SAINT ANDREW THE APOSTLE PARISH We humbly implore your majesty, O Lord, that, just as the blessed Apostle Andrew was for your Church a preacher and pastor, so he may be for us a constant intercessor before you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. JANUARY 12, 2020 - THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE CLERGY TEAM Administrator: Reverend Kevin Dominik Senior Parochial Vicar: Reverend Patrick Barkey Permanent Deacon/Pastoral Associate: Deacon Alex Poroda deaconal611@gmail.com (724) 258-7742 Option #7 Retired In Residence: Reverend Gerald Mikonis PARISH STAFF Business Manager - Joe Caruso RCIA - Fr. Kevin, Fr. Pat & Deacon Al Director of Music/Liturgy - Patti Reavel Mystagogia– Joe Smith Faith Formation Director - Kathy Miller Safe Enviroment - Helena Glaneman & Deacon Al Faith Formation Moderator - Jean Alcorn Pre Cana - Deacon Al & RaeAnn Poroda Accompanists - Aaron Benney, Patty Forsyth, Art Fronzaglio & Patty Baker (Folk Group) Monongahela Charleroi 722 West Main St. 624 Washington Ave. Monongahela, PA 15063 Charleroi, PA 15022 Phone: 724-258-7742 Phone: 724-483-5533 Fax: 724-258-8733 Fax: 724-483-0122 Email: stdamienmolokai@gmail.com Marian Hall: 724-483-2455 Office Hours: M-F 9am-4pm Email: mmotc@comcast.net Office Hours: M-F 9am-4pm Secretary/Bookkeeper - Phyllis DeMedio Secretary - Peggy Romeo Secretary - Jean Alcorn Maintenance - Andrew Rudy & Joe Diballa Maintenance - Sharon Zelenick Becky Weightman Donora Tony Valkanas 1 Park Manor Rd. Secretary - Heidi Cramer Donora, PA 15033 Bookkeeper - Judy Bartley Phone: 724-379-4777 Maintenance - Phil & Vera Klein, Ryan Madden Fax: 724-379-6242 Social Hall: 724-379-7559 & 724-379-5659 AFTER OFFICE HOURS EMERGENCY Email: heidiolv@verizon.net Please call one of the Parish offices and listen for Office Hours: M,T,Th,F 9am-4pm Closed - Wednesday the Emergency Prompt SACRAMENTS Confessions: Every Monday Evening at the Charleroi from 6:00pm to close of the Holy Hour 7:00pm. Wednesday evenings at the Monongahela from 6:00pm to the beginning of 7:00pm evening Mass. Saturday Afternoon at the Donora from 3:00pm to 3:45pm. Sacrament of Baptism: Prior to the Baptism, the parents must speak with the priest and also attend a Baptism Class. Please contact the parish in which the child is to be baptized. Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements should be made at least six months prior to your wedding date. Please contact the parish in which the wedding is to occur. A date will be set only after contacting a priest. Sacrament of the Sick: Please contact any of the three parishes, or see a priest after Mass. Holy Communion for the sick: Please contact Deacon Al, or any of the three parishes. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): This is the process to become Catholic, or for Catholics to receive the rest of their Sacraments of Initiation. We also offer programs for children. Please contact any of the three parishes. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 12, 2020 MASS INTENTIONS DAY/DATE TIME SITE INTENTION REQUESTED BY PRIEST Saturday, 8:30am Charleroi Patty Garnic Jon & Lucretia McCrory Fr. Pat Jan. 11, 2020 4:00pm Donora Deceased Members of Confraternity of the Most Fr. Kevin the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary Most Holy Rosary 5:00pm Charleroi William Klamorick, Jr. Michael & Mary Jo Fr. Jerry Kelicis 6:00pm Monongahela Albert Doty Karl Amoroso Fr. Kevin Sunday, 8:30am Donora James J. Kruzcek Noreen Fazzini Fr. Pat Jan. 12, 2020 Folk Group 9:00am Charleroi People of the Parish Fr. Kevin 11:00am Monongahela Andrew “Butch” Caprio Family Fr. Pat Monday, 8:30am Charleroi Frank Mocilan JoAnn & Family Fr. Kevin Jan. 13, 2020 Tuesday, 8:30am Donora M/M Axel Anderson Peg & Jim Anderson Fr. Kevin Jan. 14, 2020 Wednesday, 7:00pm Monongahela Mark A. Podroskey Salvatore & Lois A. Greco Fr. Kevin Jan. 15, 2020 Thursday, 8:30am Donora Barbara (Horak) Smith Sister, Marjorie & John Fr. Pat Jan. 16, 2020 Kerekes Friday, 8:30am Monongahela Charlene Rusnak Kathy Lee & Karin Fr. Pat Jan. 17, 2020 Dowling & Families 2:00pm MCRS School Mass Paul, Frances & Paula Hazen Family Fr. Kevin Saturday, 8:30am Charleroi Herman Pennline Lorraine Sciacca Finch Fr. Kevin Jan. 18, 2020 4:00pm Donora People of the Parish Fr. Pat 5:00pm Charleroi Eileen Protin Millie Allfree Fr. Kevin & Deacon Al 6:00pm Monongahela Robert Lee Nellie Lee & Family Fr. Pat Sunday, 8:30am Donora Joseph & Violet Daughters & Family Fr. Kevin & Deacon Jan. 19, 2020 Zielinski Al Folk Group 9:00am Charleroi Arch & Madonna Sean MacDonald Fr. Pat MacDonald Family 11:00am Monongahela Albert Bartolotta Pat Pizzica Cupper Fr. Kevin ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE THOUGHTS BY REV KEV Today, Christ enters the Jordan to wash away the sin of the world. John himself testifies that this is why he has come: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world.” Today a servant lays his hands on the Lord, a man lays his hand on God, John lays his hand on Christ, not to forgive but to receive forgiveness. Today as the psalmist prophesied: “The voice of the Lord is heard above the waters. What does the voice say? This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Today as parishioners under the patronage of Saint Andrew, let us be renewed through the sprinkling rite and accept the role of pointing out that Jesus is truly present in our communi- ties! Invite others to understand the love, mercy and grace that Jesus can offer to those who follow Him as Andrew did. RUMINATIONS BY FR. PAT You probably can guess, since I grew up attending Mass at St. Anthony, that when I was Baptized, I was Baptized at the same Baptismal Font that is present in the front at St. Andrew – Monongahela. It was June 14, 1964. Don’t be silly, I don’t remember, but I do have a Bap- tismal Certificate! When people think of Baptism, they think (rightly) of Original Sin. If Baptism is the re- moval of Original Sin, does it mean that Jesus had Original Sin, since He was Baptized? The answer is no. He did not have Original Sin. So why was He Baptized? While Original Sin in an integral part of the theology of Baptism, it isn’t the only part. Besides the removal of Original Sin, another integral part of Baptism is the Death and New Birth of the individual. Through the waters of Baptism, we die to our old life of sin and arise a new creation. If sin was the only thing involved, the Baptism of John the Baptist would have been enough. Jesus showed us that there is more to a life with God. It is more than just getting rid of sin. Baptism entails a transformation of the whole of the person into a new Creation in Christ. St Paul states in 2 Corinthians: So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. He also states in Romans: Don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Jesus was teaching that confessing sins is not enough. A drastic change of heart and Life- style was needed. Go beyond the parties, the pictures, the gowns, etc. See the new life that can only come from Christ. Die to your old life of Sin and become a new creation. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 12, 2020 MADONNA CATHOLIC REGIONAL SCHOOL NEWS 724-258-3199 731 Chess Street Monongahela, PA 15063 Keep up with all the great things happening at MCRS! Visit our website - www.madonnacatholic.com Follow us on twitter! Like us on Facebook! In celebraon of the Epiphany, our students Hard at work. After a nice Christmas 1V`V011 VRG7 .V .`VV1J$:JR`VHV10VR break, our students are hard at work! H:JR7H:JV8 MCRS Calendar Party th Sunday, January 26 Marian Hall – Charleroi Doors open at Noon Event is 1:00 – 4:00 Admission = $25.00 Delicious Luncheon Includes: Beverages – Appetizers Tortellini Salad – Tossed Salad Chicken Salad Croissant - Dessert Please call the school office @ 724-258-3199 for tickets. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION! Final mailing will take place March 1st! At 10 cents each they really add up! Please gather yours and send them in! ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE PARISH EVENTS WEEK OF JANUARY 12TH - 18TH Hello everyone! We have some news for you, which we would Sunday, January 12 like to share with you While it is Monday, January 13 Havencrest Nursing Center—1pm still a work in progress, we are Mon Valley Care Center—1:45pm asking all of you to redirect your Daisy Scouts—Mon —FLH—6pm web browsers to our new website. On the website Adoration & Confession - Charleroi - 6pm-7pm you will be able to peruse old bulletins, get infor- Mystagogia Class—Mon—Parish mation regarding Protecting God’s Children and Center—7pm look at events that may be coming up in the near fu- Tuesday, January 14 ture. Have a look!! Saintandrewmidmon.org. Bible Study—DAM Parish Center—11am Protecting God’s Children Workshop—Donora— Also very important news is that if for any reason 6pm there is a cancellation of any activity going on in the RCIA - Mon - 7pm parish such as Protecting God’s Children Class, or Wednesday, January 15 Holy Hour—Mon—Church—6pm Faith Formation Classes or any of our organizations Food Bank Distribution - Donora- 10am look for Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish on the Thursday, January 16 News Channels.
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