From our Collection of Classical Marbles /lOman mnrbh' blls/ of(1 bearded illlelh'('/ lial as (l (;reel.: Romon /!I arble life-size bllSI of MCI1(1ndl'r, AIIIellhlll po"', philosopher. Second haifa/2nd Cewllry A.D. le(l(/iliS It'rilcr ojlhe Nt'", COIIIl'dy (ca . .142-293 B.C. ). 22-I/r (57.' em.} &1r1y /srCf'llI/uyA.D. 15~(3R.1 em.) A nno unc in g t h e publicatioll of 0 111' 50th A nni versary c at a log. 96 pages, over 470 ohjects ill fuJI color ....................................... .. ....... $10.00 We fcnt llrc over 3500 works o f art rnngi ng from S I 00 to $1 ,0000,OOO ONE THOUSAND YEARS OPGREE K VAS ES (1990), nnd more, Inking great pride in ollr expe nise, connoisseurship, and 52-pp .... ....... ............. .................. .. .. ................ ..... ................ S 4.00 competitive pricing. all in an open and friendly atmosphere. GODS & r-. I OI~TALS: Ancicm Bronzes (1989), 52 pp ... S 4.00 Sl'ucI for our NEW FREE fu ll-color 32-pagc hrochur,,! TIl E AG E OF Cl .rOPATRA ( 1988),32 pp .... ................... S 2.00 Tile following ful l-color publications arc ;Jlso nvnibb1c: ART or THE ANCIENT WOR LD (1985). 208 PI' ............ $15 .00 GREEK , ETKUSCAN, KOMAN, EGYPTIAN AN D NEA K EASTERN ANTIQUITIES EU ROPEAN SCU LPTUKE T IIROUGH 1800 • OLD MASTER DRA WINGS ISLAMIC, SOUTH EA ST AS IAN AND OR IENTAL WORKS OF A RT PRE·COLUM BIA N AN D T RIBAL A RT · GREE K, KOMAN AND BYZANTINE COINS royal-athena galleries new y ork - beverly hills -london Eslablished 19-1 2 .J erol11 e M. Eise nberg, Ph.O., OireUor 15.\ E:"I 511h 51.. N,'''' "''''''. NY loo n J(,. I·I .... ~ ,k...,. A"'Mlt~.",.". 12:1 Eal" :\,,11 5, • 332 ,.,-,,..,It 1.1.: ..... '1)" DT .• ICny.. I.A,II .. ·,,,, ,.. n.A s..-.. h~ LId T..J.: (212) .\55-2 0.\4 F:lX: ( ~12 ) 688_041 2 t->,·w Y,-,'~. NY lOon Tel (211) :\IJ)·IIIJJ Ik..... l1y H,II.,. CA 90210 70.. ·,,,, Sa.,,,. t.un.k>R W]Y ILL. En~b,o.I ;\jo"d:oy·S:o)urday, 10 I" (, ~1 .. n.l.,y ·S"'''''I.. y.ll 1<.6 Td (21J)SSO-II99 Td .. (H)07].495 ~590 Fax: a lJ) s!tO 1395 ~ 1 ,""I"y·F ri d. , y. 9:30 '" ~ "h ~~lo)'·S"I""b>'. 10 '0 6 INSIDE THE CELATOR••• Vol. 6, No. 6 FEATURES June 1992 6 Part 1 erne Ce[ator Dark Age Britain: the retreat of Rome by Ron KolIgaard Publisher/Editor Wnync G. Sayles 20 Old Testament story is Office Manager Janet Sayles illustrated on ancient coinage Page 6 by Marvin Tameanko Associate Editor Steven Sayles Dark Age Britain RCC Liaison The retreat of Rome 30 Historical evidence points to James L. Meyer by Ron Kol1gaard laurette's syndrome as the cause of Claudius' unusual behavior Production Asst. C hris Lane by George M. Burden, M.D. Distribution Ass!. Christine Olson 32 A coin's point of view Rochelle Olson Brutus denarii participate in events An at the Julio-Claudian coin reunion Parnell Ne lson by Bob Levy The Celator (ISSN 1110480986) is an independent joornal published on the first day of each month at DEPARTMENTS 226 Palmer Parkway, Page 20 Lodi, WI. It is circulated Old Testament story internationally through by Marvin Tameanko 2 The Celators Point of View subscriptions and special distributions. Subscription rales, 4 Letters to the Editor payable in U.S. funds, are $24 per year 24 Coming Events (second class) with in the United States; $30 to Canada; $48 26 People in the News · Profiles in Numismatics per year to ali other addresses (Air Printed Maner). Advertising and 27 Art and the Market· Quotes from the Past copy deadline is the second Friday of each 38 Antiquities by David Liebert month. Unsolicited articles and news releases are welcome, however 39 Coin File· Trivia· Humor publication cannot be gueranteed. Second Page 30 40 Coins of the Bible by David Hendin class poslage paid The emperor Claudius (USPS 11006077) al LocIi, WI 53555. and Taurette's syndrome 41 Just for Beginners by Wayne G. Sayles Copyright 0 1992, by George M. Burden, M.D. Clio's Cabinet. 42 Reference Reviews by Dennis Kroh Postmaster: send address changes 10 P.O. Box 123. About the cover: Lodi, WI 53555 Book News Merovingian gold coin from the 46 SUllon HOD ship burial, discov­ 608-592-4684 48 Professional Directory ered in 1939. The hoard is (same for FAX, aftef hOOfS dated to c. 625. This coin now activate with asterisk on resides in the British Museum. 56 Index of Advertisers· Classifieds IOuch tone phone) Deadline for the July issue is Monday, June 1 full y, this will be an easier date to re­ member, and the extra lead time will allow us to mail earlier. Dennis Kroh reminded us tha t our "Point of Vi ew" last month about coun­ • • tcrfeit coins did not cmphasize the fa ct that these particula r coins were exclu­ Commentary by Wa yne G. Sayles sively "high ticket" items. He appar­ ently has received queries from collec­ tors who arc concerned about recent acquisitions of coins in the less than his issue affords the reader a not only usefu l as a visual guide to the S I,ooo pri ce range. There is always rare and exclusive opportunity coins offered for sale, it is also a vcry cause forconcem about the authenticity T to buy or bid on coins from a helpful reference to coins that are fre­ of certain ancient coins, but not any well-known and publislled collection. quently ignored and seldom illustrated more so than usual, since the coins pro­ The rema ining Greek bronze coins from in other collections. Incl uded are many duced by the "British Museum Forgers" the collection of Henry Clay Lindgren types which arc often diffic ult to at­ were not made forthe"average~ collec­ arc being offered in a special four-page tribute. Whether one buys, bids, or tor. This danger to the hobby is not centcr scction advertisement by the passes in the sa le, this reference is worth going to dim inish in years to come, but "soon to be venerable" Frank Kovacsof having. I do believe tha t professional numisma­ San Matco, Califomia. We are mail ing 'l1ze CelalDr a lill ie tists ha ve done and are doillg a reaSOIl­ Within this col umn we do nOt nor­ earlier thi s month in thc hope that we ably good job of cull ing the bad materia I mally promote the offcrings of spccific can compensate for some of the postnl frolll ci rculation. As we have sa id re­ denIers, butthis isa vcryspecial event in delnys which inconvenience ou r read- peat edly, and will continue to say until everyone is sick of hearing it - BUY FR OM A SOURCE WH ERE YOU "... we feel very comfortable about HAVE I{ECOURSE. We mel a few hardy souls who bra ved recommending participation in this sale. " the civi l strife to attend the NAB in San Franciscothis month . As we were leav­ in g the city, a torched wlIrehouse wa s ,I numbcr of ways. On thc one hand, it ers. We arc especially concerned with bill owing smoke across the freewa y. answers the perenni a I req uests fr01l1 our deadlines, and have nOl missed one in Actually, we were in Los Angeles rCllders for a major list ing of inexpen­ the five <l nd a half years that we have (I nglewood) when the rioting broke OUI . sivecoins. Manyofthecoills in th issale been publishing. If your issue docs not Forlllnatcly, we slipped out unnoticed, are able to be bought otUright for lcss arrive at the regular tim e, it is alm osl and on ly heard about the magnitude of than the cost of a single dinner; some for certainl), due to delays in transit, over the problem as we headed up 1-5 to the less than lunch at McDonald's. Every which we ha ve less than no cOnlro!. I Bay Area. It makes one renect soberly coin is a plat e coi n frolll the Lindgren say "less than" because it seems that upon the wisdom of carrying a bag of coll ection. It is the pcrfect opportunity auempts to "ratt Ie the ca ge" on Iy end up ancient coins around the coun try ! for "Die-h ard" collectors of Greek in greater frustration. If your issue is We will be 311 ending the Long Beach bronzes who have budgetary limitat ions. lost, we will replace it wi thout charge. Expo on Saturday, June 6, and the On the ot her hand, it reneclsa recog­ It is expensive, however, for us to send NY INC in New York on Jun e 26 and 27. nition of The Celmor as the prime mar­ replacements separately - so please be From whllt we clln determine, the New ket vclli clc for thi s kind of a sale. We patient. York show is ga thering momentum, and could not ask for a more repUlable nu­ Alt hough the Kovacs sale closes on promises 10 be a well-attended and ex­ miSmat ist th:1Il Frank Kovacs to under­ June 19th, this month's ea rl y mailing citing affair. It wi ll be interesting to see take a venture of this magnitude, and we should al10w ample time for orderin g how the event is received, as generally feel very comfortable about recolll­ the referen ce and respondin g.
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