5140 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 4, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DAN MUNDY, NEW LEGISLATIVE DI­ "I regret that I won't be here for the Brezhnev is believed to have urged better re­ November election. In this election, I expect lations with the United States, and that a RECTOR FOR BUILDING AND CON­ to see labor-backed candidates swept into more normal Washington relationship might STRUCTION TRADES DEPART­ office-I hate to miss it." not only end the economic embargo of the MENT, AFL-CIO Mundy said that he hopes to be a com­ Organization of American States, but might municative link with those elected officials advance detente between Moscow and Wash­ once they take office in Washington, D.C. He ington. HON. GEORGE E. DANIELSON wants to be a very active force for working Detente with Castro's Cuba should be very OF CALll'ORNIA men and women in the nation's capitol. cautiously examined. The Soviets will never want to relinquish her toe-hold on these IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shores, and she may want us for now, simply Monday, March 4, 1974 to support her satellite and tenderly nurse her back to prosperity. We must not forget Mr. DANIELSON. Mr. Speaker, I am CASTRO'S CUBA that communist Cuba's heart belongs to compelled to note that Dan Mundy, an Daddy Brezhnev. old friend, valuable adviser, and a fine HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. young man from my area has recently OF VIRGINIA been named to an important post as leg­ islative director of the building and con­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES SELF-HELP PREVENTIVE MEDICINE struction trades department of the AFL­ Monday, March 4, 1974 CIO here in Washington, D.C. Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ H.ON. CHARLES THONE By way of introduction of Mr. Mundy dent, the February 16 edition of the to my colleagues, who will certainly be Alexandria, Va., Gazette included a OF NEBRASKA hearing more of him in the future, I am thoughtful editorial about relationships IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES inserting an article from the Los An­ between the United States and Cuba. Monday, March 4, 1974 geles Citizen, February 22, 1974, at this It is believed that during his recent Mr. THONE. Mr. Speaker, America's point in the RECORD: visit to Cuba, Soviet Premier Brezhnev [From the Los Angeles Citizen, Feb. 22, 1974] greatest resource for better health would recommended to Cuban Premier Castro be a public with better health education. MUNDY NEW BCT LEGISLATIVE CHIEF that relations between Cuba and the One of the pioneers in innovative health Dan Mundy, who has served as associate United States be improved. education is Dr. Keith W. Sehnert. He director of Los Angeles County COPE since This position on the part of the Rus­ 1969, is leaving his assignment of the Build­ is a native of Nebraska and has practiced sian leader may well be a bid for Amer­ medicine in York and Lincoln, Nebr. His ing and Construction Trades Department of ican trade and aid for Moscow's perenni­ the AFL-CIO in Washington, D.C. present leadership in health education Mundy's labor career began when he joined ally poor satellite. The editorial suggests, at Georgetown University in Washing­ Local 230, of. the Plumbers and Pipefitters, in and I agree, that detente with Castro's ton has been highlighted by Parade Mag­ San Diego, as an apprentice. Cuba should be approached with great azine. I call attention of my colleagues Following a tour of dµty in the U.S. Navy caution. to this article and ihave it reprinted in in the South Pacific, Mundy joined 289, Pasa­ I ask unanimous consent that the edi­ the RECORD at this point: dena, where he turned out as a journeyman torial, "Castro's Cuba" be printed in the plumbe1·. Extensions of Remarks. A NEW TEACHING PROGRAM: How To BE YOUR In 1947, Mundy joined Local 78, Los An­ OWN DoCTOR-SOMETIMES There being no objection, this editorial (By Arlene and Howard Eisenberg) geles. He later became recording secretary was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, of the local, and served as business agent "The mother who always wanted her son and assistant business manager. In 1965, he as follows: CASTRO'S CUBA to grow up and be a doctor can, in a sense, became business representative with the be one herself-that is if she lives in the Building Trades Council and, in 1969, took In his recent public stance, Leonid I. Reston, Va.-Washington, D.C., area. on his present job of COPE associate director. Brezhnev twice revealed the real purpose of How? By joining a course in "self-help Mundy served as a vice president of the of his visit to Cuba. Briefl.y, it ls that Cuba preventive medicine,'' the first of its kind in Los Angeles County Federation of Labor for ls too expensive a luxury for the Soviet Union the United States, being sponsored by eight years. He also was President of the to carry indefinitely and one way that would Georgetown University's Department of Board of Publishers of the Los Angeles Citi­ help both the Soviet Union and the island Community Medicine and International zen. republic would be for Fidel Castro to find his Health and Georgetown University Commu­ Mundy, who is a graduate of Mark Keppel place in the detente with the United States. nity Health Plan. The nine physicians, in­ High School in Alhambra and attended the Brezhnev's first omen was his cordial greet­ cluding department Chairman Robert R. UCLA labor studies program, has long been ing cabled to President Nixon-"Flying close Huntley, who teach it encour~e patients to active in political affairs throughout Los to the shores o:f the United States"-on his save money and doctors' time by attending Angeles County. way to Havana. He could have been only as­ to minor probleIUS themselves, or, as project He ran for the 50th Assembly District tn suring the President he had no inimical ob­ pioneer, Dr. Keith W. Sehnert, puts it, be­ the eastern part of Los Angeles County dur­ ject in his trip, as his predecessor Khru­ come "activated patients." ing the pivotal 1962 election. Although his shchev did when he was installing missiles None of the first 60 or so graduates ex­ candidacy was unsuccessful, Mundy was en­ on the island. That caused the economic pects to be doing open-heart surgery in the dorsed by COPE and was among the strongest embargo, which ls why the Soviet Union has near future. But all have become expert in labor candidates participating in the elec­ been subsidizing Cuba at an estimated $1.5 the use of their own stethoscopes, and are tion which saw President Nixon's attempt to million a day. equipped with otoscopes to check reddened become governor of California turned back. His next omen was a caution to Castro and eardrums and -wax-filled canals. They have Prior to this try for omce, Mundy was the immense crowd brought to welcome him medical texts and notebooks as well, and elected a member of the Los Angeles County 1n Havana. For 75 minutes Castro held forth have developed the self-confidence to handle Democratic Central Committee in 1955 and in a florid speech in which he contrasted the minor emergencies without help and major served for two terms. relationship of Socialist Cuba and the Soviet ones without panic. Currently he is a member of the State Union to the colony Spain ruled and the later REVIVAL 011' AN IDEA Democratic Central Committee, an appointee "Yankee neo-colony." Brezhnev then pledged of San Fernando Valley Assemblyman Jim that "Revolutionary Cuba has never been Mrs. Barbara Runge ls saving hundreds Keysor. and wlll never be alone." of dollars a year administering weekly allergy Mundy said that his stay with County Then, Brezhnev said that the capitalist sys­ shots to her three children. And Dr. Sehnert COPE has been a gratifying period in his life. tems and Soviet systems could co-exist peace­ believes that Mrs. Pat Hunter may have A native of Los Angeles, his assignment 1n fully. He said such countries as France, the spared her 15-year-old daughter Gwen seri­ Washington will be the first time he has United States, and the Soviet Union had suc­ ous rheumatic fever heart damage when, try­ worked outside the Southern California. area. ceeded in living tn peace in the nuclear age. ing out her new stethoscope on the girl, she "I have seen COPE's program come to :frui­ The implication was clear and unmistakable. discovered a too rapid heart beat and alerted tion in the past several years to the point Brezhnev conferred privately with Premier her physician to what proved to be a previ­ where a COPE endorsement can usually mean Castro, President Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado, ously undiagnosed strep throat. the difference between success and failure in and the Armed Services Minister Raul Castro, Dr. Sehnert would be the last to claim that a political campaign," Mundy said. the Premier's brother. In those conferences, he has come up with a brand-new idea in March 4, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5141 patient ca.re. The tall, friendly, 47-year-old Declared one woman: "Doctors respect you This ls an immense, untapped health man­ family practitioner refers anyone who thinks more-like when I was asked at the hospital power resource-particularly if we put some that to hls copy of Everyman His Own Doctor; what surgery had been done on my son, and really meaningful health education and first­ or the Poor Planter's Physician, published by I tic· :ed off all of it, using all the right aid courses in school curricula.
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