239 TA S M AN I A. 1938. ANNO SECUNDO GEORGII VL REGIS. No. 43. ANALYSIS. 1. Short title and incorporation. 2. Power to ::\linister to cause works to be executed. 3. Amendment of 1 Geo. VL No. 25. 4. Val'iatlon of expenditul'e nndel' 1 Geo. VI. Nil. 54. A.D. l AN ACT to authorise·the Execution of certain Federal 1988. Aid Road Works and Federal Aid Works. [13 December, 1938.] BE it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tas­ mania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows:- Short title 1-(1) This Act may be cited as the Federal Aid R()ads and incor­ p,nd Works Execution Act] 938. poration. 1 Geo. VL (2) This Act shall be incorporated with the Federal Aid .No. 16. Roads and WorkS Act 1937. 2-(1) The Minister may cause the Federal Aid Road~i;:i~~e:°to Works and Federal A id Works specified in the first and second iiause worD to be hclledules to be executed and carried out at a cost noteurated. exceeding the amount set forth in those schedules in respect of each work. 9d.l 240 2 GEORGII VI. No. 43. Federal Aid Roads and Works Execution. A.D. 1938. (2) The Miuister shall not cause the works specified III the first schedule to be undertaken before the first day of .J ulv, one thousand nine hundred and thirtY-nine. " Amendment of 1 Geo. 3 The Federal Aid Roads and Works Execution Act VI. No. 25. 1937 is hereby amended by deleting the words "and other works" in Item J 48 in the second schedule thereto. 'Variation of expendi­ 4 The balance unexpended (amounting to £1800) of the ture under 1 Geo. VI. sum provided by the Federal A id Roads Execution Ad No. 54. ( No. :?) 1937 in respect of' the item" Road to Hastings Cave (completion)" may be expt'nded iu respect of the item "Hartz Mountains Road" contained in the first schedule. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. FEDERAL AID ROADS. No. of Road. Name of Road. Amount. RECONSTRUCTION OF STATE HIGHWAYS- £ 1003 Hobart to Launceston 6,000 1005 Bellerive to Swansea ............. " 4,000 1006 Launceston to Smithton . 8,000 1007 Stanley to Smithton . 4,500 1015 Hobart to southport 10,000 1029 Ouse to Queenstown ,. 3,000 1031 Scottsdale to St. Helens . .. ... ... 5,000 1033 Conara to St. Marys . 6,000 500 Launceston to Inspection Head. 3,000 513 Granton to Ouse . 8,000 518 Sorell to Carnarvon .. ..... 3,500 521 Exeter to Glengarry to Frankford ... 3,000 £64,000 CONSTRUCTION OF WEST COAST ROAD SYSTEM- 34 Queenstown to Zeehan to Corinna .... 10,000 £74,000 Supervision .............. " .............. " .... .... 2,820 £7G,820 2 GEORGII VI. No. 43. 241 Federal Aid Roads and Works Execution. 'OTHER WORKS CONNECTED WITH TRANSPORT- £ A.D. 1938. Item 1 Elimination of Level Crossings at Five­ Mile, Conara-Fingal Line; Western J unction and between Westbury and Exton, Western Line .... .... .... .... .... .... 17,00101 Item 2· Provision of Automatic and Manually­ Controlled Signal Lights at various Level Crossings. .... .... .... .... .... ........ 11,000 £28,000 Supervision .......... .. 1,680 £29680 TRUNK ROADS-­ Latrobe-Railton 750 504 Pine Road to Natone Cross Roads ........ .. 1,500 67 King Island, North-South Road 300 68 Flinders Island, Road to Emita Jetty .... 250 Oatlands to Parattah .......... 1,0001 75 Hartz Mountains Road ... 1,2501 76 Mount Barrow Road 500 Road to Lavender Farm .............. .. 500 £6,050 Supervision .\. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. 500 £6,550 SUMMARY. £ Reconstruction of State Highways .... .... ... 64,000 . Construction of West Coast Road System 10,OOlO Supervision on same ............... 2,820 Other Works connected with Transport ... 28,000 Supervision on same 1,680 Trunk Roads 6,050 Supervision on same ... .... .... .... .... ... 500 £113,050 242 2 GEORGII VI. No. 43. Federal Aid Roads and Works Execution. A.D. 1938. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. ROADS. No. of Road. Name of Road. Amount. BEACONSFIELD MUNICIPALITY- £ 1 To G. A. Shaw's, South Bridgenorth 100 2 To Wing's, Jones', and other, Winkleigh . 150 3 To Gill's, Flowery Gully ... 100 4 Pomona Road, Trevallyn .... ... 100 5 To Soldier Settlement at Flowery Gully 100 6 To C. R. Miller's and others, Glengarry . 100 7 Rookery Road ... 100 8 Sandy Beach to Old Settlement ... 100 £850 ]30THWELL MUNICIPALITY- 9 Hollow Tree Road to Berriedale and Humbie . ... ............. ' .... .... 100 10 Waddamana Road to Southernfield .... 100 11 Lower Marshes to Footsteps, Footsteps Hill ............ ............ 100 £300 BRIGHTON MUNICIPALITY- 12 Riverton Road .... .... ... .... 150 13 To Anderson's from Broadmarsh Road .... 100 14 Brighton-Old Beach Road, near Heath's .... 100 £350 BRUNY MUNICIPALITY- 15 Barnes' Bay Jetty to Church ................. .. 100 16 Barnes' Bay to Killora ." 100 17 To Dorloff's, Adventure Bay 100 18 Fitchett's Road, Lunawanna 100 19 Barnes' Bay to Rosebanks 100 £500 BURNIE MUNICIPALITY- 20 Stowport-Natone Road .. 100 21 To Calf's and Holloway's 150 22 Mayne's Road, Stowport ..... .. 100 23 West Ridgley Prospect Road to Huett's and others .... 100 24 To G. & N. Elphinstone, Stow port .... 100 £550 2 GEORGII VI. No. 43. 242 Fedeml A.id Roads and Works Execution. CIRCULAR HEAD MUNICIPALITY- £ A.D. 1938. 25 Black Road, Mella .... .... .... .... .... .... 100 26 To Saward's and Greene's, and Gravel Quarry... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... 150 27 To Tuxworth's and others, Alcomie ... .... 175 28 Barcoo Road ..... .... 100- 29 To C. Barnes and others . ... ... 100 30 To Wells', Streets', and Bolters', Marrawah 100 31 To V. F. Smith's, Marshall's, and Mc- Carthy's .. .... 150 32 To Kay's and Ralston's, Edith Creek 100 33 Lovett's Road, Lileah . 100 £1,075 CLARENCE MUNICIPALITY- 34 Pass Road, Rokeby to Cambridge, through Hall's .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... £100 DELORAINE MUNICIPALITY- 35 To E. A. Bullock's, Gad's Hill . 100 36 Miles Road leading to Mersey Hill Road, Mole Creek .' .... .... 100 37 To L. Haberle and others, Caveside . 100 38 Reiffers Road, Meander .... .. 75 39 To Cox's and Sherriff's, Montana ..... ... 75 40 To Cubit's and Sullivan's, Lemana Junction 100 £550 ESPERANCE MUNICIPALITY- 41 Powell's Road to Police Point . 150 42 Kermandie Road, Geeveston, from Ker- mandie River Bridge, near P. W. Ford's to property of McKibben Bros. 200 £350 EVANDALE MUNICIPALITY- 43 Hanlethto Deddington, Bonney's Plains End ................ >0.. 150 44 Kingston Road . 100 45 Blessington to Kaye's .... 100 £350 244 2 GEORGII VL No. 43. Federal Aid Roads and Works Execution. A.D.1938. FINGAL MUNICIPALITY- £ 46 Merrywood Road .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... 10() 47 Avoca-Storey's Creek Road to Rossarden 10(} 48 To Barnes and others, Beauty Flat.... .... .... 150 49 Mangana to Storey's Creek .... .... .... 150 50 To Barber's, Brooks,' and others .... .... .... 100 51 Meadstone Road to properties of J. J. Bad- . kin, Pitchford, and others.... .... .... .... .... 100· £700 FLINDERS ISLAND MUNICIPALITY- 52 From Pat's River Bridge to E. T. IIes' .... 100·' 53 To Big River, from Trousers Point towards Big River .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 75 54 To Trueman's, Templeman's, and others .. 100 55 Badger Corner Road .... .... .... .... .... ... .... 100· 56 To Moyle's from Williams' end .... .... .... .... 10()' £47E GEORGE TOWN MUNICIPALITY-. 57 From Hillwood School to Egg Island Creek 175 58 To Curran's and others .... .... .... .... .... .... 75 £25() GLAMORGAN MUNICIPALITY- 59 Coles Bay Road .... £250 G'LENORCHY MUNICIPALITY- 60 HiIton Road, Claremont .... .... .... .... .... .... 150 61 Cannon's Gully Road, Claremont .... .... .... 75 62 Coleman Street, Glenorchy (northern end) 75- £30() GREEN PONDS MUNICIPALITY- 63 From Mercer State School to Beard, Briggs, and others... .... .... .... .... .... .... lOO- 64 Hunting Ground Road near Ray's.... .... .... 100 65 Lovely Banks to Colebrook ... .... .... .... .... 100 £300 2 GEORGII VI. No. 43. 245 Fedeml Aid Roads and Works Execution. HAMILTON MUNICIPALITY- £ A.D. 1938. 66 Bashan Road '" ........................... 200 67 Strickland Road ... .... .. 100 68 Dunrobin Bridge to Ellendale . 100 £i400 HUON MUNICIPALITY- 69 Hall's Road .......................... 150 70 To Lovell's, Stephenson's, and others 150 71 Batchelor's and Richardson's Road 100 72 Bennett's and Fyfe's Road. 100 73 Upper Mountain River Road 100 74 Bennett's and Dowling's Road. 100 75 James' and Daly's Road .. 100 76 To Eric Lucas' property, Ranelagh 75 77 To Les. Bell's through J. S. Lucas', Lucas- ton ............................................... 115 £990 KENTISH MUNICIPALlTY- 78 No-Where-Else Road ........................... 300 79 To Braid's, Mason's, and others .... .. 100 80 To Treloar's, Austin's, Bishop's, and others 100 81 To Anderson's, Overton's and others ....... 150 £650 KING ISLAND MUNICIPALITY- 82 To Denby's and others ....................... 100 83 To Young's and Staughton's ............... 100 84 Marshall's Road .................................. .. 100 85 South Road, South of Pearshape .......... .. 100 86 Grassy Road ...................................... .. 500 £900 KINGBOROUGH MUNICIPALITY- 87 Oyster Cove to Cygnet .... .... .... .... .... ... 200 88 Tinder Box Road .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. 100 89 To C. Krause and others ...................... .. 75 90 To Behrens, Grosse, and others ............... 75 91 Margate to Sandfly .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 100 92 Old Station Road .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 100 93 Umfreville's Road .... ... .... .... .... .... .. .... 100 94 To J. Rex, J. H. Dunning, and A. Williams 100
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