AR TICLE Calocybella, a New Genus for Rugosomyces

AR TICLE Calocybella, a New Genus for Rugosomyces

IMA FUNGUS · 6(1): 1–11 (2015) [!644"E\ 56!46F6!6! Calocybella, a new genus for Rugosomyces pudicusAgaricales, ARTICLE Lyophyllaceae and emendation of the genus Gerhardtia / X OO !] % G 5*@ 3 S S ! !< * @ @ + Z % V X ;/U 54N.!6!54V N K . [ % OO ^ 5X O F!N.766__G + N 3X G; %!N.7F65"@OO U % N Abstract: Calocybella Rugosomyces pudicus; Key words: *@Z.NV@? Calocybella Gerhardtia Agaricomycetes . $ VGerhardtia is Calocybe $ / % Lyophyllaceae Calocybe juncicola Calocybella pudica Lyophyllum *@Z NV@? $ Article info:@ [!5` 56!4K/ [!6U 56!4K; [5_U 56!4 INTRODUCTION .% >93 2Q9 % @ The generic name Rugosomyces [ Agaricus Rugosomyces onychinus !"#" . Rubescentes Rugosomyces / $ % OO $ % Calocybe Lyophyllaceae $ % \ G IQ 566! * % @SU % +!""! Rhodocybe. % % $ Rubescentes V O Rugosomyces [ $ Gerhardtia % % . Carneoviolacei $ G IG 5667 Rugosomyces pudicus Calocybe Lyophyllum . Calocybe / 566F / Rugosomyces 9 et al5665 U %et al5665 +!""" 2 O Rugosomyces as !""4566756!5 9 5664; Calocybe R. pudicus Lyophyllaceae 9 et al 5665 56!7 Calocybe <>/? ; I G 566" R. pudicus * @ @ !"EF+!"""G IG 56652 / 566F [ Calocybe 5667 56!5 M [ . K with Tephrocybe % W X OO Rugosomyces et al. X OO 56!7 R. pudicus Gerhardtia Calocybe Rugosomyces pudicus, Rugosomyces Rugosomyces / 9 et al566556!7 It was G I + 5666 Lyophyllaceae @ N O Collybia. *@Z NV@ <>/ Callistosporium. $ . © 2015 International Mycological Association You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: [ Non-commercial: No derivative works: For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. VOLUME 6 · NO. 1 1 2 ARTICLE {6"4 U* {#6zW ? $ ] \Z>NVS %>? $ +;;% 16# U*+% 146z V + Fig. 1. Sphagnurus palustre AF223199 Tricholomella constricta AF223186 + *@Z? 0.96 Sagaranella gibberosa AF223198 /70 0.98/93 Sagaranella tylicolor AF223195 0.83/50 Sagaranella tylicolor AF223192 Sagaranella gibberosa AF223196 0.79/82 Sagaranella gibberosa AF223197 1/96 Ossicaulis lignatilis AF261397 Ossicaulis lachnopus HE649956 0.75/- Ossicaulis lignatilis AF261396 0.90/64 Hypsizygus tessulatus DQ917664 0.95/- Tephrocybe sp. AY207304 0.99/60 Hypsizygus ulmarius AF042584 1/100 Asterophora parasitica AF223191 Asterophora lycoperdoides AF223190 Calocybe gangraenosa AF223202 1/100 Lyophyllum ochraceum AF223185 1/89 0.99/100 Lyophyllum favrei AF223184 Lyophyllum favrei AF223182 1/88 Calocybe ionides AF223179 0.95/70 1 0.81 /81 Calocybe obscurissima AF223181 /- Calocybe gambosa AF223177 1/100 Calocybe persicolor AF223176 0.94/61 Calocybe carnea AF223178 0.89 Calocybe cyanea AF261400 /- Calocybe naucoria AF223180 Calocybe s.l. Rugosomyces onychinus AM946467 0.92/61 Myochromella inolens AF223201 1/93 Myochromella boudieri DQ825430 Myochromella boudieri AF223206 Myochromella boudieri AF223204 0.92 AF223205 Myochromella 1 /75 Myochromella boudieri /72 1/99 Gerhardtia pseudosaponacea KJ461911 1/99 Gerhardtia highlandensis EF535275 0.74/85 Gerhardtia borealis AY232716 1 Gerhardtia borealis AM946449 /99 Vizzini Gerhardtia sp. EF421091 Gerhardtia borealis AMB 15993 KP858009 Gerhardtia 1/100 Calocybella pudica AMB 15997 KP858008 Calocybella pudica AMB 15996 KP858007 Calocybella pudica AMB 15995 KP858006 Lyophyllaceae Calocybella pudica AMB 15994 KP858005 Calocybella et al 0.89 Tephrocybe rancida AF223203 /62 Blastosporella zonata EU708337 0.77 . /- Termitomyces medius AY127796 1/99 0.80/52 Termitomyces subhyalinus AF223174 Termitomyces globulus AY232695 1/100 Termitomyces mammiformis AY232701 Termitomyces mammiformis AY232703 , with Termitomyces clypeatus AF261398 0.86/51 Termitomyces letestui AY127800 0.88/- Termitomyces titanicus AY232715 Termitomyces singidensis AY232713 Entoloma sinuatum 0.86 /58 Termitomyces aurantiacus AY232690 Termitomyces heimii AF042586 Termitomyces robustus AY232711 0.79/- Termitomyces striatus AY232714 0.96/76 Termitomyces eurrhizus AY232694 Termitomyces schimperi AY232712 0.99/75 Termitomyces microcarpus AY127798 0.73/54 Termitomyces microcarpus AY232708 0.73 Termitomyces entolomoides AY232693 /77 1/86 Termitomyces microcarpus AY232707 Podabrella microcarpus AF042587 1/100 Arthromyces matolae EU708336 Arthromyces matolae EU708335 0.90/64 Arthromyces claviformis EU708334 E. prunuloides 0.97/93 Lyophyllum anthracophilum AF223213 Lyophyllum atratum KJ461895 1/100 1 Lyophyllum fumosum HM572542 /100 1 0.98 /100 Lyophyllum fumosum AY207229 1/98 /79 Lyophyllum decastes AY207228 1/94 Lyophyllum decastes AF042583 Lyophyllum ambustum AF223214 0.86/71 Lyophyllum ambustum AF223215 IMA FUNGUS 0.99/78 Lyophyllum semitale AF042581 Lyophyllum caerulescens AF223209 Lyophyllum moncalvoanum KJ461891 0.92/100 Entoloma sinuatum AY691891 1/100 Entoloma sinuatum KC710154 Entoloma prunuloides AY700180 0.01 expected changes per site Calocybella gen. nov. and Gerhardtia (Lyophyllaceae) Table 1.@ ? ARTICLE Species GenBank accession no. Source and country LSU ITS Calocybella pudica 2;E4E664 2;E4E666 /U+!4""7* Q U* N Calocybella pudica 2;E4E66F 2;E4E66! /U+!4""4@ *V* N Calocybella pudica 2;E4E66# 2;E4E665 /U+!4""F+ + /S . N Calocybella pudica 2;E4E66E 2;E4E66_ /U+!4""#+ + /S . N Gerhardtia borealis 2;E4E66" 2;E4E667 /U+!4""_G + V>V ./ / N MATERIALS AND METHODS [ sequencing Morphology ] <>/ !6 $ % / in situ /U+!4""_M/U+!4""# *N;.U+""!65# > <"6 <> ; U 2 U U R ; *6\*F V $ X I 9 !""6 X [\\ [ \ \ *@Z <>/ *7#52Q9!F6* E76*95Q#F> G [ % NV@!W\NV@7 NV@ 4*N% G .] G !"#5~UO R [ et al!""6] I+ !""_ G G G O / [ ;S"#66 ; .S / + > 54* + !"E! < $ [ *7/ [4<>/!&;G 56UV \9G9 &!666 E746U2G!U 54UUG5654 /$ 76 U >V;64 V ? ; @ U V;G [_ "4G !K_6 "7G74 46G5 #5G _4!6 #5G !;G % [ U % !z % O W 56!! @ $ V;G [ $ % /U; ; + G ; ? [ M % % M U/GQ]S>@V? % % M $ & ]+ [\\ %\ \ M % % M % V ! W !M5 % M $ K M % % M % Sequence alignment and phylogenetic % M $ \ K analysis m % / % \ KX V ? M % % M % ] % 4_ < et al. 56!6 % M $ %)3~K % ]+ 3 Xm % / % % ) + + +*/@V ? V $ % ] !"#5U !""" V Q\\R Lyophyllaceae QnR 9 et al 5665 56!7 ? % QmR QpR ]+ Z>NVS [\\ \ V % / $ *@Z NV@ U/WWV $ QR 2 et al.5665 $ V U > G $7466 US]/%46V et al.56!! /$ 76 V \ . NV@ . @ >` US]/45666 <@U"46@SU U et al!""4 % % G ; ; N ]+*QG2@6"! G 5666 !"!5 % NV@ NV@!4E@ NV@5 VOLUME 6 · NO. 1 3 4 ARTICLE NV@ ]V] et al. *@Z N G +NG UV %5!#< { 6"4 U* { #6 z W $ +;;% 16# U*+% 146z V + ? $ ] \Z>NVS % > ? Fig. 2. V .[ + 56!5 % + NV@ ? 0.79 /54 Rugosomyces chrysenteron UDB015551 Calocybe s.l. Calocybe fallax JF907774 1/89 1/100 Lyophyllum ochraceum AF357033 Lyophyllum favrei AF357034 Calocybe carnea AF357028 1/100 1/100 Rugosomyces ionides UDB017859 1/96 1/100 Calocybe ionides AF357029 Calocybe obscurissima AF357031 0.93/72 1/100 Calocybe gambosa UDB011371 Calocybe gambosa AF357027 0.77/- Calocybe gangraenosa AF357032 Myochromella inolens AF357045 1/98 1/100 Myochromella boudieri AF357046 Myochromella boudieri DQ825427 1 /98 Myochromella boudieri AF357047 Myochromella 0.99 Vizzini /63 1/100 Gerhardtia highlandensis FJ601808 1/100 Gerhardtia highlandensis GU734744 1 Gerhardtia sp. EF421103 /98 et al $ *@Z 2G#!6!47 + N +N U $ U* 1 Gerhardtia borealis AMB 15993 KP858004 /94 0.89/98 Gerhardtia . Gerhardtia borealis UDB011377 ; Lyophyllaceae Calocybella pudica AMB 15995 KP858001 1/100 Calocybella pudica AMB 15997 KP858003 0.76/- Calocybella pudica AMB 15996 KP858002 Calocybella pudica AMB 15994 KP858000 Calocybella Entoloma sinuatum E. prunuloides , with 1/86 Asterophora parasitica AF357038 1/85 Sphagnurus palustre AF357044 Ossicaulis lachnopus Asterophora lycoperdoides AF357037 Sagaranella gibberosa AF357041 1 1/100 /100 Arthromyces matolae EU708339 /#66!E6 1 /85 Arthromyces matolae NR _119702 Blastosporella zonata EU708340 /F"!E"! 1/100 Ossicaulis lachnopus Tricholomella constricta AF357036 Tricholomella leucocephala JN790692 1/100

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