UDC: 572. 02<22) Title: Insula: international journal of isl.. Cat. no: 211537 Date: 27 Feb 2014l \7-ï 25 nternationai Journal of Island Affairs International Journal of Island Affairs 1SSN 1021-0814 Year 17 Nol May 2008 Editorial Board Editer: Pier Giovanni d'Ayala n i Editorial Staff: Jenny Marday Mohamed-NizarLarabi Two children in thé former lake Rodolfo (now Tïirkana) in Kenya - Photo by Folco Quilici Layout and design by Mohamed-NizarLarabi Scientific Advisory Commitee: Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino, Canada Prof. Salvino Busutil, Malta Bibliothèque Prof. Hiroshi Kakazu, Japan Prof. Nicolas Margaris, Greece Prof. Patrick Nunn, Fidji Prof. Henrique Pinto da Costa, Sao Tome e Principe Published by INSULA, thé International Scientific Council for Island Development, with Library thé support of UNESCO. E-mail : library@unesco. org Material appearing in this journal cannot be An Indonesian child with a Balinese canoë - Photo Tel. : +33 (0)1 45 68 03 56/60 reproduced without thé prior permission of thé 7, Placede Fontenoy 75007 Paris, France Editer. by Folco Quilici 1NSULA, thé International Journal of Island Affairs, is distributed free to INSULA's Bibliothèque/Library individual and institutional members. For JOÎN 8 N subscriptions and informations, please write UNESCO to: 7 place de Fontenoy THE 1NSULA 75352 PARIS 07 SP - FRANCE C/0 UNESCO l, rue Miollis 75015, Paris, France E SLAN S tel: +33 l 45 68 49 01 fax: + 33 1 45 68 58 04 émail: insula@unesco. org for more information our website is available: www.insula.org -.-^ -l' EDITORIAL by Pier Giovanni d'Ayala DOSSIER:ISLAND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTS ? By Pier Giovanni d'Ayala Thé Chair of Sustainable Developnient by Francesco di Castri . ustainabledevelopment is a conceptwith many addressingsustainable urbanization in Kiribati. EthnographieGeographies of Coffee Production in Papua New Guinea dimensions, with many définitions. It bas been Thé unavoidable issue of Global Climate by Wendy Shaw 13 widely used and misused during thé last years at Change is brilliantly, asusual, addressed by Béate Sustainable Urbanisation in Kiribati such a degree that meanings seem to fade away Ratter. towards nebulous semantic uncertainties. Policies promoting Cultural Héritage by Andrew East 23 and identity as development tools are examined by Steven A. Royle and Hui Min Tsei. Irish and Global Change, implications for Small Islands A common élément among ail those Taiwanese offshore islands are their case studies. by Béate Ratter 36 définitionsseems to be théresponsibility towards Another crucial issue as thé rôle of natureaad thé fùhu-e générations. Thé link between sustainable énergies in islands sustainable A comparative Pièce Looking at Cultural Héritage and Cultural Identity thé socio-economic dimensions of environment development is raisedby JustinA. Spenillo. and Policies to promote them, Taking Irish and Taïwanese offshore islands About énergies furthermore, a short as our case studies. aadthé development issue is usually recalled. paper addresses thé hopes raised by a miraculous By Dr Steven A. Royle and Huei-Min-Tsei 47 There are in fact scarce indications on shmb thé "Jatropha Curcas", for thé excellent how to practically proceed in order to insure biodiesel oil that can be extracted fi-om its seeds Keys to thé Development of Sustainable Energy Islands sustainability to thé development of a whole at a reasonable priée. China, India or Brazil By Justin A. Spenillo 57 community and its territory. Thé more so if we are dedicating millions of hectars to Jatropha CULTUREAND TRADITIONALKNOWLEDGE speak of small islands or small island developing plantations. Islands of course, depending on states. Just remind that development, any kind costly imported fossil fuel for their energy needs Jatrophas Curcas, a Magie spell for Island Development of development requires always energy and are eager to test thé Jatrophamiracle. Thé paper By Fier Giovanni d'Ayala 70 resources, and additionally a change in their reports thé first results of a pilot project initiated YOUTH SECTION pattem ofuse. We know that ail thèseislands are in Haiti. Let's wait and hope for a successful oftendistinguished by limited resources and fragile outcome... By Jenny Marday économies... leaving us with thé open question Youth surprising endevours are also duly ThéRichness ofwaste bin: Recycling ofCans ïn Lipari (Italy) 74 mark about thé chances of such islands to insure recorded on this issue. A subjecf that INSULA Volunteering in Pentecost Island (Vanuatu) 76 sustainability to whatever development process wishes to raise more often. Floating Garbage recycled into surprising art (Kiwayu Island - Kenya) 78 they may undertake. Our dialogue proceeds further with a contributions from H.E David Doyle and H.E SIDSNEWS - VOICESFROM SMALLISLAND DEVELOPING STATES 80 Thèse are thé reasons why we wished to Mrs. IndiraSavitree Thacoor-Sidaya, respectively International Perspectives and UN actions résumethé debate on our journal. Givenits subject, Ambassadors/Permanent delegates ofSt Kitts and by H. E. Ambassador ofSt Kitts andNevis DavidDoyle, Permanent Delegate Nevisand thé Republic ofMauritius to UNESCO. to UNESCO Paris thé discussionwill inevitably take a multifaceted shape. A "shadow-theatre"so to speak, animated Théchallenges faced presently by thé Small Island by high level contributors. DevelopingStates (SIDS) such as climate change, ENSULA'S GUEST 83 Thé late Francesco di Castri opens théplay éducation,health andmany other sensitive issues Interviewwith H.E. Mrs Indira Savitree Thacoor SidayaAmbassador of thé with a thorough examination ofthé epistemological are at thé core of their action. Solutions can be thé Republic ofMauritius, PermanentDelegate to UNESCOParis and operational shortcomings of thé sustainable found only through a dynamic partnership with thé international community, organizations such BOOKREVIEW 85 development concept. Wendy Shaw and Andrew East follow as UNESCO and thé civil society represented by specialized NGO's such as INSULA. ENSULA's PAGE 86 with two enlightening case studies: thé former with ethno-geographical considérations on cofifee productions in Papua New Guinea, thé second A dialogue to be kept open... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 0F ISLAND AFFAIRS thé level of environmental reflect thé sectoral organization awareness are fairly acceptable, on thé United Nations and of Sustainability shouJd be but where ail thé signais thé govemmental and académie understood and applied of social disruption are stmctures concerned, they do within a changing society emerging with ail their train not hâve any meaning in thé and within an open of marginalization, exclusion, real world. There is only one society racism and fundamentalism. sound development: it should By Francesco di Castri f Moreover, environmental be based first of ail on économie awareness may also coexist growth and on international Except for thé 'easy with économie stagnation and competitiveness, but it will solution' of using thé term récession, unemployment and never acquire thé conditions of 'sustainable development' to théappearance ofa new extrême sustainability imless ail thé other convey simple and shallow Francesco di Castri, tonner member ofINSULA, poverty within countries, as components of development messages, l hâve found was Director ofResearch at thé National Center ofScientific well as with thé progressive are equitably taken into it consistently difficult to Research of France (CNRS) in Montpellier, and leader of thé loss of cultural identity, of thé considération. In addition, ail communicate more in-depth SCOPE/1CSU (International Council for Science) project on sensé of belonging and thé thé différent économie sectors or action-oriented concepts Environment in a Global Information Society (EGIS) in Paris. He bas beenAssistant Director Généralin of UNESCO,Paris, family stmcture. Thé conditions (agriculture, forestry, industry, to différent audiences, while Présidentof thé international researchprogram DIVERS1TAS required for development to be tounsm, etc.) shouldbemore and using this term in its most on biodiversily, andwas member of thé Académies of Sciences sustainable are not, therefore, more intimatelyintenningled for common interprétation. It ofltaly and Russia. He bas authored or co-authored more than l gatheredtogether. rationalland use, atthé régional, bas been difficult with my 40 books and more than 500 scienlific articles. national and global level. university students, because § Finally, sustainable they find it more a slogan than § development is an extremely a conceptthat can be concretely scale-dependant process. debated and tested. It has been .b. s an umbrella concept, very highin thévagueness ofits ('through time') meaning of Particularly during periods difficult with industrialists, sustainable development has interprétation and fuzziness(l) sustainability. of globalization(ô), thé when discussing thé need to 5 many dimensions, with many of its applications. Hundreds Nevertheless, if this sustainabilityofa givencountry intemalize thé environmental définitions being proffered by (2;3;4) of définitionshâve been diachronic solidarity bas a sensé g or of a given région can be dimension in production people from different disciplmary recorded, and thé numerous in healthy, prosperous countries, achieved to thé détriment of thé processes, and to keep a social and professional backgrounds university chairs(5) on this it is almost meaningless in of other countries and interactive conviviality and resource-interests. At
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