From April 22-26, 2019, representatives from 16 countries participated in the fifth annual Meeting of the Community of Practice (CoP) on Social Cash Transfers in Africa: Accompanying Measures to Promote Human Capital held in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Approximately 100 individuals responsible for the Public Disclosure Authorized management of cash transfer programs participated in the conference, including representatives from Benin (5), Burkina Faso (5), Burundi (4), Cameroon (4), Comoros (4), Republic of Congo (4), Cote d’Ivoire (4), Guinea (3), Madagascar (20), Mali (4), Mauritania (5), Central African Republic (4), Democratic Republic of Congo (3), Senegal (4), Chad (3), and Togo (2). The country representatives in attendance are directly responsible for the design and management of cash transfer programs in their respective countries. The only three country members of the CoP not in attendance were Djibouti, Niger and Equatorial Guinea. In addition to country representation, several partner organizations for cash transfer programs attended and actively participated in the sessions including UNICEF (Burundi, Chad, and Togo), ActionAid (Burundi), World Food Programme (Madagascar), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC), and ideas42. Several World Bank offices were also represented (Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, and Madagascar). A list of participants is attached. Public Disclosure Authorized The conference was organized and led by Madagascar teams from the Fonds d’Intervention pour le Développement (FID) and the Ministry of Population, Social Protection, and Women’s Development (MPPSPF), with support from the World Bank Madagascar country office and World Bank Headquarters, with Azedine Ouerghi as the lead facilitator for the CoP event. A full list of participants is attached. The Prime Minister of Madagascar, Christian Ntsay, officially opened the conference, and provided opening remarks alongside representatives from the CoP, UNICEF, the World Bank Madagascar office, and the Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Promotion of Women. The five-day conference centered around Accompanying Measures to Support Human Capital Development. The framing presentation Accelerating investments in human capital: Role and Public Disclosure Authorized opportunities of social safety nets (Laura Rawlings – World Bank) was followed by examples from Madagascar (Achille Razatatoanina – FID Madagascar), from Asia and MENA (Raquel Tebaldi – IPC), concerning cash transfers and early childhood development (Patricia Norolalao – World Bank), and behavioral interventions to promote investments in human capital (Tina Razafinimanana – ideas42). Country representatives presented on the management of accompanying measures across sectors (Mali and Mauritania), in the context of scaling accompanying measures within cash transfer programs (Burkina Faso and Mali), and featured in a roundtable on the balance between national-level oversight and local- level implementation of cash transfer programs including for crisis response (Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Guinea). The full agenda is attached. • The conference included a poster exhibit on cash transfer programs’ accompanying measures focused on human capital • A field visit took place for program sites in Betafo and Antanifotsy to study Madagascar’s 2 main Public Disclosure Authorized cash transfer programs: Transferts Monétaires pour le Développement Humain (Human Development Cash Transfer or TMDH) for poor and vulnerable households with children ages 0- 12, and Argent Contre Travail Productif (Productive Cash-for-Work or ACTP) which finances productive and climate resilient sub-projects. At each site, program beneficiaries and “Mother Leaders” shared their experiences and demonstrated program activities, including on productive inclusion and accompanying measures related to cognitive development during the early years, household nutrition, and adolescent health. The conference concluded with a member meeting on the future of the CoP as RSR funding is expiring. Members elected a president and governing board for a two-year term to lead the process to develop a business plan to ensure autonomy and sustainability of the CoP following the expiry of central World Bank funding. The new leadership team will look to leverage existing resources such as World Bank financed country projects and other international and local partners to sustain program activities. The next face-to-face meetings are planned for Mali (2020) and Cameroon (2021). A few days after the conclusion of the CoP conference, World Bank President David Malpass visited a Human Development Cash Transfer site during his first overseas visit along with the Africa region Vice President Hafez Ghanem and the President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina. French language resources for the conference, including the agenda, partner and country presentations, reference materials, and group work outputs can be found on Sharepoint via the following link: https://worldbankgroup- my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/rdillard_worldbank_org/EgZLXWC8tKRHrGLHX1LDmn4BRxCYBTcd- taU4Ufu467eSQ Photos and additional information from the CoP are also featured on the FID website: http://www.fid.mg/fid-actus/5eme-rencontre-de-la-copa-madagascar/ List of Participants – Madagascar Cash Transfer CoP (4/22-4/26/19) Participants/Pays Name First Name 1 BENIN OUIN OURO Germain 2 BENIN TOGBE LOKO Angele 3 BENIN HONFO Léa 4 BENIN CODJIA Tiburce 5 BENIN CHAOU Rodrigue 6 BURKINA FASO ZOUGMORE/DAMIBA Marie Claire 7 BURKINA FASO ZOROM Moussa 8 BURKINA FASO GOUEM Issa 9 BURKINA FASO BICKO Kadidiata 10 BURKINA FASO GANEMTORE Karime 11 BURUNDI NYABENDA Michel 12 BURUNDI KARENZO Jeanne 12 BURUNDI NIMUBONA Arcade 13 BURUNDI RUBEYA Paul-Claudel 14 CAMEROUN NJOH Michelin 15 CAMEROUN NGOUPEYOU NJOMO Merlin Raoule Espoir 16 CAMEROUN PANGAM Gaston Mariuis 17 CAMEROUN NGOH Christopher Sam 18 COMORES AHAMADA Ibrahima 19 COMORES MOHAMED ALI Echata 20 COMORES HADJI Fatouma 19 COMORES MOHAMED BAHTINE El-Maarouf 21 CONGO BRAZZA ABOKE-NDZA Christian 22 CONGO BRAZZA OSSANGATSAMA Anasthasie 22 CONGO BRAZZA ITSOUA Guy Fulgence 23 CONGO BRAZZA BATSIMBA BITSINDOU Anicet Blaise 24 COTE D'IVOIRE TOURE SANGARE Ramata 25 COTE D'IVOIRE VIGAN Brice Charlemagne 25 COTE D'IVOIRE KOSSA KANGA Viviane 26 COTE D'IVOIRE DOBE GBRATTO Sonia Angeline 27 GUINEE BAH Abdoulaye Wansan 28 GUINEE KOUROUMA Ibrahima 29 GUINEE DIALLO Nimatoulaye 30 MALI SAKO Mahmoud Ali 31 MALI SAMOURA M. Abdoulaye 32 MALI COULIBALY M. Sogo 33 MALI KEITA M. Kassoum 34 MAURITANIE ABDELMALECK Moulaye El Hacen 35 MAURITANIE TALEB ABEIDY Sidi Mohamed 36 MAURITANIE ALY Fatou 37 MAURITANIE SIDI MAOULOUD Cheybete 38 MAURITANIE M'HAIMID Mohamedou CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC MBAGA Antoine Georges 39 (CAR) 40 CAR YEZIA Bertin Romaric 41 CAR OUABY née GONDJE Georgine 42 CAR GUERET Marcel Didier DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF BISILWALA MUKUSU Jules 43 CONGO (DRC) 44 DRC KABEYA IBANDA Floribert 45 DRC KABEMBA NZIKI François 46 SENEGAL DIOUF Loly 47 SENEGAL DIOP Amadou Kanar 48 SENEGAL BASSE Ousmane 49 SENEGAL NDIAYE Demba 50 TCHAD JAPHET DOUDOU Beindjila 51 TCHAD DERRY GOTOBE Florence 52 TCHAD BRAHIM Mahamat 53 TOGO TOFIO Kokou Koumah 54 TOGO GNANSA Bénédicte Partners Name First Name 55 BURUNDI (WORLD BANK) MANISABWE Jacqueline 56 BURUNDI(UNICEF) PETROCH Paul-Marie 57 BURUNDI (ACTION AID) GANGUE Hamady Midia 58 CAR (WORLD BANK) DANHOSSOU Athanase 59 CHAD (UNICEF) MBAIGUEDEM Moumkamdode 60 CHAD (WORLD BANK) DJEKOMBE Rony Mba Minko 61 TOGO (UNICEF) TODJRO Dimaké 62 FRANCE (AFD) POUPART Nadine 63 BRESIL (IPC) TEBALDI Raquel 64 WFP (MADA) YACOUBA Maman Bachir 65 UNICEF (MADA) CELADA Elena 66 UNICEF (MADA) TSIVOZAHY Bienvenu 67 (Ideas42) MADA RAZAFINIMANANA Tina 68 (Ideas42) MADA JEAN-FRANÇOIS Jessica Organizing Committee Name First Name 69 USA (WORLD BANK) OUERGHI Azedine 70 USA (WB) GALL Saïda 71 USA (WB) WILLENBORG Emma S. 72 MADA (WB) RAJAOBELISON Rondro 73 USA (WB) RAWLINGS Laura 74 MADA (WB) RAVELOSOA Julia Rachel 75 MADA (WB) ARISTIDE Tinahy Emmanuelle 76 MADA (WB) NOROLALAO Odile Patricia 77 MADA (WB) RANDRIANATOANDRO Zo Tahiana 78 MADA (WB) TAKOY Koho Francine 79 MADA (WB) RAMELOSON Valérie 80 MADA (WB) STYVANLEY Diana (Communication) Madagascar Team Name Organization 81 MADA RAFALIARISON Prudence MPPSPF 82 MADA Ranja Herivololona Philippe MPPSPF 83 MADA RAHERISON Lalanirina MPPSPF 84 MADA RABARIJAONA Antsa Narindra MPPSPF 85 MADA RAKOTOZANAKA Noël Désiré MPPSPF 86 MADA RAKOTONIRINA M. Patricia MPPSPF 87 MADA RAVELOJAONA Irenée MPPSPF 88 MADA RATOVOMAMONJY Anja H. MPPSPF 89 MADA ANDRIANJATOVO Lalaina MPPSPF 90 MADA RAZAFIARISON Rina S. MPPSPF 91 MADA - FID ANDRIANOROSOA Oly Nirina FID 92 MADA - FID RASOARIMANANA V. Irène FID 93 MADA - FID FIDINIAINAMAHEFASOA Tokilalaina FID - Tana 94 MADA - FID RANDRIANTSOA Dina Patrick FID 95 MADA - FID HERITIANA Jean Fernando FID 96 MADA - FID RAHARIMAMPIANINA Fabiola FID-Fianarantsoa 97 MADA - FID RAZAFIMIARANTSOA Verosoa FID 98 MADA - FID RAZAKATOANINA Achille FID 99 MADA - FID RAZAFINDRALAMBO Edwin Alfredo FID 100 MADA - FID NARIMANANTSIORY Rafidisoa FID Sunday April 21, 2019 17 :00-18 :00 Registration of participants Monday April 22, 2019 08 :00-09: 00 Registration of participants o Introduction of participants 09 :00-10 o Activities of the CoP since the last meeting: Ouin Ouro Germain (Benin) :30 1 o Introduction to the conference: Azedine Ouerghi (World Bank) 10: 30-11 :00 Pause-café Session chair: Brice Vigan (Cote d’Ivoire) Accelerating investments in human
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