1943 CONGRESSIONAt RECORD-HOUSE 4981 the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant (Junior may we deny ourselves, take up our cross, every facility within its domination to grade), to rank from the 16th day of December and follow Thee. He who knocks at the serve the war effort. The slogan was 1940. donr of every heart and stretches forth "Full production for victory." His arms in every hour of need, will teach '!'he Ford Motor Co.'s production lines WITHDRAWALS us the fortitude of unrequited labor and deliver the following ,fleets of weapons: Executive nominations withdrawn the joy of humble tasks done in love. M-4 tanks, Pratt & Whitney aircraft en­ from the Senate May 27 <legislative day Almighty God, with great soul might gines, jeeps, M-10 tank destroyers, am­ of May 24) , 1943: lead us to have faith that we are a phibian jeeps, universal carriers, Con­ WAR MANPOWER 'COMMISSION mighty part of a world plan that shall solidated Liberator bombers, truck and APPOINTMENTS carry with it the rapture of moral vic- jeep engines, transport gliders, Army John Bradley Haight to be area director tory and the aspir~tions of a free people. trucks, rate-of-climb indicators, tank en­ 1n the Indianapolis area otHce. In our Redeemer's name. Amen. gines, gun mounts, magnesium castings, Agnes S. Cronin to be area director in the The Journal of the proceedings of yes- aircraft generators, armor plate, turbo- western Long Island area office. terday was read and approved. superchargers. , His fa-ther, Mr. Henry Ford, now in THE PRESIDENT OF LIBERIA his eightieth year, With his faithful wife CONFIRMATIONS Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I de- ever at his side, ha:s done many notable Executive nominations confirmed by sire to announce to the House that His things in a long life. And tribute should the Senate May 27 <legislative day of Excellency, Edwin Barclay, the Presi- be paid today to this distinguished couple May 24), 1943: dent of the Republic of Liberia, will be for the ability a:p.d foresight they dis- . INTHEARMY ·received by the House today at 12:30 played in the rearing of an only child, APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY o'clock, and will address the House at to become the man that the world Thomas Matkins Johnston, to be second that time. I therefore ask unanimous learned to know as Edsel B. Ford. De­ lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, with rank from consent that it may be in order for the voted, retiring, able, quiet, respected; a June 1, 1943. Speaker to declare a recess at any time family man, with three sons in the armed William David Lutz, to be second lieuten­ this afternoon, such recess to be subject service. He always stood aside that his ant, Field Artillery, with rank from June 1, to the call of the Chair. father might have his day. His own re- 1943. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? sponsibilities came at an early age, and IN THE MARINE CORPS There was no objection. they were indeed great. The war brought APPOINTMENTS MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR EMPLOYEES OF him extra burdens. His load was heavy. '!.'o be second lieutenants THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT He laid it down at the early age of 49. The sympathy of an appreciative Nation Arthur F. Torgler, Jr. John I. Warner, Jr. · The SPEAKER laid before the House goes to his distinguished family. Edwin B. Glass Arthur L. Adams the following communication: Everett P Pope Webster· R. Hood THE WHITE HousE, WORK RELIEF IN PUERTO RICO AND THE Geary R. Bundschu William J. McLeod Fenwlcke w. Holmes John Mesko Washington, May 24, 1943. VIRGIN ISLANDS Donald C. Baker James R. Johnson The Honorable SAM RAYBURN, Mr. BELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Richard A. :M.unger Theodore H. Robbins Speaker of the House of Representatives. mous consent for the immediate consid- Conrad M. Fowler Rogers Blood MY DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have been asked eration of the joint resolution <H. J. Res. Charles D. McPherson Walter G. Bender to use your good offices to extend to the Maurice C. Goodpas- nwain L. Lengel Members of the House of Representatives an 128) to authorize an ant>ropriation for invitation to attend a memorial service for work relief in Puerto Rico and the Virgin ·ture James L. Sizemor~ Adrian F. Pilliod, Jr. Rolfe Jenkins those employees of the Federal Government Islands. Raymond V. Fridrich Robert M. Butler who have lost their lives .Jn the service of Mr. CHURCH. Mr. Speaker, I reserve Edward E. Hammer- Herbert R. Merrick, their country during the present war. The the right to object and withhold the res­ beck Jr. memorial service as planned has the en- ervation until the gentleman can make Roland H. Makowski Charles P. Lewis, Jr. thusiastic approval of the President. It will his statement. George W. Holmes 3d Robert U. Skibinski be held at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Sun- Peter J. Mulroney ·day, May 30, in the Sylvan Theater on the The Clerk read the title of the joint grounds of the Washington Monument. In ·resolution. the event of rain the service will be held in Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. the Government Auditorium. Speaker, reserving the right to object, A limited number of chairs will be avail- will the gentleman explain the resolu- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES able for Members of Congress, Supreme Court tion? Justices, and head of departments and , THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1943 agencies. Admission cards for these may be Mr. BELL. House Joint Resolution I obtained from Mr. Robert Bailey, Civil Service 128, I might say, grows out of the fact The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Commission contact representative, in room that not long ago the House passed a The ChapJain, Rev. James Shera Mont- 248, House Office Building. resolution authorizing an investigation gomery, D. D., offered the following Very truly yours, of the economic, social, and political con• WM. H. McREYNOLDS, t prayer: Administrative Assistant to the President. di ions in the island of Puerto Rico. H~avenly Father, we praise Thee that Shortly after that the Senate passed a in every disappointment Thou still dost EDSEL B. FORD resolution which came over to the House, love us and in every darkness Thou dost Mr. RABAUT. Mr. Speaker, I ask providing for a relief bill in Puerto Rico enlighten us. 0 wondrous story of death­ unanimous consent to address the House in the amount of $25,000,000 this year less love: It comforts in the gloom for 1 minute. and $25,000,000 next year. That bill was of n~~ ht, it lifts in the hour of burden, The SPEAKER. Is there objection? referred to the Committee on Insular and stills the sighing heart. We would There was no objection. Affairs, anu after holding several hear- chant the p~alm of thanksgiving and Mr. RABAUT. Mr. Speaker, I rise this ings and giving the bill full consideration, pray that our faith may not become morning to place forever in the perma- that committee felt that it did not want blind, nor our devotion frozen, nor the nent RECORD of this body the distressing to approve a 2-year relief program until anchor of our hope locked in the chilly news of tJie death of a great American, the House-approved subcommittee could embrace of doubt and skepticism. Mr. Edsel B. Ford, president of the Ford go to Puerto Rico and mb.ke a complete We pray that down through the ·aisles Motor Co. He was the only son of Mr. investigation of conditions there. Such of the past to the vaulted roof of the and Mrs. Henry Ford, the worthy son of an investigation would include a study future, the angels' song may be heatd a famed and distinguished father. He of the necessity to pass such a relief bill in all the temples of our Republic. 0 died at his estate at Gaughler Point, on and would enable us to be better advised let the incense of their holy altars en­ beautiful Lake St. Clair in the village of as to the actual needs there. velon our country, blessing all hearth­ Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. His death We were told that at the present time stones and circling forth over land and came as a shock to dynamic Detroit, there were almost a quarter million of · sea. Inspire us to dedicate our talents and to friends of the motor indus- people on relief and out of employment. and gifts and withhold not. Lest we be try throughout the world. The great While in continental United States un­ judged unfaithful to our sacred vows, industry over which he presided strained employment has been taken up by the 4982 CONGRESSIONAL RECOR-D-HOUSE MAY 27 war effort, the effect in Puerto Rico has merce says that no saving has been ef- to come. Starvation is not only going been just the reverse. fected, but on the contrary a great deal on there now, I may say to the gentleman Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Has of waste and loss will result. from New York, but it was going on there any effort been made to give the p~ople Mr. BELL. I think that the resolu- under the Harding and Coolidge admin­ of Puerto Rico relief by way of war work? tion authorizing the investigation into istrations and has grown gradually worse. Mr. BELL. There have been some the economic, political, and social con- Unless some provision is made to permit military installations put in down there. ditions in the island is amply broad tlte people of Puerto Rico to grow some­ Those, of course, have given some em­ enough to cover an investigation into thing out of that ground to live on, we ployment, but the purpose of House just what the gentleman from Indiana are going to have to feed them probably Joint Resolution 128 is merely to act as has called attention to, and I will be giad for all time to come.
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