FACULTY OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES SYLLABUS FOR Pre Ph.D. Course in HISTORY Semester (I & II) (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) Session: 2013-14 GURU NANAK DEV UNIVERSITY AMRITSAR Note : (i) Copy rights are reserved. Nobody is allowed to print it in any form. Defaulters will be prosecuted. (ii) Subject to change in the syllabi at any time. Please visit the University website time to time. 1 PRE-PH.D COURSE IN HISTORY (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) The Ph.D. Course Work has been divided into Two Semesters. Paper-I & II to be taught in Semester I ( July – December ) and Paper III & IV to be taught in Semester II (January – June ). The candidate is to opt for fifth paper from the allied disciplines. Semester – I: Course: HSL 901 Historical Research and Methodology Course: HSL 902 Historical Thought and Historiography Semester – II: (Any one of the following) Course: HSL 903 Medieval India Course: HSL 904 Modern India Course: HSL 905 Medieval Punjab Course: HSL 906 Modern Punjab (Any one of the following) Course: HSL 907 Historiography: Medieval Punjab Course: HSL 908 Historiography: Modern Punjab The candidate will opt for the fifth course as interdisciplinary/optional course from the other departments. 2 PRE-PH.D COURSE IN HISTORY (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) HISTORICAL RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY COURSE: HSL901 Credits: 3-0-0 Unit-I Nature of History, Purpose, Scope, Explanation, Historical facts Unit-II Methods of History: Evidence, Causation, Objectivity Unit-III Historical Documentation: Quantification, Computer Techniques, Survey, Interviewer, Content Analysis, Research Design. Recommended Readings: Ahuja Ram, Research Methods: Rawat, Jaipur, 2007. Brazun, J and Graff, H.F., The Modern Researcher, Harcourt Brace Jonvanovich, New York 1970 (3rd Ed). Bloch, Marc, The Historian’s Craft, Vintage Books, New York, 1952. Carr, E.H. What is History? Pelican Paperback, 2001. (Reprint) Clark, G. Kitson, The Critical Historian, Heinemann, London 1967. Collingwood, R.G., The Idea of History, Oxford Paperback, 1976 (reprint). Elton, G.R., The Practice of History, Collins-Fontana Paperback 1976. Fischer, David Hackett, Historians’ Fallacies: Toward a Logic of Historical Thought, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1970. Floud, R., An Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Historians, Methuen, London 1973. Gardiner, Patrick, The Nature of Historical Explanation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1978 (reprint). --------------------, Theories of History, The Free Press, London, 1959. Goode, William J and Paul K. Hatt, Methods in Social Research, Graw-Hill-Kogakusha, Tokyo 1952. Gurvinder Singh & Rachhpal Singh, A Text Book of Windows Based Computer Course, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, 2008. Heller, Agnes, A Theory of History, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1982. Jaques, Havet (ed), Main Trends of Research in Social and Human Sciences, Part- 2, Vol-I, Mouton Publishers, Unesco, The Hague 1978 (G. Barraclough, “History”) pp 227-487. Marwick, Arthur, The Nature of History, (Macmillan Students Edition) 1976 (reprint). Meyerhoff, Hans (Ed.), The Philosophy of History in our Times, Doubleday Anchor Books – New York 1959. Nevins, Allan, The Gateway to History, Vora & Co, Bombay 1968. Renier, G.J, History: Its Purpose and Method, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1961. Stern, Fritz (Ed.), Varieties of History: Form Voltaire to the Present Macmillan Students Edition, 1970. Tosh, John, The Pursuit of History, Longman, London 1985. Turabian Kate L, A Manual for Writing of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1973(4th Ed). Walsh, W.H., An Introduction to Philosophy of History, Hutchinson, London 1979, Delhi 1982 (2nd Ed). 3 PRE-PH.D COURSE IN HISTORY (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) Webster, John C.B., An Introduction to History, The Macmillan Company of India, Delhi 1982 (2nd Ed). White, Hayden, Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism, The John Hopkins University Press, London 1990. 4 PRE-PH.D COURSE IN HISTORY (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) HISTORICAL THOUGHT AND HISTORIOGRAPHY COURSE: HSL902 Credits : 3-0-0 Unit-I Historical Thought: Greco-Roman, Rationalist, Historical Materialism and Post-modernism Unit-II Historiography: Greco-Roman Herodotus Rationalist: Immanuel Kant Historical Materialism: Karl Marx Unit-III Contemporary Historiography: Marxist: Eric Hobsbawm Annales F.Braudel Post-Modernism Michael Foucault Recommended Readings: Braudel, Fernand, The Mediterranean and Mediterranean World in the Age of Phillip II. Vol. II, Fontana/ Collins, London, 1972. _______, On History, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1982. ______, “Personal Testimony”, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 44, No. 4, Dec.1972. Burke Peter, The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School (1929-89), Polity Press, Cambridge, 1990. Carr, E.H., What is History? Pelican Paperback, 1977. Coser, Lewis, Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context, Jovanovich, New York 1977. Gibbon, Edward, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The Modern Library, New York. Fisher, Ernest, How to Read Karl Marx, Aakar, New Delhi, 2008. Foucault, Michael: The Birth of Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception (Trans. A.M. Sheridan Smith) Tavistock, London, 1967. Gardiner Patrick, Theories of History, The Free Press, New York, 1959. Iggers, George, G, and Konrad Von Molike (Ed). The Theory and Practices of History Leopold Von Ranke, New York 1973. Lyotord, Jean F., The Post-modern Condition: A Report On Knowledge, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1984. Maclellan, David, Marx, Fontana Paperback, 1976 (reprint). Marx, Karl & F.Engels, The German Ideology, Lawrence & Wishast, London 1970. Popper, Karl, The Poverty of Historicism, Routledge, London, 2002. Shaw, William, Marx’s Theory of History, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1978. Stern, Fritz (Ed), The Varieties of History, Macmillan, 1970. 5 PRE-PH.D COURSE IN HISTORY (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) SEMESTER-II Medieval India COURSE: HSL903 Credits : 3-0-0 Unit-I Agrarian Economy: Landed Rights, Peasantry, Village Organization, Agricultural Production, Agrarian Classes Unit-II Urban Economy: Urban Centres, Urbanization, Arts & Crafts, Non-Agricultural Production. Unit-III Commercial Economy: Means of Transport and Communication. Internal Trade, External Trade, Mercantile Classes, Middle Classes Recommended Readings: Ashraf, K.M., Life and Conditions of the People of Hindustan, Munshi Ram Manohar Lal, Delhi 1970(2nd Ed.) Athar Ali, The Mughal Nobility Under Aurangzeb, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1998 (revised) Banga Indu(ed), The City in Indian History, Manohar Publications, New Delhi, 1991. Dilbagh Singh, The State, Landlords and Peasants, Manohar Publications, New Delhi 1990. Grewal J.S., Muslim Rule in India: Assessment of British Historians, Oxford University Press, 1978. ______,Medieval India: History and Historians, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. ______,In the By-Lanes of History, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla,1975. Grewal J.S. and Indu Banga (Eds) Studies in Urban History, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar 1981. Irfan Habib, The Agrarian System of Mughal India, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1963. Khan, A.R., Chieftains in the Mughal Empire During the Reign of Akbar, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla 1977. Moosvi, Shireen, The Mughal Economy: C. 1595-1750, OUP, Delhi1986. Moreland, W.H., India at the Death of Akbar: An Economic Study, Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi 1962 (reprint) ______, From Akbar to Aurengzeb, Oriential Books Reprint Corporation, Delhi 1972. ______, The Agrarian System of Moslem India, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, Delhi 1968. Muzaffar Alam and Sanjay Subramanyam (eds), The Mughal State 1526-1750, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 1998. Naqvi H.K., Urbanization and Urban Centers Under the Great Mughals, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla 1968. Nizami K.A., Some Aspects of Religion and Politics in India during the Thirteenth Century, Idarah-i-Adabiyat-i-Delhi, Delhi 1974. Nurul Hasan S., Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi 1973. 6 PRE-PH.D COURSE IN HISTORY (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) Raychaudhuri, Tapan and Irfan Habib, The Cambridge Economic History of India (1200-1750), Vol I, Orient Longman, Cambridge University Press 1982 Satish Chandira, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi 1971 (2nd Ed) ____________, Medieval India (1526-1748): From Sultanat to the Mughal Emipre, Har Anand, Delhi 1999. Tripathi R.P, Some Aspects of Muslim Administration in India, Central Book Depot, Allahabad 1972 (reprint). 7 PRE-PH.D COURSE IN HISTORY (Under Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System) Modern India COURSE: HSL904 Credits: 3-0-0 Unit-I Economy: Agricultural, Agrarian Classes, Trade and Commerce, Industrial Growth, Indian Capitalist Class. Unit-II Urbanization: Means of Transportation and Communication, Emergence. Of Middle classes, Industrial Working Class, New Urban Centres. Unit-III Emergence of Nationalism: Pre-Congress Association, Organization and Growth of Indian National Congress, Growth of Mass Movements. Recommended Readings: Bagchi Amiya K., Private Investment in India, 1900-1939, Cambridge, 1972. Banga Indu (ed), The City in Indian History, Manohar Publications, New Delhi, 1994. Banerjee, S.N.,
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