ews Vol. LIV WELLESLEYCOLLEGE NEWS, WELLESLEY,MASS., FEBRUARY23, 1961 No. 15 Healey Asks Revision of Rules Marcia Burick InLI:;:::::t~P~~~t~~{;:~~;;J~To Head CG·· • • f NATO asking more than he is willing to ac- Marcia Burick '62 has been elected 0 fl P 0Slll0Il O cept, maintaining that in the political President of College Government. The old game of power politics is Russia has less control ov r the arena "it is better to be right sepa- Announcement was made at run- open to suggestions from the floor Communist world than he had fu- rately than wrong together." On mat- arounds afte1 Chapel Monday. Mar- for revision. teen year ago. ters outside NATO's jurisdiction, the cia will take office after Spring va- Western allies have no obligation to cation. In June, 1955 West Germany was "New Floating Vote" the scene of atomic war games in Fourth, Healy noted that Asia and support each other. Marcia, who believes that C. G. which, according to official estimates, Africa, no longer under colonial rule, "There is no more reason why should be "a sounding board for 1,7000,000 were killed and 3,500,000 have become a "floating vote." He America should support European ideas as well as a legislative body". wounded. The U. S. was not "in• warned that a local eruption in either countries on colonial issues than why has some specific immediate plan vaded." of these areas could involve the U. S. Europe shoulld support America on She hopes to have senior CG officers By such "war games" Denis Healey, or U.S.S.R. China.', rotate and visit dorms, to have one Member of Parliament and Spokes- Because of these changes we must This brings us to ask Mr. Healey CG "rep" on each House Councils man of the British Labor Party on revitalize our strategic methods. Any whether he loves us because we have and she plans to review the Judi­ foreign affairs warned that the U. S. local conflict which might break out atomic weapons or whether we have cial guide directing the policy o! would not only quicken the arms in Europe at the present time could atomic weapons because he loves us. house councils. race but also lessen the chances for not be controlled by resorting to successful negotiations between the atomic weapons. Healey asserted that Candidates Run To Fill West and the U.S.S.R. NATO must be able to prevent such NATO was originally established a conflict from spreading without Terrorism in Russia Remaining CG Office for the protection of the western resort to atomic weapons. Chief Justice zones of Berlin twelve years ago. Willingness to Retaliate Questioned Mary (Mimi} Armstrong Healey pointed out that circum- Any deterrent force that the threat Probed by Lecturer Nancy Greenamyre stances have changed. He listed four of U. S. atomic retaliation once had Betsy North major changes in the world balance no longer exists. BY ALISON FEARICK '64 In recent years there has been an Cornella (Corky) Scheffey No satisfactory substitute has been increasing concern of the individual Chairman of House Presidents of power. Healey maintained that Europeans found to play the role of terror in for private interests, a great desire Louise Connell "Balance of Terror" are uneasy in the effectiveness, or the totalitarian regime, according to for consumer goods. Concommitantly Antonlne (Toni) Hess Fir t, the . S. no longer has a rather, the totality, of American re­ Mrs. Barbara Green, Instructor of with this desire, corruption is spread­ Elizabeth (Libby) Wolfe monopoly of atomic weapons. Peace taliation. Healey believes that Eu­ Political Science. ing throughout society; the black Senior Vice President is maintained by a "balance of ter- rope's attitude is based on the "gen­ Speaking Monday night on "The market and bribery are common, in­ Lee Burnham ror" between the U. S. and Russia eral collapse of confidence in Ameri­ Lessening of Terror; Some Tentative deed open practices. Patti (Capple) Crystal and the U. S. recognizes that security can leader hip" under the previous Observations," Mrs. Green outlined Presents Solutions Jane Gillespie depends on cooperation in control- admini tration. The new government, the two alternatives open to the The problem confronting the So­ ling the spread of atomic weapons to he expects, is going to make "a tre­ Soviet regime - the crumbling of viet Union today is how to jar the other countries. mendous effort to give meaning to the totalitarian state or the discov­ people from their self-interests. Mrs. 21 ,vasl•ington Second, there is no longer a the Western alliance." ery of a functional sub titute for Green presented several possible "vacuum" in Europe. Western Eu- Apparently, Healey sees Europe' terror. solutions, none of which seemed sat­ rope, fully recovered from the War, lack of faith in the_ U. S. as the re­ Poses Theoretical State isfactory to her. l1•te•·ns Named is no longer as dependent on the sult of circumstances which ha e In theory, a totalitarian state could Missile and rocket achievements Twenty-one Wellesley students U. S. as she was immediately after caused the U. S. military relic of be formed in which the will and de­ seemed to have aroused the pride, have been selected to participate In the War. faith (worthy of worship) - that is, sire were completely in union with, but not the fervor of the Russian the Wellesley-Vassar Washington In• Third, Mr. Healey stated, there U. S. atomic weapons - to be ne­ and coordinated with, those of the people; the proletarian campaign, or ternship Program. They will spend have been changes within the Soviet gated. Russia, too, has her object of state. To us, Mrs. Green commented, attempt to introduce the worker into part of the summer following their bloc. The U.S.S.R. has accepted a faith. this would be more horrifying than the party and thus reduce the role junior year working at various posi­ ...peaceful coexistence" that dimin- Healey is not of the "hang to­ terror, for this terror signifies a ten­ of the privileged, has likewise been tions In Washington D. C. lshed any fear of a world war. Also, gether" school of thought. It seems, sion between the individual and the unsuccessful. Howard Marshall, Director of the state. But complete elimination of Powers Trial Significant Vassar Internship Program, will In­ this tension, in the opinion of most In Moscow during the Powers trial terview the selected students Febru­ sociologists and historians, is highly last summer, Mrs. Green was able to ary 24 and 25 regarding iob assign­ Prospective Journalists improbable. observe the reaction of the Russian ments which he will secure for both people to yet another possible sub- Wellesley and Vassar Interns. 99010of Wellesley stitute for terror - an outside dan- Wellesley Student Interns nvited to 'News' Tryouts -;c ger to the regime. The press was Those chosen from Wellesley for Wants WOmen [ n vituperative, she said; but the people the Internship program are: Linda Each year with the second sponsible for the campus "big busi­ themselves were concerned, but Baker, Janet Barton, Carol Bensinger, semester seniors take generals and ness" organization - with a yearly friendly toward Americans. Nora Ephron, Martha Fetherolf, Mar.: graduate. As this happens they budget of approximately $12,000. P eace C Orps Pl an Indeed,· Mrs. Green commented, garet Gaskins, Harriet Handel, Bar­ simultaneously retire from their Members of the business board gain President Kennedy's plan for a the only evidence of anti-American­ bara Marks, Kathleen McDonough, extracurricular activities. valuable training in dealing with Youth Peace Corps has elicited a ism that she found during her stay Jennie Mclane, Susan Selya, Susan To freshmen, sophomore and national and local advertising and strong response from the Wellesley there was in the Intourist system. Sessions, Marilyn Shapiro, Elizabeth juniors the invitation for member- in handling circulation. student body. The results of a ques- Tension was not due to hatred of, or Wolfe, and Donna Work. Alternates ship on News is being extended. ticmnaire circulated last week indi- fear of aggression to the Americans, are Joan Foedisch, Janet Hunt, Susan The staff will conduct a three week Dylan Thomas cate that 99% of those replying fa- but more due to the attitude of the Evans, Dallas Johnson, Marcia Kin• tryout period for candidates. The vored the inclusion of women in the Continued on Page Six nea~ and Judy Conge~ :ftrt meeting during that period will Peace Corps, while 64 % exi>ressed beThu,rsday, March 2, at 4:40 in the personal interest in the program. News office in the basement of Because of the results of the ques­ Green. tionnaire, Forum and the campus Saville Davis Urges Revision Three Articles committee of National Students' As­ In meetings with the editors, pro­ sociation have announced that they Of U.S. 'Containment Policy' spective reporters will be briefed on will actively support a government The United States and the whole did. From this theory, the cold war the techniques of journalistic writ­ sponsored plan; and, if the Peace ing. Three articles are to be Western world, with respect to for- was born, which has, as a result, Corps is to be organized under pri­ eign policy, "need a new form of "squeezed the spirit in ide of us.'• submitted by the candidates: a vate auspices, the organizations "will relationship" to the near-communist Success Despite Loss traight news story, usually covering explore means to initiate a program countries, according to Saville Davis, From one aspect, said Mr. Davis, a campus lecture; a critique of a similar to the Harvard and Columbia Managing Editor of the Christian the containment policy has been book, movie or play; and a feature plans in co-operation with the other Science Monitor.
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