Establishment of 2014Algeria's Joint National Consulting Vision with 2030 IOs Chapter 1 Creating Rural Innovative Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development in Paraguay 1. Vision 2030 and Indicator Analysis 2. Algeria and the Global Economy 3. Current Issues Facing Algeria’s Economy 4.Vision Scenarios 5. Conclusions ? List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Full Description Departamento de Extensión Agrícola Ganadero (Paraguay) DEAG (Department of Agriculture and Livestock Extension) DEAg Directorate of Agricultural Extension (Paraguay) List of Abbreviations Dirección de Investigación y Extensión Agropecuaria y Forestal (Paraguay) DIEAF (Directorate of Research and Extension of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) DIGEAF General Directorate of Administration and Finances (Paraguay) DIGELAB General Directorate of Laboratories (Paraguay) General Directorate of Quality and Safety of Products of Animal DIGECIPOA Origin (Paraguay) DIGESETEC General Directorate of Technical Services (Paraguay) Presidency, General Directorate of Animal Health, Identity and DIGESIT Traceability (Paraguay) Dirección de Investigación y Producción Animal (Paraguay) DIPA List of Abbreviations (Directorate of Livestock Research and Production) DW Date Warehouse Abbreviation Full Description EDI Electronic Data Interchange AgriX Agricultural Integrated Information eXcellent System (Korea) EGDI E-Government Development Index ALAT Local Agencies Technical Assistance (Paraguay) FIA Farmland Improvement Association AIIS Automated Import Information System FTA Free Trade Agreements APC Agricultural Processing Complex GAP Good Agricultural Practice ASTI Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade BCSC Building a Country with Safe and Competitive Foods GCI The Global Competitiveness Index BNF Banco Nacional de Fomento (Paraguay) GDP Gross Domestic Product BPR Business Process Reengineering GHP Good Hygiene Practices BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy GITR Global Information Technology Report BQMS Border Quarantine Management System GMO Genetically Modified Organism CCP Critical Control Points HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point CD Community Development HKNU Hankyong National University Centro de Dèsarrollo Agropecuario (Paraguay) CDA Direccion de Investigacion Agricola (Paraguay) (Agricultural Development Centre) IAD (Directorate of Agricultural Research) COTA Official Certified of Animal Transit Instituto Agronomico Nacional (Paraguay) IAN CPI Corruption Perception Index (National Agronomic Institute) CSA Animal Health Commissions ICF International Competitiveness Forum DAC Development Assistance Committee ICT Information and Communication Technologies 024•2014 Joint Consulting with IOs : Inter-American Development Bank [IDB] Chapter 1 _ Creating Rural Innovative Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development in Paraguay•025 List of Abbreviations List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Full Description Abbreviation Full Description IDB Inter-American Development Bank NACF National Agricultural Cooperative Federation IICA Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture NAQS National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service Instituto Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición (Paraguay)(National INAN NGOs Non-Government Organizations Institute of Alimentation and Nutrition) OIE Office of International Epizootics INCOOP Instituto Nacional de Cooperativismo (Paraguay) PAHIS Paraguay Animal Health Information System INDERT Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Rural y de la Tierra (Paraguay) PANAFTOSA Pan American Center for FMD INFONA Instituto Forestal Nacional (Paraguay) PDA Personal Digital Assistant IPPC International Plant Protection Convention PKI Public Key Infrastructure IPTA Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural Technology POS Point of Sales IRRI International Rice Research Institute PQIS Plant Quarantine Integration System ISO International Organization for Standardization PrP Pre-requisite Program ISP Internet Service Providers, Information Strategy Plan QIA Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (Korea) IT Information Technologies R&D Research and Development ITU International Telecommunication Union RDA Rural Development Administration (Korea) JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency RPC Rice Processing Complex KAHIS Korea Animal Health Integrated System RR.HH Recursos Humanos KAQIS Korea Animal Quarantine Information System Servicio de Extensión Agrícola Ganadero (Paraguay) SEAG KOICA Korea International Cooperation Agency (Service of Agricultural and Livestock Extension) KOPIA Korea Project on International Agriculture SEAM Secretaría del Ambiente (Paraguay) KREI Korea Rural Economic Institute SENACSA National Service for Animal Health and Quality (Paraguay) KSP Knowledge Sharing Program SENAVE National Service of Seed Quality and Health (Paraguay) Integrated Management System for Agricultural and Rural KTF Korea Telecom Freetel SIGEST Development (Paraguay) MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery (Korea) SIGOR Information System Management MAFRA Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Korea) SINAESA National Animal Health Emergency (Paraguay) MAG Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Paraguay) SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise MDB Multilateral Development Bank SPF Specific Pathogen Free MECIP Modelo Estándar de Control Interno del Paraguay SSOP Standards Sanitation Operating Procedures MERCOSUR Common Market of the South SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures MFDS Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (Korea) Servicio Técnico Interamericano de Cooperación Agrícola MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare (Korea) STICA (Paraguay) (Inter-American Technology Service of Agricultural Cooperation) MOF Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Korea) TMR Total Mixed Ration MoSF Ministry of Strategy and Finance (Korea) TWGM Thematic Working Group Meeting 026•2014 Joint Consulting with IOs : Inter-American Development Bank [IDB] Chapter 1 _ Creating Rural Innovative Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development in Paraguay•027 List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Full Description USDA United States Department of Agriculture WB World Bank WEF World Economic Forum Summary WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization WTO World Trade Organization Agriculture in Paraguay is very important. It accounts for about 23% of the total GDP as of 2013, including the livestock sector, and employs 23.8% of the total workforce as of 2011. The country has developed agriculture and livestock farming based on vast and fertile land with rich water and forest resources. Nevertheless, the agricultural economy has been vulnerable to external shocks, including climate change, which affect crop production and international price fluctuations of agricultural commodities. The Paraguay’s livestock industry focuses on beef. The nation was ranked 11th in the beef export value and 8th in the beef export volume in 2011. However, there were economic losses in the beef industry due to the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks in 2011 and 2012. But as the country recently recovered the FMD-free with vaccination status, exports have been increasing. Recently, the government established the “Agricultural Strategic Framework, Basic Guidelines 2014/2018” as its agricultural development strategy. This strategy aims to contribute to enhancing quality of life through agricultural development. The ultimate goal is poverty eradication by improving agricultural productivity and competitiveness for sustainable development. To achieve this objective, the government selected six key tasks: 1) strengthening agricultural competitiveness; 2) developing family farms and improving food security; 3) providing environmental services and sustainable forest development; 4) promoting the livestock industry; 5) managing climate change-related risks; and 6) creating employment by vitalizing agricultural enterprises for social integration. 028•2014 Joint Consulting with IOs : Inter-American Development Bank [IDB] Chapter 1 _ Creating Rural Innovative Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development in Paraguay•029 Among the six key tasks, the KSP team reviewed the strategies to strengthen to provide the basis for the GAP system through facility improvement, consulting, agricultural competitiveness and to develop the livestock industry, which are and publicity activities. Expansion of GAP becomes one of the major government closely related to this study. Paraguay’s competitiveness was ranked 119th among projects. Building a Country with Safe and Competitive Foods (BCSC) initiative 148 member countries according to the Global Competitiveness Report, GCI (WEF, indicates that the policies have been advanced with the purpose of expanding the 2013) in 2013. The GCI especially pointed out the inefficient operation of national GAP application to agro-livestock products. organizations as an obstacle in strengthening the country’s competitiveness. The GCI analyzed the reasons as follows: the government policies’ inconsistency; the Traceability systems in Korea are divided into those for livestock products and organizations’ lack of sharing of the national development vision; the lack of those for agricultural products. The traceability system for livestock products has integrated management of related agencies; weak management of organizations; been introduced to record and manage the information ranging from the birth and insufficient development of human resources. Therefore, Paraguay’s of cows (pigs) to the process of breeding, butchering, processing, and selling. government seeks to
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