SISTER ISLANDS SOMOS ISLEÑOS We tend the relationships....the projects Cultivamos relaciones... los proyectos we do are secondary to the que realizamos son secundarios ante friendships we build. las amistades que fortalecemos. Fall 2007/Otoño 2007 Ometepe English Teachers to Profesores de Ingles de Ometepe Visit Bainbridge Visitarán a Bainbridge by Katrina Fredrickson por Katrina Fredrickson A delegation of four English teachers Una delegación de cuatro profesores de from Ometepe Island will visit Bainbridge Ingles de Ometepe visitarán a la Isla de Bain- Island from Dec. 16, 2007, to Jan. 25, 2008. bridge del 16 de Diciembre 2007 al 25 de Ene- This makes the third delegation of English ro del 2008. Esta será la tercera delegación de teachers to visit Bainbridge. profesores de Ingles que visita a Bainbridge. Their trip is being paid Su viaje es fi nanciado for by the Bainbridge por el fondo de la Foundation's One Call Education Issue Fundación de Bain- for All Fund, the annual bridge Una Llamada red envelope fund drive. por Todos, Bainbridge • Meet Ometepe English teachers Foundation One Call The delegates will in- For All. clude three men and one • Marimba workshop on Ometepe woman. The delegates Los delegados in- cluyirán tres varones y did not apply per se. • Beacon Hill School Delegation Instead, the leadership of una mujer. Los del- egados no entregaron the Sister Islands As- • A Personal Story: sociation selected them aplicaciones, sino, to represent a cross- Teaching English on Ometepe los líderes de las Islas Hermanas los selecci- section of the island’s onaron para representar English teachers. So the los profesores de Ingles delegates were all very de Ometepe. Enton- surprised when they re- ces, ellos estaban muy sorprendidos cuando ceived letters inviting them to be delegates. recibieron cartas de invitación. Las fotos The pictures that accompany the stories que acompañan las biografías de cada uno se about each delegate were taken just after tomaron el momento después de que abrieron they’d opened the invitations. You can see las invitaciones. Se puede notar su emoción their excitement about the trip. acerca del viaje. Three of the teachers received Associa- Tres de los profesores han recibido becas tion scholarships as university students and como estudiantes universitarios y ahora now teach English at the high school level dan clases de Ingles en las secundarias de on Ometepe. Ometepe. (continues on page 5) (continúa en pajina 5) Printed on Recycled Paper be such a success that local money has been found Library program expands and to hire another part-time librarian. This allows the Introduciendo a los Delegados ~ Meet the Delegates encourages more sister-school library to be open all school hours, so children opportunities can use the books during the hours they are not in Shirley Lariss Ortiz Diaz I was born in Moyogalpa, on Ometepe Island, class. In most places, books must be locked up on Sept. 18, 1983, so I am now 24 years old. My by Dallas Shaffer Yo nací en Moyogalpa, Isla de Ometepe, el 18 except when teachers use them because the books de septiembre del 1983, entonces ahora tengo 24 father was Rigoberto Ortiz, and my mother is are so valuable that they tend to disappear. The Sister Islands Association’s Library Com- años. Mi padre fue Rigoberto Ortiz, Josefa Hercilia Diaz Barrios. I have mittee is providing more opportunities for schools The Library Committee is delighted to invite y mi madre es Josefa Hercilia Diaz two brothers and one sister. Some of on Ometepe to grow libraries. proposals to support a wide variety of library Barrios. Tengo dos hermanos y una them are married, but I'm single. activities on Ometepe. We are also looking for hermana. Algunos estan casados, I studied at the Rafaela Herrera schools on Bainbridge that would like to partner pero yo soy soltera. Estudié en elementary school, then went to with schools on Ometepe, a rewarding activity for la Escuela Primaria Rafaela Her- high school at the Ladislao Chwal- students and teachers alike. Schools interested rera, luego fui al Instituto Ladislao in learning more about partnering can contact binksy Institute. After high school, I Kim Esterberg, [email protected], or Susan Shaffer, Chwalbinsky. Después de la se- studied for fi ve years at the National [email protected]. cundaria, estudié por cinco años en Autonomous University of Nicara- la Universidad Nacional Autónoma gua (Universidad Nacional Autóno- — Dallas Shaffer for the Library Committee: de Nicaragua, o UNAN, donde ma de Nicaragua, or UNAN), where Kathy Caldwell, Helen Dunbar, Kim Esterberg, recibí un titulo en Ingles. Annamarie Lavieri, Nancy and Steve Olsen, Susan I received a degree in English. Shaffer (Chair), Marguerite Thomas and Keith Trabajo como profesora de Ingles I work as an English teacher at Wentworth. en la Secundaria de Urbaite. Tam- Urbaite High School. I also teach at bien doy clases en la Universidad Martin Luther University on Sat- Martin Lutero los sabados, y estoy urdays, and I'm studying another tomando otro curso los domingos. Es difícil, pero course on Sundays. It's hard, but I'm doing it. lo estoy logrando. SISTER ISLANDS SOMOS ISLEÑOS When I was in my last grade of primary school, Nancy Quitslund (center), Mary Ferm and Dana Quitslund Cuando estuvé en mi ultimo año de primaria, I met James Starrs, from Bainbridge Island. He deliver library books to schools on Volcan Maderas. conocí a James Starrs, de la Isla de Bainbridge. lived at my family’s home for one month and El vivío en mi casa por un mes y fue mi profesor was my English teacher for one semester at the Six years ago, the Library Committee met with Bainbridge-Ometepe de Ingles por un semester en la secundaria. Adri high school. Adri Vanbianchi, another Bainbridge Ometepe educators who were on Bainbridge for Sister Islands Association Vanbianchi, otra persona de Bainbridge, tambien Islander, also stayed at my family’s home. I also the 15th anniversary celebration. We were moved estuvo en la casa de mi familia. Tambien conocí a Newsletter knew Nancy Quitslund, Adrian Sampson, and by the descriptions of teaching classes with almost Nancy Quitslund, Adrian Sampson, y otros estu- other students, and in that way began my relation- no resources, often only one book for the teacher, diantes, y de esta manera inicío mi relación con ship with the sister islands organization. My father and we began to invite schools to request books, Editor: Jeanne Huber la organización de las Islas Hermanas. Mi padre laminated posters and other learning materials. was a member of the Scholarship Committee in Translator: Siri Kushner fue miembro del comité de beca en Altagracia. Altagracia. After I left high school, I received a Dorita and other ofi cina staff have done a great job Después de salir de la secundaria, recibí una beca consolidating lists and purchasing and transport- Production: David Adler scholarship from Tom and Suellen Cunningham, ing kilos and kilos of books to Ometepe and the fi nancida por Tom y Suellen Cunningham de la from Bainbridge Island. individual schools. Proofreaders: David Ansley, Ela Esterberg, Isla de Bainbridge. The Bainbridge-Ometepe organization has Last summer, Kim Esterberg met on Ometepe Siri Kushner, Kim Esterberg, La organización me ha ayudado muchisimo, y helped me a lot, and I'm very thankful for that. with eight educators from around the island, in- Manrrique Castillo Aleman estoy muy agradecida. Además, la organización Furthermore, the organization has supported me at me ha apoyado para ir a la conferencia NicaTE- cluding three from the meeting six years ago and Photography: Russell Carroll, Susan Shaffer, the NicaTESOL Conference, for Nicaraguan teach- one scholarship student who is now a school direc- SOL, para profesores de Ingles, en la Universidad ers of English, at Central American University tor, to discuss what current needs are and how we Andy Pickard, Jim Starrs, David Adler Centroamericana (UCA) en Managua. (UCA) in Managua. can be of the most assistance. Participants were Berta Olivia Aleman, Maria Elena Martinez, Mirta P. O. Box 4484 Diego Manuel Quintana Condega Centeno, Francisco Valle, Manuel Calero, Lucy- Yo nací en Altagracia, Isla de Ometepe, el 13 de beth Morgan, Mirna Sevilla Romero and Dora Rollingbay, WA USA 98061-0484 noviembre del 1976. Mi padre es Matias Quintana Guitterez Tran. Phone: (206) 842-8148, FAX: (206) 842-6907 Hernandez, y mi madre es Justina Condega Gon- Providing classroom and library materials zalez. Tengo cinco hermanas y cinco hermanos. remains a top priority, but the program will be ex- E-mail: [email protected] Todos son casados pero yo soy soltero. panded to offer the opportunity to apply for funds Web: http://www.bosia.org Asistí a la Escuela Primaria Rafaela Herrero. for constructing library furniture, renovating space Inicié mis estudios de secundaria en el Centro for a library, hiring a part-time librarian, or meet- ing other needs an individual school may have. Founded in 1986 by Vocacional Cristiano, donde conocí a Jim Starrs, un profesor de la Isla de Bainbridge quien yo The decision by Beacon Hill Elementary School Kim and Ela Esterberg and friends llamé Jaime. El fue mi profesor de Ingles ese año. in Seattle to fi nancially support a part-time librar- a non-profi t organization ian for Balgue Elementary School has proved to (continúa en pajina 5) Page 2 Sí - Otoño 2007 Sí - Otoño 2007 Página 3 Santiago Triguero I was born in Altagracia, (continuado de página 3) Yo nací en Altagracia, Isla de on Ometepe Island, on June Transferí al Instituto Ladislao Chwalbinsky I attended the Rafaela Herrero primary school. I Ometepe, el 3 de junio del 1980.
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