ADMINISTRATION & SOCIETY Editor: GARY L. WAMSLEY, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Associate Editors: Applied Behavioral Science: Management and Business Administration: ANDRE DELBECQ, University of Santa Clara Constitutionalism, Ethics, and Administrative History: JOHN A. ROHR, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Organizational Sociology: DAVID A. WHETTEN, Brigham Young University Contact Editor for European Government & Administration: THEO A. J. TOONEN, University of Leiden Editorial Board: Carolyn Ban, University of Pittsburgh Barry Bozeman, Georgia Institute of Technology Louise K. Comfort, University of Pittsburgh Phillip J. Cooper, University of Vermont Robert B. Denhardt, Arizona State University Michael A. Diamond, University of Missouri–Columbia Robert F.Durant, University of Baltimore Frank Fischer, Rutgers University Louis C. Gawthrop, University of Baltimore Robert Golembiewski, University of Georgia Charles T. Goodsell, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Michael M. Harmon, George Washington University David K. Hart, Brigham Young University Christopher Hood, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science Patricia W. Ingraham, Syracuse University Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, European Institute of Business Administration Donald F.Kettl, University of Wisconsin–Madison Alexander Kouzmin, University of Western Sydney–Nepean Martin Landau, University of California–Berkeley Theodore J. Lowi, Cornell University Thomas D. Lynch, Louisiana State University Laurence E. Lynn, Jr., University of Chicago Cynthia J. McSwain, George Washington University Kenneth J. Meier, Texas A&M University Yves Mény, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute–Florence H. Brinton Milward, University of Arizona Terry Moe, Stanford University Gareth Morgan, York University, Toronto Dorothy Olshfski, Rutgers University Laurence J. O’Toole, Jr., University of Georgia James L. Perry, Indiana University Keith G. Provan, University of Arizona Hal G. Rainey, University of Georgia Bert A. Rockman, Ohio State University Barbara Romzek, University of Kansas David H. Rosenbloom, American University Uriel Rosenthal, University of Leiden Lester M. Salamon, Johns Hopkins University Fritz W. Scharpf, Max Planck Institute for Social Research Saundra K. Schneider, University of South Carolina Camilla Stivers, Cleveland State University–Ohio Michael E. Urban, University of California–Santa Cruz Orion F.White, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Oliver E. Williamson, University of California–Berkeley James Q. Wilson, University of California–Los Angeles Editorial Assistant: Brandy S. Faulkner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University For Sage Publications: Scott Springer, Michelle Fisher, Joyce Kuhn, and Katinka Baltazar ADMINISTRATION & SOCIETY volume 33, number 5 / November 2001 contents A Reflection on Herbert Simon: A Satisficing Search for Significance HAL G. RAINEY 491 Culture, Commerce, and Civil Society: Rethinking Support for the Arts STEFAN TOEPLER 508 Welfare Reform in Wisconsin: The Local Role LAWRENCE M. MEAD 523 Institutions of Private Authority in Global Governance: Linking Territorial Forms of Self-Regulation KARSTEN RONIT 555 Sage Publications Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi POLICY: ADMINISTRATION & SOCIETY seeks to further the understanding of public and human service organizations, their administrative processes, and their effect on society. The journal publishes empirically oriented research reports and theoretically specific articles that synthesize or contribute to the advance- ment of understanding and explanation in these fields. Of particular interest are (1) studies that analyze the effects of the introduction of administrative strategies, programs, change interventions, and training; and (2) studies of intergroup, interorganizational, and organization-environment relationships and policy processes. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted to Gary L. Wamsley, Editor, ADMINISTRATION & SOCIETY, Center for Public Administration and Policy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Four (4) copies are required. A copy of the final revised manuscript saved on an IBM-compatible disk should be included with the final revised hard copy.Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to pub- lish in the journal. 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