igi6 S u m m e r M u s t a n g 2 0 0 5 c: A 1 1 F C' N F c') L Y T f: c: n N 1 c: s r a r i: u n 1 v f r s 1 t y .t WEEKEND WEATHER PETTY! Men’s basketball Reviews of Toni Petty, preview for the S a tu rd a y 7 0 /5 r Toby Keith and KC" 2005-06 season and the Sunshine S u n d a y Band at the Fair 72/51° J- y ' IN ARTS S i ENTERTAINMENT, 5 IN SPORTS. S Volume LXIX, Number 8 August 11 - August 17, 2005 Mustangdaily^calpoly.edu Cal Pok student dies after Bishop Peak kill Jennifer Gongaware fell about .SO feet and landed in a reached by the firefighters. He was Ml ! DMIY remote area bordered by poison then placed on a stretcher and lift­ oak, brush and rocks, according to ed into a (’HP helicopter, which An unidentifica C'al I'oly student the Tribune. flew him to a nearby ambulance. died late Tuesday after falling frt>in He fell from the ledge around He was pronounced dead short­ a ledge while hiking on Mishop (>:4.S p.m. ly after p.m. at Sierra Vista Peak. Firefighters from San Luis Ifegional Medical Center. The name of the student will not (Obispo and CIDF/C'ounty Fire This is the third death resulting be released by the Sheriff’s reached the man after .^0 minutes. from a fall from Ihshop IVak over ('oroner’s otTiee until the student's “The base to the top is a very the last five years. family has been notified. long distance,” San Luis Obispo “The number one thing is the The 21-year-old stepped back­ police Lt. Rocky Miller said, inaccessible areas on Bishop l*eak,” wards on an outcropping near the “There wasn’t a trail where he w'as Miller said. “Also it’s extremely top of the popular San bins and there is no access to emergency steep, has poison oak and rock areas t^bispo landmark while hiking vehicles.” can have loose areas with dirt and couRi KsY moro with two 20-vear-old friends. He The man was unconscious when leaves covering them.” Bishop Peak is a popular, yet potentially dangerous hike for locals. No new provost for OpenMail is soon history the start of fall quarter Mariecar Mendoza gets,” said C.hris Broome of “There were many factors in MUSTANC. PAILY PolyC'omm’s project manage­ choosing Oracle, and money ment. “We’re planning for the was just one part. But we don’t Karen Velie Council on l\>stsecondary education; “You’ve got mail” — or, as September time-frame, but it’s think the Oracle system was MLSIANi; IWllY William Durgin, associate pixwost for many Cal Poly students are hard to say if it’s going to be in more expensive than alterna­ academic affairs and vice president for Then* will not be a new pnwost by finding out, “You’ve got a new' time for the beginning of fall tives ... Oracle had more fea­ research at Worcester Polytechnic the start of fall quarter, according to C'al e-mail account.” quarter.” tures for its money.” Institute and Janice l*olv President Warren PolyComm, a Cal Poly gri>up Bob Bqjorquez of The university also decided Schach, dean of the Baker. O I ^ A R C H F O R A with a mission to get Cal Poly Polyi'omm’s pn>jeet manage­ with OCS because of a cam­ College of Architecture, The recruitment PRC.^VOST connected with the with an ment said they have already pus-wide committee — that Arts and Humanities at pitKess started last fall improved mes.saging system, successfully migrated thousands included faculty, staff and stu­ (Temson University. and over (>() candidates w'ere under con­ sent out a mass e-mail to the of student accounts. How'ever. The university’s provost is the chief dents — selected Oracle by a sideration. In April, the search commit­ Cal Poly community notifying academic officer, acting president w'hen Broome added, though their consensus. Bojorquez said. tee announced the selection of three students, faculty and staff th.'it the president is aw-ay, senior vice presi- target date looks realistic right According to the student finalists; James Applegate, vice president their current Cal Poly e-mail now, many factors may delay notification e-mail sent out at for ac.idemic affairs with the Kentucky scc Provost, page 2 account will change in just a completion. the beginning of the summer matter of months. PROVOST FINAUSTS C^ne of the mam reasons the quarter, “the new Oracle Email The university’s e-mail university decided to switch to Web client is a significant accounts began migrating to OpenMail, Bojorquez said, is improvement over the previous the new e-mail system, Oracle that C>penMail is an old prod­ system.” .Among the several Collaboration Suite (OCS). in uct and IS no longer supported improvements, OCS accounts two phases. Faculty and staff by Hewlett-Packard. will he able to hold a total of 50 began migration in Februars But there were other con­ mcg.ihytvs. C^periMail only and student mail account users tributing factors ('a! Poly chose allowed accounts a capacity of k on May I.T. The goal is to get ( ^ ( S, ,V) megabytes. everyone’s account converted “The benefits of OCS is it in In addition, as OC'S .iccount by fall quarter 2<K)5. Its name — it’s a vweet prod­ users reach their e-mail storage d “We have a couple of tar­ uct,” Broome said, kaighing. Janice Schach William Durgin James Applegate William Harris see E-mail, page 2 GrC students sweep competition --SÍ .<r ick Ht)o\er the on the piojector .ind I stood there by Book Builders West, a non-pn if'it -II -.TANi: I Mth my mouth open because I didn’t ('rganization based in 's.in Fr.ineisco expv i t to W'in anything.” s;iid Bernal, that promotes and snpprirts book ' k T lu ’i'.il .'-.dn'r pect wii' riva i -eiiior graphic conimunu ation stu- publishing in l.i we-tii n states. T’ht "i\ iward.: tvi: ids boi>k di ign iif vient. (ompctition required NtiidcMits to iiikciistuif' b\ M.n Slielley, hut Bernal used Adobe Systems soft­ redesign a da.ssic hooK. he was ani,i/cd when he c.ime into ware and Apple computers to create “Forty two students entered into graphic communication professor his cover and layout of the book over the competition this year. It ranges Lorraine Donegan’s cla.ss last quarter. a four-week period during winter from 35-40, this year we had a little “I didn’t know (I won), because I quarter. bit over 40,” said Chris Smith, who had Donegan again the next quarter, He won the Steve Renick coordinated the competition for and I came in late to class. They Memorial Award from UC Press for Book Builders West. informed her first, and she had a pow- his design, which totaled Sl,0(K).The “Cal Poly has dominated the COURTESY PHOTO erpoint slide with my picture up on scholarship is part a competition run sec Book, page 2 Nick Bernal, in black, took first for his Frankenstein book cover design. NEWS 2 Aiuíiist 11 - Auinist 17.2005 ward to a more iiser-friendlv the web interfaces. Most sttidents E-mail account. use the portal to access their e- Provost coiuliuicd from 1 A feature that will particularly in.nl so they’re using what is called uintiiuied from page 1 seventeen voting members sent their (.ap.Kity, tlu'v will aiitoni.ui(.',illy benefit Chioper is the delete the web client and that's much dent and is responsible for overseeing evaluations to Baker in June. Baker iviL’ivc notucs to help users man­ option. nnproxed," said M.iry Schaffer, the university’s educational programs. makes the final decision on the selec­ atee their aeeount. Instead of h.oiiig to delete policy assur.mce tifficer. “We gtn .i As the \'ice president for Academic tion of a new provost. One ()t the obvious iinprove- items one at a tune, an option to lot of complaints from the stu­ Affairs he/she heads up academic “ Lhe committee gives me their lueiits, however, will be to the web delete all or a selected few is avail­ dents, and so that’s one of the pos­ affairs for the universitv. views on the .ittributes and the short­ comings of the candidates,” Baker mtertaee. able with the new OC'S account, itive changes in a student’s per­ The new provost will succeed I'aul said.“We are still talking with the can­ “The Open Mail web interface Hrotmie said. spective.” Zingg, who became the president of didates.” IS pretty nasty.” lirtioine said. “It’s much easier to handle I'or those who re-route their C’alifornia State University Cdiico in Cdirrently, background checks are “(The new system) is much easier attachments, too,” he added. “It’s Chil Holy e-mails to personal early 2004. Kobert Detweiler has been serving as interim provost. being processed and the availability of to use and mueh nu)re powerful.” just simple things like that ... accounts like Hotmail or Yahoo, “He’s been serving w'ell and has each candidate is being determined. Jessica C'ooper. a microbiology (and) it adds up when you’re ITS assures “your campus email agreed to continue until the new The start date will depend on the senior, said she uses her C!al boly opening a lot of mail.” will still be routed there and you provost is brought in,” Baker said.
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