Will brain and/or neural control of a prosthetic POLICY FORUM hand soon be a commonplace? brain processes occur unconsciously, and the highly complex computations in the brain are difficult to resolve. Human ac- countability for injuries caused in the use of such a symbiotic robot might occur in several ways. First, where there is a form of “veto” built into the system [e.g., override through voluntary ocular movements (1)], a person could be held liable for failing to exercise the veto, just as a driver may be re- sponsible for failing to apply brakes. Second, using an unpredictable or poorly TECHNOLOGY AND ETHICS controllable semiautonomous robot in cir- cumstances posing a risk of injury may be viewed as negligent (e.g., using it to pick up a Help, hope, and hype: Ethical baby, versus using it for other, less-risky activ- ities). Holding people responsible for injuries they inflict despite their lacking capacity or Downloaded from dimensions of neuroprosthetics control at the time of the injury is consistent with theories of moral and legal responsibil- Accountability, responsibility, privacy, and security are key ity (13), e.g., holding a driver responsible for injuries caused during an epileptic seizure if By Jens Clausen,1 Eberhard Fetz,2 John the fear of losing privacy and autonomy and the driver knowingly failed to take antisei- 3 4 Donoghue, Junichi Ushiba, Ulrike of self-dissolution. zure medication properly (14). Accordingly, http://science.sciencemag.org/ Spörhase,1 Jennifer Chandler,5 Niels These fears may seem exaggerated in light the user’s responsibility may transfer from Birbaumer,3,6 Surjo R. Soekadar7 of the current state of the art of BMIs, but the earlier to the later time if harm from the given the exponential growth of the field over inappropriate use of the device in the cir- rain-controlled prosthetic robots that the last decades (1–7), we should anticipate cumstances was reasonably foreseeable, and restore independent activities of daily that technological feasibilities might change the user had cognitive control over the risky living to paralyzed people are about to rapidly. Rather than neglecting such possi- choices that resulted in an injury. enter everyday life environments (1). bilities as being too far-fetched, current deci- Third, manufacturers of potentially risky The regained ability to grasp a cup of sions and technical developments should be tools bear moral and legal responsibilities coffee, hand over a credit card, or sign informed by such eventual scenarios. related to design, manufacture, and market- a document with a pen (1) enhances the inde- For example, the highest information ing (including risk disclosure). Legal systems B pendence and self-determination of severely readout of currently available BMIs is a tiny usually tolerate a certain level of risk in many on July 5, 2017 paralyzed individuals. However, introducing fraction of the information transfer rate via products, although reasonable steps to mini- devices controlled via brain-machine inter- normal sensorimotor channels and the in- mize risks, including education of users, are faces (BMIs) into everyday environments, formation processed in the brain (8). How- often expected. possibly enhancing the capabilities of able- ever, development of advanced sensors [e.g., We propose that any semiautonomous bodied people to interact with digital devices, (9)], allowing brain activity to be recorded system should include a form of veto con- raises a number of ethical and social chal- at higher spatial resolution, coupled with trol. This could be a useful adjunct to ad- lenges in the areas of (i) autonomy, respon- advances in machine learning and artificial dress some current weaknesses of direct sibility, and accountability; (ii) data security intelligence, could substantially enhance brain-machine interaction. The circum- and privacy; and (iii) managing end-user ex- BMI capabilities in the near future and over- stances under which it will be safe, ethical, pectations about a promising field of medical come the input-output constraint. This could and legal to use the systems depend on the advances. We here take a closer look at these enable more in-depth “mind-reading,” i.e., reliability of the veto signal and the condi- issues and suggest some possible answers to classification of brain states related to per- tions under which it can effectively mitigate addressing them. ceptions, thoughts, emotions, or intentions. possible risks. A device that continuously The use of BMIs shares some ethical issues records all relevant system parameters with other modern tools, such as sophisti- could help to distinguish malfunctions RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY Y OR cated smartphones and semiautonomous In some sense, BMI-controlled devices might from misuse in possible legal cases. Such T A systems (e.g., self-driving cars). But there are be seen as just another tool (10, 11). However, continuous surveillance, however, can be OR B A L unique concerns about BMI technology: Al- inclusion of more and more autonomous privacy-invasive and is arguably discrimi- Y though effortless interactions between mind components into the tools (12) transforms OG OL N and machine seem intuitively appealing, their operation into an endeavor of shared H 1University of Education, 79085 Freiburg, Germany. 2University C TE creating direct links between a digital ma- control. Where do we draw the line between 3 O of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. Wyss Center for R U chine and our brain may dangerously limit or the responsibility and accountability of the Bio and Neuroengineering, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland. 4Keio E N D suspend our capacity to control the interac- user and the manufacturer in such systems? Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Keio University, E I Kanagawa 223-8521, Japan. 5University of Ottawa, Ottawa, tion between the “inner” personal and outer A semiautonomous robot directly linked PPL 6 A Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada. University of Tübingen, 72074 O: worlds. For many, such a scenario raises fun- to and interacting with a brain makes the Tübingen, Germany. 7University Hospital Tübingen, 72076 T O H damental, even existential, fears—including source of an act difficult to identify. Most Tübingen, Germany. Email: [email protected] P 1338 30 JUNE 2017 • VOL 356 ISSUE 6345 sciencemag.org SCIENCE Published by AAAS DA_0630PolicyForum.indd 1338 6/28/17 11:17 AM INSIGHTS natory, given that such information is not cians). The potential for hacking biomedical sary to manage expectations of potential end collected or available from the many non- devices with possibly fatal consequences has users, caregivers, clinicians, scientists, and in- BMI users. been demonstrated for insulin pumps and vestors. This involves widespread responsibil- implantable cardiac defibrillators (17). Some ity, but particularly among the media, health SECURITY AND PRIVACY hackers could attack BMIs simply for gratifi- care providers, and companies that promote As soon as a biological signal is electroni- cation, to demonstrate the skills, or as a tech- and profit from neuroprosthetic technology. cally amplified, the resulting signal can be nophobe statement. We encourage improved health literacy intercepted and manipulated. There is, to our and neuro-literacy in the broader society. knowledge, no established technological so- MANAGING EXPECTATIONS Every citizen should be provided the basic lution for this problem. Amplified biological Impressive demonstrations of BMI technol- understanding necessary for an informed signals are often transmitted wirelessly (e.g., ogy (4–7) have so far involved relatively few choice. This includes public information, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) without secure commu- participants. Many of these people did not teaching in school, and teacher education. nication protocols. Permanent use of a BMI require a BMI to restore such functions be- BMIs have restored autonomy and quality in everyday life environments could be a con- cause they could control the prosthetic de- of life for many individuals, but the full ca- siderable source of potentially sensitive data vices with other biosignals, such as muscle pability and long-term effects on the human related to neural activity. These data could be activity or eye movements (7). There are brain and mind remain unclear. The promise valuable for research but also raise questions reliable reports of only four persons world- that noninvasive BMIs could improve brain regarding data security and privacy. How and wide with complete locked-in syndrome functions like focus, attention, or concentra- where can data be encrypted and stored? (CLIS; i.e., complete paralysis including eye tion and could decrease distractibility in nor- Which standard of encryption would be ac- movements) who could answer simple “yes- mal users requires sound and clear scientific ceptable and necessary? Who should have ac- no” questions (5, 6) on the basis of signals evidence. Should society accept unlimited Downloaded from cess to these sensitive data? recorded with near-infrared spectroscopy marketing of such BMI devices under pos- Fortunately, we can begin applying so- monitoring of cerebral oxygen saturation. In sibly exaggerated promises, as long as they lutions from other fields, e.g., digital com- contrast to common beliefs, severely para- are safe and do no physical harm? Or must munication, that face similar challenges. we take steps to protect end users from being These include rigorous implementation of exploited or exposed to possible side effects? the highest data encryption standards and The time is now to set the course and take http://science.sciencemag.org/ information-hiding methodologies, as well as “A semiautonomous robot actions to ensure beneficial and safe use for network security measures, e.g., firewalls or directly…interacting with a brain-machine interaction. j intrusion prevention systems. The availability of sensitive neuronal data brain makes the source of an REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. S. R. Soekadar et al., Sci. Robot. 1, eaag3296 (2016). becomes particularly problematic in the use act difficult to identify.” 2. E. E. Fetz, Science 163, 955 (1969).
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