IMA FUNGUS · 6(1): 1–11 (2015) [!644"E\ 56!46F6!6! Calocybella, a new genus for Rugosomyces pudicusAgaricales, ARTICLE Lyophyllaceae and emendation of the genus Gerhardtia / X OO !] % G 5*@ 3 S S ! !< * @ @ + Z % V X ;/U 54N.!6!54V N K . [ % OO ^ 5X O F!N.766__G + N 3X G; %!N.7F65"@OO U % N Abstract: Calocybella Rugosomyces pudicus; Key words: *@Z.NV@? Calocybella Gerhardtia Agaricomycetes . $ VGerhardtia is Calocybe $ / % Lyophyllaceae Calocybe juncicola Calocybella pudica Lyophyllum *@Z NV@? $ Article info:@ [!5` 56!4K/ [!6U 56!4K; [5_U 56!4 INTRODUCTION .% >93 2Q9 % @ The generic name Rugosomyces [ Agaricus Rugosomyces onychinus !"#" . Rubescentes Rugosomyces / $ % OO $ % Calocybe Lyophyllaceae $ % \ G IQ 566! * % @SU % +!""! Rhodocybe. % % $ Rubescentes V O Rugosomyces [ $ Gerhardtia % % . Carneoviolacei $ G IG 5667 Rugosomyces pudicus Calocybe Lyophyllum . Calocybe / 566F / Rugosomyces 9 et al5665 U %et al5665 +!""" 2 O Rugosomyces as !""4566756!5 9 5664; Calocybe R. pudicus Lyophyllaceae 9 et al 5665 56!7 Calocybe <>/? ; I G 566" R. pudicus * @ @ !"EF+!"""G IG 56652 / 566F [ Calocybe 5667 56!5 M [ . K with Tephrocybe % W X OO Rugosomyces et al. X OO 56!7 R. pudicus Gerhardtia Calocybe Rugosomyces pudicus, Rugosomyces Rugosomyces / 9 et al566556!7 It was G I + 5666 Lyophyllaceae @ N O Collybia. *@Z NV@ <>/ Callistosporium. $ . © 2015 International Mycological Association You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: [ Non-commercial: No derivative works: For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/legalcode. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. VOLUME 6 · NO. 1 1 2 ARTICLE {6"4 U* {#6zW ? $ ] \Z>NVS %>? $ +;;% 16# U*+% 146z V + Fig. 1. Sphagnurus palustre AF223199 Tricholomella constricta AF223186 + *@Z? 0.96 Sagaranella gibberosa AF223198 /70 0.98/93 Sagaranella tylicolor AF223195 0.83/50 Sagaranella tylicolor AF223192 Sagaranella gibberosa AF223196 0.79/82 Sagaranella gibberosa AF223197 1/96 Ossicaulis lignatilis AF261397 Ossicaulis lachnopus HE649956 0.75/- Ossicaulis lignatilis AF261396 0.90/64 Hypsizygus tessulatus DQ917664 0.95/- Tephrocybe sp. AY207304 0.99/60 Hypsizygus ulmarius AF042584 1/100 Asterophora parasitica AF223191 Asterophora lycoperdoides AF223190 Calocybe gangraenosa AF223202 1/100 Lyophyllum ochraceum AF223185 1/89 0.99/100 Lyophyllum favrei AF223184 Lyophyllum favrei AF223182 1/88 Calocybe ionides AF223179 0.95/70 1 0.81 /81 Calocybe obscurissima AF223181 /- Calocybe gambosa AF223177 1/100 Calocybe persicolor AF223176 0.94/61 Calocybe carnea AF223178 0.89 Calocybe cyanea AF261400 /- Calocybe naucoria AF223180 Calocybe s.l. Rugosomyces onychinus AM946467 0.92/61 Myochromella inolens AF223201 1/93 Myochromella boudieri DQ825430 Myochromella boudieri AF223206 Myochromella boudieri AF223204 0.92 AF223205 Myochromella 1 /75 Myochromella boudieri /72 1/99 Gerhardtia pseudosaponacea KJ461911 1/99 Gerhardtia highlandensis EF535275 0.74/85 Gerhardtia borealis AY232716 1 Gerhardtia borealis AM946449 /99 Vizzini Gerhardtia sp. EF421091 Gerhardtia borealis AMB 15993 KP858009 Gerhardtia 1/100 Calocybella pudica AMB 15997 KP858008 Calocybella pudica AMB 15996 KP858007 Calocybella pudica AMB 15995 KP858006 Lyophyllaceae Calocybella pudica AMB 15994 KP858005 Calocybella et al 0.89 Tephrocybe rancida AF223203 /62 Blastosporella zonata EU708337 0.77 . /- Termitomyces medius AY127796 1/99 0.80/52 Termitomyces subhyalinus AF223174 Termitomyces globulus AY232695 1/100 Termitomyces mammiformis AY232701 Termitomyces mammiformis AY232703 , with Termitomyces clypeatus AF261398 0.86/51 Termitomyces letestui AY127800 0.88/- Termitomyces titanicus AY232715 Termitomyces singidensis AY232713 Entoloma sinuatum 0.86 /58 Termitomyces aurantiacus AY232690 Termitomyces heimii AF042586 Termitomyces robustus AY232711 0.79/- Termitomyces striatus AY232714 0.96/76 Termitomyces eurrhizus AY232694 Termitomyces schimperi AY232712 0.99/75 Termitomyces microcarpus AY127798 0.73/54 Termitomyces microcarpus AY232708 0.73 Termitomyces entolomoides AY232693 /77 1/86 Termitomyces microcarpus AY232707 Podabrella microcarpus AF042587 1/100 Arthromyces matolae EU708336 Arthromyces matolae EU708335 0.90/64 Arthromyces claviformis EU708334 E. prunuloides 0.97/93 Lyophyllum anthracophilum AF223213 Lyophyllum atratum KJ461895 1/100 1 Lyophyllum fumosum HM572542 /100 1 0.98 /100 Lyophyllum fumosum AY207229 1/98 /79 Lyophyllum decastes AY207228 1/94 Lyophyllum decastes AF042583 Lyophyllum ambustum AF223214 0.86/71 Lyophyllum ambustum AF223215 IMA FUNGUS 0.99/78 Lyophyllum semitale AF042581 Lyophyllum caerulescens AF223209 Lyophyllum moncalvoanum KJ461891 0.92/100 Entoloma sinuatum AY691891 1/100 Entoloma sinuatum KC710154 Entoloma prunuloides AY700180 0.01 expected changes per site Calocybella gen. nov. and Gerhardtia (Lyophyllaceae) Table 1.@ ? ARTICLE Species GenBank accession no. Source and country LSU ITS Calocybella pudica 2;E4E664 2;E4E666 /U+!4""7* Q U* N Calocybella pudica 2;E4E66F 2;E4E66! /U+!4""4@ *V* N Calocybella pudica 2;E4E66# 2;E4E665 /U+!4""F+ + /S . N Calocybella pudica 2;E4E66E 2;E4E66_ /U+!4""#+ + /S . N Gerhardtia borealis 2;E4E66" 2;E4E667 /U+!4""_G + V>V ./ / N MATERIALS AND METHODS [ sequencing Morphology ] <>/ !6 $ % / in situ /U+!4""_M/U+!4""# *N;.U+""!65# > <"6 <> ; U 2 U U R ; *6\*F V $ X I 9 !""6 X [\\ [ \ \ *@Z <>/ *7#52Q9!F6* E76*95Q#F> G [ % NV@!W\NV@7 NV@ 4*N% G .] G !"#5~UO R [ et al!""6] I+ !""_ G G G O / [ ;S"#66 ; .S / + > 54* + !"E! < $ [ *7/ [4<>/!&;G 56UV \9G9 &!666 E746U2G!U 54UUG5654 /$ 76 U >V;64 V ? ; @ U V;G [_ "4G !K_6 "7G74 46G5 #5G _4!6 #5G !;G % [ U % !z % O W 56!! @ $ V;G [ $ % /U; ; + G ; ? [ M % % M U/GQ]S>@V? % % M $ & ]+ [\\ %\ \ M % % M % V ! W !M5 % M $ K M % % M % Sequence alignment and phylogenetic % M $ \ K analysis m % / % \ KX V ? M % % M % ] % 4_ < et al. 56!6 % M $ %)3~K % ]+ 3 Xm % / % % ) + + +*/@V ? V $ % ] !"#5U !""" V Q\\R Lyophyllaceae QnR 9 et al 5665 56!7 ? % QmR QpR ]+ Z>NVS [\\ \ V % / $ *@Z NV@ U/WWV $ QR 2 et al.5665 $ V U > G $7466 US]/%46V et al.56!! /$ 76 V \ . NV@ . @ >` US]/45666 <@U"46@SU U et al!""4 % % G ; ; N ]+*QG2@6"! G 5666 !"!5 % NV@ NV@!4E@ NV@5 VOLUME 6 · NO. 1 3 4 ARTICLE NV@ ]V] et al. *@Z N G +NG UV %5!#< { 6"4 U* { #6 z W $ +;;% 16# U*+% 146z V + ? $ ] \Z>NVS % > ? Fig. 2. V .[ + 56!5 % + NV@ ? 0.79 /54 Rugosomyces chrysenteron UDB015551 Calocybe s.l. Calocybe fallax JF907774 1/89 1/100 Lyophyllum ochraceum AF357033 Lyophyllum favrei AF357034 Calocybe carnea AF357028 1/100 1/100 Rugosomyces ionides UDB017859 1/96 1/100 Calocybe ionides AF357029 Calocybe obscurissima AF357031 0.93/72 1/100 Calocybe gambosa UDB011371 Calocybe gambosa AF357027 0.77/- Calocybe gangraenosa AF357032 Myochromella inolens AF357045 1/98 1/100 Myochromella boudieri AF357046 Myochromella boudieri DQ825427 1 /98 Myochromella boudieri AF357047 Myochromella 0.99 Vizzini /63 1/100 Gerhardtia highlandensis FJ601808 1/100 Gerhardtia highlandensis GU734744 1 Gerhardtia sp. EF421103 /98 et al $ *@Z 2G#!6!47 + N +N U $ U* 1 Gerhardtia borealis AMB 15993 KP858004 /94 0.89/98 Gerhardtia . Gerhardtia borealis UDB011377 ; Lyophyllaceae Calocybella pudica AMB 15995 KP858001 1/100 Calocybella pudica AMB 15997 KP858003 0.76/- Calocybella pudica AMB 15996 KP858002 Calocybella pudica AMB 15994 KP858000 Calocybella Entoloma sinuatum E. prunuloides , with 1/86 Asterophora parasitica AF357038 1/85 Sphagnurus palustre AF357044 Ossicaulis lachnopus Asterophora lycoperdoides AF357037 Sagaranella gibberosa AF357041 1 1/100 /100 Arthromyces matolae EU708339 /#66!E6 1 /85 Arthromyces matolae NR _119702 Blastosporella zonata EU708340 /F"!E"! 1/100 Ossicaulis lachnopus Tricholomella constricta AF357036 Tricholomella leucocephala JN790692 1/100
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