DEBRIS-COVERED GLACIERS AND ROCK GLACIERS IN THE NANGA PARBAT HIMALAYA, PAKISTAN BY JOHNF. SHRODER',MICHAEL P. BISHOP',LUKE COPLAND2 AND VALERIEF. SLOAN3 1Departmentof Geography and Geology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA 2Departmentof Geology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada 3 INSTAAR, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Shroder,John F., Bishop,Michael P., Copland,Luke and Sloan, surface from steep surrounding slopes. Kick ValerieF., 2000:Debris-covered glaciers and rock glaciers in the (1962) noted thatAdolf Schlagintweit first used the NangaParbat Himalaya, Pakistan. Geogr. Ann., 82 A (1): 17-31. termfirnkessel glaciers in 1856 for the types of gla- ABSTRACT.The origin and mobilization of theextensive debris ciers in High Asia that are fed predominantly by av- coverassociated with the glaciersof the NangaParbat Himalaya alanches from the high cliffs, as opposed to the is In this a complex. paperwe propose mechanismby whichgla- firnmulden types in the Alps that are nourished by ciers can form rock glaciersthrough inefficiency of sediment transferfrom glacier ice to meltwater.Inefficient transfer is slow ice flow from a firn field. Because of the ir- causedby variousprocesses that promote plentiful sediment sup- regular or punctuated delivery of ice avalanches, ply anddecrease sediment transfer potential. Most debris-covered the mass balance of the Himalayan glaciers is on Parbatwith velocitiesof glaciers Nanga higher movementand/ thought to be much more irregularthan elsewhere, or efficientdebris transfer mechanisms do notform rock glaciers, perhapsbecause debris is mobilizedquickly and removedfrom with the result that considerable variation from one suchglacier systems. Those whose ice movementactivity is lower glacier to another can occur in advance, retreat, ice andthose where inefficient sediment transfer mechanisms allow buildup, or downwasting (Mercer 1963, 1975a, b; plentifuldebris to accumulate,can formclassic rock glaciers. Mayewski and Jeschke 1979). In general, however, We documenthere with maps,satellite images, and field ob- servationsthe probableevolution of partof a slow andinefficient most of the glaciers of High Asia have receded ice glacierinto a rockglacier at the marginsof SachenGlacier in since the second half of the nineteenth century, or c. 50 years,as well as severalother examples that formed in a the Little Ice Age. A few glaciers, such as the Shai- of time.Sachen Glacier receives all of its longerperiod nourish- giri and Sachen on Nanga Parbat, were noted by ment from ice and snow avalanchesfrom surroundingareas of high relief,but has low ice velocitiesand no efficientsystem of Kick (1962) to have hardly changed at all since debrisremoval. Consequently it has a pronounceddigitate termi- they were first described in the last century. He nuswith four lobes that have moved outward from the lateral mo- called these two dam glaciers that rest on their own rainesas rock with glaciers prouncedtransverse ridges and fur- bed of debris and appear to deposit till that accretes rowsand steep fronts at the angleof repose.Raikot Glacier has a velocityfive timeshigher than Sachen Glacier and a thickcover below the ice, raising it up until the ice stands well of rockdebris at its terminusthat is efficienctlyremoved. During above the valley bottom, and forms strong lateral the advancestage of the glaciersince 1994, ice cliffs were ex- moraines close to the angle of repose, with promi- atthe andan posed terminus, outbreakflood swept away much de- nent ablation valleys on either side. brisfrom its marginsand terminus. Like the SachenGlacier that it resembles,Shaigiri Glacier receives all its nourishmentfrom ice In cases where debris cover on glaciers is thick andsnow avalanches and has an extensive debris cover with steep and where glacier ice motion is limited, classic rock marginsclose to the angleof repose.It has a highvelocity similar glaciers may be produced at Nanga Parbat. These to RaikotGlacier and breakoutfloods have catastrophic removed landforms have longitudinal and transverse ridges debrisfrom its terminustwice in the recentpast. In addition,the Shaigiriterminus blocked the RupalRiver during the Little Ice and furrows, and steep termini at the angle of re- Age andis presentlybeing undercutand steepenedby the river. pose. The history of rock-glacier research is replete Withhigher velocities and more efficient sediment transfer sys- with: (1) appeals to dogmatic exclusion of one neitherthe Raikot nor the formclassic tems, Shaigiri rock-glacier landform or another from the ranks of acceptable morphologies. rock glaciers (Barsch 1996); (2) precise descrip- tions of morphologic characteristics necessary to Introduction define a 'classic' rock glacier (Wahrhaftigand Cox Glaciers in the Himalaya are characteristically 1959); (3) arguments concerning mechanics of mo- covered with thick debris because of the large vol- tion (Whalley and Martin 1992); and (4) some rec- umes of ice avalanche and rock fall to the glacier ognition of ideas of polygenesis or the continua of Geografiska Annaler ? 82 A (2000) ? 1 17 JOHNF SHRODER,MICHAEL P. BISHOP,LUKE COPLAND AND VALERIEF. SLOAN Table 1. Sedimenttransfer efficiency from glacierice to melt- termini to other transport pathways such as rivers waterin the NangaParbat Himalaya. (Shroder et al. 1996). Based upon field investiga- tions and interpretation of satellite imagery, it ap- Highertransfer efficiency Lowertransfer efficiency pears that the most efficient sediment transfer (Ta- Limited sediment Plentiful sediment ble 1) occurs in those valleys where there sediment Plentifulcold-based ice Littlecold-based ice is limited by: (1) a high ratio between higher alti- Littlewarm-based ice Plentifulwarm-based ice tude, cold-based, protective ice and lower altitude, Muchfim-field nourishment Muchavalanche supply warm-based, erosive ice which reduces sediment Limiteddebris sources Plentifuldebris sources dominant fim-field nourish- Thinsupraglacial debris Thicksupraglacial debris supply; (2) glacier Vegetatedside slopes Unvegetatedslopes ment, and therefore maximum ice flux with mini- Tectonicallystable Tectonicallyactive mum supraglacial debris cover; (3) limited debris sources and debris feed to the glacier; (4) a rela- thin debris Increased Decreased tively supraglacial cover; (5) vegetated transferen potential transferpotential side slopes that retain sediment; and (6) tectonic stability that reduces seismicity and fault shattering Valley and ice characteristics of rocks. Sediment transfer potential is increased: Steepterminus zone Gentleterminus zone (7) in steep terminus zones; (8) with lower ice ve- Narrowvalley at terminus Widevalley at terminus locities; and (9) where a narrowvalley occurs in the Lowerice velocityat terminus Higherice velocityat terminus glacier terminus zone that restricts the moraine and enables its removal. Such transfer is also increased Water characteristics where: (10) high meltwater discharges occur; (11) Largemeltwater discharge Smallmeltwater discharge a laterally migratory subglacial drainage portal oc- Migratoryterminus drainage Staticterminus drainage curs at the terminus; (12) outburst floods remove portal portal Commonoutburst floods Rareoutburst floods sediment; and (13) a trunk river removes sediment Trunkriver at terminus No trunkriver at terminus at the terminus. On the other hand, transfer ineffi- ciency could allow glacier debris to accumulate and form rock glaciers where only limited ice motion occurs beneath the debris. In the course of work on the Nanga Parbat forms and generic applications of the terminology Project (Bishop et al. 1998a), in which measure- (Giardino et al. 1987). As Vitek and Giardino ments of long- and short-term incision and denu- (1987) have pointed out, however, morphology is dation are paramount, we recognized that most of not necessarily diagnostic of motive mechanism, as the high velocity, transfer efficient ice glaciers of the term rock glacier is generic not genetic. Most Nanga Parbat do not form rock glaciers. Sachen authors agree, however, that whatever the motive Glacier, on the other hand, is one of the least effi- mechanism, thick debris covers are characteristic. cient glaciers on the mountain, and does have sev- Furthermore, most rock glaciers have low ice ve- eral rock glaciers associated with it, which sug- locities (c. 1 m a-1 or less). Low ice velocities, gested a possible genetic relation of interest to us. which decrease gradually downward into the mass, The aims of this paper are: (1) to describe and tend to form the typical transverse ridges and fur- characterize representative conditions of glacier rows. Also with low velocities, steep fronts tend to debris loads and ice velocities of the Raikot and pile up at the angle of repose, although the mecha- Shaigiri glaciers, together with the characteristics nisms of this process are controversial (Whalley of efficient sediment transfer that control their and Martin 1992). Once formed, rock glaciers tend form as debris-covered glaciers without associat- to equilibrate to a nearly static landform without ed rock glaciers; and (2) to contrast the debris- significant change thereafter. High ice velocities covered Raikot and Shaigiri glaciers with the more tend to produce classic ice glacier forms, but not thickly debris-covered Sachen Glacier that has rock glaciers. Under certain special circumstances, low velocity, inefficient sediment transfer, and as- rock glaciers are seen to develop from debris-cov- sociated rock glaciers.
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