T�[RD PARLIAMENT OF GUYANt FIRST SESSION 1973 1978 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the 137th Sitting of the National Assembly held in the Parliament Chamber at the Public Buildings, Georgetown, Demerara, AT 2.00 P.M. ON FRIDiW, 27TH Ji�NU,\RY, 1978 MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SpeakeP Cde. Sass Narain, D.R., J.P., M.P., Speaker of the National Assembly Members of the Government - People's National Congress (48) Prime Minister (1) Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., s.c., M.P., Prime Minister(Absent - on leave Deputy Prime Minister (1) O:lo . P.A. Reid, M.P., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Development (Absont - on leavo) Senior Ministers (8) Cde. H.D. Hoyte, s.c., M.P., Minister of Economic Development and Co-operatives *Cde. H. Green, M.P., Minister of Health, Housing and Labour (Absent - on leave) *Cde. H.O. Jack, M.P., Minister of Energy and Natural Resources(Absent) *�1o. F.E. Hope, M.P., Minister of Finance *Cde. s.s. Naraine, A.A., M.P., Minister of Works and Transport. (Absent - on leave) *Cde. G.�. King, M.P., Minister of ,rads and Consumer Protection. *Cde. G.B. Kennard, c.c.H., M.P., Minister of Agriculture (Absent - on leave) *Cde. F.R. Wills, s.c., M.P., Minister of Foreign Affairs and Justice (Absent) Ministers (4) Cda. S.M. Field-Ridley, M.P., Minister of Information. Cde. B. Ramsaroop, M.P., Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Leader of the House * Cde. c.v. Mingo, M.P., Minister of 11t:ome Affairs * Cde. V.R� Toekah, M.P., Ministor of Education, Social Developmen� and Culture I ••• *Non elected Minister 2. Ministers of State (9) Cde. O.E. Clarke, M.P., Minister of State - Regional (East Berbico/Corontyne) Cde. P, Duncan, J.P., M.µ,, Minister of State, Ministry of Economic Deuelopment and Co-operatives Cde. c.�. Nascimento, M.P., Ministor of State, Office of tho Prime Minister (i�bsent) Cdo. K.B. Bancroft, J.P., M,P., Minister of State - Regional Mazaruni/Potaro) (Absent) Cdo. J.P. Chowritmootoo, J.P., M.P., Minister of Stato - Regional (Essequibo Coast/West Domerara) Cde. J.R. Thomas, M.P., Minister of State, Ministry of Health, Housing ond Labour Cde. R.H.O. Corbin, M.P., Minister of State, Ministry of National Development * Cde. �. Salim, M.P., Minister of State - Regional(East Demerara/ West Coast Berbice (Absent) * Cde. F.U.A. Cormichoel, M.P., Minister of State - Regional Q\lorth•1fost) (f\bsent) Parliamentary Socretaries (4) Cdo. M.M. f\ckman, C,C.H., M.P., Parliomontary Secretary, Office of the Primo Minister, and Government Chief Whip Cde. E.L. Ambrose, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry, o.f .:i.griculture Cde. s. Prashad, M.P., Porliomontory Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development end Co-operatives Cde. f"I. Corrica, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education, Social Development 3nd Culture Other Members (21) Cde. E.M. Bynoe, M.P. Cde. W.G. Corrington, M.P. Cde. L.�. Durant, M.P. Cde. E.H.,1. Fowler, M.P. Cde. J. c;:i.11, M.P. Cde, w. Hussain, M.�. Cde. s •. Jaiserrisingh, M.P. Cdo. K.M.E. Jonas, M.P. (Absent) Cde. M. Kasim, l�.A., M,P. Cde. M. Nissar, M.P, Cde. L.C. Ramsahoye, M.P. Cde. J.G. Ramson, M.P. Cde. P.A. Rayman, M,P. Cde. E.M. Stoby, J.P., M.P.(Absent). Cde. S.H. Sukhu, M.S., M.P. Cde. C, Sukul, J.P., M.P. Cde. H,,:,. Taylor, M.P. Cde. R.C. Von Sluytman, J.P., M.P. Cde. L.E. Willems, M.P. (Absent.-) Cde. C.E. Wrights, J.P., M.P. Cde. M. Zaheoruddeen, M.P. Members of the Opposition (16) (i) People's Progressive Party (14) Leader of the Opposition (1) Cde. C. Jogon, M.P., Leader of the Opposition Deputy Spoakor (1) Cde. Ram Karron, M.P., Deputy Speaker of the Notional Assembly * Non electod Minister 3 Other Members (12) Cds. J. Jagan, M.P. Cde. Roepu Daman PGrsoud, J.P., Opposition Chief Whip Cde. N. Persaud, M.P. Cde. c. Collymoro, M.P.(Absent) Cde. S.F. Mohomed, M.P. Cde. L. Lolbohodur, M.P.(Absent) Cde. I. Bosir, M.P. Cde. c.c. Belgrave, M.P. Cde. R. Ally, M.P. Cde. Dolchand, J.P., M.P. Cdo. Dindoyol, M.P. Cdo. H. Nokta, M.P. (ii) Liberator Porty (2) Mr. M.F. Singh, J.P., M.P. Mrs. E. Do Silva, M.P. OFFICERS Clerk of tho Nationo1 Assembly (F.n. Nsroin) Acting Deputy Clerk of the Notional Assembly (A. Knight) PR,WERS The Clerk rend Prayers. �NNOUNCEMENTS BY THE SPEAKER Leove The Speokor announced that leave hod been grontod to - (i) Cdes. Burnham, Reid, Green ond Kennard for thot sitting, (ii) Cde. Noroine for the poriod 27th Jonuory to 19th February, 1978. PRESENT.,TION OF PAPERS P1ND REPORTS, ETC. By the Minister of Finance: Report of the Directors of the New Widows and Orphans' Fund for the year 1971. (c. 105/54 V)(Circulated) QUESTIONS TD r1INISTERS Question No. 20 Cde. Ally asked the Minister of Education, Social Devclopmont ond Culture the following question: QUESTION: Will the Minister of Education, Social Development and Culture say how many new schools will be built to house Community High Schools for tho now school yeor commencing in September, 1977? 4. Will the Minister further soy whore these schools will be built? Will hs further soy whether it is true that so me of tho present primary schools will be usod to house Community High Schools and if so, will he indicate what ore the schools which will be so used? The Minister of Education, Social Development and Culture gove the following reply: ,'\NS\•/ER: New buildings wero not constructed to house Community High Schools in tho school year beginning September, 1977; however, under the Second Education Project which is being financed by o loon from the World Bank provision has boon mode for the construction of seven buildings in 1980 to house schools which carry Community High School programmes. These schools will be situotod ot:- Cumberlond/Conjo Bloirmont Colden Grove Lodge Friendship Stewartville, and Charity. As from September, 1977, Community High School programmes wore introduced fully or in port in All-ago schools (os distinct from Primary Schools) in VJrious ports of the country depending on the facilities which con be provided. Thero ore 28 such schools which oro os follows:- Vrymon's Erven New Amsterdam, Berbice Bellodrum Wost Const Berbice Buxton Eost Coost Domeroro Beterverwagting East Coast Domeroro Compbellville Sheriff Street, Georgetown Lodge 335 Hadfield Street, Lodge, Georgetown Houston East Bonk Demororo Woles Wolos Estoto, West BJnk Demeroro Vreed-en-Hoop Wost Coast Demeraro Ituni Domeraro River Leguan Enterprise, Loguon Johanna Cecilio Essequibo ,'\nnci. Regino Cotton Field, Essequibo Bartica Seventh Avenue, Bartico Port Kaitumo North Wost District St. Ignatius Lathem, Rupununi Soesdyke East Bonk Demerora Poriko/Salem Eost Bonk Demerora Port Mouront Corentyne, Berbice Ann's Grove East Coast Demerora Linden Rockstone, Domerora River Kwakwoni Berbice River North West Mnboruma, North Waet District David Rose West Ruimveldt, Georgetown Fort Wellington West Coast Berbice Kitty Stotion Stroet, Georgetown 8ourdo Charlotte i Oronoque Streets, Georgetown st. John's Edinburough, Leonora, West Const, Domororo. I ... 5 QUBstion.No. 21 Cda. Ally asked the Ministor of Education, Social o,velopment and Culture the following question: QUESTIOl\f: Will the Ministor of Education, Social Development and C�lture soy whether or not he knows that the children of the No. 48 and No� 56 Schools, Corentyne, were informed that tho two schools will bo convortecl into Community High Schools from September, 1977, and that they will hove to go to tho Naso 59 - 51 and No. 45 Primary Schools? If the answer is in the offirmotive, will the Minister soy whether he is owore of the fact that the schools to which the childrom a.re to be removed aro already overcrowdod, so much so that one hundred of them from tho No. 59 School are boing accommodated in the No. 58 Community Centro? Is the Minister aworo that the No. 56 School at present accommodate,� 721 chi.ld:cen, and that there are 540 childD�n at the No. 48 School? Is the Minister aware that thore is an unfinished socondary school building at No. 54 Village and thcl ir this builclin� is completed it could take cere of all the children from the Nos.• 59 - 51 and No. 45 School--? The Minister of Education, Social Oevelopment and Culture gave tho following reply :�NSWERJ It is not truo that the children of the No. 48 and No. 56 Schools, Corentyne, were informed as atatod. Moreover, tho Ministrt of Education, S 0cial Dovalopmont and Culture has not taken such a decision. Since the answer to the question is in the negative it is not necessary to reply to the second question. The Minister is aware that the No. 56 School occommodotos about 721 children and the No. 48 School about 558. Tho Minister is also aware that tho Local Authority has tokon action to erect a building at No. 54 Village; tho building has not bean. completed but in the meantime, it is being used to house a Nursery School. ,\ supplementary question wos asked by Cele. ,Uly. I ••• 6. PUBLIC BUSINESS BILLS Second and ]hird Rooding� ITEM 1 - CUSTOMS (AM�NDMENT) BILL 1978 - Bill No. 1/1978 published 7.1.78 The Minister of Finance moved the second reading of the hllowing Bill: A BILL intituled AN ACT TO AMEND THE CUSTOMS ,\CT• C�e.
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