July 9, 2012 www.bankersdigest.com Volume 141, No. 2 Bartek Elected to Lead IBAT Leadership Myers Named SVP, Division Board of Directors for 2012-2013 Comerica Bank in Dallas The Leadership Division of the Inde- National Bank in Henderson, and Veteran TX banker Douglas B. Myers pendent Bankers Association of Texas secretary-treasurer Mark Sheffield of has joined Comerica Bank, Dallas, TX, (IBAT), Austin, has Roscoe State Bank in Bastrop. In ad- as senior vice pres- reported the elec- diton, Zach Dean of Fort Davis State ident of business tion of new board Bank in Fort Davis was elected to the banking at its 8828 members at the Leadership Division board. Stemmons Fwy. close of the 27th The Leadership Division, the na- office in Dallas. annual IBAT lead- tion’s largest organization for pres- He most recently ership conference ent and future banking leaders, will served as presi- held in June in expand its reach to provide more op- dent of Southwest The Woodlands. portunity for its members to connect. Securities, FSB’s, The newly elected Bartek The plan, approved recently by the banking center in Myers board members division’s board, calls for the creation downtown Dallas. of the 525-member division will serve of 11 chapters throughout TX which Myers is perhaps best known for through 2012-2013. will elect representatives to the board his tenure with Legacy Bank of Texas Brandon Bartek of Goldthwaite- and establish local committees to in Plano, where he served from 1989 based Mills County State Bank in provide opportunities for greater in- to 2000, departing as president/CEO. Early was named chairman. He has volvement for the division’s members. After leaving Legacy Bank, he served served as president of the Early Bank- Three committees will be established as president/CEO of a de novo state- ing Center since 2007. in each of the districts to help advance chartered bank in Bryan/College Sta- Other board members named to the division’s mission of fundraising, tion and in senior executive officer po- guide the Leadership Division in- education, and networking. Two re- sitions for banks in Plano and North clude: chairman-elect Kevin Monk of gions (Panhandle and Northeast) will Dallas. He began his banking career Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs, vice serve as pilots in 2012; full implemen- as a trainee with a Banc One affiliate chairman Michael Moores of Citizens tation is scheduled for 2015 Q bank in OH and moved to TX in 1981 to serve as a commercial lender for Morrow and Karl Named Senior VP, RepublicBank Dallas. He later served Williamson and Newell VP at Bank of Oklahoma as president and chief loan officer for RepublicBank Lubbock Bank of Oklahoma, N., A., Tulsa. Bank/Wachovia Bank. Q has announced the appointment of Jean Marie Williamson was ap- Please route this issue: Marta Morrow to pointed to vice senior vice presi- president, senior dent and interna- HR consultant. tional trade sales Previously, she consultant in was employed In This Issue... Tulsa. Previously, with Level 3 Com- The State National Bank of Big she was employed munications Inc. Spring, TX, Files Lawsuit with JP Morgan John Newell Challenging Dodd-Frank Act Chase. was appointed Feature............................................3 Art Karl was Morrow vice president, al- Karl appointed to se- ternative invest- nior vice president and manager of ment analyst in Tulsa. He previously Charter Activity............................8 financial services in Tulsa. Previously, served with Coast Asset Management Classified.......................................9 he was employed with Wells Fargo in Santa Monica, CA Q Published weekly on Mondays except fifth Mondays P E O P L E TEXAS Wilkinson Joins Amegy Bank in San Antonio as SVP Chaikin Upped to SVP, Jennifer Wilkinson has recently joined as a senior vice president, corporate/ Green & Reid Named Amegy Bank of Texas in San Antonio commercial banking manager, accord- Texas Bank and Trust Company, ing to San Antonio CEO David McGee. Longview, has reported that Craig Now Available Wilkinson has Chaikin has been more than 12 promoted to se- PRINT • ONLINE • eBOOK years of banking nior vice president and financial ex- and trust division 2012 Spring Edition perience. Prior to assistant manager, joining Amegy, Sue Green has she served in com- joined the trust mercial banking at division as vice JPMorgan Chase president and trust officer, andJames Wilkinson and was the plat- Chaikin form-wide advisor A. Reid has joined the technology division as a vice presi- for Chase’s CAT dealer and specialty dent and IT project manager. insurance portfolio. Prior to join- Chaikin has been associated with ing Chase, she served with Guaranty the bank since 1999. With 17 years of Bank. She holds a BBA degree in fi- retail and trust experience, he has man- nance from Texas Christian University. aged the estate and personal trust group She is involved with Financial Execu- within the trust and investment division tives International, serves on the board and the retirement plan services group. for Junior Achievement of South Texas, He is a graduate of the American Bank- and is the Walk Executive Director for ers Association Trust and Graduate Trust Feast of the Heart 5K Run/Walk For the online version, go to Q Schools and is a Certified Trust and Fi- www.texasredbookonline.com. nancial Advisor (CTFA). Green has 12 years’ trust experi- Online subscriptions less than ence including administration of $10 per month! Subscribe to Bankers Digest Digital Edition trusts and estates, IRAs, investment To order your print version, call management, and custody accounts. 800-336-1120, Ext. 7053, or visit http://www.bankersdigest.com/ Reid’s 14 years of experience includes www.texasredbook.com. onlinesub.html technical support operations, telecommu- nications, and project management Q ® ANKERS IGEST THIS ANNOUNCEMENT APPEARS AS A MATTER OF RECORD ONLY. B Established D 1942 A Weekly Bank News Magazine (USPS 041180) Published weekly on Monday except fifth Mondays at 9516 Bill Browne Lane, Dallas, Texas 75243 Richardson, Texas Copyright 2012 Bankers Digest® Acquired by BONNIE JAMISON BLACKMAN, Publisher/Editor R. GILBERT BLACKMAN JR., Managing Editor P. O. BOX 743006 Dallas, Texas 75374-3006 Phone 214/221-4544 Fax 214/221-4546 Green Bancorp, Inc. E-mail: [email protected] Houston, Texas website: www.bankersdigest.com One year subscription rate: Print $37.00, Online $26.00; Both $50.00. Single copy $1.00 The undersigned acted as financial advisor to Opinions expressed by writers of bylined Opportunity Bancshares, Inc. articles are not necessarily those of Bankers Digest. We make no representations or war- ranties for information, products, or services contained in any advertisement in this maga- zine or on our website. Editorial guidelines may be obtained upon request. Articles and photos may be submitted to above address. Periodical postage paid at Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to May 2012 ® Bankers Digest , P.O. Box 743006, Dallas, Member FINRA/SIPC Texas 75374--3006 Page 2 BANKERS DIGEST July 9, 2012 F E A T U R E C H A L L E N G E countable to Congress, the President gress cannot touch or regulate. or the Courts. That is simply uncon- · The President cannot carry out his The State National Bank of stitutional.” constitutional obligation to “take care Big Spring, TX, Files Lawsuit No Checks and Balances that the laws be faithfully executed,” According to the complaint, there because the President cannot remove Challenging Dodd-Frank are no effective checks and balances the CFPB director except under lim- to assure the public of accountability. ited circumstances. The State Na- Most importantly: · Judicial review of the CFPB’s actions BD tional Bank · Congress exercises no “power of is limited, because Dodd-Frank requires of Big Spring, the purse” over the CFPB, because the the courts to give extra deference to TX, on June 21 agency’s budget – administered es- the CFPB’s legal interpretations. FEATURE filed a lawsuit sentially by one person – comes from The plaintiffs claim in their suit in the U. S. the Federal Reserve, amounting to that Dodd-Frank gives an agency of un- District Court approximately $400 million that Con- (continued on Page 12) for the District of Columbia (http://cei. org/legal-briefs/state-national-bank-big- spring-et-al-v-geithner-et-al). The lawsuit will challenge certain provisions in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) as unconstitutional, with a focus on the creation of the Consumer Finan- cial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Here is the press release contained in a blog by James Pethokoukis, of the American Enterprise Institute, who writes at: http:www.aei-ideas.org/topic/ dodd-frank/. TEXAS COMMUNITY BANK, SENIORS AND FREE ENTERPRISE GROUPS FILE SUIT CHALLENGING DODD-FRANK Unchecked Power of Consumer Financial Protection Board Unconsti- tutional WASHINGTON, D.C., June 21, 2012 – The State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas, today filed a lawsuit asking the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to hear its case challeng- ing the constitutionality of provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The Competi- tive Enterprise Institute and the 60 Plus Association are also joining this community bank as plaintiffs in the same action, requesting the Court to invalidate the law because of the unprecedented, unchecked power it gives the government. “No other federal agency or com- mission operates in such a way that one person can essentially determine who gets a home loan, who can get a credit card and who can get a loan for college,” said Jim Purcell, CEO of State National Bank. “Dodd-Frank ef- fectively gives unlimited regulatory power to this so-called Consumer Fi- nancial Protection Board, also known as CFPB, with a director who is not ac- July 9, 2012 BANKERS DIGEST Page 3 P E O P L E TEXAS Bourne Joins American Smith Is SVP, Hankins BO, Clayton and Maxwell Join; Bank in Austin as Sr CLO First NB of Central TX Patel Upped, One World Bank American Bank, N.
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