TOWI Nw866 o uJ HAIII: 9 THE DECHOUKAOE HAS ONLY JUST BEOUN! PERU: IHIT BLOOD THAT HAS BEEI{ SPITT SHAtt NEUER BE FORGOIIE]II F{r**ffiffi sliti;::l$ 1986t6 Hoiti The Dechoukage Has Only Just Begun! Crisis in Haiti and the Tasks of Revolutionaries by the Haitian Internationalist Revolutionary- Group A Call to the Haitian Revolutionary Movement by the Haitian Revolutionary Internationalist Group and the Haitian Workers Party t6 People Are Disposed to Take Care of Business - Talks with Haitian Workers Party l8 Peru This Blood That Has Been Spilt Shall Never Be Forgotten 34 Flames Leap to Puno 37 Support for People's War in Peru Echoes on Every Continent 39 Excerpts From Worldwide Campaign Speech Five Years of People's War in Peru 44 RIM Committee Greets Peru Campaign 46 A "Shining Trench of Combat" Statement on the Massacre of Our Comrades in Peru's Prisons by the RIM Committee 28 "Day of Herois111" - Statement by the PCP Central Committee- 32 Forward Along the Path Charted by Mao Tsetung!42 Interview with Afghan Revolutionary 48 Romania: From Goulash Communism to Capitalist Austerity 58 The Weapon of Criticism: Book Reviews 64 A llorld to I,I4n is a quarterly published by World to Win, whose address is: BCM world to win London WCIN 3XX. U.K. This issue was printed by Russell Press, Bertrand Russeil House, Forest Road West, Nottingham, U.K. AUGUST, I986. Subscribe to A World to Win From Kurdiston to Colombio - people oll oround the world reod A World to Win Avoiloble in English, 'a.,ry%i_*{ Forsi, Sponish, ltolion, ond Turkish. Bock issues €2 (North Americo: U.S. S4). ffi&* A World to Win Published Quorterly Subscriptio ns 97 for four issues, U.S. S.l5.00 Air moil, institution ond trode rotes ovoiloble upon request' Pleose send your nome, moiling oddress, cheque ond the issue number which to begin your subscription, to: BCM World to Win London WCIN 3XX, U.K. Attention : Subscriptions For Norih Americon subscriptions, write to: .l0003 Revolution Books, l3 Eost l5th St, New York, NY U.S.A. I ffiffiffi,ffiffiHffiflffiffirtr, ffiwffi ruffi,* ffiri*# ffit.ffiffi,e. 4^.-,.1.d ffi *sas;i* M t' # J. .,;T ffi l ffiffiffr l;r W A World To Win hos been inspired by the formotion of the Revolutionory lnternotionolist Movement, onnounc- W ed on Morch 12th, 1984, which hos regrouped mony I i*"':r-*:" ffi Morxist-Leninist porties ond orgonisotions from oround the t ...,! world. lt is not on officiol orgon of the RlM. lts poges ore @ open to oll those on the some sides of the borricodes in the fight ogoinst imperiolism ond reoction. :'*tit:r+t"'* 'i.'r;!.: A World to Win is presently ovoiloble in English, Forsi, .a9,:;.*; Itolion, Sponish ond Turkish. sz,,''* { *J r: $*" ffiP STEP FORWAR.D! A World fo VVin connot occomplish its tosks without the ",ffi:"txqta;Y.e/ octive support of its reoders. Letters, orticles ond criticism *"'-T;;:9'* ore needed ond welcome. Monuscripts should be typed double spoced. ln oddition we need tronslotors, help with distribution (including through commerciol chonnels) to ;ffi moke this mogozine ovoiloble in os mony countries os possible, ort work (os well os clippings ond originol +iii ?.19.F' qi ii#*xg photos), ond of course finonciol contributions from those u*l E 'H&+i€ who understond the importonce of the continued publico- N'";+d *&,., tion of this mogozine. This includes both individuol con- -ff- :s :e+- Ra:.+v.y6s tributions ond the efforts of those who undertoke the -r# responsibility for roising funds for this mogozine. Send ifr. *..sr#-leri pledges ond donoiion cheques mode out to "A World '6i%)9i to ffi;:nw \Vin." "*#. Send oll correspondence ond other moteriols to' "@a BCM World to Win E"-h.q!# London ,.81-#* \^/CIN 3XX U.K. #9ry^ #.."-8..w ._ffi- r-'i ,I . ,i "i ", .:"';..f"n. .t.f ;;: . T: r . ru*o l lI 9" . f"r:"" f '*.'; ' ..,.-" !" ".*..i 3:X.tl-lJ. ;: ,r X.-lX.,1;"f; q li^"r";i,ii'0 '.sr .. *r, "*."r"; il'f-3, ;*. "+,=.,., ".1,'9: Jl;;. 4 llAlll: IHE HAS ONLY The Duvolier dictotorship, o "presidency for life" possed down from fother to son since 1957, ended obruptly Februory 7th when o U.S.- supplied militory plone corried Jeon- Cloude Duvolier ond his fother's hostily dug-up remoins to exile in I Fronce. aI The dechoukoge the efforts of the g - mosses to "uproot" the old order - e hod begun. Duvolierist ond Tonton ! Mocoutes (Duvolier's ormed thugs) P were driven out of their positions of a q{ outhority throughout society. Mony o were sentenced ond executed by the crowds in the streets. = Two things con be soid with certointy. One is thot Hoiti's ruling closses ore in disorroy ond the ormed forces which ore the bockbone of their stote qre tremendously weokened, while the mosses ore determined to corry through their dechoukage. fhe other is thot if the mosses in their millions do not toke up guns ond overthrow the old power ond reploce it with o new revolutionory stote led by the proletoriot, in order to do owqy with imperiolist dominotion, 5 DEGHOUKAOE JUSI BEOUN! semi-feudolism ond bureoucrot copitolism, then one woy or onoiher the reoctionory closses ond the U.S. - for whom much is ot sioke in Hoiti, in regionol ond internotionol terms - will reossert their bloody power ond toke revenge. The obiective conditions for D revolution ore excellent in Hoiti. They E ore olso excellent conditions for the F- emergence of o porty embrocing oll tr Hoiti's genuine proletorion d revolutionories on the bosis of {\ Mo rxism-Leninism-Moo Tsetung u Thought qnd in relotion to the a6 Or Revolutionory I nternotiono list Movement. A porty thot would put Or itself ot the heod of the moss upsurge by corrying forword o protrocted people's wor bosed on the mosses ond especiolly the peosonts who form the greot moiority of the populotion. The ioint coll to Hoiti's Morxist- Leninists put out by the Hoition lnternotionolist Revolutionory Group (GRIA) ond the Hoition Workers Porty (PTH) is o very significont step in this direction. tr 6 Crisis in Hoiti qnd the Tqsks of Revolutionqries By rhe Hoition lnternqtionolist Revolutionqry Group (CR lAl Haiti is in the midst of the greatest partial transformation of the present system is vulnerable. They stood up crisis in its history. The class strug- order try to change things from and broke up that firm monkey tail gle has taken an unprecedented turn, above. But there are also the op- that Duvalier was bragging about, where all the centuries-old con- pressed masses, i.e., the proletariat, thus forcing the imperialists and the tradictions of Haitian society are the peasantry, the impoverished sec- ruling class to remove the lackey tied into a knot and ready for tors of the petit bourgeoisie, the Duvalier from the comfort of the I political resolution. In this national classes that suffer the most under the national palace and sending him in- I historic juncture, in this revolu- existing order. Their interests lie in to exile, to be replaced by a military- a tionary situation, all the classes are a total transformation of society: civilian junta. The imperialists and 3 in motion, contending among not reform and cosmetic changes in- ruling class were forced to make that themselves and trying to resolve the stituted from above, but a move in order to cut their losses 3 contradictions in their own class in- thoroughgoing new democratic short, and to deceive the masses, but i terest. revolution from below, led by the the masses were not deceived and o In this revolutionary period socie- proletariat, in which the reactionary have continued to wage battles h ty is divided into two big camps: forces are violently overthrown. against this rubber stamp {o those who are fighting to maintain Duvalierist junta put in place by the tr the existing structure, and thereby The Masses are the Makers of reactionaries to continue the "fine o continue the centuries-old exploita- History job" of repressing the masses that i tion, oppression, misery and suffer- In the past three months the oppress- Duvalier and his cronies have done ing of the masses, and those whose ed masses of Haiti not only made so well for the past twenty-nine interests dictate that the defenders of history, they changed history. They years. the status quo be overthrown and have stood up against the reac- the present structure dismantled and tionary hereditary dictatorship of An Historical Crossroad replaced by one that would serve Baby Doc's regime, the foremost In this national historic juncture, their own class interests. Both of representative of the ruling class and Haiti is at a crossroads, where two these camps, i.e., the camp of reac- the imperialists which have ruled paths are wide open before the Hai- tion and the camp of revolution, are over and oppressed them for almost tian Revolution. One is the path of further subdivided into two. In the thirty years. They forced that regime the past, the old path of continued camp of reaction there are the out of power and forced Baby to flee exploitation, oppression, suffering, hardliners who claim that the only the country. The masses forced this starvation, mass murder of infants way to crush the masses' struggle is reactionary out exactly in the period and ignorance... this is the path pro- with violence, and there are those when the regime stepped up its mised by the imperialists and the who maintain that while violence is repression against them and when Haitian ruling class.
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