Fèisean nan Gàidheal’s Newsletter • Iris 64 • An t-Sultain 2017 • September 2017 Blas Festival 2007 ...................................... 1 2017 BLAS FESTIVAL SUCCESS Fèisean 25th Anniversaries .................. 2 Fèis Chataibh ............................................. 2 Fèisean an t-Samhraidh ........................ 3 Cèilidhean air Chuairt ............................ 3 Guth nan Gael ........................................... 4 FèisTV ............................................................ 4 Fèisgoil ......................................................... 5 Dràma air Chuairt ..................................... 5 Sgoil Shamhraidh .................................... 6 Chaidh Blas a chumail eadar 1 agus 9 Sultain agus tha a h-uile coltas ann gun deach cùisean gu math eadar cèilidhean, cuirmean, bàrdachd, dràma agus obair ann an sgoiltean. Am-bliadhna chuir sinn romhainn cuirmean sònraichte a chur air dòigh a’ comharrachadh an 80mh ceann-bliadhna aig ceathrar a tha iomraiteach ann an cultar na Gàidhealtachd - Kenna Chaimbeul, Fergie Dòmhnallach, Mòrag NicLeòid agus Fionnlagh MacLeòid. Bha Coimisean Blas 2017 a’ rannsachadh dìleab phrìseil de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig a dh’fhàg an t-Urr Uilleam MacMhathain, fear dhen luchd- cruinneachaidh agus eòlaichean a bu chliùitiche a bh’ againnn ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig. Tha sinn gu mòr an comain Jo NicDhòmhnaill a rinn an rannsachadh agus a lìbhrig nan cuirmean sin. Chomharraich Fèis na h-Òige agus Fèis Lochabair ceann- AGM & CONFERENCE 2017 bliadhna 25 bliadhna agus chuimhnich sinn cuideachd air laoich nan cogaidhean agus Thèid Coinneamh Bhliadhnail agus na h-iomain cuide ri Ùisdean MacIllInnein, Gary Innes agus càch. Co-labhairt Fèisean nan Gàidheal Chaidh clàran ùr fhoillseachadh aig an fhèis le Lauren NicCholla cho math ri Mike 2017 a chumail ann an Taigh-òsta Vass is Mairearad Green agus bha iomadh tachartas a’ dol thall ’s a bhos air feadh na Bhaile Chaolais. Cruinnichidh muinntir Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean. nam Fèisean airson sùil a thoirt air This year’s Blas Festival took place between 1 and 9 September with around 40 concerts a’ bhliadhna a dh’fhalbh agus na as well as an array of work in Highland schools and care homes. Among those performing tha romhainn. Bidh ceòl agus òrain bho òigridh Fèis Lochabair a tha a’ were Skipinnish, Breabach, Mànran and Duncan Chisholm. Ireland’s Sharon Shannon comharrachadh 25 bliadhna agus returned, following her debut Blas appearances last year, to join Skerryvore at Eden Court in dinnear le dannsa às a dèidh. Thèid a Inverness. h-uile càil a chumail air 22 agus 23 An The Angus Nicolson Trio, Donald Black Band, Ireland’s Fidil and Canada’s MacIsaac & t-Sultain agus thathar an dòchas gum bi MacKenzie all appeared as did Iain MacFarlane and Ewan Robertson joined by Dermot co-dhiù aon riochdaire às gach fèis aig Byrne, Altan’s former box player. An array of the finest Gaelic singers were to the fore an tachartas. Tha ceathrar bhall a’ fàgail including Mairi MacInnes, James Graham, Iain MacKay, Margaret Stewart, Rona Lightfoot, a’ Bhùird am-bliadhna agus tha sinn a’ Ewan John Morrison, David Mackenzie, Murdo ‘Wasp’ MacDonald, Amy MacKay, Mary toirt tàing mhòr dhaibh airson sàr-thaic Catherine MacNeil, Freddie Mackenzie, Robert Robertson, Rachel Walker, Alasdair Whyte, thar nam bliadhnachan. Eilidh Cormack, Linda Macleod, Allan MacDonald, Christine Primrose as well as Dingwall Fèisean nan Gàidheal’s AGM will be held Gaelic Choir and Inverness Gaelic Choir. In an established partnership with Comhairle nan in the Ballachulish Hotel on Friday 22 Leabhraichean Gaelic poets, including Maoilios Caimbeul and Aonghas MacNeacail, made September 2017 with Gaelic musician, Mary Ann Kennedy, as guest speaker. We expect guest appearances at some events. representatives from Fèisean across Scotland Fèisean nan Gàidheal delivered Blas events across the area served by The Highland Council will be in attendance. working with a large number of voluntary and professional promoters, venues and artistes. Young people from Fèis Lochabair will play This is the model of festival the council envisaged when officials and members visited Cape and a there will be a Cèilidh following dinner. Breton’s Celtic Colours around 15 years ago. Due to additional funding from Argyll & Bute The Conference will take place on Saturday 23 Council and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, this year we took in some venues in Argyll and the September, with a mix of presentations and Western Isles and we are grateful for the ongoing support of The Highland Council, HIE, workshops. Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Creative Scotland and, this year, Marine Harvest who sponsored Blas 2017. 25TH ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRATED BY THREE FÈISEAN FÈIS CHATAIBH WEEKEND Tha Fèis Chataibh gu bhith trang as t-Samhain le sreath de bhùthan- obrach anns na h-ealain thraidiseanta ann an Goillspidh. An toiseach air 18mh agus 19mh den t-Samhain cumaidh an fhèis deireadh- sheachdain de dh’obair-còmhlain dha dheugairean. Aig a’ cheart àm air Disathairne 18 den t-Samhain thèid Latha Fèise a chumail cuideachd Fèis Lochabair, Fèis Eilean na Hearadh and Fèis na h-Òige have all reached an important ann an Àrd-sgoil Ghoillspidh. Tha milestone this year. an tachartas seo a’ tairgse iomadh cuspair le clasaichean a’ dol agus air Fèis Lochabair’s 25th Fèis was held at the start of August, with approximately 150 participants an cur air dòigh aig a h-uile ìre comais. in attendance. As well as the main attendees, Fèis Lochabair also played host to visitors from the local Lochaber Cèilidh Trail and Fèisean nan Gàidheal’s ‘Guth na nGael’ cultural exchange. Fèis Chataibh are set to be busy this The huge volume of people in attendance, not to mention the evening events that were held, November with a series of traditional ensured that it was one of the busiest weeks Fèis Lochabair has seen yet. Andrew MacDonald’s arts workshops for young people Cèilidh Band brought the week to a close on with the Fèis cèilidh on the Friday evening. taking place in Golspie. In September, a special Blas Festival concert was held in honour of Fèis Lochabair’s 25th Firstly over the weekend of 18th and anniversary, with music provided by past and present participants and tutors including the band, 19th November Fèis Chataibh will Fras, and Aonghas Grant. hold a groupwork weekend for S1-6 Fèis Eilean na Hearadh commemorated its anniversary by welcoming over 100 children to its pupils in Golspie High School aimed at Fèis week in July and holding a big cèilidh in Tarbert where tutors, committee members and young musicians who have reached an participants, past and present, gathered to celebrate this achievement. The longest-serving tutor, intermediate or advanced level in their Larry Ferguson, composed a waltz for the longest-serving committee member, Rhoda Campbell, main instrument. who stood down after the celebrations. The waltz was played for Rhoda at the final concert. Fèis Chataibh have gathered a superb Fèis na h-Òige celebrated its 25th anniversary with a cèilidh featuring current and previous team of tutors for this event including participants and volunteers of the Fèis, as part of Blas 2017. One of the first Fèis participants, Gordon Gunn, Addie Harper, Charlie Kirsteen MacDonald, was bean-an-taighe, for the evening. The audience also heard tales from McKerron and Jim Hunter. Etta MacKay (who helped set up the Fèis) of the early days when participants would take their The event costs £60 for two days’ sleeping bags and spend the night in Culloden Academy! Performers included members of tuition and includes lunch each day as Canntaireachd, a singing group for Fèis teenagers until 2011 and fiddler Seonag Buxton and her well as dinner on Saturday evening. family, all of whom have attended and taught at the Fèis over the years. Meanwhile on Saturday 18th November Fèis Chataibh will also run FÈIS PHÀISLIG EXPANDS FÈIS SPÈ STEP DANCE PROJECT a Fèis Day in Golspie High School. This Bha sgioba Fèis Phàislig air a dòigh Fèis Day is open to young people aged tachartas ùr a thabhainn an cois na 8 to 18 and offers a host of different prìomh Fèise san Iuchar 2017. subjects with classes streamed by ability. Thug an Fhèis Adhartach cothrom dha luchd-ciùil is seinneadairean òga an The event costs £25 per child and will cuid sgilean a thoirt air adhart le taic run from 10am to 4pm. agus oideachadh bho Megan NicEanraig Full information on subjects, tutors, agus Calum MacCruimein bhon pricing and registration methods for all chòmhlan Breabach. B’ ann air òigridh of these events are available from Fèis na h-àrd-sgoile a bha comasach air na In July, the Cairngorms Cèilidh Trail took part treasurer Debbie Celli at feischataibh@ h-ionnsramaidean aca mar-thà a bha an in a Fèis Spè step dance project to introduce yahoo.co.uk. tachartas seo ag amas, agus thairis air them to step dancing and to encourage them ceithir latha de bhùthan-obrach fhuair to take their new skills out on tour. compàirtichean cothrom a bhith ag We asked their whistle player and piper, Ailsa obrachadh air rianachd, cluich airson Hepburn (a novice step-dancer) what she dannsa, cruthachadh agus taisbeanadh thought of the week: ciùil traidiseanta. “The most challenging part of learning the Fèis Phàislig was delighted to offer a new steps was probably trying to remember each event as part of the annual summer Fèis one of them individually, and finding where in Paisley this July. The Advanced Fèis was my feet went half the time! designed for S1-6 pupils who were already But putting them into a routine made it easier proficient on an instrument or voice who and it got easier as the week went on. wished to work on their traditional music I feel as if my playing has also improved from skills at a more advanced level. this as it gives me a better understanding of Fèis Phàislig plans to run the Advanced Fèis the structure and timings of tunes and how again next year from 17-20th July 2018.
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