A C ADEM Y SALEM IN A CHANGINGC HANG ING WORLDWO RLD contents 8 Preparing Young Women for a Changing World 14 Recent Academy Grads Send Love Letters to Salem is implementing bold initiatives to help our students Alma Mater adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. Some of our most impressive young alumnae pen eloquent words of praise about the difference their Academy 10 Putting Entrepreneurial Thinking at the Center education has made in their lives. Salem takes its gift for entrepreneurial thinking to 17 a new level by opening the Center for Women in Securing Salem’s Future for the Next 250 Years Entrepreneurship and Business. +RZVWURQJLV6DOHPōVƓQDQFLDOSLFWXUHWKHVHGD\V" We invite you to read our Annual Report. 12 Robotics Program Continues Its Winning Ways Salem’s award-winning robotics program is continuing to gather steam – while preaching the “gospel” of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) to others. © Copyright Salem Academy 2019 SALEM IN A CHANGING WORLD YOU KEEP SALEM STRONG One of the best ways to keep the Salem Academy Legacy strong is to recommend a prospective student. Share the Salem spirit with a special middle school girl you know. Please send her name, contact information, school, and current grade level to [email protected]. To make a gift – Donate online at www.salem.edu/give or call the 2IƓFHRI,QVWLWXWLRQDO$GYDQFHPHQW at 336.721.2607. SALEM WOMEN RULE! 25 A Model of How Good a Model UN Program Can Be The Academy’s Model UN Club is winning prestigious awards and teaching girls and young women how to be powerful and persuasive leaders. 26 They Belong in the Hall of Fame Salem makes history once again by establishing the Athletics Hall of Fame and inducting an all-star inaugural class. HEAD OF SCHOOL The Academy’s current student body is part of Generation Z, the group born between 1995 and 2010. At Opening Chapel this year, I wanted our students to know that I embrace and admire the unique qualities that GHƓQHWKHLUJHQHUDWLRQDQG,VKDUHGVRPHWUDLWVWKDW describe them: “ Your generation is the most racially diverse, and many of you come from a less traditional family background, such as single parent or same-sex parent families; “ You are more accepting of people for who they are and not what they look like. When it comes to identity, you don’t just accept differences - you celebrate them; Those of you who know me have discovered that I love ŏ<RXVSHQGPRUHWLPHRQOLQHIRU\RXDUHWKHƓUVW a good song, so I will start this letter with a favorite. If true digital natives, which means that technology you are a Baby Boomer, you are welcome to sing along: LVDŴXLGRUJDQLFSDUWRI\RXUGDLO\OLYHV Come gather ‘round, people “ You want to make a difference, especially in areas such as human rights, carbon footprints, and Wherever you roam changing what you do not like in the world; And admit that the waters “ You are ready to break out of the traditional mold Around you have grown in your careers - entrepreneurship is your focus, and you want what you do to mean something; And accept it that soon “ But the most important characteristic that is You’ll be drenched to the bone FXUUHQWO\XVHGWRGHƓQH\RXUJHQHUDWLRQLVWKLV If your time to you is worth savin’ You are realistic and cautious, but you are also optimistic about how you can shape the future.” And you better start swimmin’ ,KDYHQRWKLQJEXWFRQƓGHQFHLQWKHVWXGHQWVRI Or you’ll sink like a stone Salem Academy. They bring me joy to be around and For the times they are a-changin’ comfort in knowing that the world will be a better place because of them. Bob Dylan wrote this song – The Times They Are a Changin’ – in the early 1960s as an anthem for the time, Here’s to a bright future at Salem as we embrace the not a song of protest but a song of hope and optimism changing times in a changing world. for his generation. It was a call to action, a recognition that the world was changing and that if you don’t recognize it and participate in it, you will be left behind. Far may our song ring clear! I think every generation has its poet laureate. For some it was Bob Dylan, for others, it is Bruce Springsteen, Bono, or even Taylor Swift. Each generation has a myriad of events that shape their outlook on life - the Carol Killebrew celebrations and the challenges, the victories and Head of School defeats, the results and the obstacles. Salem Academy 4 | SALEM ACADEMY AAccepting class gifts at Reunion is one of the best parts of MMs. Killibrew’s job. Ms.Ms. KillebKillebrewrew presentspresents EmmaEmma KaKanzlernzler A’20 withwith herher classclass ringring atat the annual Ring Baquet. Baquet Ms. Killebrew congratulates Miracle Etim-Andy A’19, recipient of the Faulty Award, at graduation. Ms. Killebrew relaxes and shares a laugh with students on the Sun Porch. SALEM ACADEMY | 5 FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Salem Family, It has been a joy and a privilege to get to know so Whether we are College or Academy alumnae, many of you since I arrived at Salem last year. At students, faculty, or staff, we share pride in our legacy, alumnae events, in conference calls, during informal we support each other, and we are proud of Salem. This get-togethers, in one-on-one conversations and more, is an exhilarating time to be here. Yet, as wonderful as I have been inspired by your contagious passion for this time of growth and transformation has been, we Salem, your insights, your tireless work, and your know that the best is yet to come. WE are Salem, and boundless generosity. when we come together as one, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. Because of you, Salem is now in a much stronger ƓQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDQGZHDUHRSWLPLVWLFDERXWRXU future. A spirit of enthusiasm exists in our community Warm regards, that inspires collaboration and encouragement among all of us. As you’ll see in the following pages, we have several bold and exciting initiatives underway, all of which Sandra J. Doran are designed to help our students adapt and thrive in President our constantly changing world. For example, we are Salem Academy and College charging ahead with the Changing World Initiative, which will create a fully digital student experience. We are incorporating experiential and interdisciplinary learning in our curriculum, we are expanding our strategic alliances with local institutions, and we are strengthening our internships and global programs. We have taken Salem’s gift for fostering entrepreneurial thinking to a new level by opening a center in downtown Winston-Salem devoted to it: the Center for Women in Entrepreneurship and Business (CWEB). 6 | SALEM ACADEMY President Doran can be found interacting with Academy students on campus and at events. 3UHVLGHQW'RUDQDQG0DUJDUHW9DUGHOO6DQGUHVN\$ō&ōbLQ President Doran and Ms. Killebrew with Alia Agee A’19, recipient of New York City on December 7, 2018, Mrs. Sandresky was honored the Oak Award at Founder’s Day Convocation in April 2019. by the North Carolina Society of New York, Inc. during their 121st Annual Dinner Dance for her breadth of accomplishments in music FRPSRVLWLRQWKURXJKRXWKHUUHPDUNDEOHFDUHHUb SALEM ACADEMY | 7 Preparing Girls and Women to Thrive in a Rapidly Changing World Try this as an experiment sometime: Google the words “rapid changes in education.” Then start reading the headlines that bubble up at random. Here are some of the headlines we recently came across: “Schools Must Adapt to Rapid Change” “ Getting Students Ready for a Fast-Changing World.” You get the picture. Which raises a very important question: What is Salem Academy and College doing to adapt to this Brave New World of warp-speed change? We have great news. Salem is drawing on the innovative, Following is a peek at one exciting initiative that is entrepreneurial spirit that has been a part of its DNA currently in the works, plus a good look at several since 1772. It is staying true to its mission. And it is others that have been implemented, all of which are creating and implementing bold, visionary initiatives DOUHDG\EHDULQJVLJQLƓFDQWIUXLW that will not only help the Academy and the College adapt to rapid change, but thrive in the midst of it. 8 | SALEM ACADEMY Presenting Salem’s Changing World Initiative: ENTREPRENEURIAL THINKING IN A DIGITAL WORLD THE VISION Salem will achieve this goal by cultivatingg A successful initiative starts with an inspiring a community of innovative teaching vision. And Salem’s vision for the Changing and learning supported by mobile World Initiative is as inspiring as they come: technologies. This transformation will ensure that our students develop the Salem will produce graduates who are core skills required for the 21st century: • Digitally sophisticated creativity, agility, curiosity, and resilience. • Liberally educated • Leaders in diverse environments THE RATIONALE Salem Academy and College will link the In an age of unprecedented best skills learned through liberal arts technological change and education education (critical thinking, creativity, disruption, Salem must take a leap into DQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQ WRWHFKQLFDOŴXHQF\ the future and develop new strategies to and acumen, understanding them as a IXOƓOORXUPLVVLRQ both/and contribution to the public good We are preparing girls and women to rather than opposed approaches to our become the strategists of the future. This joint future. will change and shape the future for us all.. THE GOAL THE INVESTMENT A compelling initiative also requires a Salem is seeking $2.85 million in WiFi across campuscampus, in classrooms and clear goal: funding to launch the full Changing other learning spaces, as well as in To create a world-class student experience World Initiative.
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