IIovUlber 30, 1960 Dr••lI'014 A. Haanll, IIelld Prosreu Branch Div1aion of Bigher alucation U. S. Ottic. ot alucation V&ahlngton 25, D. C. Dear Dr......11. In connection with planning the progNlll tor a new univ.r.1t7 at Boca Raton, norlcla, w. heve und.r con­ ald.ration the preparation ot teaoher. a. on. ot the purpo... ot the in.titution. W. would appreciate v.rJ laUch having the ••rvic•• ot .ither Dr. IIeIlI'7 Harab or Dr. Robert Popendi.ck a. a consultant to participat. in the contereno. in Tallaha•••• on the preparation ot t.ach­ .r. on Dec.mber 13. W. w11l be gllId to relllbur.. the Ottic. ot alucation tor .xpen... involved. Your. alnc.re17. A. J. IlruIIbaugh Director, Planning COIID188ion DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON Z5. D. C. December 2, 1960 Dr. A. J. Brumbaugh Director, Planning Commission Board of Control of Florida Tallahassee, Florida Dear Dr. Brumbaugh: Your request of November 30 for the services of Dr. Robert Poppendieck, Division of Higher Education, Office of Education, has been approved for the purpose of participating in a conference on the preparation of teachers to be held in Tallahassee, Florida, December 13. It is understood and agreed that the Board of Control of Florida will reimburse the Office of Education for the cost of travel expenses involved in this assignment. The Office of Education will issue the travel authorization and pay for transportation and other necessary expenses, including per diem at the rate of $12.00. When Dr. Poppendieck has completed the trip and submitted his claim for expenses, the Fiscal Service of the Office of Education will advise you of the actual amount to be reimbursed and will request your check made payable to the U. S. Office of Education. erely yours, -"'{~ Assistant Commissioner. for Higher Education December 5. 1960 Dr. 1l11ton Carotbers Vlce-Presldent Florlda State Universlty Tallabass... Plorlda Dear Dr. carothers: I am delighted to know that you will be able to spend Tueac1ay. December 13. with us in ci1scus.1D& the plana or the new unlverslty at Boca Raton. Plorlda, so rar 8S these plans relate to teacher eduoatlon. It ls neces- sary to bave sOll8 ldea or what this program will be ln order to provlde the approprlate bul1d1D& and equlpment. lie bope to dlscuss such matters as the integratlon or courses W1 th Junlor college orrerlngs in eduoation, the areas or teaober eduoation (oollep, seoondary. elementary) wlth which tbe new unlversity should be ooncerned. the nature and number or proressional education courses, and the sdvisability or a rirth year in eduoatlon (not lead- ing to tbe doctoNte). - Our meetine begins at 9.30 a.lI. on Deoember 131 and if you will c-. to _ 239. SU1lanDee Arcade. Ploricla State Ul1iverB1ty. we will direct you to the meet1D& place which 18 nearb)'. lie allall adjourn at 3:00 p.lI. Very t"'l7 yours, A. J. _baugb D1i'eCtor. Planol ng Coan1sa1on \ Deceaber 5. 1960 Dr. J. Bl'oW.rd CUlpepper Bzecutive Director Board or COIltrol or J'lorida 'l'Il11...._. norida Dear Bl'oWard. '1'b1s is to NDSnd ;you or tile _tl.ng OIl !'Uaada;y. Daceaber 13. to discuss plana ror tile new universit;y at Boca Raton in 80 rar as tba7 relate to teacher educatiOll With a vi.. toward providing tile appropriate building and equiplll8nt ror this progr&lll. We bepe to discuss such matters as tile intssratl.OIl or courses If1th Junior col1ep orrer1nga in educatl.OIl. tile area. or teacher educatiOll (co11ep. HCClllclar7. al_ntar;y) With which tile new univera1t;y should be concemecl. the nature and IIUlIIber or proresa1onal education courses. and tile adviaabllit;y or a rUth ;year in education (not lead- ing to tile doctorate). - 'I'be _ting Will be held in tile Su1l&llllAtS D1nD1ng Ball and Will begin at 9.30 a.a. It Will adjourn at 3100 p.m. Your. sincerel7. A. J. Bruabausb Director. Planning CClDI1ssiOll December 5. 1960 Dr. Lee Henderson Asslstant ntrector Coml!llln1ty JUnlor College Dlvlslon Department ot Educatlon Tallsb8saee, J'lorlda Dear Dr. Hender8lll1. I am del1&hted to 1m"" that you w1ll be able to spend 'l'ueBday. December 13, w1 th us ln dlscusslng the plans ot the new unlverslty at Boca Raton, Plorlda. so far as these plana relate to teacher educatlon. It ls neces- sary 0 have SOlIe ldea of what th1G prograa w111 be tn order to provlde the approprlate buildtng and equipoent. We he;:e to dlacuss such mattera as the lntegretlon or courses w1th Junlor college otter1D8;a tn educatlon, the areas ot teacher educatlon (college. secondary, elementary) wlth whlch the new unlversity should be concerned, the nature and number ot proteaslonal education courses, and the advlaab1l1ty or a fifth year ln education (not lead- ~ to the doctorate). - OUr III&&t1D8; beg1na at 9.30 a.m. on December 13; and If you will come to RoOlll 239, Suwannee Arcade, Plorlda State unlverslty, we w1ll d1rect you to the meet1D8; place which la nearby. we shall adjourn at 3:00 p.m. Very tru~ youra, A. J. BruIIIbau&h Director, Plann1D8; Cc.a18s1on Deceaber 5. 1960 Dr. Cbarlee D. 'ftIarp V1ce-President and Dean ot Paculties '1'be lJn1vera1ty ot 1118111 Coral Gables. Plor1da Dear Dr. '1'berp 1 I am del1gbted to know thet 1011 will be able to spend '1'UesdeJ. December 13. witb us 1n d1scussing the plans ot the new un1vere1t1 at Boca Baton. Plorida. eO tar ae these plans relate to teacher education. It 1s neces- IUU'7 to bave Scell 1dea or what thie prosrea will be in order to provide the sppropriate building and equ1P11l>1lt. lie bope to disouss auch metters as the intecration ot courses with Junior college otterings in education. the areas or teacher education (oolleP. 118"ClIIda r:Y. el_tar;y) with which the new un1vers1ty s1lould be ooncemed. the natura and nUllber ot profess1onal educat10n courses. and the advisabi11ty or a t1tth year 1n educat10n (not lead- ing to the doctorate). - our Meting beg1lis at 9.30 a ••• on DecCllber 13; and 1t 1011 will C... to RoolII 239. SUwannee Arcade. Plor1da State UD1vere1t1. _one will direct 1ClU to the meeting plaoe whioh 18 nearb;y. lie abell adJoum at 3100 p.lI. Youre eincerely. A. J. Bruabeup Director. nannins Ce-s.se1on - - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE OF,.ICI: OF THE PRII:SICJ:NT December 6, 1960 Dear Dr. Brumbaugh: Just before President Reitz left for South America, he asked me to contact Dean Kimball Wiles to see whether he would be ava11.e.ble for consultation with your group on December 13. Dean Wiles has informed me that he will be glad to be of any" service that he can and will plan to come to Tallahassee on the thirteenth. May I suggest that you contact Dean WUes directly, so that a complete under­ standing of the areas in which you wish his assistance may be outlined. vet~Y YO~Se . Fayet~1n Assistant to the President Dr. A. J. Brumbaugh Board. of Control Pl.anning Commission Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida cc: Kimball WUes • 1>1". If. Earl ANatrcng, Bxecutlve Director Rational Council ror Accred1tatian or '1'eecller Bduca1lon M1lls adldlng PeJUUl71Y&nU Avenue and lIeventeenth Street••• If. lfallla1ng1;on, D. C. Dear 1>1". Arsatrong: I ... delighted to know that you Will be able to apencI 'l'ueadlQ', December 13. With us in dlscussing the plana or the new unl­ vers1ty at Boca Raton, norlda. so rar as tllese plans relate to teacher educatlon. It 18 necesa&r7 to have some ldea or what this PI'\l&NA Will be in order to provlde the approprlate bulld1ng and eqU1PMDt. We hope to dlscuss such matters as the integratlon or cour..s wlth Junlor college orrerings in educatlon. the aress or teacber educatlon (college, secondar,y. elellenta17) With which tile new unlverslty should be concerned. the nature and number or proresslonal edu08tlO1l courses, and tile advlaabl1lty or a rUth :rear in education (!!.2l leadlng to tile docto1'llte). As I -entloned 1n our telephone conversatlon we wl11 pa:r your expenses ror the trtp. We are enclosing Porm 6n, State or Plorlda Request ror '1'1'llnaportatlon, in dupl1cate. whlch you ahould use to obtain your all' line t1oltet. Tbe lssulng agency wl11 ca.plete the r01'lB and 1'lltein the ortg1nal. Please bring the duplicate With you as we Will need 1t ror accountlng purpo.... I have reaerved a 1'OClIl ror you .t the Hotel Duval ror late arrlval on the 12th. I Will phone ;your l'OOIIl about 8.00 a.m. an the 13th. and U can_ent, .. will ban breakra.t togetller. U lUlfthlng prevent. our baYing breal<taat topther, please c_ to our orfioe, a- 239, ~ Arcade, nortda State tIlt1­ verslt;y, and s....one will direct ;you to tile meeting place which la ......by. TIle _ting will begin at 9.30 a ••• and conclude at 3100 p... You will be able to leave 'fallaba._ about 3130 p ••• 117 plana. Cbal"le. J. 'l'urok CclIleultaDt, p1em'. Co ' ••lan December 6. 1960 Itr. B. P. LaudeJ'da1e 550 Cu;>us Circle Pt. Lauderdale. Plorida Dear Itr. lAuderdale I I /UIl del1ghted to know that you will be able to 8P8nd Tuesda;v. Deceoaber 13. with us in d1sousa1n& the p1el'ls of tba new un1vera1t;v at Boca Rat<ln. no:-1da. eo far as tllese plana relate to teacher educat1on. It 1s neces- sary to bave some 1dea of wbat this progr8lll will be 1n order to prov1de the appropriate bulld1ng and eqU1p111!nt.
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