14648 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 14, 1974 sER, Ms. ABzuG, Mr. BROWN of Cali· Mr.ROYBAL: Mr. HOSMER, Mr. CRONIN, Mr. WON fornia, Mr. RANGEL, and Mr. COR• H.R. 14785. A bill to provide a. comprehen­ PAT, Mr. DE LUGO, Mr. BAUMAN, Mrs. MAN): sive, coordinated approach to the problems MINK and Mr. OWENS) : H.R. 14779. A bill amending the U.S. Hous­ of juvenile delinquency, and for other pur­ H.R. 14792. A bill to amend the Wild and ing Act of 1987; to the Committee on Bank­ poses; to the Committee on Education and Scenic Rivers Act (82 Stat. 906), and for ing and Currency. Labor. other purposes; to the Committee on Interior By Mr. MORGAN (by request): By Mr. SANDMAN: and Insular Affairs. H.R. 14780. A bill to authorize appropria­ H.R. 14786. A bill to amend the Mineral By Mr. TIERNAN (for himself and Mr. tions for fiscal year 1975 for carrying out the Lands Leasing Act to provide for a more effi­ REUSS): provisions of the Board for International cient and equitable method for the explora­ H.R. 14798. A bill to establish an independ­ Broadcasting Act of 1978; to the Committee tion for and development of oil shale ent commission to administer the internal on Foreign Affairs. resources on Federal lands, and for other pur­ revenue laws; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. NEDZI: poses; to the Committee on Interior and In­ and Means. H.R. 14781. A bill to authorize the Secre­ sular Affairs. By Mr. YOUNG of South Carolina: tary of Agriculture to make grants to cities By Mr. SIKES: H.R. 14794. A bill to amend section 87 of to encourage the increased planting of trees H.R. 14787. A bill to require passport ap­ the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to make and shrubs and to encourage other urban plicants to swear to an oath of allegiance the tax treatment of retirement income com­ forestry programs; to the Committee on to the United States as a condition precedent parable to that of social security income; to Agriculture. to being issued a passport; to the Committee the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. PATMAN (for himself, Mrs. 0'1. Foreign Affairs. By Mr. BROOMFIELD (for himself, Mr. BOGGS, Mr. BRASCO, Mrs. BURKE of By Mr. STEPHENS (for himself, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN, Mr. California., Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois, LANDRUM, Mr. W,'\GGONNER, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. RoSENTHAL, Mr, MA­ Mr. CORMAN, Mr. CRONIN, Mr. DuL­ SCHNEEBELI, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. THIAS of California, Mr. TAYLOR of SKI, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. EILBERG, Mr. ARCHER, Mr. FULTON, Mr. CONABLE, North Carolina, Mr. WINN, and Mr. FROEHLICH, Mr. GILMAN, Mrs. GRASSO, Mr. J. WILLIAM STANTON, and Mr. ZABLOCKI): Mr. HARRINGTON, Mr. HECHLER of BURLESON of Texas) : H.J. Res. 1011. Joint resolution designating West Virginia., Mr. HELSTOSKI, Mr. H.R. 14788. A bill to amend the Internal the premises occupied by the Chief of Naval JoNEs of North Carolina, Mr. Mc­ Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to the in­ Operations as the official residence of the Vice SPADDEN, Mr. MELCHER, Mr. MITCHELL come tax treatment of small business invest­ President, effective upon the termination of of Maryland, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. MOL• ment companies and shareholders in such service of the incumbent Chief of Naval LOHAN, Mr. MURPHY of Illinois, Mr. companies; to the Committee on Ways and Operations; to the Committee on Armed MURPHY of New York, and Mr. Means. Services. NICHOLS): By Mr. WINN: H.R. 14782. A bill to a.mend title 88 of the By Mr. STOKES: H. Res. 1099, Resolution to amend the United States Code so as to entitle veterans H.R. 14789. A bill to require every retail House Rules to require that the report of of the Mexican border period and of World dealer engaging in interstate commerce to each House committee on each public bill or War I and their widows and children to pen­ assemble fully any bicycle sold by such joint resolution reported by the committee sion on the same basis as veterans of the deale:; to the Committee on Interstate and shall contain a statement as to the inflation­ Spanish-American war and their widows and Foreign Commerce. ary impact on the national economy of the children, respectively, and to increase pen­ By Mr. TALCOTT: enactment of such legislation; to the Com­ sion rates; to the Committee on Veterans' H.R. 14790. A bill to amend the Internal mittee on Rules. Affairs. Revenue Code of 1954 and certain other pro­ By Mr. PATMAN (for himself, Mr. visions of law to provide for automatic cost­ of-Uving adjustments in the income tax PEPPER, Mr. PODELL, Mr. PREYER, Mr. MEMORIALS RARICK, Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. ROE, Mr. rates, the amount of the standard, personal ROYBAL, Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. SHOUP, exemption, and depreciation deductions, and Under clause 4 of rule XXII, Mr. SIKES, Mr. SMITH of Iowa, Mr. the rate of interest payable on certain obli­ gations of the United States; to the Commit­ 479. The SPEAKER presented a memorial STAGGERS, Mrs. SULLIVAN, Mr. SYM• of the Legislature of the State of California., INGTON, Mr. THONE, Mr. ULLMAN, Mr. tee on Ways and Means. By Mr. TAYLOR of North Carolina relative to the issuance of a postage stamp WALSH, Mr. WAMPLER, Mr. CHARI.ES commemorating the centennial of the Amer­ WILSON of Texas, Mr. WOLFF, Mr. (for himself, Mr. SKUBITz, Mr. HALEY, Mr. HOSMER, Mr. JOHNSON of ican Gynecological Society; to the Committee YATRON, and Mr. YOUNG of Florida): on Post Office and Civil Service. H.R. 14788. A bill to amend title 88 of the California, Mr. RUPPE, Mr. O'HARA, United States Code so as to entitle veterans Mr. KASTENMEIER, Mr. RONCALIO of of the Mexican border period and of World Wyoming, Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN, Mr. War I and their widows and children to pen­ MEEDS, Mr. SEBELIUS, Mr. STEPHENS, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS sion on the same basis as veterans of the Mr. REGULA, Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. Spanish-American war and their widows STEELMAN, Mr. BLATNIK, Mr. QUIL• Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private and children, respectively, and to increase LEN, Mr. JONES of Alabama, Mr. bills and resolutions were introduced and pension rates; to the Committee on Veterans' JOHNSON of Colorado, Mr. BEVILL, severally referred as fallows: Mr. CEDERBERG, Mr. FLOWERS, Mr. Affairs. By Mr. ROBERT W. DANIEL, JR.: By Mr. PRICE of Texas: BUCHANAN, and Mr. THOMSON of Wisconsin): H.R. 14795. A bill for the relief of the em­ H.R. 14784. A bill to adjust target prices ployees of the Southeastern Tidewater Op­ established under the Agriculture and Con­ H.R. 14791. A bill to amend the Wild and portunity project; to the Committee on the sumer Protection Act of 1978, as amended for Scenic Rivers Act (82 Stat. 906), and for Judiciary. the 1974 through 1977 crops of wheat and other purposes; to the Committee on In­ By Mr. WINN: feed grains and cotton to reflect changes in terior and Insular Affairs. H.R. 14796. A blll for the relief of NEES 1'arm production costs; to the Committee on By Mr. TAYLOR of North Carolina. (for corporation; to the Committee on the Agriculture. himself, Mr. SKUBITz, Mr. HALEY, Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DON McBRIDE RECEIVES DISTIN­ tional water resources development service in their chosen field, and I am GUISHED SERVICE AWARD program. proud to claim him as a former resident Don McBride has been a director of of Carnegie as my constituent. the Tennessee Valley Authority since Maj. Gen. John W. Morris, Director of HON. TOM STEED 1966. Earlier, as a longtime expert ad­ Civil Works, Office of the Chief of the OF OKLAHOMA viser to Senator Robert S. Kerr, he did as Army Corps of Engineers, presented the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES much as any man for the development award at the convention of Oklahoma of the Arkansas valley navigation system Water, Inc. A decade ago General Morris Tuesday, May 14, 1974 and of the vital water resources of Okla­ served with distinction as the district Ml'. STEED. Mr. Speaker, I am happy homa in general. engineer at Tulsa. to note that one of the most outstanding His counsel has been· of invaluable Following is a b11ef excerpt from his Oklahomans in public service, Don Mc­ help to our congressional delegation in remarks: Bride, has been honored by the Depart­ the many problems that arise in connec­ REMARKS BY MAJ. GEN. JOHN W. MORRIS ment of the Almy with its Distinguished tion with water development. In recognition of his dedica.tlon to water Service Award. The citation came, be­ I have known few people who have resource development, his profotmd knowl· cause of his work in support of our na- performed such consistently devoted edge and his astute ability as an administra- 1 May 14, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14649 tor, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed ..from organizations in Oklahoma and, in Phillip Burton of California would have lost him a director of the Tennessee Valley Au­ 1962, was named to the Engtneering Hall of cherished subcommittee chairmanships and '"thortty, where he continues to give mus­ Fame, Oklahoma State University, "for in­ for that selfish reason qpposed the plan. It tnious service to the Nation. tegrity, leadership, and _meritorious service to was an unseemly petformance. In recognition of this lifetime of dedica­ the _profession of ~ineering." In theory, refru:m is not dead. T.he study tion, the 'Secretary of the Army, has author­ .Mr. McBride is a member of the .Bap.J.st c.ommittee to w.hich the _plan has been re­ .ized the lpl'esentation of the --distinguished Church.
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