SOMA UMENYE ACTIVITY QUARTERLY PROGRAM REPORT QUARTER 2, FISCAL YEAR 2019 (JANUARY 1 – MARCH 31, 2019) STEPHEN BLUNDEN DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: INCREASED OPPORTUNITIES FOR RWANDAN CHILDREN AND YOUTH TO SUCCEED IN SCHOOLING AND THE MODERN WORKPLACE. IR I: CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION IN EARLY-GRADE READING IMPROVED IR 2: SYSTEMIC CAPACITY FOR EARLY-GRADE READING INSTRUCTION IMPROVED Contract No. AID-OAA-I-14-00055, Task Order No. AID-696-TO-16-00001 Prepared For Prepared By U.S. Agency for International Development Chemonics International Inc. (Contractor) USAID/Rwanda 1717 H Street NW USAID Contracting Officer’s Representative: Washington, DC 20006 Luann Gronhovd Phone: 202-955-3300 Fax: 202-955-3400 www.chemonics.com QUARTERLY PROGRAM REPORT USAID SOMA UMENYE PROJECT QUARTER 2, FISCAL YEAR 2019 (JANUARY 1 – MARCH 31, 2019) April 30, 2019 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Chemonics International Inc. QUARTERLY PROGRAM REPORT USAID SOMA UMENYE PROJECT QUARTER 2, FISCAL YEAR 2019 (JANUARY 1 – MARCH 31, 2019) Contract No. AID-OAA-I-14-00055, Task Order No. AID-696-TO-16-00001 Cover photo: Dr. Alphonse Sebaganwa, the Head of Department of Examination, Selection and Assessment in REB, addressing participants during a workshop on defining the performance category labels for Early Grade Reading standards in Rwanda; at Nyamata La Palisse Hotel, Bugesera District, February 2019. (Credit: Alain Patrick Mwizerwa/USAID Soma Umenye). DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States government. CONTENTS Acronyms ................................................................................................................ ii Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 1 Project Overview ................................................................................................... 2 A. Background ................................................................................................................................. 2 B. Program Description ................................................................................................................ 2 Achievements and Discussion of Major Activities .............................................. 4 A. Operational Activities .............................................................................................................. 4 B. Technical Activities ................................................................................................................... 5 C. MEL Activities ..........................................................................................................................30 D. Communications Activities ...................................................................................................34 Challenges and Lessons Learned ........................................................................ 39 A. Problems Encountered and Proposed Remedial Actions ..............................................39 B. Success Stories and Lessons Learned .................................................................................39 Activities Planned for Next Quarter.................................................................. 43 A. Operational Activities ............................................................................................................43 B. Technical Activities .................................................................................................................43 C. MEL Activities ..........................................................................................................................50 D. Communications Activities ...................................................................................................51 Annex A. Reporting Against Indicators ............................................................. 52 Annex B. Study Visit to Kenya in Support of Digitization and Inclusion Activities ............................................................................................................... 67 Annex C. P2 And P3 Kinyarwanda Teacher Training ...................................... 84 Annex D. Rwanda Education Insights: Final Project Plan ............................... 93 Annex E. Developing and Implementing a Reading Assessment and Accountability Framework for Early Primary Based on Grade-Level Benchmarks and Targets .................................................................................. 123 Annex F. Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Assessment Program for Reading in Early Primary ....................................... 164 SOMA UMENYE QUARTERLY PROGRAM REPORT | i ACRONYMS API application programming interface BEQAD Basic Education Quality Assurance Department BLF Building Learning Foundations CIES Comparative and International Education Society CMA TWG Curriculum-Materials-Assessment Technical Working Group CMU-A Carnegie Mellon University - Africa CPD continuing professional development CTLRD Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Resources Department (REB) DA district advisor DCC district continuing professional development committee DDE district director of education DEO district education officer DOS director of studies EARC education assessment and resource center EGRA early grade reading assessment EMIS education management information system ESAD Examinations, Selection, and Assessment Department (REB) ESSP Education Sector Strategic Plan FARS Fluency Assessment in Rwandan Schools FY fiscal year GALA group-administered literacy assessment GRN Global Reading Network GOR government of Rwanda HCI Human Capital Index (World Bank) ICT information and communication technology IR intermediate result JRES Joint Review of the Education Sector KICD Kenya Insitute of Curriculum Development SOMA UMENYE QUARTERLY PROGRAM REPORT | ii KSL Kenyan Sign Language L3 Language, Literacy, and Learning Initiative (USAID) LARS Learning Assessment in Rwandan Schools LEGRA Local Early Grade Reading Assessment LEMA Local Education Management Approach LQAS lot quality assurance sampling LSA large-scale assessments LwD learners with disabilities MEL monitoring, evaluation, and learning MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MINALOC Ministry of Local Government MINEDUC Ministry of Education NCPD National Council of Persons with Disabilities NISR National Institute of Statistics NIU Northern Illinois University NQT newly qualified teacher NRTT National Reading Training Team NUDOR National Union of Disability Organizations in Rwanda ORF oral reading fluency PA provincial advisor PASEC Programme d’analyse des systèmes d’éducation de la Confemen PIRLS Progress in International Reading Literacy Study PISA Programme of International Student Assessment REB Rwanda Education Board REI Rwanda Education Insights RNUD Rwanda National Union of the Deaf SDMS school data management system SEN special education needs SEI sector education inspector SEO sector education officer SGAC school general assembly committee SMSF school monitoring support framework CLICK AND TYPE REPORT TITLE | iii SNE special needs education SPAM school performance appraisal meeting SSME Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness TCOP Teacher Community of Practice TDM Teacher Development and Management and Career Guidance and Counseling Department (REB) TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study TLM teaching and learning materials TOT training of trainers TTC teacher training college UDL universal design for learning UN United Nations UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development URCE University of Rwanda, College of Education VSO Voluntary Service Overseas WCPM words correct per minute SOMA UMENYE QUARTERLY PROGRAM REPORT | iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This quarterly report details USAID Soma Umenye activities and achievements between January 1 and March 31, 2019. The objective of the USAD Soma Umenye project, which is a five-year initiative of USAID and REB, is to improve reading outcomes in Kinyarwanda for at least 1 million children in public and government-aided schools in Rwanda in Grades 1, 2, and 3. Specifically, USAID Soma Umenye will ensure that at least 70 percent of these students are able to read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Summary highlights of USAID Soma Umenye achievements for the quarter: • Soma Umenye delivered teacher training to 4,121 P2 Kinyarwanda teachers and to 3,616 P3 Kinyarwanda teachers in January 2019. • Approximately half of the P1 textbooks were reprinted in Quarter 2 with distribution completed for Kigali City and Eastern Province. Distribution in Northern Province also started in Quarter 2. • Subcontracts with international printers for printing of P2 and P3 textbooks were signed in Quarter 2. The project has operationalized a robust quality assurance approach for both printers to ensure REB quality standards are being met. In addition, subcontracts with local printers were executed for P1 decodables and Andika Rwanda readers. • Soma Umenye led a study tour to Kenya with representatives from REB and education leaders from Rwanda’s NGOs focused on disability to learn about Kenya’s progress with inclusive education and the use of digitized textbooks. • Project staff collaborated with REB to revise and
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