Flying Dutchman Bulletin January 2004, Nr. 150 New Logo Report European Championship 2003 Report World Championship 2003 Dawes World Cup 2002 Europe Cup 2003 .. 11 .n. A+H.J,," '=c-, Bootswerft Leonhard Mader GmbH * 83329 Y{agi!l9 am See Fischmg Tel. 08681/373 Fax 4246 [email protected] WNW,Boolswerft-Mader.de FLYING DUTCHMAN BULLETIN .. Periodical .. of the International Flying Dutchman Class Editorial Office: Bergsepad 4, 1244 PS Ankeveen, Holland Phone: +31-(0)35-6563195 Fax: +31-(0)35-6564004 Issue 150 Email: [email protected] January 2004 CLASS NEWS FROM EVERVWHERE PRESIDENT'S LETTER AUSTRALIA in USA). With 14 ruces it was worlh the travel. Nommn Rydge/Richard SClirr und Douglns One crew cume over from Hollund ! Parker with an itaJian crew kcpllhc flug nying ut DENMARK the Open Europcan Championship in Italy. The Bojsen-Mpllers did it again: Europeun Norm/Rkhurd wilh a 6th und a second (oul 01' Champions at Dervio. 40) also did weil ut Kiel Weck. ENGLAND In" McCrossin hus shippcd his AUS-359. the ex F- Julian Bridges has taken over us editor of the "FD 198 (1992 Olympics) 01' Thierry Berger, which hc GBR" newsleuer. kepl in Europe, back Lo Australia. The dass was represented atlhe 'Dinghy Show' in Good news. Doug Rawson-Harris is back in the March wilh "Biggles". Il resulted in a greut num­ FD, albcit with a pigs valve in his aorta und a pace ber 01' conlncL'l. muker. There was a good contingent 01' 6 GBR teams at In Victoriu they are very busy working on thc the EC. Vicky PalT)' helming far Steve Parry Worlds 2003. found the conditions often u bittoo Illuch for her AUSTRIA und Steves weight, Dear Club, deur IFDCO general Commiuee and The Austrian FD Class hus a very nicc logo wh ich Several sorties have been made by Tony Nutional Secretaries. dear sailors, lhey gruciously allowcd thc IFDCO 10 lISC us thc Lyall/CoJin Bums, John BelT)'/Andrew Ed- basis ror thc new rFDCO logo. wunJs und TonyDale/JumesCook 10 Europeun It was wonderful and exciting to see 72 FD's com­ AlIslria is offering u Worlds ut Neusiedl in :W05 or Continental events. peling at Dervio in the Europeun Championship. 2006. Early Oelober there will be n new event : I wish to lhank the Centro Vela Dervio, thc 5 Teums were present at the Ellropeans. Arecord Symelrie Classes Grand Prix at Datchet Wuter. A President Sterano Vigano und ull the starf engaged since a number since years. combined event where asymetric spinnakers ure in the Orgunizing Commiuee; their kind hospitali­ An FD Skiing championship is being organised banned. ty, efforts und availabiJity, the good weather con­ for 13 March 2004 ut Hinterslader a bit south of GERMANY ditions, the buckground 01' the Lake 01' Corno and Linz. Various age groups: 1944 to 1997 ! Detailed A nice and regulartly updated website the high level of the compelilors contributed to u info from Heinz Wiirder, Zandergusse 9, 2380 (www.suil!ü.de) is being muintuined. successful event and cheered up our meeting. Perchtoldsdorf, Austria Fux:++43-(O) 1-40440 The Germun FD Class is pleased timt they have Moreover, I wus very glad hosting so muny FD [email protected] been grunted the World:;; 2004 Lo bc held uL suilors with their families in Dervio and I Lhank ull CANADA Warnemünde near Rostock. It is supposed to be of them. In the Vancouver areu u group 01' 7 FDs hus been the si te if Germany is allocuted the Olympics in Let 's me thunk ulso ull the IFDCO ankers und gathering around the Cunadian FD seer Greg the near future. members everytime involved in the Measurement Johnson. Tbc new-building project by a Czech builder is Committee and in the organizution 01' the Il was same time aga that FDs could be seen at a muking slow progress. The prototype is now a1 Championship. regutta in Cunadu. End of August the North Berlin in tbc Steingross's workshop where Uwc is As IFDCa President and rnember 01' lhe Centro American Championship was sailcd allhe CORK trying to finish it so as to be uble to take it to Vela Dcrvio, I was delighted by the atmosphere 01' regattn. All USA boats plus one UK boat (resident Mclboume. rriendship und brotherhood between thc FD sai­ HOLLAND lors and the Club. In February the Dutch FD neel suiTered a severe I hope thut allihe FD sailors enjoyed their stay to loss when "Kreun", onieiully known us Edward APOLOGIES our area and that Club will remember our Class as v1l11 Kreuningen died. His ne ver flagging enthusi­ best. asme has been inspiring the dass for years. For This bulletin should have been mailed monlhs ago Finnlly, I thank the Jury, the Ruce Commiuee and every event he used to phone und presented you but I have Imd 10 change over from cut und puste the sponsors for their engagement to support the with a severe gllih-feeling when you did not sheets ror the printer to CD. A bit of a struggle and event. corne. For 25 years he sut on the Committee, most problems with my computer and printer did not I hope timt the agreement und the feeling between time as treusurer help either. And of course there is the eternal pro­ the IFDCO und the Ccntro Vela Dervio will go on Tbc noticuble enthusiasm of last year has been blem of obtaining data, not many sailors or ol'fici­ in the future: the FD "Cape Horn Trophy", organi­ carried over and this year again there is u neet 01' als forward something on their own initiative. The zed by the Club since many yeurs, in spring, may 15 or 18 boats regulurly tuking part in regattas. results of the Dawcs World Cup 2002 und the be u good chance 10 fellowship. Some 01' them new faces and some furniliar ones. Europe Cup 2003 have not been linalised yet WeH the season in the Northen Hemisphere is Reeently 3 boats have been added Lo the fleet. either due to problems with finding out who are drawing Lo a elose and I wish all of you a beauti­ After having uttended career and families Hans IFDCO memhers. and who are nol. ful 2004 sailing seuson and good sing holiday. van der Pol und Rob Huisman have bouglll FDs Il now being December we will postpone u bit uguin ufter u long sabbaticaJ. In March a "hobby" more and try to get Worlds Melbourne included Cheers,Albcrto Good reading and good suiling. The Editor sec page 4 3 weckend wus organised. A dozen bauts turned up Centro Velu Dervio mllnuged to pull 01" a succesful TWD bouts will go in thc hulian container ror and a lot 01' layouLs and littings were brought up to event. Enjoyed by ull competitors und attached Melbourne. standard. And the dass spirit rnised as weil ! persons. It wus hol tl1ough. USA The FD wus present ugain aL the demonstrution The Italian FD has arganizcd a container Jonathan Clapp keeps coming out regularly with weckend for dingi es in June. foMelbourne with 3 Ituliun und 2 Spunish boals "Trapeze" - Lhe US newsleUer - withgood infor­ A big contingent went to the Europeans in Italy. 12 MEXICO mative urticles. Next 10 lhe IFDCAUS websitc - leams who enjoyed themselves and built niee Same rumblings about activily. Several bouts are hLlp:/lsailfd.org/USA- region I now has internationul conlucLs. being reslOred. There is even tulk 01" purchasing IIsuilfd.arg/USAlregion/i run by Anna Gorbald Frank Nooijen has been busy argunizing container some new boals. and region X has IIsailfd.mg/USAlregion/x run by trunsport for Melbourne. 4 containers wilh bouls NEWZEALAND Wally Ealon. A great number of very interesting I"rom Austriu (I), Britain (2), Germany (8), The NZFDA have got 6 boals in the container I"ar urticles on the past ure shown on a special websi­ Holland (10), J-Iungary (I) and Switzerland (I). the Worlds 2003 in Australia. AmI some ure young te: IIsailfd.org/USAltrapeze/olympics. HUNGARY people ! There seems Lo bc un increase in nctivity und inte­ In 1986 we Imd the Worlds at ßalalonföldvlir. The POLAND rest in FO sailing und a number of peoplc ure reno~ Club enjoyed it so much that they are offering to Hulfway through thc seuson a NoR reached us far vating old FOs. organize uguin u WarldClmmpionship in 2005 or .he ODYNIA SAILINO DAYS. A 5-day cvcn. ror A ncw FO l1eet has been started at San Franciscll 2006 ! Olympic Chisses but the PD was invited too ! wilh Nationuls in the future? ITALY Unrortunately most PD sailms had already organi­ Tim Sayles. who kept his bout in Europe after Three new Maders huve joined the Italiun lleet: sed thcir holiduys. Muy be it cun be organised for Tavira last year. came over ror Kiel Weck und the Robert Cipriani, Prancesco Biasi and 2004 EC at Oervio this year. Tim had some problems Pierfrancesco Eustachi. After 1I sabbutical SPAIN getling arganised ror Me\boume so his bout remai­ Francesco ßiasi has rejoined the FD Class. Gilles Romero htls beeil working hard and the lleet ned in Holland. The Europeun Chumpionship ut Dervio wus a keeps growingSpain hus now a very great success. It is only u very small club but the dear and nice website (www.l"desp.org) CARBON SPARS For some years the debate about allowing carbon-libre span; has been raging. Number 01' respondenls 104 (out 01' total membership !) • As in principle the FO has been u development dass, orten leading, muny Votes were receivcd from AUS, AUT, ESP, FRA, GBR, GER.
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