INDEX1 NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS Adaptation, 13–15, 25n23, 26n30, 33, #WakingTheFeminists (#WTF), 21, 34, 39, 55, 75, 147n18, 152, 160, 26n39, 85–91, 633, 833 225, 242, 247, 250, 251n10, 301, 302, 316–320, 322, 323, 326, 341, 345–347, 350, 385, 415, 418, 441, A 501–512, 517, 519, 528, 548, 594, Abbey films, 316, 322 623, 711, 737–741 Abbey School of Acting (Abbey School), Adigun, Bisi 332 Not So Long Ago, 553 Abbey Theatre, 3, 10–12, 21, 31, 53, Once Upon a Time and Not So Long 85–88, 122, 141, 225, 230, 234, Ago, 531, 554 240, 246, 264, 271, 279, 282, Paddies of Parnell Street, The (a version 283, 297, 315, 342, 345, 361, of Jimmy Murphy’s The Kings of 362, 364, 377, 378, 381, 402, the Kilburn High Road), 531 404, 405, 421, 422, 469, 492, Playboy of the Western World 503, 504, 509, 511, 517, 520, (adaptation), 4, 534, 594 529, 531, 534, 568, 582, 599, Affluence, 384, 803 623, 631, 633, 703, 737, 744, Agency, 32, 96, 100, 105, 107, 114, 752, 777, 778, 781, 788, 790, 163, 214, 243, 245, 250, 470, 479, 819, 822, 823, 831, 833–835, 480, 494, 537, 556, 561, 566, 590, 838, 840–842 633, 668, 677, 678, 718, 719, 728, Abrahamson, Lenny, 299, 323–326, 506, 731, 750, 807, 808, 820, 824 582 Agitprop, 559 Adam and Paul, 15, 325, 326 Ahmed, Sara, 62, 674 Room, 326 AIDS, 94, 188, 195n2, 197n37, 212 Abramović, Marina, 93–95 Allgood, Sara, 377, 387 Actor training, 295, 307n14, 331–338, Amateur Drama Council of Ireland 381, 539 (ADCI), 168, 171–173, 224 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2018 847 E. Jordan, E. Weitz (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Irish Theatre and Performance, https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-58588-2 848 INDEX Amateur theatre, 143, 147n19, 165–167, Levitating, 105 172, 176, 224 Vacuuming in a Vacuum, 105 Anderson, Ian Lloyd, 605, 606 Barry, Sebastian, 10, 14, 36, 379, 425, Andrews Lane Theatre, 211, 246 426, 831 Animashaun, Kunle, 531, 548, 553 Steward of Christendom, The, 37, 380, Antoine, André, 72 425, 426 ANU Productions Baugh, Christopher, 343, 344, 349, Beautiful Dreamers, a coproduction 353 with The Performance Bausch, Pina, 16, 120, 121, 381, 634 Corporation, 478, 728, 730 Beckett, Samuel, 4, 12, 31, 75, 76, 124, Boss, Owen, 22, 344, 395, 478 202, 203, 321, 325, 326, 349, 381, Boys of Foley Street, The, 39, 396, 478, 385, 386, 400, 415, 472, 473, 475, 720, 728, 771 476, 489, 493, 501, 502, 507–509, Glorious Madness, 480, 481, 723 512, 616, 618, 619, 705, 737, 741, Laundry, 396, 473, 478, 479, 718, 763–767, 769, 770, 773, 774 728, 771, 830 Come and Go, 475, 773, 774 Pals, 480, 723, 829 Endgame, 381, 493, 494 Sunder, 479, 481, 723, 732, 770–773 Footfalls, 383, 385, 475, 508, 764, Thirteen, 479, 724–726 770 Vardo, 229, 396, 397, 478, 728, 729, Krapp’s Last Tape, 763, 764, 770, 773 731, 771 Not I, 385, 508 World’s End Lane, 395–397 Rockaby, 385, 475, 508 Applied theatre, 136, 137, 145, 445 Waiting for Godot, 31, 75, 203, 325, Arambe Productions (Arambe), 17, 20, 342, 349, 400, 493, 764 531, 547, 833 Bedrock Theatre Company, 549 See also Adigun, Bisi Behan, Brendan Ards Arts Centre, 227 Hostage, The, 195n4, 295, 752 Ark, The, 152, 157, 161 Quare Fellow, The, 203, 422 Arrington, Lauren, 789 Bell, Lian, 86–88 Arts Council of Ireland/An Chomhairle Bennett, Susan, 718, 723, 724, 727, 729 Ealaíon, 10, 113, 222, 227, 297, Benson, Ciarán, 175, 176, 179n30, 205, 305, 447–450, 685–687, 695 216n21, 448, 458n22, 458n36, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, 227, 459n42 447 Bertha, Csilla, 748 Arts funding, 222, 239–241, 250 Bewley’s Cafe Theatre, 223, 226, 819 Arts policy, 241, 247, 249 Bhabha, Homi, 540, 541, 749 Auslander, Philip, 145, 841 Bickerstaffe, 11, 527, 602 Ayckbourn, Alan, 276, 277, 280, 281 Big Telly, 11, 52, 684 Bilingual theatre (Irish/English), 143–145, 225 B Billington, Michael, 38, 263, 619, 620, Balzano, Wanda, 800, 804 625 Barabbas, 11, 16, 18, 20, 236, 250, 294, Bliss, Panti, 192, 264, 265, 842 297–299, 302, 304, 333, 471, 759 All Dolled Up, 192, 265 Barba, Eugenio, 16, 334, 336, 337, 539 High Heels in Low Places, 192, 265 Barnstorm Theatre Company, 152, 156 In These Shoes?, 192 Barry, Aideen, 94, 104–107 “Nobel Call,” 842 Brittlefield, 105 O’Neill, Rory, 192, 841, 842 Heteratopic Glitch, 106, 107 Woman in Progress, A, 192, 265 INDEX 849 Bloody Sunday, 6, 52–57, 63, 64n1, 77, Brook, Peter, 294, 336, 337, 384, 385, 78, 448 387, 407, 529, 621, 634 Blue Raincoat, 11, 14, 19, 39, 225, 226, Brown, Adrienne, 113, 117–119, 126n1, 229, 236, 294, 297, 301, 333, 336, 126n2, 129n33, 129n34, 129n43, 337, 344, 416, 471, 509, 685 130n45 Blythe, Ernest, 31, 73, 74, 240, 241, Brown, Terence, 687 342, 495 Buffini, Moira, 156 Boal, Augusto, 173, 452, 477, 790 Buggy, Niall, 18, 625, 838 Body/bodies, 62, 93, 96–99, 104, 107, Buí Bolg Productions, 468 114, 121, 123, 129n42, 141, 298, Butler, Judith, 810, 813 347, 396, 436, 437, 476, 537, 564, Byrne, David, 208, 211 576–578, 645, 667, 668, 673–675, Byrne, Jason, 298–300, 302, 304, 306, 677, 678, 717, 731, 738, 753 334, 410 Bogart, Ann, 335, 379, 540 See also Loose Canon Bolger, David, 125, 126n1, 670, 789 See also CoisCéim Dance Theatre Bolger, Dermot, 10, 36, 126n1, 208, C 503, 590, 699, 703–705 Calipo Theatre Company, 191 Holy Ground, The, 699, 703 Calypso Theatre Company, 530, 532 Lament for Arthur Cleary, The, 36, Farawayan, 210 208, 703 Campbell, Kelly, 819 Boss, Owen, 22, 344, 395, 478 Cannon, Feidlim, 18, 257, 580n4 See also ANU Productions Canon, Loose, 11, 16, 20, 294, Bourdieu, Pierre, 215, 241, 317 297–302, 304, 333, 334 Bourke, Angela, 535 Capitalism, 93, 165, 540, 686, 714, 785, Boyd, Pom, 10, 311, 590 821–823 Brady, Brian, 819 Cãrbunario, Gianina, 556, 561, 563, Brady, Fintan, 52, 61 571n30 Heroes with their Hands in the Air, Kebab, 556, 557, 561, 563, 564 52–57, 61 Carney, John, 321 Branar, 11, 143, 156, 158, 160 Once, 321 Brecht, Bertolt/Brechtian, 8, 10, 16, 34, Carr, Eamonn, 608 64, 122, 266, 295, 301, 334, 344, Dusk, 608 356n21, 563, 790 Carr, Marina, 10–16, 22, 37–39, 69, 88, Breen, John, 10, 819 157, 234, 343, 351, 352, 381, 383, Brendan Smith Academy of Acting, 386, 387, 401, 409, 423, 428, 430, 332 440, 487–493, 495, 496, 517–523, Brennan, Barbara, 266, 409 642, 644, 744, 752, 753, 763, Brennan, Helen, 669 767–770, 774, 802–805, 808 Brennan, Jane, 779 Ariel, 343, 492, 495, 517 Brennan, Paul, 272, 281, 335 By the Bog of Cats, 11, 37, 351–353, Brennan, Teresa, 62 362, 369, 381, 383, 401, 428, Breslin, Ollie, 444, 450 490, 517, 768 BrokenCrow Theatre Company, 228 Cordelia Dream, The, 488, 492–496, Brokentalkers, 11, 13, 17, 18, 256, 257, 519, 642, 644 263, 302, 303, 471, 575–579, 635, Giant Blue Hand, The, 157 732, 763, 770, 771, 773 Hecuba, 517, 520 Blue Boy, The, 13, 257, 575–579, 770, Mai, The, 38, 387, 492, 518, 642, 771 768, 769 850 INDEX Carr, Marina (cont.) 557, 570, 581, 606, 691–693, Marble, 802, 803, 808, 811–813 699–706, 728, 745, 755, 801, 803, Mary Gordon, 15, 753 820, 821 On Raftery’s Hill, 13, 381, 487–492, Cleary, Joe, 687, 689 495, 752 Clohessy, Denis, 312 Phaedra Backwards, 517 Coburn, Veronica, 298, 299 Portia Coughlan, 381, 428, 489, 495, CoisCéim Dance Theatre, 126n1, 670 518, 642, 768, 769 Colgan, Michael, 12, 21, 617, 619, 621 This Love Thing, 309 Collapsing Horse Theatre, 228, 293 Ulaloo, 492 Colonisation/coloniser/colonised, 521, Woman and Scarecrow, 39, 407, 409, 522, 539, 560, 602, 669, 749, 752, 487, 489, 490, 492–496, 519 755, 789, 790, 829 Cartmell, Selina, 11, 409 Commedia dell’arte, 275, 528 Carville, Daragh, 10, 589, 593 Community action, 204 Language Roulette, 589, 594 Community activism, see Participatory Case, Sue-Ellen, 191, 519 arts Casson, Bronwen, 11, 342, 343, Community arts, 173–176, 202–207, 345–349, 352–354 213–215, 447–449, 467–472, 688 Cawley, Jack, 224 Community Arts For Everyone (CAFE), Censorship, 74, 316, 418, 495, 536, 176, 205, 213, 214, 449 539, 704, 705 Co-Motion Media, 241, 246–250 Cerquoni, Enrica, 357n48, 490 Co-Motion Theatre, 241–243, 245–250 Chambers, Lilian, 25n29, 217n30, Company SJ, 11, 12, 22, 472, 473, 231n1, 388n14, 411n37, 457n6, 475–477 513n11, 523n8, 543n50, 626n12 Complicité, 263, 381 Charabanc, 11, 12, 18, 154, 210, 615, 684 Comyn, Annabelle, 373, 821 Cinema/film, 14, 15, 18, 25n25, 45–48, Connolly, James, 786, 790, 793 63, 93, 105, 119, 191, 204, 207, Connolly, Linda, 196n14 211, 241, 246, 249, 258, 278, 299, Connor, Robert, 113, 123–125 315–326, 335, 375, 378, 380, 382, Conroy, Amy, 10, 192, 193, 304, 441 384–386, 393, 394, 396, 397, 436, I (Heart) Alice (Heart) I, 193 451, 470, 480, 491, 502, 510, 512, Consciousness raising, 184, 185 518, 538, 539, 563, 576, 581, 582, Conway, Frank, 342, 343 584, 585, 587, 624, 633, 689–691, Conway, Thomas, 192 693, 704, 720, 785, 794, 795, 801, Coogan, Amanda, 88, 94–99, 101, 105, 827 107 Ciotóg, 175, 450, 688 Fountain, The, 95, 96 City Arts Centre, 205, 206, 211–213, Medea, 96, 97, 383, 428 244, 246 Spit Spit Scrub Scrub, 97, 107 City Workshop, 174, 175, 207, 352, 353 Yellow Series, 98 Civic Theatre, 228, 838 Cooke, Patrick, 447 Clancy, Paula, 205, 468 Coppinger, Jen, 419 Clarke, Austin, 608 Corcadorca, 11, 39, 221, 228, 236, 294, Clarke, Joycelyn, 14 297, 321, 336, 423, 472–474, 476, Class, 4, 9, 23, 89, 105, 119, 123, 124, 477, 600, 603, 606, 685 130n51, 141, 158, 171, 173, 175, Cork Opera House, 228, 311, 336, 508 192, 193, 201, 203–208, 212–215, Corn Exchange, The, 11, 16, 39, 235, 332–335, 338, 341, 382, 424, 448, 236, 294, 297–299, 302, 304, 333, 475, 476, 505, 530, 531, 535, 551, 423, 471, 505, 506, 635, 834 INDEX 851 Corporealities, 667–669, 671, 673–675, Deevy, Teresa, 5, 74, 88, 241, 351 677, 678 Derrington,
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