1746 Carnarvon Tramway Bill. [ASSEMBLY 1 PrsnlExlnainPersonal Explanation. CARNARYON-BABAkGE ISLANID TRA-M- sit right on without any more breaks. I WAY BILL. move that the House at its rising adjourn SECOND READING. till Tuesday, the 5th November. THE MINISTER FOR LANDS (Hon. Question put and passed. C. Sonmmers), in moving the second The House accordingly adjourned at reading, said: This is a very small1 21 minutes to 9 o'clock unvtil Tuesday, matter. There is a tram wayv at Carnarvon, 5th November. having a length of two miles 67 chains. The line has been constructed, and it was thought by the Government that authorisation was needed in order to work it under the Railways and Tram- ways Act of 1888. It is merely a homse tram to the new jetty at Babbage Island, connecting it with the town of Carnarvon. The intervening space was very unsuitable for a roadway, consisting as it did of lagoons and sandhanks; and the only way of bridging it was by laying down this line. I move the second reading. Wednesday, 23rd October, 1901. EON, J. W. HACKETT:- What is the cost of the line? Petition; Sunday Theatricas-REalway Adxninietraiom, Personal Explanation-Question: Railway Engine THE MINISTER FOR LANDS:- I Sparks, new Funnel -Papers ordered: 1, Prison regret I cannot at the moment say. The Warder at Fremantle Dismissal - 26 Rail way Workers, late Strike Incidents;-, o olgardle peculiar formation of the country, which Water Scheme, Correpodence-Retumn ordered ± is a, network of lakes, has made the Perth Park Board, Ptcnlara-Motin Federal Tariff, rffect on S'tate Industries; a Protest Idivi- tramway necessary. Mon) - R.C. Church Lands Amendment 'Bill (private), first reading-M9otion: Sanitary Site at Question put and passed. North Perth, to Inquire-Adjoarment. Bill read a second time. THE SPEAKER took the Chair at IN COMMITTEE. 4-3O o'clock, P.m. Bill passed through Committee without debate, reported without amendment, and PRAYERS. the report adopted. PETITION- SUNDAY THEATRICALS. ADJOURNMENT. Mn. JOHNSON presented a petition HoN. C. E. DEMPSTER: I1 should from the Synod of the Church of Eng- like to suggest to the Minister for land in Western Australia against thea.- Lands - trical companies holding performances on Taa PRESIDNTn: The hon. member is Sundays, and praying that in the event out of order, as there is nothing before of existing legislation being found insuf- the Rouse. ficient to prevent such performances, new THo MINISTER FOR LANDS (Hon. legislation should be passed. C. Sommers) : I have a good idea of what Petition received, read, and ordered to the hon. member intended to convey; be prinited; to be considered on the next and that was, seeing we have very little *Wednesday. business likely to come before the House to-morrow, and that next week the prin- RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION - PER- cipal s1h0w of the State will be held, and SONAL EXPLANATION. will occupy Tuesday and Wednesday, at Son. F. H. PLESSE (Williams):. which I know a great number of countxrv Before the orders of the day are pro- members desire to be present, it would be ceeded with, I desire to make an explana- well in these circumstances for the House tion to the House in regard to a statement to adjourn until next Tuesday week. By I made a. few evenings ago concerning that time, a certain amount of work Mr. Alexander, Mayor of Prernantle. I will, probably, have come down from the stated that I understood Mr. Alexander Assembly; and we may, then be able to had expressed himself as in sympathy Question, Papers, L23 OcToBER, 1901.3 Quetio,FederalPper. 23 CTOER,190.)Tariff. 1747 with the fettlers' demand f or an increased with the charge preferred against Night rate of pay. The reason why I made the Foreman Trenowith of inciting certain statement was that 1 had seen i the cleaners to refuse dutyv during the recent newspapers a report that a motion railway strike. 3, All papers connected brought before the Fremantle Chamber with a, charge against Traffic Officer of Commerce relative to the strike, had Kendall of abusing Driver Lyons during been amended or proposed to be amended the railway strike. by Mr. Diamond, who expressed the opinion that almost everybody was agreed PAPERS-COOLGARDIX WATER that the men deserved the increase of SCHEME, CORRESPONDENCE. wages ask-ed for. Mr. Diamond's amend- MnR. G4. TAYLOR (Mount Margaret) ment was seconded by Mr. Alexander, moved: That a copy of all the corre- who, I understood, indorsed tbe opinions spndence that passed between Mr. expressed by Mr. Diamond. I am Rayvner and Mr. Hod gson, the engineer assured, however, that Mr. Alexander did of the, Ooolgai-die Water Scheme, be laid not indorse those opinions, but simply, upon the table of the House. seconded the amendment proposed by Mr. THE, MINISTER FORL WORS (Hon. Diamond. Having assured myself, there- W. H. Kingeinill): So far as any corre- fore, that Mr. Alexander did not express spondence which had passed officially the opinions I attributed to him, I feel between Mr. Rayner and Mr. Rodgson that in justice to the gentleman it is my was conc:erned, he had no objection to duty to withdraw the remark I made. laying copies on the table. If, however, Sxvsun Mnwinns: Hear, hear. there had been any correspondence of a private nature, it was, of course, out of QUESTION-RAIL WAY ENGINE SPARKS, his power to produce it. He understood NEW FUNNEL. that Mr. Rayner had written a good deal MR. F. McDONALD asked the Com- to the Frees, and that his letters had been missioner of Railways: i, What is the answered, also through the Press, by cost of fitting soft-coal funnels to each Mr. Hodgson. at Fremantle Loco. Shops with MR. TAYLOR: The Minister was not annlann exhaust, and what advantage is expected to supply what he did not derived. 2, Whether it is a. fact that Possess. instructions have been given to faire one Tr MINISTER FOR WORKS: So of these funnels off an engine ordered to long as that was understood, he was Geraldton. perfectly satisfied to agree to the motion. THiR COMMISSIONER OF RAIL- Question put and passed. WAYS replied: i, About £35. The advantage derived is the reduction of the RETURN-PERTH PA.RK BOARD, risk of fire from sparks to at Minimum. 2, PARTICULARS. Yes. On motion by MR. H. DiALleR, ordered: That a return be laid on the table of the PAPERS-PRISON WARDER AT FEE- House, showing-i, The names of all MANTLE, DISMISSAL. members of the Perth Park Board. 2, On motion by Mn. F. MoDosani, The number of meetings held by the ordered: That all papers relating to the Board during the twelve months ending dismissal of William Tlaylur, warder in 30th September, 1901. 3, The number Fremantle prison, be laid on the table of of meetings attended by each member. the House. 4, The total amiount of public money which has been expended in the Perth PAPERS-RAiLWAY WORKERS, LATE Park. STRIKE INCIDENTS. On motion by Ma. H. DAGLISH, MOTION-FEDERAL TARIFF, EFFECT ordered: That there be laid on the table ON STATE INDUSTRIES. of the House-i, All papers relating to A PROTEST. the appointment of Railway Engine- Mua. A. F. MORGANS (Coolgardie) driver W. R. Trenowith to the position moved: of night foreman at Southern Cross That this Rouse views with consternation loco. sheds. 2, All papers connected the Federal Tariff which hus been protnul- 1748 Feder-al Tariff. [ASSEMBLY.]ASML. Electfec onnteSae the State. gaSted, in view of the serious consequences that be on this colony when the consummation must result to the trade and commerce of this took place; and it is object this after- State, as well as to the mnining industry, which my is one of the principal elements of prosperlity; noon to lay before the House some of the and this House respectfully enters its protest effects as they appear to me. I heard against the imposition of the proposed tariff during the debate last night on the in its present form. Financial Statement some references This motion is one referring to a very mnade to the regrets of hon. members on important question in regard to the the other (Ministerial) Bide of the House future of Western Austrafia. The pro- that they had entered into federation. inulgation of the new Federal Tariff has MR. HOPKINS: No regrets here. certainly caused some anxiety in this Mw MORGANS: I Said I had heard State, and the more it is looked into the it expressed by some members lat night, more it presents itself as a serious matter that certain members on the other side of for the future of Western Australia. I the House had felt regretattheconsumma- would like to say that some of my friends tion of federation, in view of this tariff. on the bench representing Labour inter- Ha. HopiNxs: That is quite amistake. ests have some objection to the wording Mfn. MORGANS:- I was going on to of the motion; not in principle, but with say that I do not think that was a fair regard to the construction of the sentence. allusion, and I do not think it is right to The motion as it appears on the Notice insinuate or infer that hon. members on Paper reads: "1That this House views the other Side are responsible for this with consternation the Federal Tariff," tariff, nor do I think it right for any and so on. My friend the member for member of this House to suppose that Kanowna, (Mr.
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