Copyright © 2017 by Joachim Claes. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic, photographic, or mechanical means, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in an information storage or retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without prior written permission from the author. To obtain permission or to contact the author email: [email protected] The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any tech- nique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer infor- mation of a general nature. The author assumes no responsibility for actions taken based on the information in this book. Claes, Joachim The Field Paradigm: 20 Experiments That Can Change The World Edited by: Lilla Nemeth, Howard Chandler Cover Design: Razvan Petre First edition, June 2017 Trade paper Printed in the United States of America Dedicated to all the messengers of the Field Paradigm throughout history… …who were brave enough to try to tell us we are far bigger, far more beauti- ful, and far more powerful than we could imagine in our wildest dreams. From Plato to Einstein…There are far more than you’d think. 1 Table of Contents Prologue: It’s a kind of magic 1 Part 1: The Field Paradigm at a glance 9 - Meeting the president - The Field Paradigm: how it works, how it was forgotten, and how it was rediscovered - Rediscovering our true Selves - The Field Effect Part 2: The Field Paradigm as a new scientific reality 31 - The Field Paradigm, rediscovered in physics - Everyday examples of unity in nature - The science of miracles: how paranormal experiences make sense - The law of action and reaction from a Field Paradigm perspective Part 3: Using the Field Paradigm 97 - The power of silence - The too-good-to-be-true problem - Changing lives - Twenty experiments that will change the world - Five ways to make it happen – at virtually no cost - Why we have good reason to hope Part 4: Will you keep this a secret? 273 2 Prologue: It’s a Kind of Magic Have you ever experienced magic? This may be a strange sentence to open what is essentially a story about a scientific revolution, but bear with me. You’ll see how this simple question will eventually lead us to a wide range of practical solutions, from learning to heal ourselves, or developing our full brain potential, to stopping terrorism and corruption on a global scale… even solve global warming. It’s all interconnected. So…have you ever had magic in your life? Not the David Copperfield stuff – I mean the real thing. Here are some examples of what I’d define as “magic”: - Dreaming that something has happened to a loved one, only to find out it really happened. - Thinking about a friend you haven’t spoken with in years and he/she calls you shortly after. - Having a strong intuitive feeling you have to do something, even if you can’t explain why, and it later turns out to be the perfect deci- sion. And the ultimate one: - Desiring something from the bottom of your heart and then watch- ing events unfold around you as if being "organized" for the desire to be fulfilled. I define such experiences as “magic" because they would indicate some kind of connection between our inner thoughts and outside events... …Unless it was a coincidence. We learned in school that there is no connection between our inner mind and the outer world. We are clearly isolated objects walking around in a 3 world full of other isolated objects. As such, any experience of a connection is impossible. So… Coincidence: the one word that kills all magic. It would have to be a coincidence, right? Otherwise, what is the alternative? That everything we’ve ever learned about the nature of our universe is wrong? If it wasn’t a coincidence, then this means there must not only be some kind of invisible connection between our thoughts and events, but through this connection outside events could cause inner thoughts or, even more weird, our thoughts can cause outside events. That sounds like a pretty deep rabbit hole – something so complicated that it’s easier to call it a coincidence and stop thinking about it. That’s pretty much what we’ve been doing for thousands of years. Better not to ask too many questions that bring us out of our comfort zone, right? Well, that depends on how comfortable our comfort zone really is. Let’s ask another question: “Is your life completely devoid of magic?” You live life the way you're supposed to. You don't believe in all this magic mumbo-jumbo, and just focus on getting a good job, buying a nice house and a nice car, and getting the kids through college. Well done. And are you satisfied? And I mean fully satisfied – full of joy every minute of the day? I bet you don’t even believe that’s possible. I bet you believe that the emo- tional rollercoaster of ups and downs we call life is “normal”. I can assure you, most people do not feel fully satisfied. Even if they live life the way they are supposed to, and have all the material things they want, they still feel that something is missing. They feel there must be something more, but don’t know what that ‘something’ is. So we start looking for “more” in many different ways. Some want more money, more power, more fame, others want more meaning, more love, more happiness, more spirituality...No matter how much we have, we all seem to want more. 4 Meanwhile our intellect tells us we’re being foolish. We should be happy with what we have. After all, so many others have much less than we do. But our inner desire for more can’t be silenced so easily….And so the fight be- tween our feelings and our intellect begins, a fight that can lead even ex- tremely wealthy people into severe depressions. This book will hopefully help you end this fight, because you’ll realize that the feeling is right, and the intellect is wrong. It’s our nature to desire more, it’s our education that has been leading us in the wrong direction by making us believe we are far more limited than we really are. We have been educated to see ourselves as material objects, limited to our bodies, all separated from each other. In reality, we are far bigger, far more beautiful, and far more powerful than we could ever imagine in our wildest dreams. In Part 1 of this book I’ll present a simple hypothesis that will allow us to understand how our mind (or our consciousness, to be more exact) can be both connected to our bodies and, at the same time, be much larger than our bodies and be connected to everyone else through a field of consciousness. We’ll then see in Part 2 of this book that physics is now confirming that this same field of consciousness is also at the source of all material events. Ein- stein called this the “Unified Field”. Thought and matter all come from the same source and are, in fact, connected. This is our rabbit hole, and we’ll be jumping right in. You’ll see that it’s actu- ally a lot less complicated than you’d expect, and that there is actually far more scientific evidence to confirm this hypothesis than you’d think. For example, any kind of “magical” experiences we have are just glimpses of this connection between us and our environment, through this field. For some, such experiences are more obvious than for others, but most of us have them, and it’s relatively easy to research them. A survey found that 67% of the population has had clear experiences of a connection between their inner thoughts and something outside of them (usually described as “psychic experiences”). If two out of three people have had these experiences, do you really still be- lieve they’re all just coincidences? I personally always felt that one of the most beautiful ways to describe this universal field of consciousness comes from the 1980 Star Wars movie The 5 Empire Strikes Back, where Yoda describes the “Force” (before he did his own little magic trick, moving a spaceship with just a gesture of his hand) : For my ally…is the Force And a powerful ally it is Life creates it…makes it grow Its energy surrounds us…and Binds us Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter You must feel the Force, around you Between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere Even though this is obviously science fiction (we won’t be moving space- ships anytime soon), you’ll see that as a description of what we’ll discuss in this book, it’s actually surprisingly accurate. This brings us to the next question: If this “Force” is real, does that mean it is also possible to “feel the Force”? Is it possible to experience this connection to everyone and everything? And here’s an even more important question: What if this experience of be- ing connected to everything is the mind’s true nature, and the real reason the mind is always looking for more is because the mind is looking for the experience of being everything? What if the mind won’t ever be fully satis- fied until it has this experience (no matter how much “stuff” we have)? There was a time when we did have this experience.
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