Salado Villageillage Voiceoice VOL. XLI, NUMBER 44 VTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2019 254/947-5321 V SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ SISD trustees approve contracts for bond BY TIM FLEISCHER concession stands and mov- wastewater to the campus EDitOR-in-CHIEF ing a 200-seat section of is $1.15 million, which will stands from the home side to leave about $800,000 in con- Salado school trustees the visitors’ side of the stadi- tingency in the $49.4 million awarded bids at their Feb. um. Also bidding were STR bond budget. 11 meeting to Chaney-Cox Construction at $2.7 million In other business, trustees construction for construc- and Built Wright at $2.6 mil- approved $99,336 for the ad- tion of the Thomas Arnold lion. Chaney-Cox was also dition of 449 stadium seats Elementary corridor and the top qualified bidder ac- for the home side of the Eagle football stadium work and to cording to the ranking com- stadium. This will expand Lee Lewis Construction for mittee. Trustees approved the stadium by 249 seats on construction of the Middle an additional $28,000 in al- the home side (because 200 School and baseball and ternates for construction of seats are being moved to the softball fields on Williams a covered vestibule for the visitor side) and 200 seats on Rd. TAE Corridor. the visitor side of the stadi- Darrell Street gave the Trustees also approved um. This will come from the motion to select Lee Lewis add-ons for the work. The bond budget as well. This Construction as the contrac- board approved $1.7 mil- proposal comes through the tor and authorize the super- lion in additional work at the BuyBoard program. (PHOTO BY TIM FLEISCHER) intedent to negotiate the con- Middle School and Baseball In other business, trustees Two Frederickburg Battlin Billies converge on Salado’s Katie Law during the Lady Ea- tract for the Salado Middle and Softball bid, including approved conveying an acre gles’ bi-district loss on Feb. 12 played at Burger Stadium in Austin. Salado lost to the School and Baseball and $1.5 million for artificial of property to Bell County first place team in District 28-4A by a score of 55-47, ending their season. For a game Softball fields construction. turf for the baseball and for the expansion of Wil- story and photos, turn to page 1B The district received softball fields, $151,000 for liams Rd. Near the school only two bids for the Middle lockers and a changing room campuses. The expansion School package: Lee Lewis on the home side dug outs of the road will allow for a Deadline to file as candidate Construction at $36.3 mil- of the baseball and softball the turning lane on Williams lion and Drymalle at $36.5 fields, $101,000 in addition- Rd. Work is expected to be- million for base bids. The al landscaping at the Middle gin over the summer on the in local elections is Feb. 15 district opted for Lee Lewis School, $14,000 for impact road. The deadline to file as a Salado ISD will have a Miller, Bobbette Bell and as the most qualified follow- resistant film on windows Trustees discussed but candidate in any of the three contested race for two three- Patricia Rehm. Miller and ing a ranking by a school and doors at the main entries took no action on construc- May 4 local elections is 5 year terms on its Board of Emmy Alvarez are the only district committee. of the Middle School and tion of four tennis courts p.m. on Feb. 15. Directors. Incumbent Jeff candidates to have filed for Chaney-Cox submit- $17,000 for wireless locks with lighting on the Wil- As of presstime, only two Kelley, Amy McLane and election. Bell announced to ted the low base bid of for interior doors at the Mid- liams Rd. Campus. The work candidates have filed for Brand Webb have filed for the Library board that she $2,575,000 for the construc- dle School. is estimated to cost $500,000 three two-year terms on the the school board. would not file for re-elec- tion of the safety corridor The bids will bring the and will be brought to trust- Village of Salado Board of Three two-year terms on tion. at Thomas Arnold Elemen- total construction costs to ees at a later date. The work Aldermen: Rodney Bell and the Salado Public Library The deadline to file as a tary and work at the Salado $40.7 million. Additional will be paid from the district John Cole. District Board of Directors write-in candidate is 5 p.m. Eagle Stadium that includes soft costs and furniture costs fund balance. Eight courts Incumbents Michael Mc- will be decided in May as Feb. 19. Applications are putting artificial surface on will total $6.8 million. Esti- would cost an estimated Dougal and Andy Jackson well. Those positions are available at each of the gov- the field, renovations of the mated costs to tie water and $900,000. have not filed yet. currently filled by Joycelyn erning body’s offices. What does it mean to be from Salado? It’s complicated BY TIM FLEISCHER tion election were the same ies. They may have roughly ried that Belton could cut a nexation followed an elec- reaches south and west of EDitOR-in-CHIEF boundaries that were used been the boundaries of swath down I-35, encompass tion to allow for the sale of Salado.4 for a failed attempt at incor- Salado Independent School Main Street and take away beer and wine for off-site What does it mean to live “I’m from Salado!” poration in the mid-1990s. District, which is about 100 our identity as a commu- consumption. in the ETJ of Salado? Not We proudly boast that The Local Government square miles. nity. Residents looked at a 4. Voluntary annexation much. Salado cannot annex wherever we may be in the Code Sec. 7.001. states that, The boundaries were timeline of Belton annex- of the property known as at-will, so there is little threat state. We’re surprised when “A community may not in- drawn with these thoughts in ing down I-35 in three quick The Sanctuary through a se- of being annexed by the Vil- folks around the state don’t corporate as a general-law mind by the committee that processes to reach Salado. ries of agreements to provide lage any time soon. Even if know where we are, or who municipality unless it meets worked with CTCOG on the This was also why the sewer services, tax rebates Salado reaches the magi- we are for that matter. the following territorial re- election map: boundaries of the failed in- and other economic agree- cal population of 5,000 and “Where is that?” we may quirements: 1. Protect the historic dis- corporation election were re- ments. becomes a Home Rule City, hear. Or perhaps, “Oh yeah (1) a community with trict. cycled for the 2000 election, Since the incorporation the state laws on annexation the Stagecoach, we used to fewer than 2,000 inhabitants 2. Include as many resi- which passed by about a 7 to of the Village of Salado, we at-will have become very go there for ....” must have not more than two dents as possible for popula- 1 margin. have had five Mayors: Char- restrictive. For one thing, a For most of its 150+ year square miles of surface area; tion base. As this was happening, lotte Douglass, Rick Ashe, municipality can only annex history, Salado has been (2) a community with 3. Don’t incur unneces- the 2000 Census was being Merle Stalcup, Danney Mc- 10 percent of its land size per more a state of mind than an 2,001 to 4,999 inhabitants sary costs for a brand new conducted, but there were no Cort and Skip Blancett. year! For Salado, that would actual state of being, at least must have not more than incorporation, (i.e. streets, boundaries of an incorporat- be less than 200 acres per as far as mapmakers and four square miles of surface patrols, etc.) ed Salado yet. So again, the Extra-Territorial year right now (one square census takers are concerned. area; This is why the Salado Census Bureau used a much Jurisdiction: What is it? mile is 640 acres, 10 percent Except for a short period (3) a community with cemetery and Salado schools wider boundary of the Sala- When Ashe was Mayor, of which is 64 acres). beginning in the latter part 5,001 to 9,999 inhabitants are not in the original bound- do CDP for a 2000 popula- the Village of Salado accept- However, properties of the 19th Century and the must have not more than aries of Salado. tion of 3,475.2 ed dozens (if not hundreds) within the ETJ are bound by incorporation of The Village nine square miles of surface At that time, Bell County The first time that the of requests for voluntary an- the Village Subdivision Or- of Salado in 2000, Salado area.” had a program where depu- Village of Salado as an in- nexation into the Extra Ter- dinance and the Village Sign has been an undefined com- In 1995, the Salado ties worked as resource offi- corporated municipality was ritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Ordinance. The Zoning Or- munity, in terms of boundar- Chamber of Commerce con- cers at the schools that were counted in the Census was This was in reaction to dinance only applies within ies.
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