UNITED NATIONS . SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR 2222naMEETING: 20 MAY 1980 NEW YORK CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2222) . 1 Adoption of the agenda . ..*.............................. 1. The situation in the occupied Arab territories: Letter dated 16 May 1980 from the Permanent Representative of Jdrdan to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/13941) . 1 SlPV.2222 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/ . .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Oficial Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which infor- mation about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative. on that date. 2222nd MEETING Held in New York on Tuesday, 20 May 1980, at 12 noon. President: Mr. Id6 OUMAROU (Niger). “I have the honour to request that the Security Council extend an invitation to the Permanent Present: The representatives of the following States: Observer for the Palestine Liberation Organization Bangladesh, China, France, German Democratic to participate in the consideration of the item entitled Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Niger, Norway, Philip- ‘The situation in the occupied Arab territories’, in pines, Portugal, Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist accordance with the Council’s usual practice.” Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Zambia. 3. The proposal by the representative of Tunisia is not made pirsuantto rule 37 or rule 39 of the pro- Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2222) visional rules of procedure, but, if approved by the Council, the invitation to participate in the debate 1. Adoption of the agenda would confer on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) the same rights of participation as those 2. The situation in the occupied Arab territories: enjoyed by a Member State when invited to participate Letter dated 16 May 1980 from the Permanent under rule 37. Representative of Jordan to the United Na- tions addressed to the President of the Secu- 4. Does any member of the Council wish to speak on rity Council (S/13941) this proposal? The meeting was called to order at 12.15 p.m. 5. Mr. vanden HEUVEL (United States of America): The United States delegation has repeatedly made Adoption of the agenda clear our view that it is inappropriate for the Council to invite the Palestine Liberation Organization to The agenda was adopted. participate in the debate on terms that some seek to interpret as conferring rights of participation as if it The situation in the occupied Arab territories: were a Member State. For this reason, we will vote Letter dated 16 May 1980 from the Permanent Repre- against the manner in which this invitation is phrased. sentative of Jordan to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/13941) 6. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): If no other member of the Council wishes to speak at 1. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): this stage, I shall take it that the Council is ready to I should like to inform the members of the Council vote on the proposal of Tunisia. that I have received letters from the representatives of Israel and Jordan, in which they request to be A vote was taken by show of hands. invited to participate in the discussion of the item on the agenda. In accordance with the usual practice, In favour: Bangladesh, China, German Democratic I propose, with the consent of the Council, to invite Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Niger, Philippines, those representatives to participate in the discussion, Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Zambia without the right to vote, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the Against: United States of America provisional rules of procedure. Abstaining: France, Norway, Portugal, United At the invitation of the President, Mr. Nuseibeh Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Jordan) took a place at the Council table; Mr. Blum The proposal was adopted by 10 votes to I, with (Israel) took the place reserved for him at the side of 4 abstentions. the Council chamber. At the invitation of the President, Mr. Terzi (Pal- 2. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): estine Liberation Organization) took a place at the I should like to inform the members of the Council Council table. that I have received a letter, dated 16 May, from the representative of Tunisia [S/13950], which reads as 7. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): follows: I should also like to inform members of the Council 1 that I have received a letter dated 16 May from the and deportation, in the bleak darkness of one hour representative of Tunisia [S/13942], which reads as after midnight, of the Mayor’ of Al-Khalil, Fahd follows: Qawasma, the Mayor of Halhoul, Mohamed Milhem, and Sheikh Rajab Bayyoud Attamimi, from their “I have the honour to request that the Security homes and homeland. Council invite Mr. Fahd Qawasma, Mayor of Al- Khalil, Mr. Mohamed Milhem, Mayor of Halhoul 14. The Council has been seized of a proliferation of and Mr. Rajab Attamimi, Sharia Judge of Al-Khalil, items which are neither disparate nor, indeed, all- to participate in the Council’s consideration of the embracing. They are symptomatic and an embodiment item entitled ‘The situation in the occupied Arab of a fiendish design being unravelled day in, day out, territories’, in accordance with rule 39 of the provi- to achieve the total national obliteration of the Arab sional rules of procedure.” people of Palestine and to supplant them by an alien Zionist presence. Unless I hear any objection, I shall take it that the Council agrees to this request. 15. The deportation of the three Palestinian per- sonages, in flagrant violation of all norms of interna- It was so decided. tional law and conventions, and in audacious defiance of a categorical Council decision adopted a mere 8. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from French): 12 days ago, has made it more imperative than ever The Security Council is meeting today in response before that the Council should take stock of the full to the letter dated 16 May from the representative of dimensions of a Zionist ideology and onslaught which Jordan addressed to the President of the Council, are unquestionably unique in the post-war world and which was circulated as document S/13941. unparalleled since the inception of the United Nations. 16. The question is not, the deportation of three 9. Members of the Council have before them docu- Palestinian Arab leaders in the occupied West Bank ment S/13938, which contains the text of the report and Gaza, grave as that is, for 1,600 other leaders by the Secretary-General under Council resolution 468 had already been deported, including the Mayor of (1980). Members also have before them document Arab Jerusalem, Mr. Rouhi Al-Khatib, as a prelude to S/13949, which contains the text of a draft resolution the annexation of the Holy City of Jerusalem. They that has been prepared in the course of consultations. were ail deported across uninhabited wastes at Wadi Araba in Jordan to face an encounter with death 10. The first speaker is the representative of Jordan, through thirst, hunger and exhaustion; or across the on whom I call. rugged mountains of our sister country Lebanon and, significantly, through the strip controlled by the 11. Mr. NUSEIBEH (Jordan): Mr. President, I wish renegade henchman and quisling of the Zionist entity, to take this occasion of speaking before the Council Haddad, in the earnest hope that some bullets or this month to express my sincere congratulations to mines could achieve the murder of the deportees. you, the Ambassador of the friendly country of the I was told yesterday that, in the operation rooms from Niger, on your assumption of the presidency of the which all the violence in southern Lebanon erupts, Council. Your wisdom, statesmanship and dedication Hebrew is the only language spoken, while that are widely acknowledged. renegade Saad Haddad claims that he is fighting for the integrity of Lebanon. The deportees were also 12. It is my privilege also to commend in the highest sent across the River Jordan, where their Jordanian terms Ambassador Muiioz Ledo of the friendly coun- brethren could and would only be expected to give try of Mexico for the exemplary manner in which he then the tender embrace befitting their nearest kin. had presided over the work of the Council during the month of April. 17. And, at the grass-roots level, almost 300,000 people from both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank 13. Over the past two months the Council has been are, as a result of intimidation, force and the use of seized of grave issues pertaining to the question of loudspeakers booming threats of genocide against Palestine and the inextricably related problems, anyone who remained home, at present displaced tragedies and aggressions arising therefrom: the persons in the East Bank awaiting the implementation relentless, massive and ongoing devouring of the of United Nations resolutions which since 1967 have remnants of the Palestinian people’s national and called for their return to their homes. ancestral homeland; the recurring aggressions simi- larly ongoing and destructive against the independent 18.
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