The NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL 80cmTY APRIL, 1949 The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS April, 1949 OFFICERS President, Mr. H. E. Allanson, Port Republic, Md. First Vice-President, Mr. Frederic P. Lee, Bethesda, Md. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Washington. D. C. Secretary, Dr. Conrad B. Link, College Park, Md. Treasurer, Mr. Carl O. Erlanson, Silver Spring, Md. Editor, Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Takoma Park, Md. DIRECTORS L' Terms expiring 1949 Terms expiring 1950 Mrs. Robert Fife, New York, N. Y. Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, N. Y. Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Pa. Dr. David V. Lumsden, North Chevy Chase, Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott. Media, Pa. Md. Dr. Freeman Weiss, Washington, D. C. Dr. Vernon T. Stoutemyer, Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. Donald Wyman, Jamaica Plain, Mass. HONORARY---- VICE-PRESIDENTS Mrs. Mary Hazel Drummond, Pres., Mr. Allen W. Davis, Pres., American Begonia Society, American Primrose Society, 1246 No. Kings Road, 3424 S. W. Hurne St., Los Angeles 46, Calif. Portland I, Ore. Dr. H. Harold Hume, .Pres., Mr. Harold Epstein, Pres., . American Camellia Society, '. American 'Rock Garden Society, University of Florida, 5 For~st Court, Gainesville, Fla. Larchmont, N. Y. Mr. Carl Grant Wilson, Pres., Mr. John Henny, Jr., Pres., American Defphipium. Society, American ,Rhododendron Society, 22150 Euclid Ave., Brooks,' Oregon ·Mr. George A. Sweetser, Pres., Cleveland, Ohio American Rose Society, Dr. Frederick L. Fagley, PrOl., 36 Forest St., American Fern Society, Wellesley Hills, Mass. W Fourth Ave., Mr. Wm. T. Marshall, Pres. Emeritus, New York 10, N. Y. Cactus & Succulent Society of America, Dr. Frahlcl,in Cook, Pres., 228 Security Bldg., Phoenix. ArU. American Iris Society, Mrs. Hollis Webster, Pres., 2747 ,Hurd .Ave., Herb Society of America, Evanston, m. 300 Massachusetts A Teo, Mr. Marvin C. Karrels, Pres., Boston IS, Mass. Ameri~ Peony Society, Mr. Edwin C. Freed, Pres.. 3272 S. 46th St., Midwest Horticultural Society, Milwaukee 14, Wis. R.R. 2, D9wners Grove, Ill. SOOETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1949 Akron Garden Center, . American Rose Society, Z26 South Main St., Dr. R. C. Allen, Seer.. Akron, Ohio Box 687, Harrilbarc. PL American Begonia Society, Bel-Air Garden Dub, Mrs. Mary Hazel Drummond, Pres., Mrs. Myron E. Etienne, Pres., 1246 No. Kings Road, 2324 Mandeville Canyon Rd., Los Angeles 46, Calif. Los Angeles 24, Calif. American Camellia Society Benson Garden Dub Box 2398 University Station % Mrs. Amelia Doll, Gainesville, Florida 6016 Binney St., Arlington County Garden Dub, Omaha, Nebr. Mr. Wales C. Brewster, Pres., 3015 Second St., N., Bonne Terre Garden Dub, .. Arlington, Va. Mrs. R. L. Fowler. Pres., American Fuchsia Society,· ; .' ' .. Bonne Terre. ~o. Headquarters: Calif. Acad. of Sdenc:es, Bristow Garden Dub. Golden Gate Park, , Mn. R. L Jones. Pres., San Francisco. Calif. .. Box 660, Bristow, Olda. American Primrose Society, Cactus & Succulent Society of America, Mr. Carl Maskey, Secy., Mr. Carl F. Brassfield, Pres., 2125 5th Ave., 8060 Lankershire Blvd., Milwaukie, Ore. No. Hollywood, Calif. Publication Otllce. 82nd St. and Elm Ave .• Baltimore, Md. Entered BS second·elall matter Janu&r7 27, 1982, at the Post Otllee at Baltimore, Md., under the Act ot Auplt 24, 1912. California Garden Clubs, Inc., Hawthorne Flower & Garden Club, Mrs. Wm. D. Shearer, Pres., Mr. L. C. Zimmerll1an, 533 South Walton Place, 7912 Cermak I~d. & 48th St., Los Angeles 5, Calif. Chicago 23. Ill. California Horticultural Society, Holly Society of America, Miss Cora R. Brandt, Secretary, Mr. Clarence R. Wolf, Pres., 300 !vlontgomery St., Millville, N. J. San Francisco, Calif. Home Garden Club of Denver, Chestnut Hill Garden Club, Miss Lula Morse, Pres., Mrs. Bryan S. Permar, Treas., 3768 Perry St., 41 Crafts Rd., Denver 12. Colo. Chestnut Hill, Mass. Howard Park Garden Club, Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Club, Mrs. C. F. Morrison, Jr., Secy., Mrs. Lewis S. Pendleton, Pres., 601 Chapelgate Rd., 3418 Quesada N. W., Baltill10re 29, Md. Washington, D. C. Iowa Rose Society, Garden Club, Chevy Chase, Md. State House, Mrs. Robert Ash, Pres., Des Moines 19, Iowa 8921 Bradley Blvd., Kendall Garden Club, Bethesda, Md. :Miss Edith M. Edgerton, Secy.-Treas Chico Horticultural Society, 8537 S. E. Gray St., 1144 W. 3rd St., . Portland 6. Ore. Chico, Calif. Men's Garden Club of Rockford, Ill., Community Garden Club of Bethesda. Mr. R. Hallett Shumway, :Mrs. L. W. I'ugue, Pres., 115 So. First St., 11 6 Chevy Chase Drive Rockford, Ill. Chevy Chase. :-{d. Michigan Horticul tural Society, Fauquier & Loudoun Garden Club, Mr. Earl Bailey, Exec. Sec'y, Mrs. W nl. F. Rust, Pres., 2201 E. Jefferson Ave., Leesburg, Va. Detroit 7, 1lich. Federated G.c. of Cincinnati and Vicinity, Midwest Horticultural Society, Mrs. W. R. Grace, Sr., Pres., 100 North Central Park Blvd., 7911 Hall1ilton Ave., Chicago 24, Illinois 11t. Healthy 31, Ohio. Mission Garden Club, Forest Hills Garden Club, Mrs. George Boyle, Mrs. H. Norair, Pres., 1201 Conway, 2936 Alberll1arle St., N. W., ?-.Ii " ion. Texas \l\1 ashington, D. C. National Capital Dahlia Society, Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati. Mr. George R. Hitchcock, Pres., Walnut and Central Parkway. Washington, D. C. Cincinnati 10. Ohio Northern Nut (,n),vers' Assn.:­ Garden Center of Greater Cleveland, Mr. John Davidson, Pres., East Boulevard at Eudid Ave .. 234 E. Second St., Cleveland 6. Ohio Xenia, Ohio Garden Center Institute of Buffalo. Omaha Botany Cl ub. 1500 Elmwood Ave., 4937 Maple St.J Buffalo 7, N. Y. Omaha 4. Nehr. Garden Center, Pittshurgh Garden Center, Youngstown Public Lihrary Schenley Park, YOl1ngstown 3. Ohio Pittsburgh 13. Pa. Garden Club of Alexandria. Plainfield Garden Club. Mrs. Malcolm Matheson. Jr .. % Miss Harriett Halloway, Ferry Point, 804 Central Ave., Alexandria. Va. Plainfield. New Jersey Garden Cll1b of Danville. Potomac Rose Sc)ciety. Danville. Va. Mr. R. E. Scammell. Treas. Garden Club of Fairfax, 2810 Bladensburg Rc! .. Mrs. Edward Howrey, Pres .. Washington. D. C. Burke, Va. Rock Garden Society of Ohio, Garden Cll1b of Virg-inia. Mrs. H . O. Wenda!' Treas., Mrs. C. James Andrews, Pres., 2811 Shaffer Ave., 929 Graydon Ave., Westwood, Cincinnati, 01"" Norfolk 7. Va. Rush Garden Club, Georgetown Garden Club, Rush. N. Y. Mrs. R. H. A. Carter, San Franci ~co Branch, 3231 Re,ervoir Rd .. N. W., American Begonia Society, Vla,hing-ton, D. C. 2390 18th Ave., Greeley Garden Club, San Francisco 16, Calif. \1 r ..T. E. T.nonev. Sacramento Garden Center, Ch. of H()rtirl1lture, 3301 H Street. Greeley, Colo. Sacramento, Calif. (C03ltill1ted OIl inside back cover) The National Horticultural Magazine Vol. 28 Copyright, 1949; by THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY No.2 APRIL, 1949 CONTENTS The Forsythias. DONALD \i\1YMAN .................................................... 51 Collecting Plants Beyond the Frontier in Northern British Columbia. MARY GIBSON HENRY-· VII ................................ 65 Philadelphus Notes- Species of Merit. JOHN L. CREECH ............ 84 The Gardeners Pocketbook: Flavor in Tomatoes. F. E. McILVAINE. ......... ............ ............ 88 African Violet, Pink Beauty ......................................................... 90 A Native Prairie Anemone. MRS. H. P. MAGERS ..... .. ........... 90 Lady of the Night. H. F. LOOMIS ............................................ 92 More About Peonies. ALIDA LIVINGSTON .................. ............ 93 Nandina domestica. GEORGE B. FURNISS ................................ 94 Nandina in Connecticut. RUTH A. ~TEPHENSON .................. 95 Stachyurus praecox at Gladwyne. MARY G. HENRy ........ .. .. 96 From the Midwest Horticultural Society: Andorra Juniper. ELDRED GREEN ................................. ..... 9·6 Some Notes on Dwarf Vegetables. ELDRED GREEN ........ 96 Double Trilliums. DREW SHERRARD .............................. ..... .... ..... 98 Crocus, Vanguard. ALFRED BATE ............... .. ....... .. ................ 101 Dianthus, Old Spice. AFLRED BATE. .. ..... ............................. .... I02 Published quarterl, b, The American Horticultural Soriet,. Publica tion office. 32nd St. and Elm A ve .. Baltimore. lId. Editorial orn c'e. Room 821. \\ a~ hington Loan anu Trust Building. Washington. D. C. ContributioD5 from ail memoers. are cordially in,iteri ana snould be sent to the Editorial office. A st1h~(' ri pt io n to the mae-azine is induded in tD.S- 8nDt.;,ai au as to ail membeys : to non·members thE price is fi ve dollars a year·. ii LiliU11If, auratu'J1If, pictu11~ Seedling 3 ~ years j1'O'J1lf, sowing. Oyster Bay, Long Island. The Forsythias DONALD VVYMA~ Ar'Nold A rb01'etu111 The Forsythias are among the most tlIey can be distinguished one from the popular of garden shrubs. used chi efly other, by the amateur when they are in those regions of the country where not in flower. The fruits are merely their early spring "flowers lend conspic­ dry capsules with no ornamental value. uous color to gardens which have been One of the most disturbing things apparently life less alld dreary through­ about these plants, to those of us who out the entire winter. Most ot them appreciate plants growing in their nor­ are natives of the Orient, although a mal habit, is the way that these are few have recently been developed in sometimes mutilated by improper prun­ this country. The oriental species ,first ing. Because they withstand city con­ came to this country about a hundred
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