution Program, visit today.
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