ADS THAT PAY All of thm Newt Impartially Told fa * Qfcit at RmLgriowi. New |h k v , unJtr d w Act ol hOfcIl >. I»7»_ N. )„ FltlDAY, MAY 1), J9>1 ZABRISKIE WIN IN TOWN, COUNTY SEEN PUnsToFire RE: DOGS Commissioners The approach of warm ^reatber Deny Move To Here and Throughout Bergen Proof School brings with it every year, the proper control of dogs, particu­ WiDJBe Voted larly stray dogs. Last year Name Firemen the i Township was kept well cleared of stray dogs by reason of Board of Education Prepares the activities of the Township Taxpayers Communication dog catcher. This procedure will Answered By Bogle At Zabriskie Spirit Indicates W in Plans A t Meeting Tues* again start next week, and all dog day Night; Cost ^25,000 ' owners are requested to co-oper­ Regular M«,mg ^ Thcir Sup. ate with the officials in the en­ Former Judge Impre*w» Th* Board of Education, in prepar­ deavor to reduce the stray dog With His Sinterm ami ing Tue.-d*y to ask $25,000 for im­ population and the dangers in­ .STSrSw.u d I'"'"* naming several paid firemen to the j vj. O . P . Strong Paat Record provement* to Franklin School, in­ volved. Kally fire d»par*"»»nt which i* wholly w L j j---------------- -----------:— dicated it would not propose plans to Owners of dog* tan now obtain erect a new school. The proposed im­ the license tags for 1931 from the unteerat the present time. The denial Mayor Honcr R H> ifita atUvkrd John R ZiWuiw » etpvi trd to provements include fire-proofing and clerk in the Town Hall any day came as a result of a communication j Jfjrry Harper and his supporter* v»»ty l.ymihurst and IWrg*wT>.s%mt» a new heating system and purchase from 9 a-m. to 4 p.m., except Sat­ from the Taxpayers’ Association who ^ ^ )K.|j l»y ,(*. Yowl* Hr Tuesday in ihe primal* etevtiwn to of property adjoining the school, but urdays, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. the H.n Min the RepvMkM nt<MWMtt»n t*x make no provision for additional All reports of stray, sick or rumor had no foundation and no auch Tuesday night fcatf Senate facilities. undesired dogs should be made to move was being considered. Harper. a .aiuWatc to, .he mim A itiKky, •tinji.MK kw4i«»(j Wan Members said they.would wait f«f. the Police Dept, by Tel. Ruth. It was announced that th* old fire: nut ion for State Vnat. a» « trf medium height, bearing an *it »d 2-0720 and prompt action will be the resident* to ask additional schools apparatus which was badly damaged | John Y fDatcr *n^ < .I^Uwin WHI .areMneta, Zahn.k,. hat given to the case. before taking action. It was pointed had been repaired at a cost of $H00 \„n, other landtaatc* for thi- Vna aude * itrung iw fiim iin u(*-n et out the previous board put three pro­ md was to be placed in the local fire j tort^l nomination. spoke at the »c* t t f audtrnte Wfo«« wtnch he K,«t posals for new schools before the house. I SUM! John B Zabrt*ki>‘ arrived at j W«>k«n Hu margin t»W lU n v t voters and all were defeated. PA0UN0 AND A recommendation to name paid thc hall after the meettHu «,as ovtt j Harper, John Y Wtjp A special meeting of the board will firemen was made by Deputy Fire j yj,, was itUyod tn another part ui | Rouitm ia teen' larger and U»fe* be held Monday night. A apecial elec­ Commissioner Arthur Schreckenstein t^(. c(wnty W the , ktatng days <>( the tampaign tion to place the improvement* be­ OTHERS TO BE in his annual report. The .rally, the first held in the] hat been marked h* ((VtilM* fore the voters will be planned then. Mayor Horace R. Bogle said plan. t0wn*hlp, was attended hv nearly 100 . Ire ling The project is the outcome of com­ HERE TONIGHT to name additional firemen were not Though the league is taking no ac | Msistaining hia eatm, •»»« tooting plaints of the hasardous condition of - o ..... I------ being considered by the board at the ljyt, part ;n the primary, tho * pie* Ih. fae* ml mwt rrtwting. and the structure voiced by Thomas Fahy Paolino LVudun, Basque prise present time and the objections raised M), Bl ^ meeting indicated strong ■» i. ft-tna • i i 1 • tsaitais chairman of the committee in charge maUet««a ekarg** mu4 hMMusaUMW. fighter, Benny Leonard, former light­ by the Taxpayers Association w «* i fwUn* Or Zabriskie 1 *abetaki« haa gntaad fntMn m 4 of that school. weight champion of the world and unnecessery. | Harper's connection with the "con The plan, in addition to installing MM II K Jimmy McLamin, famous welter­ Gunther objected to the purchase of 1 tractor's rinit" in flvknM ck and the |MN, IIWNEHH JNppsflet* «f Marry Harper at* a new heating system and fire-proof­ weight fighter, will be present at the the new apparatus, which coat about 1 unwise policy Douglas Thomson, ing includes a new ventilating system • • as basing ruined Um than.-** Holy Name smoker bout* and enter­ $13,000 when it was announced the \ chairman of the Bergen County K*» Notice is hereby given that the I 'W license. esplte June I, and of thetr randtdale Ihrwtgh ant.ea.ard. and new window frames. Charles tainment in the l.yndhurst Theatre old engine which had been damaged publican Committee, ha* pursued in | that Ihe 19SI llcenaei. ar* ready for issuance *t Ihe .* , * *»( tba Jiarsmrteowa .taUm .ni. Clerk, Town Hall, daily between the hour* of » A M so-l 4 I' M , Rodgers said the work would add ten tonight. Rev. Cornelius J. Boyle, cur­ had been repaired and would be the election were the subjects of May bw» avdaiy rtrv«Ut*l by the .. only » Tears to the Ufe of the building. The ate of the Sacred Heart Church, is or Bogle’s talk. and Saturdays between A AM and 12 Noon placed in the l.yndhurst headquarter*. DOMLNIth J I IVftU-l, ■chool was condemned as a lire trap chairman of the committee in charge “If the old apparatus wa* repair­ ATTACKS HtKI'EK fhsugta* Thomson, ehairwan d the state Taft year. Fahy and Jo­ T ..* »* kip'tletk by of arrangements. ed,” Gunther said, “why did we need “We should go int.* » primary j Keq No. 2018 tbe B’lfn i t sM ly Rap^bHraa > vm seph Pollara were absent last night, Music, singing, dancing and boxing the new one? I feel the expenditure election," Mayor Bogle said, "in » mittee, mm «t Ihe but the other seven members agreed will be featured at the show. The was unnecessary and Could have been friendly spirit. After all it is only | stta.kad So,th Hergen m “Mas. to the plan. well-known guests will b«x and ref­ avoided. We were told the old engine a squabble atnong friend* I don't j n*M” sti) Wednesday night I It her Possibility of purchasing property eree several of the bouts. Tbeir pres­ wa* beyond repair. How do you ex come here tonight as a candidate, but .tatewesta ol sn want*, an.) ««fa.« adjoining the school from Harold G. ence was insured by a trip made to plain the fact it can now be used? as a support* r for John It. Zabriskie Ramsey Republicans Deny Remarks nature that be has tn * 4 .sd Barringer Post, American Legion was the Orangeburg training camp of th« Mayor Itogle said the old apparatus ; Kor the last few year* I hsve been tbrnugboat the ratapaign are • • seen by members. The property fighters Tuesday by Father Boyle and was not dependable and would be use, I looked upon as one of the lea«lers in Made By Thomson About Choices y c toj u •suit tn a ssa fronts on fern avenue and will coat Motorcycle Officer Walter O’Neill. for small lire*. the township and my opinion ha. fortty for tabnabie about *2,000 The show will begin at eight o’­ Objection* to the cost of Ridge been sought. .4 TMOMMIN IAIXH INH Supervising Principal Reeve* 0 . clock and will not be over until twelve Road aas&KTMnt* wer« made hy the “I feel tbat »e«ah ‘ Slosik th« •ttTtttN Riwa.aii.Ki> Batten declared the need for addition­ o'clock. The show will be the first residents and resulted in the holding primary election,. » e need a ...... to vi ith (iroftalyfc:°ry MM(h"raun arrjnr- National *Music AWMV al school facilities still urgent. He held by the Holy Name which ta up nf confirmations scheduled for last , represent u» who h«- a r - l record, Kpaaktag M m M g tee..i He sponsoring its firat active year. , puWlesas Wit m im M«M. TUm" warned members not to lose sight of night. Residents Mid Ruthsrford was j » »epr...,h of any »rnting FacIs Week Observed by son .hNiared. •‘Tb# «iao<« 4M rft. that fact. not paying a« much for curbing along j oritJe- SEabliakie is such s man | •— here*# r.Migesied they bsvmy. 'bam- Trustee Jalo S. Lehti, declared "I Huthirford Avenue m Lyndhurnt rr« “** H*r|*rr **:Ir th r «n.i <e«tr<died and tba feel that we did all in our power to Agnes Goerke Wins 44**nU Th«* *»<♦ D m o cilti l f t *i»inf l*i m|» Aii-i <*( R a tw r tfr v«trH»» tnHt* Lyndhurst High Ueiaa haa more power thaa point out the heed of new schools last nooncod they would Hold up the cm him No »me *».
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