Edina artist James T. Swenson, 72, '76, has captured the "THERE'S JUST ONE U" uniqueness of the University in this limited edition It's perfect for your home or office. The p r£ t gift for lithograph. graduating senior ) Gopher fans, or fu tur and favorite alumni! Proceed go to the Univer ity of Minn ota 1988 Hom coming eel brati n: "Th res Just One " The lImned edill on pnnl was produ cd from an o nglnal wal rcolor on high qualIt) p ll ncutral paper that meets archival standards. ollrles), of Kolorpress. Ur ala and Il oward Givcn , olo rbrtlc Inc .. T li pe Cit r . and Ih e Inner it) Paper ompan\'. ORDER TODAY "There' Just One " Mail payment Desc ri ption Quan ti ty Cost Per It em To tal B Jame T. wen on and order form to limited Edition $150 lm age Ize 21 v,!" by 29" UllIver It)' of hnne ota FOLInda tlon ramed I;:e 28'./' by 3-+ I, ,.. 120 Mornll Hall Fram ing Selection Quantity Cost Pe r Item Total 950 igned lim ited ed iti ons UnIVersity of hnne ora ArtISt proof available Mmneapoli , t 55 -+ 55 A Beige Mat Dark Green Fnlme $ 95 B. Tan Mat Maroon Frame $ 95 Pi ca c ship 10 ( Pl ea e Print) C. Maroon Mat Brushed Gold [rame $ 95 ~a~m~e ________________________________________ ___ Sh ipp ing Quantity Cost Pe r Item Total ~dd~r~es~s~ _____________________________________ __ Unframed $ 5 ~I~L-________________________________________ __ Framed $ 20 ~t~a~tc~ ______________________________~Z~ IP~ _____ __ TOTAL ~~------------------------------------------ Plea e all ow 6-8 weeks for d liver y. IANUARY l FEBRUARY 1988 VOLUME 87, NUMBER 3 FEATURES EDITOR II I l lcOLUMNS Jean Marie Hamilton COPY EDITOR 7 Check It Out 33 Some of Our Graduates: Joan Torkildson By Ann Mueller Of Dreams and Homes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Introducing the University's new By Kimberly Yaman Kimberly Yaman library computer system designed to Alumni in the news. INTERNS help you locate your favorite book and Ste e Indrehus provide other helpful information. 35 Minnesota Campaign: 100 + ! Sus.an Martin By Kimberly Yaman PRODUCTIO ASSISTANT 10 Pat Fallon in Memorial The University's drive to endow fac­ Pat Aukema By Karin Winegar ulty chairs reaches 110. DESIG A look at the tough Irish kid who Churchward Hopp Design Associates made it into the University through 37 Alumni: Overdrive PHOTOGRAPHER General College doors, graduated, By Paul A. Eisenstein Tom foley and moved on to become chair of the Ruth Reck was the first woman in EDITORIAL BOARD hottest ad agency in the country. physical chemistry at General Motors Paul Dienhart Research Laboratories. Jean Marie Hamilton Mathews Hollinshead Pamela laVigne 39 Faculty: The Cheese Lynn Marasco Marcy Sherriff Stands Alone Maureen Smith By Ann Mueller EXECUTIVE EDITOR Cheese, sour cream, butter, and other Marcy Sherriff products may soon be cholesterol free ADVERTISING SALES if food science and nutrition assistant Paul Mikkalson professor Susan Harlander's research MINNESOTA ALUI'v1NI ASSOClATIO proves successful. ECUTIVE COMMlTTEE 41 PRESIDENT The Sports Page: Fred Friswold, '58 One for the Students By Brian Osberg VICE PRESIDENT Kenn th (Chip) Claser '75 ew and remodeled recreational facilities for students have been SECRETARY Sue Bennett, '65, '67 approved. TREASURER l. Steven Goldstein, '73 43 Minnesota Alumni Association: "There's Just One U" MEMBERS Marcia ApP"I, '74 By Kimberly Yam an Tom Borman, '76 Alumni and friends are gearing up to Ron Handberg. '60 15 Sports from A to Z celebrate the University in 1988. Lauris Krenik, '54 By Wendy orberg Carol Pine, '07 Gopher football and basketball got 48 National President: A PAST PRESIDENT you down? Take cheer in alpine Harvey Mackay, '54 Noble Cause skiing, rodeo riding, and 24 other By Fred Friswold E ECUTIVE DIRECTOR sports at the University. Margaret Sughrue Carlson How can alumni help the Minnesota Campaign? 23 Hello, Good-bye M""'tsC'/a IS pubh hed b,monthly by the Mm· A passing glance at 1987. n ta AlumnI ASSOCIation for It members and 50 Executi e Director: Diary of uther committed fnends ot the Umverslty of a Homecoming Crisis 11Onesota MembershIp IS open t all past and 28 Some Like It Hot By Margaret $u lIme Carlson r' ~nt students, faculty, stalf and other t"ends By Mary Morse Reschedule homec ming so the Twin ho WIsh to be IOvolved 10 the advancement of Her best-selling new book. Hot e UnIversIty Annual dues are $25 i08le 5 can play in the World Series? Sure, usband/ wlfe. L.fe membershIp dues are $400 Flashes, has been compared to Erica why not? ngle $450 husband WIfe Installment hf long's Fear of Flyill . Depre ion t mbersh,ps are available. For membershIp tormallon or servIce. call or wnte MIOne ota baby Barbara Raskin, '55, in pr file . lumnl As oelallon. 100 MOrrlll Hall lOa IDEPARTMENTS ~ ureh Street SE, MIOneapo), MN 55~55 012· 4·2323 C pVnght C) 1988 by the MIOnesota Cover lumnl A soclatlOn 45 Cia Notes photogra~h by Kay Chemush 47 Calendar "I'm not a good gambler. I've usual/ lost in my few attempts. When my wife ane' I resolved to ell our house an I eek a retirement apartment oj ome kind, we considered tI options: purchase, rent, Ie 2, join a cooperative-and th n the literally unique life-care opportunity at Friend hip ii/age. "True, we might never use its Health Center, but gambling on freedom from future health needsjust didn't seem very bright. Sure, we could ay 'well, it can't happen to us, ' but we know that it can. Just as Dr. Har Id lien. Prore~~or it happened to somefriends Emeritu~or[ngi1~hand lIngui\tlc\ at the niver\ilyor who elected another option and "GAMBLING ~ l lnne\ola and hi, \\ ile. Eli7abclh now regret that choice. " ON FREEDOM FROM FUTURE HEAl TH NEEDS UST DIDN'T SEEM RY BRIGHT." Friendship Village of Bloomington is the r---------------------, only true life-care commuruty in the entire state of Minnesota. So, we're the only commuruty where you can enjoy a comfort­ able private re idence with numerou personal and maintenance ervices, dirung, transportation, financial ecurity, and the availability of unlimited nur ing care at the cost of just two e tra meal per day. We're Nrume ______________ the only community where you can enjoy a retirement lifestyle totally free from worry of ddr~~. _______________ any kind, for entry fee tarting at $49,750. ilyl tate/Zip ____________ For more details about riendship Village, call (612)831-7500. Or mail u the coupon. Telephone _______ ge.__ _ Like the Ailens, why gam ble? ingle ___ Married ___ Wid \ ed __ o Managed by Life are er i ce~ orp ration 69 L___________________ _J MINNESOTA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ":"~ ·· 1 : N "'.; ' F '··~ · 0 C '.. U ; S - BOARD OF OIRECTORS " ...• '. - - t. d Fnswold PRESIDENT neth (Chip) Glaser VICE PRESIDENT Bennett SECRETARY I teven ColdstelO TREASURER Write Home. Okay, Phone Home I-i """Y Mackay PAST PRESIOENT AT-LARGE MEMBERS ~ ",ia Appel Carol PIOe Tb mas H Borman Sue Platou Being the editor of Minnesota is some­ In our efforts to better serve our mis­ n French Tish Reynolds times as lonely as being the May tag sion, we planned to not onJy include a Ro anne Givens Maryan Schall repairman. I rarely hear from anyone. In Letters to the Editor column but also R n Handberg Nancy Selleck the past year, we've received onJy a dozen solicit more opinion essays from our read­ Hal Johnson JO'fph Sizer or so letters from our readers, and most ers and institute a status report to be uuns Krenik James R. Sutherland Ed ndes Paul Taylor of those were either gracious thank-you written by deans and directors of the lanle Mayeron Richard Tschudy letters from subjects of articles or letters University's major colleges, schools, and Chuck ichols Michael W Unger that polHely pointed out our errors. We're institutes. But frankly, we're having trou­ so lonely around here, we actually appre­ ble. We are having difficulty finding con­ ludy Crew Student Body President ciate both kinds. Last week, after our tributors who are willing to "tell it like it Minnesota Student AssOCLltlon November/ December issue finally hit the is" and give our readers the " inside Sue Streitmatter President Student Alumni Associahon front doorsteps, we heard from Professor scoop." We have been told that it has lames twton Past President Gerald M. Siegel, who wrote to tell us become clear that the "tell it like it is" and Student Alurnnl Assoaahon that the issue was " mformative and "inside scoop" content would likely not Stephen Roszell Assoaate Vice President warmly moving." That was it. If you serve the school or University very well . Development and Alumni Relations count telephone calls-for some reason, The impression exists that the central Russell Bennett President letter writing appears to be a dying art, administration would frown upon an hon­ MIOnesota Foundahon Board of Trustees and phone calls to the editor appear to be est response to our request and that the RECIONAl REPRESENTATIVES the wave of the future-then we heard article would stir up conflict of little MINNESOTA from one more reader: Craig Sahlstrom. benefit to anyone. lames Fl inn Jean Jaclush We had listed him as the 1986-87 president Even if that is not a correct assump­ Alfred France. Ir. Margaret Matalamalo of the Minnesota Alumni Association's tion, it is a chilling perception. DouJcl as Cregor Brian Quigley agriculture alumni society in "Honors In recent surveys in U.
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