TESEV Democratization Program Media Studies Series - 2 The Political Economy of the Media in Turkey: A Sectoral Analysis Ceren Sözeri Zeynep Güney DEMOCRATIZATION PROGRAM The Political Economy of the Media in Turkey: A Sectoral Analysis Ceren Sözeri Zeynep Güney The Political Economy of the Media in Turkey: A Sectoral Analysis Türkiye Ekonomik ve Bankalar Cad. Minerva Han Sosyal Etüdler Vakf› No: 2 Kat: 3 Turkish Economic and Karaköy 34420, İstanbul Social Studies Foundation Tel: +90 212 292 89 03 PBX Fax: +90 212 292 90 46 Demokratikleşme Program› [email protected] Democratization Program www.tesev.org.tr Authors: Production: Myra Ceren Sözeri Publication Identity Design: Rauf Kösemen Zeynep Güney Cover Design: Serhan Baykara Page Layout: Gülderen Rençber Erbaş Prepared for Publication by: Coordination: Sibel Doğan Esra Bakkalbaşıoğlu, Pre-print Coordination: Nergis Korkmaz Mehmet Ekinci Printed by: İmak Ofset Editing: Circulation: 500 copies Josee Lavoie TESEV PUBLICATIONS ISBN 978-605-5832-93-3 Copyright © September 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced electronically or mechanically (photocopy, storage of records or information, etc.) without the permission of the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV). The viewpoints in this report belong to the authors, and they may not necessarily concur partially or wholly with TESEV’s viewpoints as a foundation. TESEV would like to extend its thanks to European Commission, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Turkey, Open Society Foundation Turkey, and TESEV High Advisory Board for their contributions with regard to the publication and promotion of this book. Abbreviations BİK : Directorate General of Press İSMMMO : Istanbul Chamber of Certified Advertisement (Basın İlan Public Accountants (İstanbul Kurumu) Serbest Muhasebeci Mali BYGEM : Directorate General of Press and Müşavirler Odası) Information (Basın Yayın MEPAŞ : Çukurova Group Media Market- Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüğü) ing Company (Çukurova Grubu BİAK : Audience Research Committee Medya Pazarlama Şirketi) (Basın İzleyici Araştırmaları MÜYAP : Turkish Phonographic Industry Kurulu) Society (Bağlantılı Hak Sa- CHA : Cihan News Agency (Cihan Haber hibi Fonogram Yapımcıları Ajansı) Meslek Birliği) CR % : Concentration Ratio MDG : Mutlu Magazine Group (Mutlu Dergi Grubu) CSA : Superior Audiovisual Council (Conseil supérieur de OECD : Organisation for Economic l’audiovisuel) Co-operation and Development DB : Doğan Burda OFCOM : UK Office of Communications DHA : Doğan News Agency (Doğan RTÜK : Radio and Television Supreme Haber Ajansı) Council (Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu) DMC : Doğan Music Company RATEM : Radio and Television Broadcast- DPP : Magazine Planning and Market- ers Professional Union (Radyo ve ing (Dergi Planlama Pazarlama) Televizyon Yayıncıları Meslek FCC : Federal Communications Birliği) Commission RPP : Republican People’s Party GDP : Gross Domestic Product (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi) HHI : Herfindahl Hirschman Index RVD : Advertisers’ Association of IAB : Interactive Advertising Bureau Turkey (Reklamverenler Derneği) IMD : Internet Media Association SCP Paradigm : Structure-Conduct-Perfor- (İnternet Medyası Derneği) mance Paradigm INTERACT : Interactive Agencies Association SGK : Social Security Institution (İnteraktif Ajanslar Derneği) (Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu) 3 TGNA : Turkish Grand National Assembly TRT : Turkish Radio Television Corpora- TGS : Turkish Journalists Union tion (Türkiye Radyo Televizyon (Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikası) Kurumu) TMSF : Savings Deposit Insurance Fund TurkStat : Turkish Statistical Institute (Tasarruf Mevduatı ve Sigorta (Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu) Fonu) TVYD : Television Broadcasters’ TİB : Telecommunication Communica- Association (Televizyon tion Presidency (Telekomüni- Yayıncıları Derneği) kasyon İletişim Başkanlığı) ZEDPAŞ : Çukurova Group Advertisement TİAK : Television Audience Research Marketing Company (Çukurova Committee (Televizyon İzleme ve Grubu Reklam Pazarlama Şirketi) Araştırma Kurulu) 4 Contents TESEV’S PRESENTATION, 9 PREFACE, 13 INTRODUCTION, 15 LEGAL REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE MEDIA SECTOR IN TURKEY, 19 LABOUR RELATIONS IN THE TURKISH MEDIA SECTOR, 31 MEDIA SECTOR IN THE TURKISH ECONOMY, 39 DISTRIBUTION OF ADVERTISING REVENUES, 45 MEDIA SUBSECTORS IN TURKEY, 51 Television Broadcasting, 51 Printed Media, 56 Newspapers, 56 Magazines, 66 Radio Broadcasting, 71 Internet, 75 Mobile, 80 SECONDARY SECTORS AFFECTING THE MEDIA SECTOR, 85 Advertising, 85 TV Series Production Sector, 90 CONCLUSION, 95 REFERENCES, 99 ANNEXES ANNEX 1: Which Media Group Owns Which Companies, 2011, 105 ANNEX 2: Average Daily Sales Numbers of Newspapers, 109 ANNEX 3: Websites By Number of Page Views, 111 5 ABOUT THE AUTHORS, 117 List of Charts Chart 1: Public and Private Sector Distribution of Insured Employees Chart 2: Distribution of Employees by Gender Chart 3: Distribution of Employees by Age Chart 4: Press Card Holders Chart 5: Distribution of Insured Employees by Seniority Chart 6: Distribution of Wages in Media Groups Chart 7: Ratio of Insured Journalists among Total Journalists in Three Metropoles Chart 8: Turkey’s Advertising Revenues (Million USD) Chart 9: Distribution of Advertising Revenues by Channels (%) Chart 10: Share per Media Group from Advertising Revenues in All Channels Chart 11: Distribution by Age of Employees in Television Broadcasting Chart 12: Seniority Statuses of Insured Employees in Television Broadcasting Chart 13: Distribution of TV Licenses’ Advertising Revenues (%) Chart 14: Media Groups’ Market Share in Television Broadcasting Chart 15: Distribution of Newspaper Employees by Gender and Cadres Chart 16: Distribution of Advertising Revenues by Newspapers Chart 17: Distribution of Magazine Employees by Gender and Cadres Chart 18: Distribution of Magazine Advertising Revenue Chart 19: Distribution of Insured Employees in Radio Broadcasting by Age and Gender Chart 20: Distribution of Insured Employees in Radio Broadcasting by Seniority Chart 21: Distribution of Licenses (%) Chart 22: Distribution of Radio Advertising Revenues Chart 23: Distribution of Online Advertising Revenues Chart 24: Market Shares of GSM Operators Chart 25: Distribution of Advertising Sector Employees by Seniority Chart 26: Distribution of Advertising Sector Employees by Age Chart 27: Distribution of Income for Advertising Sector Employees Chart 28: Market Shares of Media Planning Agencies, 2010 Chart 29: Distribution of Programmes with Highest Rating by Types 6 List of Tables Table 1: Growth in Advertising Revenues and GDP Ratio Table 2: Advertising Expenditures of Countries and GDP Ratio Table 3: Shares of Media Groups in Advertising Revenues on Channel Basis Table 4: Ratings of Television Channels Table 5: Concentration Levels in TV Broadcasting Sector (Groups) Table 6: Television Channels Receiving the Most Advertisements Table 7: Television Channels Receiving the Most Sponsorship Table 8: Concentration Levels in the Newspaper Publishing Sector (Newspapers) Table 9: Concentration Levels in the Newspaper Publishing Sector (Groups) Table 10: Concentration Levels in the Newspaper Publishing Sector after the Latest Sales (Groups) Table 11: Advertisements Distributed by the Directorate-General of Press Advertisement in 2010 Table 12: Top 20 Newspapers Receiving the Highest Number of Advertisements for 2010 Table 13: Concentration Levels in the Newspaper Advertisements Market (Groups) Table 14: Sales Numbers of Magazines Table 15: Most Ad-Taking Top 20 Magazines in 2010 Table 16: Concentration Levels in the Magazine Advertisements Market (Groups) Table 17: Radio Channels with the Highest Ratings Table 18: Top 10 Sites Visited by Real Users in 2010 Table 19: Global Advertising Networks / Advertising and Media Planning Agencies in Turkey 7 8 TESEV’s Presentation Ebru İlhan, TESEV Democratization Program TESEV’s Democratization Program has been actor that treats the media as one of its working for nearly ten years on institutional consumers and that endeavours to criticize, and social perceptions and underlying mentali- improve and democratize it from the outside. ties. In particular, the Democratization This civilian reflex has shaped our perception Programme has dealt with the Kurdish of the media; essentially, we have accepted the Question, the religion-state-society relation- media as a political actor. ship, security sector reform or the civilian- Believing that understanding the relationship military relationship, minority rights, demo- between an independent and free media and cratic citizenship and the judiciary which it democracy will play a major guiding role in identifies as the main problems in Turkey’s Turkey’s democratization process, TESEV democratization process and the reform initiated a new project area in 2010. In this new measures that are expected to result in full project, which we call, in brief, “Media and membership in the European Union (EU). Past Democratization,” we undertook the Turkish studies conducted by the Democratization leg of the research project MEDIADEM, which Program have focused on how the media has is supported by the 7th Framework Programme reported on the aforementioned areas, in of the European Union, makes a comparative short, on media discourse. TESEV has made evaluation of the media policies, media suggestions to help ensure that the media regulations and the media-state-citizen discourse is respectful of human rights and relationship in 14 European countries. In our freedoms, more sensitive, especially towards first
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