APPENDIX A: NAVAJO WORDLISTS Compiled by : Martha Austin-Garrison, Navajo Community College, Shiprock NM Joyce McDonough, University ofRochester, Rochester, NY These word lists were constructed to exemplify different aspects of the sound system, such as the phonemic contrasts, tonal contrasts within words, the distinction between sounds as they appear in the stem versus conjunct and disjunct domains, and differences in the sizes of the domains in the word. Wordlist 1: Phonemic Contrasts This word list was constructed to investigate the phonemic contrasts in Navajo, as we could identify them. Because of the constraints on the sound system imposed by the morphology, the contrasts of the phonemic inventory are confined to the stem morpheme. Since the language is heavily verbal , and since verbs have a distinct structure with many distributional constraints, the notion minimal pairs, as we are used to thinking of them, are difficult to find . We chose to use prefixed nouns in this list. To get as consistent an environment as possible, the 3rd singular possessive prefix bi / [pI] 'her/his/one 's' was used with nouns . In some cases this produced words that were semantically awkward or anomalous for native speakers ('one's water' for instance). But the word list was checked with speakers before the recording session and we did not use words that speakers were uncomfortable with . I did not use tokens containing speech errors or distluencies in the analyses. Thus not all words are spoken by all speakers, and some words were dropped altogether. Some of the spelling conventions in these word lists are different from those used in Young and Morgan . The differences are found mainly in the noun prefix vowels and in the representations of some of the velar fricatives. I have adhered to the transcriptions given to me by Ms. Austin Garrison, though she is not responsible for errors in the lists below. Cross references from the words in these lists to entries in Young and Morgan are noted when they are available. Otherwise, any errors in these wordlists are my responsibility. 193 194 The Navajo Sound System Stops - unaspirated bibffh '(his) deer' YM:g3 bidil '(his) blood ' YM:g3 bigish '(his) digging stick' YM:g3 bidziil '(his) strength' YM :d359 bij] 'same day' YM:d489 bijish '(his) medicine pouch ' YM :d489 bidloh '(his) laughter' YM:g3 Stops -aspirated bitin '(his) ice' YM:g3 bikin '(his) house ' YM:d494 bitsii ' '(his) hair' YM:g4 bichffh '(his) red ochre ' YM:g3 ketloh 'herbs , spearmint' YM:d493 Stops -glottalized(ejectives) bit'ii s '(his) cottonwood tree' YM:g3 bik'i s '(hi s) friend, companion' YM:d895 bitsid '(his) tendon ' YM:dI040 bich'il '(his) plant' YM:g3 bitl'ee' 'the same night' YM:d726 Nasals hini shna 'I'm alive, I live' YM:d445 bima '(his) mother' nahash 'na 'I move , stir' YM:d531 yii 'm as 'we roll' YM :d775 Fricatives S\:\:S 'wart' YM:g3 bizees '(his) wart' bizid '(his) liver' YM:g4 shil 'with me ' YM:g8 bizhf '(his) voice ' YM:g4 lid 'smoke ' YM :g3 bilid '(his) smoke ' Navajo Wordlists 195 Glide/fricativereflexes sin 'song' YM:g3 biyiin '(his) song' his 'pus' YM:g3 hosh 'thorn, cactus ' YM:g3 bihis '(his) pus' bowozh '(its) thorns ' baghaa' '(its) wool' YM:dI067 gh~fask'idii 'camel' YM:d37l Glides(nonderived) biya ' '(his) louse' YM:g384 'awee' 'baby' YM:g4 Labializedvelars kwii 'here' YM:d512 hwiih 'into him, satisfaction' YM :d463 Augmentive Iitso 'yellow' YM:d5 l8 litsxo 'orange' nih6lf 'crystal clear' YM:d643 yiyiisx] , he killed it' YM:d688 yiishjxj] 'I turned dark from the sun' YM:d86l Aspirated't' (also vowe l contrasts) bitin '(his) ice' YM:g3 biteel '(his) cat tail' YM:g4 bito' '(his) juice' YM:g378 bitoo' '(his) fluid, water ' YM:g378 to 'water' bita ' 'in the middle of bitaa ' '(his)father' Aspirated'k' bikin '(his) house' YM:g370 bikee' '(his) foot' bfk'a 'anilyeed 'help him' bokooh '(his) canyon' 196 The Navajo Sound System Vowels: bfni' '(his) mind' YM :g4 binii' '(his) face' YM :g4 bitelii '(his) donkey' biteel '(his) cattail' YM :g4 bita' 'in the middle of bitaa' '(his) father' bito' '(his) fliud, water' bitoo' '(his) juice ' bij((d66 'from that same day on' bij] 'same day' SltltS 'wart ' saanii 'older women ' YM:d684 sanf 'old onc' YM :d684 kQQ 'here' biko' '(his) his fire' YM :d499 Wordlist 2. Tone Contrasts This is word list of verbs was constructed to elicit as many of the tonal contrasts as possible with a word. It was also used in the study of the distinctions between the three domains (disjunct, conjunct and stem) in the verb. 1. Minimal verbs. la.L Verb stem Item Tone Gloss YM ref yishcha LL he cries (I) YM :d779 yfcha HL he cried (P) lb. H Verb stem yisdz((s LH I drag it (I) YM:d775 yfdzf(s HH I dragged it (P) 2. H disjunct clitic: eh '{ 'out, horizontally' 2a. coo ch'fmsmaas HHH I roll it out (I) YM:d292 ch'miikaah HLH they go out (3+ in a group) (I) YM:d293 eh'ooshdeel HLL I toss it out (Opt) YM :g323 ch' fnfshdeel HHL I toss it out (I) Navajo Wordlists 197 2b. oooo eh'Ininishkaad HLLL I herd them out (I) YM:d290 eh'fninflkaad HLHL you herd them out (2nd) (I) eh'minishcheeh HLLH I drive out (I) YM:d290 eh ' Ininflcheeh HLHH you drive out (I) 3. L disjunct clitic k'i 'plant, farm', Hand L Verb stem (0"0"0") k' idishle LLH I plant it (I) YM:d507 k' idfle LHH You (sg) plant it bit dzidi shkaad LLL I slap him (I) YM:d354 bit dzidfka ad LHL you slap him 4. Pre-stem sequences ( 5 and 6 syllable words) hahodinishnffh LLLLH I talk endlessly (I) YM:d396 hanahodinishnffh LHLLLH I talk ENDLESSLY (Rep) YM:d396 Wordlist 3 Pre-stem Complex This word list was constructed to exammmg the properties of the disjunct and conjunct domains; the goal was to build words with larger, rather than minimal, conjunct domains. The size limit on the conjunct domain was three syllables. It was used primarily to investigate the differences between the three domains. biyah 'aniishtjjh I put it in his mind (to cause to desire) YM:d12l 'anii shhaash I admini ster a heat treatment YM:d12l bik'f#hosfnf'ah you blame him (P) YM:d205 bik'f#hodii sh'aah I accuse him / I'm going to blame him YM:d206 bik 'f#hozhdi i'f to accuse him (handle a solid round object) YM:d206 bfbiniissjjh I lean him ag ainst it (in a standing YM:d169 position). bidfnfshkaad I separate or cut them out YM:d169 bidiniiltsood become addicted to it YM:d180 dah didiis'ees put one 's foot, hold one' s foot YM:d3l5 move the legs, step biih dininisht'aah get one 's head stuck in it YM:d323 biih dineesht'a na#'nishtin I give instructions YM:d558 nin;i#'nfshtiih (Rep) YM:d559 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alderete, J. (2001). On Tone and Length in Tahltan (Northern Athabaskan) . Proceedings of the 2000 Athabaskan Language Confe rence . S. Hargus and K. Rice (eds.), Amsterdam, John Benjamins. Anderson, S. (1992). 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