APPENDIX 1: TRaNScRIPTION OF a MaNUScRIPT LIST OF BOOKS IN THE POSSESSION OF HENRY FaIRFaX, BL SlOaNE MaNUScRIPT 1872 This autograph inventory of books in the possession of the Rev. Henry Fairfax, drawn up in 1665, occupies the final section (pages 133–73) of a quarto notebook that also contains passages from the Bible in Greek. The transcript below covers the sections of the list detailing the books on the subjects of geometry, optics, music, astronomy and gnomonics (the art of devising sundials). This extract, which occupies pages 144–8 of the manu- script, comes after the grammatical, philosophical and arithmetic texts, and before the sections concerning geography, physics, theology and law. CONVENTIONS Semi-diplomatic transcription: lineation has been preserved; raised letters lowered; contractions expanded and supplied letters underlined; ‘-es’ graph silently replaced by ‘es’; ‘per’ graph silently expanded; <xxx>, repre- sents text deleted in manuscript; {xxx}, represents characters omitted and supplied by the editor; [..x..], represents text unclear; ^x^, represents text inserted by scribe between the lines. © The Author(s) 2018 273 J. Partner, Poetry and Vision in Early Modern England, Early Modern Literature in History, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71017-4 274 APPENDIX 1: TRANSCRIPTION OF A MANUSCRIPT LIST OF BOOKS… Geometria Specul: 1. Euclidis 6 libri per Savil: gl: Sir Henry Savile, Euclidis. Praelectiones tresdecim in principium Elementorum Euclidis (Oxford: J. Litchfield and J. Short, 1621). 2. Billingley has Englisht all: 3. Another 6 books only Henry Billingsley, The Elements of Geometrie of the Most Auncient Philosopher Euclide of Megra. Faithfully (now first) Translated into the English Toung, by H. Billigsley […] With a very Fruitful Preface Made by M. J. Dee (London: John Daye, 1570); T. Rudd, Euclides: Elements of Geometry: The First VI Books: In a Compendious Form Contracted and Demonstrated by T. Rudd (London: Printed by Robert and William Leybourn for Richard Tomlins and Robert Boydell, 1651). 4. Idem cum Clario, in 2 Vol: Christoph Clavius, Euclid elementorum (Rome: Vincentium Accoltum, 1574). 5. Proclus in 1um librum gr. Fol Diodochus Proclus, In primum euclidis elementorum librum commentariorum (Basel: Joan. Heruagium, 1533). 6. Tacquet has done the 16 books shorter. André Tacquet, Euclides elementa (Antwerp: Jacobum Meursium, 1665). 7. & Barrow hath done em in [……]. 8o Isaac Barrow, Euclidis elementorum libri XV (Cambridge: Ex academiæ typographeo, 1655). 8. P. Fournier has a pocket: Euclids 6 books. P. Giorgio Fournier, Sex primi elementorum geometricorum libri (Paris: [s. n.], 1643). 9. Bettini Apiarium 2 vol: Fol Marius Bettinus, Apiaria philosophiæ mathematicæ, 2 vols (Bologna: J. B. Ferronii, 1642). 10. idem his Ærarium showes the use of all Euclides 6 books in mixt Math: 2 Vol: 4o Marius Bettinus, Ærarium philosophiæ mathematicæ, 2 vols (Bologna: Jo. Baptistœ Ferronii, 1648). APPENDIX 1: TRANSCRIPTION OF A MANUSCRIPT LIST OF BOOKS… 275 11. Euclidis data by Hardi. 4o Claude Hardy, Euclidis data (Paris: Lutet., 1625). 12. A^r^chimedis opera gr: cum comm: Eutocii Fol Archimedis Syracusani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi Opera […] Adiecta quoq[ue] sunt Eutocii Ascalonitae in eosdem Archimedis libros commentaria, item Graecè & Latinè, nunquam antea excusa (Basel: Joannes Heruagius excudi fecit, 1543). 13. or Latine et grecum <B> Tacquet Fol André Taquet, Elementa Geometriæ Planæ ac Solidæ quibus accedunt selecta ex Archimede theoremata auctore (Antwerp: Jacobum Meursium, 1654). 14. Apollonii Conica, lat: per Richards. (Lately) Fol Guiliemus Apollonii, Apollonii pergæi conicorum libri IV cum commentariis Claudius Richardus (Antwerp: H. & I. P. Verdussen, 1655). 15. [Mydorgii] Conica ([..] supplemented Apollonius.) Fol 16. Serenus de Sectione Cylindri ([….] only with Fol an old Latin Apollonius. {)} Apollonii Pergaei conicorum libri quattuor […] Sereni antinsensis philosophi libri duo. Vnus de sectione cylindri, alter de sectione coni (Bologna: Ex officina Alexandri Benatii, 1566). 17. All these <xx> old Authors are together (with some other new) as Wer[n]er & Hobbes) in Merseni Cogitata, but with Proportions not Demonst: Marin Mersenne, Cogitata physico-mathematica (Paris: Sumptibus Antonii Bertier, 1644). 18. Pappi collectiones Math: gl: (not to be gotten) Fol Alexandrinus Pappus, Mathematicae collectiones (Venice: Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, 1588). 19. Ramus his Geometry in English 4o Petrus Ramus, Via regia ad geometriam […] Translated and Much 276 APPENDIX 1: TRANSCRIPTION OF A MANUSCRIPT LIST OF BOOKS… Enlarged by […] W. Bedwell (London: Printed by Thomas Cotes, and are to be sold by Michael Sparke, at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbour, 1636). 20. Ri[tt]. hath Methodized him otherwise and added the 4o use of Jacobs Staffe. [Possibly Alexander Richardson, The Logicians School-Master: or, A Comment Upon Ramus Logick […] Whereunto Are Added, his Prelections on Ramus his Grammer; Taleus his Rhetorick; Also his Notes on Physicks, Ethicks, Astronomy, Medicine, and Opticks (London: Printed by Gartrude Dawson, and are to be sold by Sam. Thomson at the White-Horse in Paul’s Church- yard, 1657)]. 21. Torricello (Galileos Successor has squared the 4o Parabole many wayes) Evangelista Torricelli, Opera geometrica (Florence: Amatoris Masse and Laurentii de Landis, 1644). 22. Cavallerii Geometrica Judivisi li[br]um 4o Bonaventura Cavalieri, Geometria indivisibilibus continuorum Nova quadam ratione promota (Bologna: Ex typographia de Duciis, 1653). 23. Leotardi Curvilinea, & Examen 4 [..e] 4o 24. Vincentii (very lately) 4o 25. Ghetaldi Promotus Archimedes 4o Marini Ghetaldi patricii Ragusini promotus Archimedis [sic] seu De variis corporum generibus grauitate & magnitudine comparatis (Rome: Aloysium Zanettum, 1603). 26. Eidem Apollonius redevivus 4o Marius Ghetaldus, Apollonius redivivus (Venice: [s. n.], 1613). 27. Gibsons harder problems and Corig. 8o Thomas Gibson, Syntaxis Mathematica; or, A Construction of the Harder Problemes of Geometry (London: Printed by R. & W. Leybourne for Andrew Crook, 1665). APPENDIX 1: TRANSCRIPTION OF A MANUSCRIPT LIST OF BOOKS… 277 28. Hobbes his Geometry (in his de Corpore et contra sum {)} Thomas Hobbes, De Corpore: Elements of Philosophy, the First Section Concerning Body […] To Which are Added Six Lessons to [J. Wallis and S. Ward] the Professors of Mathematicks of the Institution of Sr. Henry Savile, in the University of Oxford (London: [s. n.], 1656). 29. Wallis de Angulo Contactus et Arithmet: infinitorum. John Wallis, Johannis Wallisii, […] operum mathematicorum pars altera qua continentur de angulo contactus & semicirculi, disquisitio geometrica. De sectionibus conicis tractatus. Arithmetica infinitorum: sive de curvilineorum quadraturâ, &c. Ecclipseos Solaris observatio (Oxford: Typis Leon. Lichfield Academiae typographi, impensis Tho. Robinson, 1656). 30. Des Cartes Geometria puria 4o René Descartes, Geometria (Leyden: [s. n.], 1637), as offprints of Discours de la méthode, (Leyden: [s. n.], 1637), pp. 297–413; first full separate Latin edition, Geometria, à Renato Des Cartes anno 1637 Gallicè edita; nunc autem cum notis Florimondi de Beaune (Leyden: Ex officinâ Ioannis Maire, 1649). Geometria Practica. 31. Frontinus [aliig veteres] de limitibus agrorem. 4o Sextus Julius Frontinus, Strategematicon sive […] De limitibus ([s. l.]: Vegetius Renatus, 1607). 32. Clavii Geomet: Practica. 4o Christophorus Clavius, Geometria practica (Rome: A Zannetti, 1604). 33. Metii Geometria Practica (et Gæodæsia, [simel] cum Arithmet:) 4o Adriaan Metius, Praxis nova geometrica per usum circini et 278 APPENDIX 1: TRANSCRIPTION OF A MANUSCRIPT LIST OF BOOKS… regulae proportionalis (Frankfurt: Ex Officinâ Vlderici Dominici Balck, Ordinum Frisiæ & eorundem Academiæ Typographi, 1623). 34. Rathbornes Surveyor. Fol Aaron Rathborne, The Surveyor, in Foure Bookes (London: Printed by W. Stansby for W: Burre, 1616). 35. Pitisus Trigonometrie. 4o Bartholomaus Pitiscus, Trigonometrie: or, The Doctrine of Triangles […] Translated […] by R. Handson (London: J. Tapp, 1630). 36. Gunter of the Sector, Crosse Staffe and Quadrant: 4o Edmund Gunter, The Description and Use of the Sector, the Crosse-staffe, and Other Instruments for Such as are Studious of Mathematcaill Practise (London: Printed by William Jones to be sold by Edmund Weaver, 1623). 37. Foster of the Quadrant. 8o Samuel Foster, The Use of a Quadrant Fitted for Daily Practice (London: Francis Eglesfield, 1652). 38. More of the Carpenters rule. 4o Richard More, The Carpenter’s Rule (London: Felix Kyngston, 1602). Mathematices mixtes. Optica; Speculativa. 39. Euclidis Optica. Lat: 4o Euclides. Optica et catoptrica, nunquam antehac Graece aedita. eadem latinae reddita perjoannem Periam (Paris: Andream Wechelum, 1557). APPENDIX 1: TRANSCRIPTION OF A MANUSCRIPT LIST OF BOOKS… 279 40. Alharzen et Vitellio. Fol Friedrick Risner, Alhazen. Opticae thesaurus. Alhazeni libri septem, nunc primum editi […] Item Vitellonis Thuringopoloni (de optica) libri X (Basel: Per Episcopios, 1572). 41. Bacones Optices. 4o Roger Bacon, Rogeri Bacconis […] Perspectiva […] nunc primum in lucem edita opera et studio Iohannis Combachii (Frankfurt: Wolffgangi Richteri, 1614). 42. Cantiaviensis or Phi[ri]tiva corig 8o 43. Aquilonii Optica. (simplex only. {)} Franciscus Aquilonius (or Aguilonius), Opticorum libri vi (Antwerp: Apud viduam et Filios Jo. Moreti, 1613). 44. Rhodii Optica. 8o Ambrosius Rhodius, Optica Ambrosii Rhodii (Wittenberg: typis Laurentii
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