LEGEND SPECIES Sp Su F W Status SPECIES Sp Su F W Status SPECIES Sp Su F W Status __Greater Scaup C C C C rmb __Red-tailed Hawk C C C - sb Laridae - Gulls & Terns C Common - Easily found in small to large numbers in __Lesser Scaup U - U - m __Rough-legged Hawk U U U - sb __Franklin’s Gull - A - - v appropriate habitat. __Steller’s Eider C R C C w __Golden Eagle R R R A s __Black-headed Gull - A - - v __Spectacled Eider - - - A v Falconidae - Falcons __Bonaparte’s Gull C C C R sb U Uncommon - Occasionally, but not always, found in small __King Eider R R R R w __American Kestrel R R R - m __Black-tailed Gull - A - - v numbers with some effort in appropriate habitat. __Common Eider C C C U rb __Merlin U C R R sb __Mew Gull C C C C rb __Harlequin Duck C C C C rb __Gyrfalcon R R R R w __Ring-billed Gull A - - A v R Rare - occurs in very small numbers or in a very limited __Surf Scoter C C C C rm __Peregrine Falcon U U R R sb __California Gull - - A - v number of sites and may not be found every year or even with __White-winged Scoter C C C C rm Rallidae - Rails, Coots & Gallinules __Herring Gull C C C C r concentrated effort. There are more than a few records of __Black Scoter C C C C rmb __American Coot - - A - v __Heermann’s Gull - A - - v these species in appropriate habitats. __Long-tailed Duck C R C C w Gruidae - Cranes __Thayer’s Gull R A R R v __Bufflehead C R C C rmb __Sandhill Crane C C C - smb __Lesser Black-backed Gull - A - - v A - Accidental - Represents an exceptional occurrence of birds __Common Goldeneye C C C C rb Charadriidae - Plovers __Slaty-backed Gull R A A R v outside their normal range that might not be repeated again for __Barrow’s Goldeneye C C C C rmb __Black-bellied Plover C U U A m __Western Gull - A - - v decades. __Hooded Merganser A - A - v __American Golden-Plover U R U - m __Glaucous-winged Gull C C C C rb __Common Merganser C C C C rb __Pacific Golden-Plover C R U - m __Glaucous Gull U R U U w STATUS __Red-breasted Merganser C C C C rb __Semipalmated Plover C C C - smb __Sabine’s Gull R R R - v r - resident __Ruddy Duck - - A - v __Killdeer R R - - v __Black-legged Kittiwake C C R U sb b - confirmed breeder Phasianidae - Pheasants & Grouse Haematopodidae - Oystercatchers __Ross’s Gull - A - - v s - summer resident __Ring-necked Pheasant C C C C rbi __Black Oystercatcher C C U U sb __Caspian Tern R R - - v w - winter resident __Spruce Grouse C C C C rb Scolopacidae - Sandpipers & Phalaropes __Arctic Tern C C R - sb m - migrant - passing through on way to summer or winter __Willow Ptarmigan U U U U rb __Greater Yellowlegs C C C - sb __Aleutian Tern C C - - sb grounds, may only be found in narrow periods of time __Rock Ptarmigan U U U U rb __Lesser Yellowlegs U U U - sb __White-winged Tern - A - - v v - visitor, not on normal migration route __White-tailed Ptarmigan R R R R rb __Solitary Sandpiper R U R - sb Stercorariidae - Jaegers i - introduced species Gaviidae - Loons __Wandering Tattler C C C - s __Pomarine Jaeger U U R - m __Red-throated Loon C U C U rm __Spotted Sandpiper C C C - sb __Parasitic Jaeger U U R - sb Sp - spring: March - May F - fall: Sept. - Nov. __Pacific Loon C U C C rb __Whimbrel C C C - sm __Long-tailed Jaeger R R R - v Su - summer: June - Aug. W - winter: Dec. - Feb. __Common Loon C C C C rb __Bristle-thighed Curlew A - - - m Alcidae - Auks, Murres & Puffins __Yellow-billed Loon U U R U wr __Hudsonian Godwit U R - - m __Common Murre C C C C rb Podicipedidae - Grebes __Bar-tailed Godwit U A R - m __Thick-billed Murre A A A R w SPECIES Sp Su F W Status __Horned Grebe C U C C rm __Marbled Godwit U R A - m __Pigeon Guillemot C C C C rb __Red-necked Grebe C C C C rmb __Ruddy Turnstone U R R - m __Marbled Murrelet C C C C rb Anatidae - Swans, Geese & Ducks __Eared Grebe - - A - v __Black Turnstone C U U - m __Kittlitz’s Murrelet C C C U rb __Greater White-fronted Goose C C U A m Procellariidae - Shearwaters __Surfbird C C C - sm __Ancient Murrelet R U U R s __Emperor Goose R A - R v __Northern Fulmar R R R - sr __Red Knot U R R - m __Cassin’s Auklet - R R - v __Snow Goose R - U - m __Sooty Shearwater U C C - v __Sanderling U U U R m __Parakeet Auklet A A A - v __Ross’s Goose A - - - v __Short-tailed Shearwater U U U - v __Semipalmated Sandpiper U R U - m __Crested Auklet R A A R v __Cackling Goose C U C - m Hydrobatidae - Storm-Petrels __Western Sandpiper C C C - m __Rhinoceros Auklet A R R - v __Brant C C R A m __Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel C C C - sr __Red-necked Stint A A - - v __Horned Puffin C C C R sb __Trumpeter Swan C U C R smb __Leach’s Storm-Petrel - R R - v __Temminck’s Stint A - - - v __Tufted Puffin C C C - sb __Tundra Swan U U U - m Phalacrocoracidae - Cormorants __Least Sandpiper C U U - smb Columbidae - Pigeons & Doves __Gadwall U R R - m __Brandt’s Cormorant - A - - v __Baird’s Sandpiper R R U - m __Rock Pigeon C C C C ri __Eurasian Wigeon U R R R m __Double-crested Cormorant U U U R r __Pectoral Sandpiper C U C - m __Eurasian Collared-Dove - A - - vi __American Wigeon C C C U smb __Red-faced Cormorant C C C R rb __Sharp-tailed Sandpiper - - U - m __Mourning Dove - - A A v __Mallard C C C C rmb __Pelagic Cormorant C C C C rb __Rock Sandpiper C R U C w Strigidae - Owls __Blue-winged Teal A - A - m Ardeidae - Herons __Dunlin C U U R m __Western Screech-Owl - A - - v __Northern Shoveler C U U R m __Great Blue Heron R R R R v __Stilt Sandpiper - - R - m __Great Horned Owl C C C C rb __Northern Pintail C U C A smb Cathartidae - New World Vultures __Ruff A - - - v __Snowy Owl R - - R w __Green-winged Teal C C C R s __Turkey Vulture - - A - v __Short-billed Dowitcher C C U - m __Northern Hawk-Owl R R R R ir __Canvasback U - R - m Accipitridae - Eagles & Hawks __Long-billed Dowitcher U U U - sm __Great Gray Owl R R R R v __Redhead U - R - m __Osprey R R R - m __Jack Snipe - - A - v __Short-eared Owl U U R R sb __Common Pochard A - - - v __Bald Eagle C C C C rb __Wilson’s Snipe C C C R sb __Boreal Owl U U U U r __Ring-necked Duck U R U - mb __Northern Harrier C U U R sb __Red-necked Phalarope C C C - sb __Northern Saw-whet Owl U U U U rb __Sharp-shinned Hawk C C C U rb __Red Phalarope A A A - v __Northern Goshawk C C C C rb SPECIES Sp Su F W Status SPECIES Sp Su F W Status SPECIES Sp Su F W Status Caprimulgidae - Goatsuckers __Gray-cheeked Thrush U U U - sb __Cassin’s Finch A - - A v __Common Nighthawk A A - - v __Swainson’s Thrush C C U - sb __Red Crossbill R R R R v Checklist of Trochilidae - Hummingbirds __Hermit Thrush C C C A sb __White-winged Crossbill C C C C b __Anna’s Hummingbird - - R A v __American Robin C C C U sb __American Goldfinch - - - A v __Rufous Hummingbird U U U - smb __Varied Thrush C C C U sb __Common Redpoll C C C C rb Alcedinidae - Kingfishers Sturnidae - Starlings __Hoary Redpoll R - R R w __Belted Kingfisher C C C U rb __European Starling - - R R vi __Pine Siskin C C C C rb Picidae - Woodpeckers Motacillidae - Pipits and Wagtails BIRDS __Red-breasted Sapsucker - - R R v __Eastern Yellow Wagtail - A - - v __Downy Woodpecker C C C C rb __White Wagtail - A - - v __Hairy Woodpecker U U U U rb __American Pipit C C C R s There are 204 species of birds represented on this list. The __American Three-toed Bombycillidae - Waxwings area covers the Anchor River drainage, the watersheds draining Woodpecker U U U U rb __Bohemian Waxwing - R C C m into Kachemak Bay including all of Kachemak Bay State Park, of Kachemak Bay, __Black-backed Woodpecker R R R R rb __Cedar Waxwing R R R R rb and the Bay itself. The northern boundary crosses the southern __Northern Flicker R R R R r Calcariidae - Longspurs and Snow Buntings end of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge; the eastern border Tyrannidae - Flycatchers __Lapland Longspur C R C R m coincides with the western boundary of Kenai Fjords National __Olive-sided Flycatcher R U U - sb __Smith’s Longspur A - - - v Park and runs in the highlands above the southern drainages to Alaska __Western Wood-Pewee R R - - sb __Snow Bunting U - - U w Kachemak Bay down to Point Pogibshi. Some of the species on __Alder Flycatcher R C C - sb __McKay’s Bunting - - - A v this list can only be seen on the South side of Kachemak Bay or __Say’s Phoebe R R R - m Parulidae – Wood Warblers in other areas off of the road system.
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