• GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT PUDUCHERRY POLLUTION CONTROL COMMITTEE 3rd Floor, PHB Building, Anna Nagar Puducherry — 605 005. *** Phone : (0413) 2201256 Telefax : (0413) 2203494 No. PPCC/MIN/PH/KPPL/TRP/KKL/JE/2016/ /03-6 Puducherry, the Illr4 NOV 7016 To The Joint Director (S), Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, IA.III Section, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi — 110 003. Sir, Sub : PPCC — Minutes and proceedings of the Public Hearing conducted on 26.10.2016, at Karaikal, for the proposed Development of Bulk Liquid Handling Berth, for handling LNG — 5 MMTPA, by M/s. Karaikal Port Pvt. Ltd., Keezhavanjore, Karaikal — Reg. Ref : (1) MoEF&CC, ToR, F.No.11-41/2013-IA.III dated 14.11.2013 (2) MoEF&CC, Extended ToR, F.No.11-41/2013-IA.III dated 10.12.2015 (3) KPPL Letter No. KPPL/ENV/PPCC/178 dated 05.10.2015 (4) PPCC - Minutes of 152nd Meeting held on 08.09.2016. *** With reference to the subject mentioned above, a Public Hearing was conducted on 26.10.2016, as per the procedure laid in the EIA Notification, 2006, at the Multi-purpose Hall, Polagam, T.R.Pattinam, Karaikal, for the proposed Development of Bulk Liquid Handling Berth. for handling LNG — 5 MMTPA, by M/s. Karaikal Port Pvt. Ltd., Keezhavanjore, Karaikal. The entire proceedings of the Public Hearing has been videographed and the Minutes of the same and the proceedings, along with a copy of the videograph are enclosed for kind reference and necessary action. A copy of the representation received for and against the project is also enclosed for kind perusal. An Acknowledgement of the receipt of this communication would be highly appreciated. For & on behalf of PPCC, (M. ARAKANATH) MEMBER SECRETARY PUDUCHERRY POLLUTION CONTROL COMMITTEE Enclosure : As above. Copy Submitted to : The District Collector, Karaikal District, For kind information, please. Karaikal — 609 602. 1 Copy to : 1. M/s. Karaikal Port Pvt. Ltd., P.B.No. 33, For information, please. Karaikal — 609 602. 2. Standing Guard File. MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING HELL) ON 26.10.2016, AT THE \It:LTII'URPOSE HALL, POLAGAM, T.R.PATTIN A.N1, KARAIKAL, FOR THE ES I ABLISIINIENc OF IFIED NATI R G,-AS 'FERMIN kL. AT M/S. KA RAINA L PORT PVT. LTD. Shri. P. Parthiban, IAS, District Collector, Karaikal„ preside over the proceedings. Shri. Kesavan, IAS, Sub-Collector (Revenue), Karaikal, Dr. N. Ramesh, Environmental Engineer, Shri. Poo2.ajendy. Junior Engineer, Shri. P.Ashok Kumar, ILA, of Department of Science ,Technology and Environment / Puducherry Pollution Control Committee. Puducherry and the Project proponent of- M/s. Karaikal Port Pvt. Ltd. were present. 152 Participants from the various villages, around the Port. includinp, Tamil Nadu, have participated in the Public Hearing (Attendance list is enclosed in Annexure I). 9 participants ha\ e submitted written responses about the project (Copy is enclosed in Annexure M •s. Indomer Coastal Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd.. Chennai, a Ministry of Environment. Forest and Climate Change. Government of India accredited consultant made a presentation about the proposal. Environmental Impacts and Risk Assessment of the project are explained to the participants. 19 participants have raised various issues pertaining to the establishment of the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal in the Port. A Team of technical Experts of s. Indomer Coastal Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, have clarified queries raised by the participants (Annexure III). The summary or the Public hearing proceeding, 'accurately rellecting all the views and concerns expressed are recorded by the Officer of the Puducherry Pollution Control Committee and read over to the audience, at the end of the proceeding. explaining the content in Tamil larillum4e. The entire Public Hearinp, process have been video graphed (Enclosed). /4, C\ Place : Karaikal (P. Parthiban. IAS) Date : 26.10.2016. District Collector, Karaikal Government of Puduchert . • GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY ANIIEM) RPS DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT PUDUCHERRY POLLUTION CONTROL COMMITTEE 469, First Floor, Housing Board Office Complex, Bharathiyar Road, Nehru Nagar, Karaikal — 609 605 X * * Phone : (04368) 231540 PUBLIC HEARING FOR SETTING UP LNG TERMINAL IN KARAIKAL PORT PRIVATE LIMITED KARAIKAL DISTRICT, U.T. OF PUDUCIIERRY Venue/Date/Time of Public Hearing:Multipurpose Hall Polagam, T.R.Pattinam Karaikal /26.10.2016/ 11.00 AM S.No. Name of the Participant Address Contact No. Signature )6.,,,,,,_, t„.„ 9 04 3231 gl 7_ t---t---A 'IT 2 - T _ _5 No, ..,:i--\,.;.- A .3-4 1.54.-JA 1,5, 5-s-2-- eb ' q---- ca- 7 ),:1/2.CkAsil_511)=-C 3 ____Ie6,6,(s. clo„7.s,n,„ in-5-iu,ekk, ....___0 i, 4 A . (5--- ..4 /‘-t t_c J_, k ,2 c"--P,‘=,,,,,r, )..,,.. 1 %3 $ / le 1-(0.1 ".- (4-6., tR \c Oc 6 AiNIONPWV\i' cc,Avc-i.. c7\ ekNks--1.--t It ... , it. of 9 .s-, ? 4, t P cs4k: Jp,,_trastkzi ' Attendance Sheet for Public Hearing — Handling of LNG1 rv\'C °N2)6v k -4 -k '1 )s1Q1\/ 4. q 1 it-ets -14 rr.,e 9 b Zc1Z-P-- .3-t\ '3Q7.N‘rptsi 9,1124 L-0,_ . 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