CONGRESSIONAL --RECORD-SENATE. 931 1 By Mr. ESCH: Reso-lutions by Samuel Gompers~ president of The credentials were rend and ordered to be filed~ as follows: Am rican Federation of Labor, requesting support of Senate bill 4922; to the Committee on Education. To all 'lcho shall see these rn· ese1rt~t, g1·etJHng: . By l\Ir. FULLER of lllin-ois: Resolutions of the Illinois Know ye, that BEnT M. FEnYALD~ of Poland, in the County of Andro­ 1 ,Vnlley Manufacturers· Club, of La Salle, llL, concerning the: scoggin, on the 9th day of September. in the year of our Lord 1918, • merchant marine; to tile Committee on the Merchant Marine was cho..~n by the electors of this State a United States Senator to 1 l'l_>,present the State of Main-e in the United States Senate for- the term and Fislleriesr of six years b ginning on the 4th day of MIU"eh, 1910. lli. In testimony whereof I caused. the seal of State to be hereunto By KETTNER: Resolutions from Leslie S. Everts, affixed. , president of San Diego Rotury Club, indersing No-rember 11. as Given under my hand at .A:u:;nsta, the lOth day of October, in the ~ ;world's Liberty Day; to the Committee on the Library. year of our Lord 1918 and in the one- hundred and forty-third year o! By Mr. LINTHICUl\1: Resolutions in behalf of self-determina­ the independenee ot the United 'tates o:f Amer1e.a. CARL E. 1\1ILLIK11l:V, tion for Ireland ; to the Committee on Foreign Affafrs. (}overnor. By Mr. MOORE of Pennsylvania.: Resolntiorur of Ancient By the go.ernor : Orde-r of Hibernians protesting against peac:e conference ignor- (SEAL,]- FnA. K W. BALL, 1 Secretary of Sta~e.. ing Ir$nd ~ to tile Committee on FQ-reign Affairs. · ( Also, :re olutlons of the Pfiiladelphia Chambe? of Commerce, P..\YMEN'll TO INVALID 'OLDIEnS (H• . DOC. NO~ 1G2G). I urging legislation to validate oral war contracts; to the Com- The VICE PRESIDmrT laid before the Senate a communica­ mittee on Ways and 1\leans. · tio-n from the S-ecretary of \Vru: reqnesting the enactment of By 1\!r. RAKER: Resolutions by the- Ohl<> Commandery, in­ legislation to permft the War Department to- make payment in . oorsing the action of the Senate in passing S nate bill 130 and full to enlisted men of the United: States Army who are retm'n:.­ Iurging similar action by the House~ to the· Committee on Mili­ ing from overseas for treatment in the hospitafs of the Unlted tary Affairs. States, which was- referred to the Committee: Oil! l\1ilitary Mairs By l\1r. ROGERS: Resolutions by international mass meeting, and ordered to be pdnted~ Lowell, 1\lass., m·ging United Stutes to withdraw armed forces :trom Russia and offer niq. to the Soviet Govevnment; to the TRAVEL OF ~fPLOYEES IN' WAR DEPAR'n!ELifT (H'. DOC. NO. 1630·), 1.Committee on Foreign Affairs. The VICE PllESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ By Mr. YARE: Resolutions of· Jacob: Reed's Sons (Ine.)~ of cation from the Seeretury of 'Var, transmitting, pursunnt to Philadelphia, Pa., in support of House bil113274, relief for man­ law, a statement of travel of officers and employees on offlcial .ufacturers ; to the Committee on 1\filitary Affairs. business from Washington to points outside the District of Al o, resolutions of Henry F. 1\litchell Co, of Philad-elphia, Pa., Columbia during the fiscal year 191S, which, with the accom­ regarding revision of postal rates; te the Committee on Ways panying paper, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations and Means. and orllered to be printed. Also, 1·esolutions of Quaker City Rubber Co., of Philadelphia, EMPLOYEES IN A.I.ASKA (H. DOC'. NO. 162-5.) r Pa.~ protesting against the adoption of the metric system in the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate n: communica­ United States; to the Committee- on Coinage, Weights~ and tion from the Secretar of the Interior~ transmittin~ pmmt Measures. to l:nY, n statement showing for the first four months of the AI o, resolution of Alexander Bros., of Phifadelphfa, Pa., in current fiscal year tl1e average number of employees under the support of House bill 13274, relief for manufacturers.; to the governot· of Alnskn reeefving increased compensation at the Committee on Uilitary Affairs. rate of $120 per annrrm, whi·ch, with the· accompanying paper-, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations nnd onlered SENATE. to be printed. E IPLOYEES I- POST OFFICE DEP.ABT:MENT { • DOC. NO. 317). THURSDAY, anua1'1J J ~, 1919. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before tile Senate a communica­ Tbe Ch..'lplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., o-ffered the tion from the Po tma.'3ter General, tran mitting, in response to following prayer: . a resolution of December 15, 1!>18, a report of the number of Almighty (i{)d, we stand reverently before Thee~ and submit · civil employees in the Post Office Department at ·washingf~n, our thought and will to Thy wilL \Ve rec-ognize Thy right to D. C., on J:muury 1, 1919, and th number sepatTated during tile rule. Thou art our Sovereign, ou1· King, our God. Thy power previou two weeks, wlllch was ordered t lie on the table and has gotten us the victory, and we turn to Thee fot· Thy grace, be printed. · that us we pursue the great ideals. born out of the calamities ·of the present time, we may have the divi:ne gl!idunce and bless­ WAR FIN.Q\CE COllPOll_tlTON (8. DOC. NO. 318), ing upon us. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the' Senate a communica.o 'Ve pray that Thou wilt draw us together :rs a people and tion from the Managing Director of the \Var Finance Corpora.~ that 'l'hou wilt draw the nations of the earth together tfutt we tion, stating, in respon e to a resolution of the Senate, that the may e ·tablish a right relationship between men, bused upon the 'Var Finance Corporation is rr lending institution and at this revelation· of Thy will concerning us. Hear us in orrr prayer, time has no expen es chargeable to the war, which was ordered and bte ' us in tlte diseharge of the sacred dUties of this hour. to lie orr the table and be printed. For Christ's sake. Amen. AFFAIR IN ltl:SSIA. HE~HY F. Hor;us, n Senator from the State of New Hampshire, l\1r. JOHNSON of California. 1\Ir. President, for the infor­ app ared in his seat to-day. mation of the Foreign Relations Committee, I read very briefly The Secretary proceeded to r•ead the .Tournai of tile proceed­ ings of Monday last, when, on motion of Mr. AsHURST and by from: this morning's. newspaper, as follows: YANKS Dnrv:m ON REDS-G~IN 14 MILES IN NORTH RUSSIA, FIGHTI:YG ,unanimous consent, the further reading "-as dispensed witb~ and STUDBORKLY-UFA FALLS TO BOLSHEVIKI--LE:YI:SLSTS TAKE' CAPITAL the Journal was approved. WEST OF URALS; GAIN NEAR BALTLc-RroA TERROR STRfCKE~ AS BOLSHEVIK A.nMY APPROACHEs-RED NAVY EXPECTED TO DASR TO l SE- ATOR FROU :MONT'AN A. SEA FROM. KnONSTAD1!--SWISS LEGATION YILI.AGED- fY RETALlA'lllo.N • The VICE PRESIDENT. Tne- Cllafr lny before tltc Senate FOR EXP'GLSION 011" RUSSIAN ENVO~S BY SWITZERLAND. 1tl'le credentials of Bon. THo IAS J. WA.r.sH, which Wl11 be :read ARCHANGEL, Monda1f, Deeen~bet• SO. and placed' on file. An allied force composed of Americans, Russians,_ and Poles :rester~ day advnnceu 14 miles southward along the road bordering th& Onega 1 The credentials were- read nnd ordered to be filed~ rur fono·ws : River. They met with considerable resistance from the bolshevlki, uut :JJo the Pn~siDmNT' OF THE SBNATJC OV THJI! UNITED STATE'S ; captured moxe than. a dozen villages and did no.t halt until they had This .Is to certify that on the· 5th da-y of November; 1918, THOMAS J. taken the village ol Gogofi. WALSIIi was duly chosen by t.lU! qualitl.ed erectors: of th~ State of M-Qn­ · Starting from the village of Kalo-vangl. early Saturday morning;. tana a. Seuato~ from s.ald State t<T rt>pl.'ese.nt: said S'tatc in. th{! Senate American forces took the village of Prilaki-, wh.ere there is' a large ot the lJnlted States for the term of sii yen:rs;., bl!gin:ning on the. 4tl1 day monastery. They continued the advance in hot fighting. Sunday and of Mnrcb, 1019. had not yet been halted up to late Monday. Sleighs are being u~ed to Witness: His excellency our ~oveunorr. S. V. Stewart, nnd our seal transport th~ allied soldiers. hereto aflixed, at Helena, this the twenty-~ighth . da-v of December 1n • m:;ssu.xs mGHT wELL. the yen:r of' our Lord one thousand nine hundred and · ~ eighteen. • s. v. S'l!flWAicr', Tlw aclmnce, the first attempt of the winter-, was carried ont tmde-r G'ot:crnor. scmiarctic conditions and in the few hours of daylight which obtain in By ill~ ove-rnor: this rpgion. The village of Go~oll is approximateTy 80 miles south o~ (SK\L.] r T. ST-EW>mT, the town of Onega. UBU about 4u miles west of the frozen swamp which Scm'fitaru of , ' tate. forms the allit'd positions along the Vologda Railroad. The road along' ~ATOR FROY' MAINE. wbicli the ames advanced leads in th general direction ot Volo~a and crosses the railway line at an important strategic center, from whictb ?vir.
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