{ I ' Libroary of Congroess No. C 371, S 717, Volimie XVIII., No, 2, Apr>il., 1984, Page 41 Published by Soule Kindroed, Ina,, P,O, Box 1146, DuxbUMJ, Massachusetts 02 33 1 j (. VOLUME XVIII~ No. 2 APRIL~ 1984 42 SOULE KINDRED NEWSLETTER The SOULE KINDRED NEWSLETTER is published quarterly (January~ April~ July, and October> by Soule Kindred in America, Inc. Dues are $10.00 per year; subscriptions will begin with the first issue of the current year. Late subscribers will be ~ent b~ck issues for the current year. Subscriptions with checks made payable to Soule Kindred should be sent to the Treasurer at 1491 McClellan St., Schenectady, NY 12309. Life Membership ••• $100.00 ~oul£ 7.htinbr~b P~tron Membership • • 50.00 Sustaining Membership 25.00 P. 0 . Box 11~6 Regular Membership. • 10.00 Duxbury, Moss. 0233i ###################~~MM############################################### SOULE KINDRED -OFFICERS PRESIDENT Glenn L. Whitecotten, M.D., BOARD OF DIRECTORS 900 Camino Encantado, Los Alamos, NM 87544· 505-662-9456 Class of 1984 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Dan Pearce, 31 Oakwood Road, Ben George Soule, 7505 Queen Box 1518, Duxbury, MA 02332 Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 619-934-6647 55423 612-869-6056 Mary Soule Kelly, 1218 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Fourth Avenue West, Linda Soule Preston, 2340 .Hendersonville, NC 28739 Grandview Avenue, Cincinnati, 704-647-1839 OH 45206 513-281-4774 Dorothea Wilhelm, P.O. Box TREASURER 733, 236 Stoney Cliff Rd., Betty-Jean Haner, 1491 Centerville, MA .02632 McClellan St., Schenectady, NY 617-771-0076 12309 518-346-8314 Class of 1985 HISTORIAN Dr . Milton Terry, 381 Creek Glenn Whitecotten, 900 Bed Rd., Mountainside, NJ Camino Encantado, Los Alamos, 07092 201-232-2614 NM 87544 505-662-9456 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY George S. Soule, 200 South Mrs. Paul <Avis> Haner, 53 Avenue 56, Los Angeles, CA New Shaker Rd., Albany, NY 90042 213-256-4585 12205 518-869-8368 Ben George Soule, 7405 Queen SECRETARY TO THE BOARD Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN Mrs. Thomas <Marian> 55423 612-869-6056 O'Connell, 2027 Allen Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 Class of 1986 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Opal Soule Manly, 200 South Mrs. James <Geraldine> Avenue 56, Los Angeles, CA Schlosser, 3060 N. Hackett 90042 213-256-4585 Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211 Betty Whitecotten. 2306 414-964-0293 Woodland Blvd. Villas, Ft. NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Myers, FL 33907 813-936-8291 W. Fred Soules. P.O. Box W. Fred Soules. P.O. Box 250, Lorena, TX '6655 250, Lorena, TX 76655 817-857-4570 817-857-4570 NEWSLETTER INDEXER Mrs. Frank <Mary> Crismore, PERMANENT OFFICE 3139 W. 51st St., Sabina D. Crosby, P.O.Box Indianapolis, IN 46208 1146, Duxbury, MA 02331 317-293-6561 SOULE KINDRED NEWSLETTER VOLUME XVIII~ No. 2 APRIL~ 1984 43 TABLE OF CONTENTS Officers- ----- 42 President's Corner- 44 Plymouth Reunion, 1984- 45 In Memoriam: Kenneth C. Tiffin- 47 Family Historian's Report 48 Questions and Answers 50, 55 Milestones- ---- 51 Kindred News: Clyde Soule 56 Meet Your Officers: Mary Thomas Crismore- 58 Family Society Tours- 60 Lineage Form- --- 61 The Story of George Soule, Part 5, by Mrs. Edwin S. Harris- 63 Three Ellener Browns by Alice E. Chace- 68 Lineages- - 70 Camp Soule- 71 Soule Kindred Membership, 1984- 72 Order Form- ------ - 79 Poem by Isabelle Freeman- 80 COVER: Map of Plymouth, Kingston, and Duxbury showing landmarks of early times. Make note of the places you'd like to visit when you attend the 1984 Plymouth Reunion. ******************************************************************** FROM YOUR EDITOR. • • • We received some new memberships and renewals too late to be included in this issue; look for them in July. The deadline for material for the July issue is JUNE 15! Please send news clippings and articles directly to the editor before then. Note the Reunion schedule on page 45, · and then do send in your pre-registration. I'd suggest that you photocopy the registration blank in order to preserve your Newsletter-- or copy the reunion plans before sending the form, so you'll have the ·schedule. I hope that many of you are planning to attend the Mayflower Congress which follows; contact your state Governor to see if you can be a delegate. It is important to have a large SOULE representation there. 44 SOULE KINDRED NEWSLETTER VOLUME XVIII~ No. 2 APRIL~ 1984 1Pre~ i bent'~ <!Eornrr. • • Dear Cousins, Recently, the ADDENDUM TO MAYFLOWER VOLUME III, was compl eted and distributed (initially as an "in house" publication) to the Governors and Historians of the various states. As you are well aware, there are differing op1n1ons regarding whether or not some of the information in MF3 is erroneous. Governor General Dwight Twist appointed a Genealogical Review Panel, chaired by Past Governor General, Dr. Lee D. van Antwerp, to judge the material presented for inclusion in the addendum. Soule Family Historian, Dr. Milton E. Terry and the Editor of Volume III, Miss Anne Borden Harding, were reluctant to do so because both feared that their contributions might not receive the same consideration as those of their critics. Dr. Twist has stated that in his view, the proposed changes in the MF3 addendum could be presented to Dr. Terry and Miss Harding for critical review prior to the time that i t was to go to the jury. Dr. Terry has informed me that that was not done. Dr. Terry further stated that to his knowledge, no jury member attempted to contact him regarding either his views or to obtain information from his files of either a supporting or nonsupporting nature. To date, I am unaware of any written statement from any of the panel members regarding t heir findings. One wonders if they served merely as unquestioning editors, or did they indeed question any of t he material presented to them? It would be gratifying to know that a "rubber stamp" was not routinely and regularly applied to each page of the addendum. Much has been said of the need for facts in genealogical research. Indeed, we all wish for information with attendant proofs. Oftentimes the proof seems to have vanished. Thus reputable genealogists not infrequentl y attempt to reconstruct situations knowing some of t he facts, but not necessarily all of t hem . Among the sci ences, archaemlogy, paleontology, and anthropology are disciplines that frequently effectively use deductive reasoning. Educated guesses and suppositions should not necessarily be disdained. Mr . Thompson and Mr. Anderson have written much of the need for proof. Yet to refute Dr. Terry and Mi~Harding ' s position, they, too, have used supposition. If they can use the educated guess in t heir arguments, why then do they insi st that we not have the same privilege? .Frankly, in my opinion, it comes down to the denominator of just who is holding the reins of the horse, Dr. Terry is now in possession of an Addendum t o MFJ. Work is well under way on a rebuttal, and he is hopeful that it will be largel y completed and ready for our inspection by the time of our September reunion in Plymouth. At that t ime, the Kindred may wish to di scuss whether or not we should proceed to publish an addendum of our own foll owing critical r eview by a panel of review. ~·cerely,~ Glenn L. Whitecotten President, Soule Kindred ------------------------ SOULE KINDRED NEWSLETTER VOLUME XVIII~ No. 2 APRIL~ 1984 45 1984 SOULE KINDRED REUNION PL YNOUTH, MAS SI\C HUSETTS SEPTEMBER 6-9, 1984 REUNION EVENTS AND INFORNATION SEPTEMBER 6, 1984, THURSDAY •..•• Registration and general weleome. 6:00P.M. HOWARD JOHNSONv S MOTOR INN MAIN STREET ROUTE 3 and 3A KINGSTON, MA 02364 At the moment, ten (10) double rooms have been reserved at the following rates: Singe ~ $39.00; double = $44.00 Threesome = $49.00; foursome = $55.00 SEPTEMBER 7, 1984, FRIDAY .•••••. Touring as a group. Suggestions have included a day trip to the Cape. Return to Plymouth by late afternoon. Officers' meeting at the Soule Kindred office, late afternoon. Individual dinner arrangements. Further suggestions most welcome -- planning continues. SEPTEMBER 8, 1984, SATURDAY ...•• Meet at 9?00 A.M. for a motor caravan to sites in Duxbury -- the King Caesar Museum, the Standish Monument, the Pilgrim Burial Ground with a brief service at the grave of George Soule, Noon, Clam bake at the Alden House. Prices for the clam bake lunch will be announced in the July Newsl etter. General business meeting following the clam bake. Speaker. Adjourn approximately 6:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 9, 1984, SUNDAY ••••••. Church as a group. Lunch together, Dutch treat. Suggestions, Governor Carver Hotel, Plymouth. Other suggestions, welcome. ADJOURN 46 SOULE KINDRED NEWSLETTER VOLUME XVIII~ No. 2 APRIL~ 1984 PREREGISTRATION FORM PREREGISTRATION FEE ; $10.00 ADDRESSNAME---------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________ I WILL NEED MOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PEOPLE AT THE HOWARD JOHNSON'S MOTEL IN laNGSTON,----------------- MA • I WILL ATTEND THE REUNION FUNCTIONS, but I will not be staying at the Howard Johnson°s motel in Kingston. My address at the reunion will be: OTHERS A'ITENDING THE REUNION WITH ME ARE: I PLAN TO ACCOMPANY THE GROUP ON THE DAY TRIP ON FRIDAY, Sept. 7, 1984 I PLAN TO ACCOMPANY THE GROUP ON THE MOTOR CARAVAN TO SITES IN DUXBURY/PLYMOUTH on Saturday, September 8. I PLAN TO ATTEND THE LUNCH ON Saturday, September 8, at the ALDEN HOUSE. SEAFOOD LUNCH (Please indicate the number -------------------- you wish to order.) STEAK LUNCH -------------- (please indicate the numbe~ you wish to order.) PLEASE BE PREPARED TO PAY FOR THE CLAM BAKE LUNCHES AT THE REGISTRATION PERIOD ON THURSDAY EVENIN:;, SEPTEMBER 7, 1984. I PLAN TO A'!TEND CEURCH with the GROUP ON SUNDAY ------------------ PLEASE SEND THE COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORMS AND YOUR REGISTRATION FEE TO SOULE IITNDRED TREASURER.
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