CRANI6HD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER' Iff. 198f Dr. MacKay to Address County G West£eld Old Guard Temple Recruits Area Talent for A talented Ke'nilworth couple GIVE GENEROUSLY Dr. Kenneth C. MocI^Oy, presi- dent of Union Junior College'and will be among the featured en-1 To Meet at Junior College an amateur weatherman, will dis- tertaincrs in a variety I show, Seven Russian Your ' "Union County's school guidance personnel will convene Monday at cuss 'iWeothcr" at a meeting to- 'Sklts-A-Frantlc," to be presented 3 D m in the new Nomahegan Building el Vtdon Junior College as the Courses Arranged day of the .Westflcld Old Guard at November 21 and 28 at C/anford UNITED FUND ^J^iUhLH itss annuannual lalfalll njgeUng thc_Westflcld_YMCA^ I By Junior College . „., „,.._ _. .. .. president,'and Vincent Dr. MacKay will report "on a- of Westflcld, association president", today' invited—all area guidance weather station to . be established Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nimaroff of Two. Scientific Russian courser personnel to tour the college's ntw at the college's, new campus off 433 ^Boulevard, Kenllwortfi,, loir 44 research.personnel and ex- ecutives of Merck & Co., Inc., Rah- Cntond •• •eeood cU» null campus off Springfield jive-nue, op- urn out the largest possible Rer Springflejd. avenue in cooperation present vocal and piano solo's, re- CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2& 1959 Th« Port OtOem at Cr«ntord. M J. 4 Sections, 26 Pages-40c with the U. S. Weather Bureau; spectively. Dr. Nimaroff, u tei way, began last Thursday at the IT" posite -Nomahegan Park. lublican. vote in the November .3 plant os off-campiis offerings of Dr. Henry Evans, associate di- lection. .'.••• " ,..•'. Accompanying '* Dr.. MacKay . will s a member of the Doctors' bo Harold DuflocQ of. Cranford, of Essex County. He was a^t6*lolst Union Junior College. • rector of admissions. Rutgers'Uni- Eighteen persons arc enrolled in VcrKity, will speak on new trends who will operate the meteorolog- at a recent American Medical As- College Bond 'Thought I*r6vQ^ an advanced clas?, which wilt con- in college admissions and will pro- UMCEF Donors ical ~ statfon. ' He is a former sociation C»nvcntlbn>fn - Atlantic f r Weatherman with the bureau. ' City. He studied tarfee with Hilda tinue for 15 weeks. This class will sent information'on the new state meet each Thursday from 1:30 to Issue Yes '•<... scholarship program. OcLSl to Receive Deighton- o{ Jmt Metropolitan 9 p.m. A beginners' class has 26 In n For Local High School Students Robert.Smith of tho Educational Opera Mrs. Nirfiaroff, concert pianist students. This group also will Exceeding all. previous records for both new. and renewal sub- By Special Drives •" Testing Service.. Princeton, will Door DecorationsVisit to Museum Vote TJrged and teacher, is a graduate of Mont- meet on Thufsdpys from 3:15 to scriptions; the Cranford College Club ran its profit frqm the sub- Three members of the faculty of I discuss the now preliminary scholr Participating churches arc arT 4:45 p.m. The length of the course An appeal to local residents to Union ^Junior .College, u 'research Special drives in the United Fund hit the 60* percent mark ' astastii c aptitudp e test • and now pro- 'anting .to -make "construction- On Busy Schedule State Cpllege. •"' She" was tk scription drive it is conducting.«for thf Citizen and Chronicle to, vote "yes" on the College Bond larshlp student of Carl .Frcld- has not been decided. l scientist from industry and two at Tuesday night*!! report meeting with almost $25,000 in "re- eedures in the'college, scholarship laper pumpkins or .other Haflow- 52,711.70 'during the past week. Proceeds will go to the club's schol- Issue rclerendum at the- November Cites Divided Responsibility Rutgers University professors will •1- F6rjroop78 fecrg of Julllard Graduate School, Savel Kendall of South Plaln- ' - ' ' —•'. "-••—» | nrvhlt* fitrxii ceipts reported, according'to Campaign (•'hairman Clifford D, service plan. Mr. Smith is'program. en decorations reading "TKank 3 election'-is contained in ir'st/itcr- lecture-at a seminar for Cranford Jirector for these projects. From UNICEF'* to be hung on Members of Boy Scout Troop 78 New York. She took first prize flcld, a member of the college's Siverd. Neighborhood -drives added only $0,092, oh limited re- full-time faculty, is the instructor. With one niorc week to go in mint Issued today by the Cran- High School juidor^ andst-tilim; to Union County's proposed voca- loors of donors in the annual Hal- of St Michaers Church will vlsif at the Rachmaninoff; Piano Con- Of Town, School Authorities turns, bringing thejotal receipts to $30,77B, or 37 percent of test In Town,Hall, Philadelphia. The program was first organized WHEN THEY SHOP AT the six wcek.s'.drivc, Mrs. Edward ford College Opportunities Com- be held this fall und wilder at Un- ' tional and -technical high school uween drive-here, for funds for the. .the Newark Museum next Thurs- DR. A MRS. UUOYD NIMAROFF Clear F. George, the College Club's drive mittee. • , ,'•' . - > Contrary to the understanding of muny residents, particularly the total campaign goal of Will V 'di^cn-iss^ by Dr. \Villi;iin for research executives at Merck ion Junior COD^KU'S new Nom:i- tnited Nations International Chil- day evening iri connection with a RoberlPagano, a Newark music chairman, has urged her members /6>. Cluiic W- McDcrmlth, silpe-r- newer families who may have moved here from large cities, there H....Wc>i di CdiniUil, county s.u & Co., Inc., last .fall. negftn Building. .. .FUND- I'KOCKESS'. ren's Emergency Fund, it was schedule^of events, arranged on teacher, -will 'accompany Mrs. mijke one llnal effort to com- jnteudent of schools, served us Four of the 19 residential perilitendeut of schools. These are among seven Russian in a purposeful und very definite separation of responsibility between The llrst npruker on November An of Turiu!ay. Oilobrr 20. 1959 .nnounced this week by R6bert the - basis of the "theme for this Nirnaroff at tho second, piano'. He — -•"-- if For Play Area plete the house-to-house canyons. districts have not yet been .Roger Richurds, education edi- Metropolitan Star language-courses being ottered this temporary chairman ut (Hi; organ- the Township Committee and the Board-of Education. 12 will b.- Dr. HoiiMoii IVti-iMin, a ('•mp*lga. ** of 4|«i»tJ atton of the First Presbyterian month, "Scouting . the "Air."- Dur- s a piano accompanist with the She suld yesterday-she hope;}/the izational meeting of the local heard from, while only a few i>f- TVn rlhra* ' ' " " ' * semester by Union Junior College. This was pointed out Tuesduy night at a coffee und reception for professor of philosophy, lunch', rhiiirmyii folruie ing the trip; -taking*-th<Hplaee of club yvill net' $3,000 from (lii- subi 1 nrds' have b<-«-n reported in the Education, will bring to the meet- Attracts 1,000 A 30-week intermediate course ion * _ ". .. ...... .... University. His topic will th regular.meeting for the week, A comic specialty will be pre- 4ht;f "IS; Qther mii'teriuls for -the drive tb \-\ .scriptIon campaign. X |M>iiited representatives of the fol- "Philosophy, -Wisdom uiid Kriowl- ing "Late News on Title V." '.Title they will hear. a member of the sented by Miss Florence Levy of with 18 persons enrolled and a be- A wooded area in the extreme of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Belde'ri, 10 tial Chairman .A. W. Uowlirlg, Jr.-, e obtained directly from the ItesidenU who hay.e' not been' lowing ^3 organizations: ••••". dtfe." . ' ;°-,. • ' . V provides for federal funds for museum staff discuss "Mysteries Roselle. A speech- and -diction At Series Concert ginners' course' for 16 students rciir of Livingston Avenue School Manor uvenue, by Finance Com- Tol.il Si... I..I urged all district manatfcrM to Jnitcd Nations by the individual contacted by clubytneinhers also Dl.lti.l materials, supplies and equipment of the Moon." . '•. , Over 1,000 persons heard Miss -Were inaugurated last week at DaughterH'of the AlnerlcanUcV- Briefs Lions missioner J. Howard McAteer, Other' speakers will be Dr. Al- make a cone'i-rU-d drivt; to r«-po.rt hurdles will include armbands teacher .at the Elizabeth YMHA, will be cleared--W rnuke, room for have1 been asked/by Mrs. Guorge 20 to be used in-KUidancy. programs' Scoutmaster John Sorrentino *has she is^known in this area for her CIBA Pharmaceutical 'Products, HESJMHGSMESOGREAT! olution, League, of Women Voters, GOP candidate ' for reejection to bert E. Metier, Jr., of. WestlWId; 2 l.'l colli-<tlonx at toiilght'a report Under* the National Dcffiisv; Edu- or the children- making the col- Heidi Krall, MeVopolltan Opera Inc., in Summit Arnold-J-^Kecn ..expanded playground facilities, the to turn their new or renewal sub- Village Improvement Association, Vice-pcovost und di.-an of RutKi'rK 4 o made arrarlgcincnts for a visit oh dramatic readings and character Township Committee in'the No- II mtM-ting, He, polnti'd- out that M>- cation "Act. of 11)58. •otions.'stickers for. collection con- soprano, sing ot"the opening con of the UJC full-time faculty, is scriptions in directly to tlio news- D Saturday, October 24. to the Army 1 liii.ii'd of Education announced ut 'Evehihg"yiArjuriio^VIA;' H-"!;V vembcr"3 "GpricrnT- Election. Univorsity, New Brunswick; Dr.. '• ?-••• 10 nnd captainn ha.vr now had ainers and posters for local dls- sketches. .She appeared, in 'The cert of the Clark-Cranford Com H 23 Dr. MacKay-and. Dr., Kenneth Air Command Depot at Newark the instructor for both -of these ii .meeting.Tuesday night ut~Lin- paper oifice before the drive'.ends Clul),, Council bt Garden Chitar."! The school board'is very defin- Robert H.
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