DOCUMENT RESUME ED 283 430 HE 020 404 TITLE The Impact of Converging Information Technologies. Proceedings of the CAUSE National Conference (Monterey, California, December 9-12, 1986). INSTITUTION CAUSE, Boulder, Colo. PUB DATE Dec 86 NOTE 586p.; Photographs may not reproduce well. PUB TYFE Collected Works - Conference Proceedings (021) Viewpoints (120) EDRS PRICE MF03/PC24 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *College Administration; College Planning; *Computer Oriented Programs; *Data Processing; Higher Education; Information Networks; *Information Technology; *Management Information Systems; *Microcomputers; Telecommunications; Users (Information) ABSTRACT Proceedings of a 1986 CAUSE conference on the impact of converging information technologies are presented. Topics of conferenco papers include: policy issues in higher education, planning and information technology, people issues in information technology, telecommunications/networking, special environments, microcomputer_issues and applications, and managing academic computing. Some of the papers (with the authors) are: "Distributed Access to Central Data: A Policy Issue" (Eugene W. Carson) "Distributed Access to Central Data: The Cons" (Katherine P. Hall);_ "Overselling Technology: Suppose You Gave a Computer Revolution and Nobody Came?" (Linda Fleit); "Selling the President on the Computing Plan: Strategic Funds Programming" (John L. Green); "A Preliminary Report of Institutional Experieace_with MIS Software" (Paul J. Plourde); "Policy Issues Surrounding Decisions to Use Mainframe or Micros" (Phyllis A. Sholtysi; "Alternative Models for the Delivery of Computing and Communications Services" (E. Michael Staman) "Converging Technologies Require Flexible Organizations" (Carole Barone); "Student Computing and Policy Issues" (Gerald McLaughlin, John A. Muffo, Ralph O. Mueller, Alan R. Sack); "Strategic Planning for Information Resources Management: Putting the Building Blocks Together" (James I. Penrod, Michael G. Dolence); "Planning for Administrative Computing in a Networked Environment" (Cynthia S. Cross, Marianne J._Elser, Renee W. Frost, Cheryl )4unn, Jill Tuer); "Longltange Strategic Planning in a Decentralized Administrative Information Systems Environment" (William Gleason, John Moldovan); "PULSE: An 'Off-the-Shelf' Decision Support System at Dickinson College" (Ronald Doernbachl; "Data Sharing among Campuses: Success and Prospects" (Daniel A. Updegrove, Thomas J. Abdellal; "Planning With Technology-LRISPAII_on Time within Phase and Budget" (Paul Costello, M. Lewis Temares); "Organizing for Wore Effective End-User Computing" (Denis Pickron, Rick Seaman); "End-User Responsibility within Information Processing Systems" (Betty Laster); "Planning Model for Computing and Telecommunications" (Frank Slaton)L; "Penn State's Integrated Telecommunications and Teleconferencing_Network" (David Phillips); "Library Automation at a MbIti-Campus Community College IDeirdre Farris) "Electronic Student Folders" (Robert Adams, David Mannering); and "Academic Computing: From Chaos to Coordination...One Institution's Story" (Trudy Hers, Mary Mittler). (SW) The Impadt_ Of Con Verging Information Tethiltilogies Proceedings of the 1986 CAUSE National Conference "PERMISSION TO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REPRODUCE THIS Office of Educational Ftessarch and improvement MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY UCATIONAL-RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC, This document-haa been reproduced_ as receivect_trom the Denten Or organization originating _it _Cacl 0 Minor changes have been made to I m prove reproduction quahty_ TO THE EDUCATION_AL Points oi view, or-opinions stated in thief:loco, RESOURCES 'nerd- do- nol-necesAatitV represent official INFORMATION CENTER OERI position or pohcy (ERIC)." December 9-12, 1986 Hyatt Regency Mdfitëfey cNt cD The Impact of Convergifig Irifoirmatiori Tahnologie Proceedings of the 1986 CAUSE National Conference Decembtr 1986 Hyatt Regency Monterey COpytight© 1987 CAUSE 737 Twenty-Ninth Street, Boulder, Colorado 80303(303) 449-4430 3 Statements offact and opinion are made on the Onsibilityofihe authors_alone and donot imply an opinion on the part of the Board of Directors,Officers, staff, or membership of CAUSE. CAUSE proviiks guidelines to authors for Although preparation Of CaMerckeady papers for theProceecEngs, the Prat appearance Of the papers is the soleresponsibility of the autkOrS. Microfiche and -pw_ copies of thisdcturreent are available fmm -the -ERIC llocument Reproduction Service, P.O.BOX 190, Arlington; Virginia 22210. Individua papers in this publicationare available at the cost of reproduction frOM the CAUSE Exchange Library. 4 i i CAUSE, the Professional Association forComputing and Information Tech= nology in Higher Educatimhelps colleges and universities strenghenand improve their computing, communications, andinformation ServiceS, both academic and administrative. The associationalso helps individual mem= bers develop as professionalsa the field of higher education computing and information technology. Formerly known as the College andUniversity Systems Eicehange. CAUSE was organized as a VOlUnteer association in 1962 andincorporated in 1971 with twen4r-flve charter member institutions.In, the same year the CAUSE National Offite opened In Boulder, Colorado,with a profestiOnal Staff to serve the membership. TOday the associaUonserves over 1,800 individualS on 700 campuses representing nearly 500 colleges anduniversities and 21 sustaining member companies; CAUSE provides member institutions withmany services tO1 increase the effectiveness of their computing environments,including: th6 Athninis- trative _Systems Query (ASQ) Service; whichprovides inbrmation to members from a data base of memberInstitution profiles; the ,CAUSE Exchange Library, a clearinghouse for documentsand systenit deSeriptions made available by memberS thrOugh CAUSE;ass3ciation, publications, including the bi-monthly newsletter, CAUSEInfon: cation, the bi-monthly professienal Magatine. CAUSE / EFFECT, anda monograph series: Work- shops and seminars; and the CAUSE National Conference. We encourage you to use C4USE to supportyour own efforts to strengthen your institution's management and educational capabilities throughthe effective use of computing and information technology. Table of Contents The Impact of Converging IrtformationTechnologie.§ Page Introduction Acknowledgments 2 GENERAL SESSIONS 5 Wednesday Morning General Session 6 Networks and Supercomputers C. Gordon IEW1 Thursday Morning General Session InStitutional Excellence: The Role of Converging Information Technologies W. Arut Reynolds Conference Luncheons and Awards 8 Current Issues FOrum 10 Distributed Access to Central Data: A Policy Issue 11 Eugene W. Cargon Distrfbuted Access to Central Data: The Cons 23 Katherine R Hail PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS 29 Current Issues Sessions 31 Attifitial Intelligence/Expert Systems 32 Chief InfOrmatiOn Officers 33 The Electronic Campus 34 End-User/DistrIbuted Computing 35 FOUrth=Generation Software 36 Informailon Centers 37 Ubrary Automation 38 TRACK I:Policy Issues in Higher Education 39 Overselling Technology: Suppose You Gavea Computer Revolution and Nobady Came? 41 Linda IL Fleit Selling the President on the Computing Plan:Strategic Funds Programming John L. Green 53 A Preliminary _Report of InstittitiOnalEkperience with MIS Software Paul J, Plourde 65 Policy Issues Surrounddrig Decisions toUse Mainframe or Micros PhlLL A. Sholtys 75 Alternative Models frit the DeliVery of Computingand Communications SerVites 87 E. Michael Staman Converging Technologies Require FlodbleOrganizations Carole A. Barone 103 Student Computing and Polir7 Issues 115 Gerald W. McLaughlin, tir-qin A. Muffo,Ratph a Mueller, and Alan R. Sack TRACK II:Planning and InformationTechnology 129 Strategic _Plannint for Information ResourcesManagement: Putdng the Buildirg Blwks Together 131 James L Penrod and Michael G. Dolence Planning for_Administrative Computingin a Networked Environment 143 Cynthia S. Cross, Marianne J Elser, ReneeW. Frost, Cheryl W. Munn and Jill B. ruer Long,Range Strategic Planning in a DecentralizedAdministrative Information Systems Environment 155 William M. Gleason and JIhn C. Moldovan PULSE: An '10ff-the-SheW' Decision SupportSystem at Dickinson College Ronatd E. Ijoernbach 167 Data Sharing Among CampuSeS: SuccessandProspects 177 Daniel A. Updegrove and Thomas J. Abdellc Planning with Technology LRISP On Time Within Phase and Budget 187 Fad Ccistello and M. Lewis Temares TRACK III:People ISSueS in InformationTechnology 199 TheStaffing Process: Selection, Management, Development,Results 201 LionaW L. Hardeastle Orgaaizing for More EffecttotEnd User Computing 213 Denis Pickran and Rick Seaman VI Fad Mating the Use of Microcomputerson Campus 223 Through the Conceatric-_Circle Model JulW Carnahan &rid 15ennis M. Edwards End-User Computing at The PennSylvania StateUniversity 233 Kenneth C. Blythe En&User Responsibility Within InformationProceSSing Systems 241 Iktty Marr Laster Foundations for Success: Creating a Working Partnership with Your EDP Auditor 251 Pamela Clem and Mark Olson A Model for Mandating Training Policy:Changes 261 Anne WorxIstoorth and James F. Williams If TRACK IV:Telecommuaications/Networkitig 271 Planning Model for Computing and Telecommunications Frank Slaton 273 Temple :UniversiW_ CommunicationsPrOjett: A Case Study 283 Barbara L; Brownstein and Mkhael J.Hathiatift Can WANs and LANS Make Good CANs? Stewart H. KobtAbOitt 295 A Local _Area _Network for AdmitlittratiVeUsers Lynda Barner
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