The Inventory of the Alvin Epstein Collection #1717 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Epstein, Alvin #1717 2/17/06 Preliminary Listing I. Professional Materials. Box 1 A. Files, re: American Repertory Theater, unless noted; may include reviews; scores; scripts; notes; correspondence; printed materials; legal materials; photographs; artwork; audio material. 1. AAlliance for the Development of Theater Arts, Inc.@ [F. 1] 2. AAmerican Repertory Theater.@ [F.1-3] 3. AAspen Musical Festival.@ [F. 4] 4. ABeckett, Samuel.@ [F. 5] 5. AContracts.@ [F. 5-6] 6. AThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.@ [F. 7] 7. ACaligula - Yale Repertory Theater.@ [F. 8] 8. ACarnegie Hall.@ 9. ACharlie in the House of Rue,@ includes photographs; slides. 10. AThe Cherry Orchard.@ 11. AClerambard,@ includes printed material; telegram; photographs. [F. 9] 12. AColette,@ includes printed material. [F. 10] 13. AColette Scores.@ [F. 11] 14. ACrossing Niagra,@ includes printed material; telegram. [F. 12] 15. ACrimes and Crimes.@ 16. ADear Liar.@ [F. 13] Box 2 17. ADoctor=s Dilemma.@ [F. 1] 18. ADoing Life,@ includes contract. 19. ADon Juan.@ 20. ADream of the Red Spider.@ [F. 2] 21. ADynamite Tonite,@ includes sub-files: a. AYale Repertory Theater,@ includes 2 contracts, 11/14/06. b. ANew York,@ includes contract, 2/23/67. 22. AHamlet.@ 23. AOn Ne Badine Pas Avec L=Amour (No Trifling With Love),@ includes original sketches. [F. 2-4] 24. AOpera,@ includes printed material. [F. 5] 25. ARevue Material.@ 26. ASolider=s Tale.@ [F. 6] 27. AStory Theater.@ [F. 7] 28. ASalzburg American Seminar.@ 29. ATartuffe,@ includes printed material. [F. 8] 30. ATempest,@ American Repertory Theater and Yale Repertory Epstein, Alvin (2/17/06) Theater, MS, 200 p.; includes score; photograph. 31. AThree Farces and a Funeral.@ [F. 9] 32. ATheater Design,@ includes negatives; black and white contact sheets; original artwork. [E. 1] 33. ATheatre For Ideas.@ [F. 10] 34. AThree-Penny Opera,@ includes photograph. 35. AOpening Night, NY,@ includes 1 pin. Box 3 36. AThree-Penny Opera - General,@ includes [F. 1-3] a. 1 plastic dolphin. b. 1 woven star. c. ANS from George Matthew Sumner (Sting), n.d. d. Script with holograph note. e. Original artwork. 37. ATingle Tangle,@ includes 3 audio cassette tapes. [F. 4] a. ATingle Tangle At The Ballroom,@ NYC, 7/27/94. b. Score of ABajazzo.@ [E. 1] 38. AA Touch of the Poet.@ [F. 5] 39. ATuesdays With Morrie,@ includes 2 audio CDs. [F. 6-8, E. 2] 40. AUncle Vanya.@ 41. AThe Value of Name.@ [F. 9] 42. AVictory-Yale Repertory Theater.@ [F. 10] 43. AThe Visitor.@ [F. 11] 44. AWaiting For Godot - NY and TV.@ 45. AWaiting For Godot - American Repertory Theater,@ includes photograph of Samuel Beckett. [F. 12] Box 4 46. AThe Waltz of the Tornadoes.@ [F. 1] 47. AWhat the Butler Saw.@ 48. AWhat We Did For Love,@ White Barn Theater, August, 1985; includes score. [F. 1-2] 49. AWhen The World Was Green, 1996 Olympics.@ [F. 3] 50. AWhen The World Was Green,@ productions include: [F. 4-8, E. 1] a. NY Public Theater; includes photographs; plaster angel. b. American Repertory Theater, Hasty Pudding. c. Moscow, 1998. d. Singapore, n.d. 51. AWizard of Menlo Park,@ 1997; includes audio cassette. 52. ABoston Pops.@ 53. AActors - Active,@ includes photographs. [F. 9] 54. AAhab=s Wife.@ 55. AAndrocles and the Lion.@ [F. 10] 56. AAngry Arts.@ 57. AAntigone.@ [F. 11] 58. AAmerican Repertory Theater Acting Company Notes.@ Epstein, Alvin (2/17/06) 59. AAmerican Repertory Theater - General.@ [F. 12] 60. AAmerican Repertory Theater Miscellaneous.@ 61. AAt This Hour - Nassau Community College.@ [F. 13] 62. ABaccae,@ includes sub-files: a. Re: American Repertory Theater production; includes memorabilia; script, 48 p. b. Re: Yale Repertory Theater production. Box 5 63. ABeckett Trio Art,@ includes financial material; audio cassette tapes, includes sub-files: [F. 1] a. AEh Joe.@ b. AGhost Sonata.@ c. ANacht und Traüme.@ 64. ABecket Play at Harold Clerman Theatre,@ includes AOhio Impromptu,@ ACatastrophe,@ AWhat Where.@ [F. 2] 65. ABeckett Radio Plays,@ includes AAll That Fall,@ 32 p.; NPR Press Kit; AEh Joe,@ AGhost Trio,@ ANacht und Traüme.@ [F. 3] 66. AAn Evening of Beckett - American Repertory Theatre,@ includes AKrapp=s Last Tape,@ AA Piece of Monologue,@ AOhio Impromptu.@ [F. 4] 67. ABeggar=s Opera,@ Guthrie Theater; includes financial material; photograph; script, 72 p. [F. 5] 68. ABlack Snow,@ American Repertory Theater; includes script, 71 p. 69. ABloomsday on Broadway, Symphony Space.@ [F. 6] 70. ABoard of Directors,@ re: Guthrie Theater. 71. ABox Office Reports, 1979-1980,@ re: Guthrie Theater. 72. ABerkshire Theater Festival Workshop,@ Stockbridge and New York; includes photographs; telegram; mustache. 73. ACaptain Jinx of the Horse Marines@; includes score; script, 457 p. [F. 7] 74. ACast Lists.@ [F. 8] 75. ACat and the Fiddle,@ musical score, 179 p. [F. 8-9] 76. AChekhov Short Stories.@ 77. AChristopher C,@ MS, 50 p. 78. AClippings, Pre-1979.@ 79. ACompany Members List.@ [F. 10] 80. ACompany Notes.@ 81. ACorrespondence, 1979-1980.@ 82. ACorrespondence, Personal.@ [F. 11] 83. ADecroux, Etienne.@ [F. 12-13] 84. ADirectors and Actors,@ re: Yale Repertory Theater and Guthrie Theater; includes photograph. [F. 14] 85. ADirectors, Active.@ [F. 15] Box 6 86. ADream of the Red Spider (American Repertory Theater),@ includes Epstein, Alvin (2/17/06) script, 122 p. [F. 1] 87. AEndgame Cherry Lane,@ includes telegram; MS fragment, pp. 524-577; photographs. [F. 2] 88. AEndgame Harold Clerman Theater,@ includes photographs; telegrams. [F. 3] 89. AEndgame - Harold Clerman Theater=s Trip to Israel,@ 1985. [F. 4] 90. AEnoch Arden,@ includes MS fragment; score. 91. AEnrico IV,@ includes sub-files: a. Re: American Repertory Theater; includes MS, 78 p. [F. 5] b. Re: Harper Theater; includes photographs. [F. 6] c. Re: University at Wisconsin at Milwaukee. [F. 7] 92. ASandy Epstein.@ 93. AFacade (Berkeley Chamber Players),@ includes MS, 30 p. 94. AThe Fall of the City.@ 95. AFan Mail, 1977-1976.@ 96. AFord Foundation.@ 97. AThe Frogs (Yale Repertory Theater).@ [F. 8] 98. AFrom >A= To >Z= (Schubert Theater And Plymouth Theater),@ includes photographs. 99. AThe Gentleman from Boston,@ screenplay, 155 p. [F. 9] 100. AGhosts (American Repertory Theater).@ 101. AGolden Boy (Williamstown Theater Festival).@ [F. 10] 102. AThe Golden Six (York Playhouse),@ includes contract; photographs. 103. AThe Good Woman of Setzuan,@ includes script, 158 p. [F. 11] Box 7 104. AThe Green Bird,@ includes script fragments. [F. 1] 105. AGuthrie Business,@ includes financial material. 106. AHabimah,@ includes photographs. [F. 1-3] 107. AHamlet, American Repertory Theater and Pittsburgh,@ includes script fragments. [F. 4] 108. AHamlet, Pittsburgh,@ includes photographs. [F. 5] 109. AHappy End.@ 110. AHeartbreak House,@ Yale Repertory Theater; includes script, 345 p. [F. 6] 111. AHedda Gabler, American Repertory Theater,@ includes photographs; original artwork; script, 134 p.; reviews. [F. 7] 112. AHenry IV, American Repertory Theater,@ includes script and text fragments. [F. 8] 113. AHenry V, American Repertory Theater,@ includes script, 165 p. 114. AHelena,@ includes musical score. [F. 9] 115. AHepburn, Estelle.@ 116. AHighfield Playhouse,@ 1952; includes photographs. 117. AHouse Arrest,@ American Repertory Theater; includes script, 57 p. Epstein, Alvin (2/17/06) 118. AI Married You For The Fun Of It,@ Yale Repertory Theater. [F. 10] 119. AThe Importance of Being Earnest,@ Yale Repertory Theater; includes photographs. Box 8 120. AIn the Clap Shack.@ [F. 1] 121. AIn the Jungle of the Cities,@ American Repertory Theater; includes script by Bertolt Brecht, 84 p. 122. AIn Twilight,@ includes: AIn the Ravine,@ script, 47 p.; AIn Twilight: Tales from Chekhov,@ script, approx. 30 p. 123. AInstitute of American Repertory Theater, General.@ [F. 2-3] 124. AInstitute - 1987-1988; 1988-1989.@ [F. 4] 125. AInterviews with Company, Guthrie Theater.@ 126. AIvanov, American Repertory Theater,@ by Anton Chekhov, script, 37 p. 127. AJulius Caesar, Yale Repertory Theater.@ [F. 5] 128. AJumping Mouse,@ includes script by Gary Fagin, approx. 21 p.; audio tape titled: AJumping Mouse.@ [E. 1] 129. AKeep the Home Fires Burning.@ [F. 5] 130. AKing Lear with Orson Welles,@ includes photographs; ATheater of Orson Welles,@ includes script by Aleksandra Tatomirovic, 16 p. 131. AThe Latent Heterosexual,@ includes telegram. 132. ALysistrata, American Repertory Theater,@ by Aristophanes; translated by Robert Brustein, script, 67 p.; musical score, approx. 70 p. [F. 6] 133. ALong Way to Heaven,@ includes script by Eve Friedman, 1985; fragments, 250 p.; includes photographs. [F. 7] 134. ALove, Chekhov,@ includes script by Dominick Jones, 40 p., 1999. 135. AMacbeth,@ includes script, 121 p., Northshore Music Theater, 1993. [F. 8] 136. AMadwoman of Chaillot,@ includes sub-files: [F. 9] a. Re: Neighborhood Playhouse, 2001-2002. b. Re: Boston Summer Theater, 1957; includes photographs. 137. AMan and Superman,@ American Repertory Theater, 1996B1997; includes AMan and Superman,@ by George Bernard Shaw, script, approx. 200 p. [F. 10] 138. AMarat / Sade,@ includes sub-files: a. Re: American Repertory Theater, 2001; includes score by Richard Peaslee, approx. 50 p.; AMarat / Sade,@ by Peter Weiss, script, approx. 200 p. [F. 11] b. Re: Williamstown, 1990; includes AMarat / Sade,@ by Peter Weiss, script, approx. 117 p. [F. 12] 139. AMastergate,@ Cambridge, 1989; includes AMastergate: A Congressional Hearing,@ by Larry Gelbart, 70 p. Epstein, Alvin (2/17/06) 140. AMary Mary,@ Bucks County Playhouse, 1965; includes actors= contract. [F. 13] 141. AMax, Jerry,@ 1979; includes ABeyond Exhaustion,@ by Jerome Max, script, 48 p. Box 9 142. AMastergate (General),@ Cambridge, 1989; includes AMastergate,@ by Larry Gelbart, script, 2 copies, 74 p. each. [F. 1] 143. AMedia Amok,@ American Repertory Theater, 1992; includes AMedia Amok,@ by Christopher Durang, script, 84 p., 1992. [F. 2] 144. AMemos,@ 15 TLS, 1979. 145. AMerchant of Venice,@ includes sub-files: [F. 3] a. Re: American Repertory Theater, 1998-1999; includes AMerchant of Venice,@ by Shakespeare, MS, 77 p. b. Re: Berkshire Playhouse, 1966; includes original artwork by Wolfgang Roth.
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