Home&Garden Free inside today’s edition! Friday, April 19, 2013 YOUR NEWSPAPER [email protected] • www.courier-herald.com Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 • 272-5522 Volume 99, No. 93, Pub. No 161860 75 CENTS Breaking: SPFT CEO: ‘Hopefully this is only phase one’ One of two Officials share bombing excitement over millBy JASON expansion HALCOMBE suspects In the middle of his speech, SP Fiber Technolo- gies CEO Jay Gurandiano said, "You make your money where you put your money." Gurandiano and SPFT lived up to that statement killed, 5a in the eyes of Laurens County residents, when they announced plans to invest $42 million in the Dublin mill over the next year to become what they hope is a "world class" producer of packaging materials. The lunchtime announcement came less than a week after SPFT officials were successful in trans- forming PM2, one of the world's fastest and most efficient "You make newsprint pro- duction ma- chines, into a your money producer of the packaging Coming grades used to where you Saturday To make items like The Market On the brown bags found at most put your Madison fast food restau- Summer Hours rants. money." Photos by Jason Halcombe Saturday 7:30 a.m. – The successful 12:30 p.m. "experiment" (Above): Gurandi- was ahead of ano speaks to the Please no pets in the schedule and un- crowd of more than market during der budget, — Jay Gurandiano operating hours. which had Gu- 60 during Thursday’s randiano and SPFT CEO announcement as Nature Crisp Farms - Local, all other SPFT offi- natural and pesticide free let- cials very excited Dublin mill manager tuce, carrotts, cabage, col- about the future of the Dublin mill. Hill looks on. (At lards, kale, tomatoes, sweet "I can't tell you how proud I am to be here," Gu- right): City and coun- potatoes, squash, zuchini, cu- randiano said. "In the No. 2 machine, we saw a vi- cumber sion...What was a world class newsprint machine ty officials were Ross Beasley (below) - fresh we hope to make a world class packing machine." joined by local busi- eggs Gurandiano said SPFT officials are hopeful ness leaders and Ronald Daniel - bread, bbq Thursday's announcement was "phase one," with sauce, pound cake, syrup, plans to continue a partnership with GreenPower SPFT officials. honey Solutions on a biomass power plant nearing the fi- Ingrid Durden - knits, aprons, nancing stage. jewelry, etc. "The vision is to turn this mill into the greenest Tim & Margee Edge - Edge's Amazing Carpenter Bee See SPFT page 3a Catchers, Margee's artwork, children's garden furniture, produce, etc. Bruce Everly - salsa, verde sauce, and marinara sauce, Savannah State President Dozier all made from local, chemical- free heirloom tomatoes Dublin City Council votes on Kenneth Fontenot - relish, pre- serves, peanut brittle, tea- speaking at local alumni chapter cakes, cookies, pig skins Evelyn Johnson - cakes, pies, Special to University in 2012 after serv- cookies The Courier-Herald ing one year as interim presi- Skip Neal - onions, lettuce, MLK, Jr. Corridor application The Savannah State Uni- dent and quickly instilling a radishes, shelled pecans versity National Alumni Asso- culture of service. Strawberry Station - strawber- By JAMES TIDWELL ciation, Dublin-Laurens Chap- Prior to taking the reins at ries Dublin Council heard a ter will host its annu- Savannah State, Troup Corn - strawberries, Business Enterprise Zone al Scholarship ban- Dozier served as asso- onions Program application proposal quet on Saturday, ciate provost and Beverly Veal - mustards, kale, concerning future develop- April 20 in the fellow- chief diversity officer rutabagas, canned and baked ment in the Martin Luther ship hall of the Wash- for the Office of Insti- goods King, Jr. Corridor at the reg- ington Street Presby- tutional Diversity at Claudia Williams - Everything ular Dublin City Council terian Church at 2 the University of Sweet Potato: bread, cheese- Thursday evening at Dublin p.m. Georgia. In that role cake, muffins, etc. City Hall. Savannah State — to which she was The $520,000 plan by Wal- University President appointed in 2006 af- ter Income Properties calls Dr. Cheryl D. Dozier ter four years as as- for the renovation of the old will be the speaker DOZIER sistant vice president Got an Cumming Building located at and tickets for the of academic affairs at 126 C West Madison Street. banquet are still available and the Gwinnett University Cen- Opinion? “The renovation of the can be purchased for $20 by ter — Dozier led UGA’s efforts subject property is estimated any member of the local alum- to evaluate existing programs Tell It! to create five full time jobs for ni chapter. and develop new initiatives to the duration of the project Photo by Payton Towns III Dozier was named the 13th support diversity and equity. president of Savannah State See MEETING page 3a Phil Best Jr. speaks to council Thursday. See DOZIER page 3a NEW! Call Farmer’s Market Spotlight... 272-0375 Editor's note: This is the first of a fresh, free range chicken eggs. From outside of his day job as an account ex- Page 5a seasonal series highlighting vendors at time to time he also brings fresh ecutive for Mohawk. the Downtown Farmer's Market. turkey eggs and duck eggs. Ross is certified by the Georgia By Tara Bradshaw What started as a hobby for Ross, Dept. of Agriculture for egg candling his wife, Donna, and their grandchil- and grading, and meets all the guide- Ross Beasley "Beasley Farms" dren, has now become a successful lines for a small chicken farm. He has business for the family. "We had the many repeat customers each week. He Ross Beasley, a Dublin native, has land available, so we decided to give it says his customers like his eggs be- been a vendor at the farmers' market a try." Now their farm has close to 100 cause they are high quality, fresh, and for three years. Each week he offers laying hens that keep him very busy, See SPOTLIGHT page 3a F-Series is America’s Best Selling Index Obituaries . 2a Hometown . 7a Vehicle for 31 Consecutive Years! Editorial . 4a Sports . 1b,2b 702 East Jackson Street, Dublin, GA Weather. 5a Entertainment . 4b Ladies . 6a Classifieds . 3b LINCOLN www.dublinfordlm.com • 478.272.0511 2013 Ford F-350 Friday, April 19, 2013/Dublin, Ga/Page 2a The Courier Herald Soperton, is in charge of Ira Underwood, Jr., was ern Bell and was a member of Obituaries arrangements. born on October 24, 1941, in Antioch Baptist Church. In In lieu of flowers the family Treutlen County, Georgia, to addition to her parents, she requests donations be made to the late Ira Underwood, Sr., was preceded in death by her Bennie A. Frost, Sr. a favorite charity. and Grace Underwood Chap- husband, Jairl Warren and The harder husband Mr. Bennie A. Frost, Sr., An online register book pell. He was also preceded in brother, Greg Alligood. age 82 of Dalton, died Wednes- may be signed at death by his brother, Frankie Survivors include two day, April 17, 2013. www.sammonsfuneralhome.co Underwood. daughters, Kris (Scotty) Simp- works, the more his Mr. Frost was born in m. Mr. Underwood attended son of Dry Branch and Lisa Treutlen County, where he Oconee High School in Dublin (Tim) Parrish of Rentz; son, grew up, and later moved to Erma Horton “Aunt and worked for Hawkins Joel (Lisa) Warren of Dublin; DEARwife ABBY: cheatsI am a 47- on him Dublin. He was preceded in Cleaners in Dublin for over 26 grandchildren, Jessica Simp- year-old male, married for 26 death by his parents, Hillery Red” Henry years. God saw that he was son Foster, Katie Danielle years. I am hopelessly in love and Ellen Graham Frost, Erma Horton “Aunt Red” suffering and called him home Simpson, Hollie Faith Simp- with my wife and still see her brother, Rev. James H. Frost, Henry, 94 entered into eternal on April 15. son, Chelsea Lee Ann Warren, as the most beautiful woman and sister, Lilly Warnock. He rest, Wednesday, April 17, Mr. Underwood leaves to Joseph Wade Phillips and in the world. was a member of the First 2013. cherish his memories a devot- Wade Evans Warren; great- I have always been self-em- Presbyterian Church, Dalton, Mrs. Henry was born on ed wife, Willene Underwood; a grandchildren, Ethan Foster, ployed and have sometimes and was retired from Saudi November 11, 1918 in Johnson son, Ira Underwood; two step- Luke Foster and Malei Par- been at the extremes of feast Carpet Company, Riyadh, County to the late William daughters, Celestine and De- rish; sister, Rita (Hardy) or famine. During the bad Saudi Arabia. and Margie Horton. Mrs. Hen- lois Woodard; one brother, Smith of Dexter and brother, times, I often worked 110- Bennie enjoyed and lived ry was a homemaker and was Jimmy Underwood; nine sis- Royce (Brenda) Alligood of plus-hour weeks to save the his life to the fullest. Prior to Baptist by faith. ters-in-law and six brothers- Dexter and several nieces and ship. developing back problems, he She was preceded in death in-law, and a host of grand- nephews. Each time things have got- was an avid golfer. He also by her husband, David Henry; children, great-grandchildren, Pallbearers will be Toby Al- ten really bad, my wife has loved to play cards, especially three sisters, Pauline Tapley, nieces, cousins, nephews, and ligood, Chan Alligood, Dustin had an affair to make up for Gin. He took advantage of all Elizabeth Taylor and Elouise friends. Alligood, Jason Warren, the time, money and attention opportunities to better his life Robertson; one brother, Robert The family will be receive Rondie Warren, Reggie War- I can’t provide her.
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