
LEASE RETAIN ORIGINAL ORDER ~;_ r__.J 4L . ; -e--- -~ 2-f'/z-~.,,.---/ /-- ' ... d/J To be attached to CCE(46)~• DIS.?IACEil PERSONS:. Number of' Displaoed Pe:r:_~ns ;e~ten'tia:Jg.__~_i.B:i:bl~ !OE_ ~ c.are2 . not .limited to persons recei_ving UNRRA assistan~ ~er in certain countri~ Europe,. the Middle East, India and East Africa (a) 28th February11946 ---- ------- - ----~ Nationality Total COUNTRY 0 F L 0 C A TION Claimed (b) - -" I - Qzeoho- Den- Franse Greece --- Albania Austria Germany It.al-y !Nether- Norway Pol.and Sweden Switzer- Yugo- Middle Cyprus Pales- Iran India East (c) s1mralcia ma:r-lc (p) lands (f'j (g) (h) land sl.av:ia East tine J~rica --- ( d) -·--- (h) 40,200 7,500 76,400 829,000 1,400 Total (b) 1,206,000 24,000 79,400 i-~,400 75.,000 1.,4.GO - 10,,700 5,800 - 4,900 1,200 . 16,500 5,000 5,000 19,200 '- - . ! United Nations 854,684- 22,000 4-f,,. 177 6,500 ·2,976 60,.355 585,.610 1f/JO 61,:9..34 ;l ,_24{) 1,381 8,999 4,827 1,178 -- .__ - . - 5,457 - 15,000 5,000 s,ooo 19,250 Belgium and Luxooibourg 1,.620 ... - - - - 761 - 18 8 - 1 - - - - - - - China 648 - .3 45 ... ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Czechoslova.k:ia 15,6.34- 2~~15 63 s,ooo 1_.,840 1,.,728 129 8 1,156 295 3,000 / - - - / ~ - - - - - - - Denfil0.rk - .304- - - - - - ~o~ 184 18 - - - - - - - -. - - - Dodecanese 1.259 - - - - - 1>25~ - - - .... - - - - - - - - - France 5,760 - 1,160 - 4~478 118 4 - - ....- - - - - - - - - - - - Grecco 31.,386 22~000 792 - 100 4D2 - 3,0.31 32 4 - - 139 - 2,458 1,178 - - - 1,250 Nothorlands 3,.168 - .... 2,i.39 792 - 5 132 . 205 -· - - - - - - - - - - - - Norway - - - - - 76 - 111 18 - - - - c- - - - - - - Poln.nd 692,450 - 11~800 4;}COO 2,339 51,24B 549,622 - 14,679 319 1.,287 - 7,614 3,542 - ·- - 12~000 5;000 5,000 18,000 u.K. 3,051 - - - - - - - 3,026 15 - - 10 - - - - - - - - u.s.A" 1,.586 - - - - 157 - - 1, l/J4 11 2 - 12 - - - - - - - - u. s.s.R. 14, C48 - 462 - I 574 3,650 7,A,16 - 1,749 426 4 - 74 493 - - - - - - - Yugoslavia 79,619 - 23,892 27500 I - 200 21., 992 541 26,996 · 89 52 - - 988 - 2,.369 - - .. ·- - Other (i) -~ 3,146 - 816 __:_ _'------- ,__ __ , - -· 2,321 2 7 - - - - -- - - - - - ·- Albania 1.,589 - - - ·- ~~-T~-·- 1 :588 1 - - - - - - - r- - . -- - - """"-------- '-- ------ --- .. Itn.ly 6,738 2.,000 278 - - 500 876 734 1.~837 87 - - 38 340 - 48 - I - -· - - Former residents o1 t: 171,647 - 2.,975 2,000 4,178 - 161,6B1 - 536 68 - - 209 - - - - - - - - ·· - I- - Estonia 27~941 - 525 - - - 2..7~3-25 - 68 23 - - - - - - - - - - - Latvia 81,236 1,234 19-,.855 t 119 :.s - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - Lithuania 1,216 I .54-l'501 34-9 17 ... 56~083 f - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - Dru.tic States not 6,387 - - 2,000 4,178 - - - - - - - 209 - - - - - - - - specified by nm:ionality ~ -~·--~- ----- Persons not yet classif'icd by 137,650 - 25,608 30.200 161 15,500 62,, 146 864 165 4- - - 1,466 - ... 36 - 1,500 - - - nationality •-I---- -- Stateless, (j) 33,693 - 4,320 1.,500 235 - 18,640 - B,%5 9 24 - - I - - - - - - - - - 1 - ·- - -·- ---- - The :figures arc collcotod by the UNRRA. 1'rdssions from Qo-vcrnmcnt and M:i.li tary sources. Sinco rrost of' the figures arc approxi.rmtions only:, the totn.J.s have bean rounded o:f'i' to the nearest, hundred. The f'igurcs cover disp:J.accd persons in c-runps only for the B.riti.sh and French Zonos; figures f.'or displaced persons outside camps in those 2 zones arc not nvailablc at this time. For tho A.mcrican Zone, f'igurcs· cover ms:plac-cd persons both inside· aJJd o~side -camps. ( a) Very rough estimate of unregistered. displo.cod. persons in Czechoslovakia. (c) The figures cover displo.ccd 1:crsons in camps only as the militnry authorities have ceased to provide .:f'igures for displaced persons outside camps. In addition to these munbors of displacod persons living insido and outside camps in Italy, there are an estimated 40,-000 displaced persons on whom no official data is available. ~~~ Data as at 31st Doccmb-OJr 1945. (h) Figures not available. ( i) Includes nntionnlity groups numbering loss than 100. (j) Represents disple.ced persons holdingNanssen passports and thos.e de:fini:tely detonnined to be miable to establish claim to citizenship in any country. •• l j ' " . ~ --t: .· .... • 5 - 19 - 0 2jr~ FebruLry, 1946. A++ent. · on: epu+ria+ion Djvision. Denr Sir, Ve hc1ve b""en u pproache by ;·rs. ren PJ'"!HT of hoA,c,s, Jho inform!':! us + hu+ ner no+her, Cat. erj ni ,ANK'.v'A 3ge~ 68, o" AS ATC N° 52 77:PA o·· \.. OS, ATli\iS, wishes to bf: repu+r·Tt- ~ +o RhoA s, but has bAen un..~ble +o arrangG i+. tis possible +he+, like a number of other p~o.1:,le ,,.,h arrive, sh. only jntc!'l~s vi13~+ing anA r 0 +urning +o ~·h ns, in wni h C8Se sh"" cc.:n 13pply +o +he Gr ek Au+hori~i""s, .b~+ s~oul~ you subs+un+iu+e hr ~1u~r, we shoulA bP glaA if you can ussis+ hPr in re+urn~n~ +o hoAes. Yours +ruly, CH for r.hief clfare 0 ic~r. Chj ef of I'i ssi on, U . • ~., • A. Grl"lek . ; ssi on, 4, Church4 ll ~+re~+, A I Z t S • JH/k • 21s+ February, 194~. Dear ..:dr, 'le have receive 4 a let+e:c from our _ii~~le 1::ast Offj~c whjch rea~s n pur+s as ~0llows:- n !e huv informn·· on f'rom "'"h~ Ccl',p Direc+or a+ El Arjsh n 4 i~a 4·1n., +h:,t r. De [,""rchi's 1~es+ son hLs r qu 0 s+eA +h8+ plan~ be ma~e for hjs youngPr □"' .3ter ._;jn~ bro+her +o bP rl:'p,.+rju+erl w·+h hjm t.nrl not +o return +o A+hPns wi+h +h-jr ,o+hcr. 0 ,£> c:rc i nfori.: ~ +~,.:+ +his seems +o be B t~ooA pl!,in 0 an +h~ mo+h r hus in~ica+ ~ by hPr ac+ionG +hat she is no+ a proper ~~rson to core for +he t.wo chi l~ren. r+ :is +rue +hcd: .. r. ~n~ !1r~. I1e 1 ::-•r~h· hovP bPen separa+P~ for s~ne +1me anrl +ha+ +he chilrlren have bcnn i +h +h ir rno+hrr. Since +he fu+h 0 r hus "'hr? legal au+hori+,, to s+a+e what r,isposi+ion · he wjshes ma~e of +h 0 ~~11~r n, we s~~g~st +hat he makes a s+u+E'men+ ·n 1rit·ng preferably certif'ier, +ob, l"'gal ·,u+horj-Ly i:--~s+r1.rn+:inl U... 1 -;)RA r::en·p uA +c h's w.: shei:: for ,Psi: •s· +ion o-P +he ~hiP ren. 1.t: Aoes no+ seem fer• sjbl 0 +c us ~a ~ans· ner moving him from - hoAP.s wh., rh is his hor.1e +o Ca-n p 1 'r:i sh. He is no+ el!gibla for Ui,RA care as a r 0fug e as he a_p t1arer1+ ly hu s rernu j n('n .: n nhoAes 3n,~- hu s no+ been ~~spla~e~ ~j c.:r ums+ancei ~ue to ~he war. The s a+us of persons 0¥ ~+altan natjunuli-LJ now r~­ s., 4ing n Bl Ari sh -fugee Carp or re+urning +o +h 0 Do~ecanes~ ·slunAs ·a no+ en+·rely clear en~ has b~en ref9rre~ +o +h~ mili+ary for clearance • • • • • ,12 2 Tf the fa+har w~ shes +h~ ol~er eon un~ the +wo chil~~en +o joiri him n Hho~es we wi 11 reque!rt. +he:! r ret 11rn to Rho" cs on compussiona+e groun~s." Th"s is for your informa+ion. :ou~s fai+hfully, By: ~l . ;IAUKC1,I,d.2, Deputy -:h·er .. I r. G. De archi, RHODFS. ·-"/km. 5 - 19 - 0 A+t: Lisplace4 Persons Division. Dear Sir, The Gre~k ission have forwurreli application forms for repa+ria+ion to +aly of un~ermen+ioneA names:- (a) IOANNU Maria, wife of TOAiNU Giorgio 0/\HhU Vi +tori o, son of -roA~'.rn Gi orgj o. ,.01\FNU N'col:;, bro+n.-,r-in-law of i:O/,N ·; G~org·o (b) F4w- 0 Balasulla, w1fe of FAZZTO Filippo Vi•+orio sotJ of FAZZTO t111· r-PO ~~1TNULLA Ca+toli~a, mo·h~r-in-law of FAZZIO ~1-ppo Alf +he a½ove- men+·one~ were r 0 s~Aen+ in rih APs. \'1e have ma A e en q_ uj ri ~ s + hrough h . • ' .1 . A. \ no~ ecanese unA have rPceive~ the allowing informa+ion:- The nanes liA~e~ unApr (a) are ~ue ·o be repa+~iuteA +o .+aly ith +h 0 nex+ fi4gn+. Th~ ~ate of Aeparture is no+ known , u+·vill bP in +h~ nPar fJ+ure. \ The numPs listeA unAer (b) hGVP alreaAy been recently repL+ria+eA +o T•aly. Y,urs fni+hfully, (\, By: Chief Melfare Officer. Chief of 1 i ss · on, • •.• H • • A., ,-./o -~ri +i sh .rrbas..:,y r{ (J • ~ UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND REHABILITATION ADMINISTRATION GREEC E M IS S I O N HEADQUA RTERS - 4, CHURCHILL STREET, ATHENS T E!LI!QRAPH T C ADDRESS Your Ref. :... ........... ........... .... T ........ .. ... .. ............ .. UNRRA-GREECE Our T S: L E P H O N E, 3 0 • 761 Re f.
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