Dear Councillor, You are summoned to attend a meeting of Mawnan Parish Council on Thursday, 21st March 2019 at 7.30pm, at the Memorial Hall. Residents of the Parish are invited to attend and listen to proceedings of the meeting. Yours faithfully, Lisa Clements, Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. SAFETY PROCEDURES 2. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. MEMBERS TO DECLARE DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND NON- REGISTERABLE INTERESTS (INCLUDING DETAILS THEREOF) IN RESPECT OF ANY ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AND ANY GIFTS OR HOSPITALITY EXCEEDING £25 4. TO CONSIDER REQUESTS FROM COUNCILLORS FOR DISPENSATIONS 5. TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE 21st FEBRUARY 2019 FULL COUNCIL MEETING AND THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN THEM 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA 7. TO REPORT MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT ON THE AGENDA 8. TO RECEIVE ANY INFORMATION ON NOTED TRAFFIC & FOOTPATH ISSUES (Durgan/Bosloe seasonal parking) 9. TO NOTE PLANNING DECISIONS RECEIVED FROM CORNWALL COUNCIL (list attached) 10. TO NOTE ANY PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS UNDERTAKEN OR ANY ENFORCEMENT COMPLAINTS RECEIVED SINCE THE LAST MEETING OF THIS COUNCIL 11. TO CONSIDER PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM CORNWALL COUNCIL BY THE DATE OF THE MEETING (please check the parish website for any extra items arriving within the 7 days prior to the meeting date) Ref. No: PA19/01321 1 Field Place Mawnan Smith Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5JE Proposed single-storey extension to rear. Ref. No: PA19/00685 Mawnan Reach Grove Hill Mawnan Smith TR11 5ER Extension to existing roof structure Ref. No: PA19/01557 26 Castle View Park Mawnan Smith Falmouth Cornwall TR11 5HB Proposed Loft Conversion with dormers. Ref. No: PA19/01821 Bar House Bar Road Helford Passage Hill Mawnan Smith l TR11 5LF Extension to the rear of the main house and the addition of new windows to the North and West elevations. Ref. No: PA19/00015/PREAPP Coomb Pines Helford Passage TR11 5LB Pre application advice for the lifting of condition 4 attached to planning permission 2/78/03656/CON Ref. No: PA19/01773 8 Greenfields Close Mawnan Smith TR11 5EX Alterations, extension and construction of additional dormers 12. TO RECEIVE CORRESPONDENCE AND AGREE RESPONSES IF APPROPRIATE 13. TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS, RECEIPTS AND BANK RECONCILIATION FOR THE MONTH OF FEB 2019 14. TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS IN MAR 2019 15. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVES (may include reports from recent training/conferences) 16. REPORT FROM CORNWALL COUNCIL WARD MEMBER 17. ITEMS FOR INCLUSION ON NEXT AGENDA 18. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING - The next will be held at 7-30pm, on Thursday 18th April 2019, in the Memorial Hall. Next Office & Finance meeting is scheduled for Monday 8th April at 7pm in the Rendlesham Room 19. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 20. THAT THE COUNCIL RESOLVES UNDER THE 1960 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT, TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLICE DUE TO THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED. 21. TO RECEIVE TENDERS FOR THE FOOTPATHS/PRoW CONTRACT Clerk: Mrs L Clements, The Parish Office, MS Electrical, The Square, Mawnan Smith, Cornwall TR11 5EP Tel: 01326 251022 Email : [email protected] Website: www.mawnan.org.uk Page 1 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARISH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, 21ST FEBRUARY 2019 AT 7.30PM, IN MAWNAN MEMORIAL HALL PRESENT: Cllrs Moyle (chair), Bradley, Brooksbank, Faiers, Nash, Sadler & Whibley ALSO PRESENT: Mrs L Clements, Clerk & 5 members of the public 2917.19 SAFETY PROCEDURES– explained by the chair 2918.19 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs Prasad, Marsden & Toland 2919.19 MEMBERS TO DECLARE DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND NON- REGISTERABLE INTERESTS (INCLUDING DETAILS THEREOF) IN RESPECT OF ANY ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AND ANY GIFTS OR HOSPITALITY EXCEEDING £25 None noted 2920.19 TO CONSIDER REQUESTS FROM COUNCILLORS FOR DISPENSATIONS None noted th 2921.19 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE 17 JANUARY 2019 FULL COUNCIL MEETING AND THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN THEM It was proposed by Cllr Bradley, seconded by Cllr Faiers and RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council held on 17th January 2019 be approved and signed by the Chair on a vote being taken the matter was approved unanimously 2922.19 PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA None noted 2923.19 TO REPORT MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT ON THE AGENDA Cllr Whibley noted that in her opinion we needed to have a seat at the table when it comes to the boundary review. She also felt that the residents of the parish should be given a say if we were requesting boundary changes. Cllr Bradley said he thought we had already logged before Christmas that the parish was happy with the current boundaries but would like to be involved if these were affected (the clerk confirm this as our response). It appears that some misinformation had received in the pre-consultation stages – parishes will be immediately consulted if there is an effect on their boundaries but they do not need to make a specific request for a review if they are happy as they are. Cllr Bradley also noted that as part of the CALC Conference a speech by Cllr Malcolm Brown he was very clear that any NDPs already being worked on should not stall or stop even if boundary changes are anticipated affecting the designated area. The review of polling stations and areas was touched on, but it was agreed that at the present time Mawnan was happy with the arrangements currently in place. Repairs to the noticeboard were at a standstill, with the purchase of marine ply pending. Page 2 of 10 The clerk provided details on the costs of the defib for the Memorial Hall and the acceptance of the proposal that the parish council undertake the purchase to allow the VAT to be reclaimed, however Cllr Sadler was concerned as it appeared that the hall was not supporting this financially. Cllr Brooksbank stated that at the Rendlesham Committee meeting last week they had received a letter saying that funding for the defib was no longer requested, since the hall were no longer intending to install one, which was contrary to information received and circulated by the clerk. It was requested that the clerk contact the hall committee again to try to find out what is going on. The Bowling Club’s plans for development were once again raised since there was still some lingering confusion on what the previous meeting with members of the parish council had promised. It was felt by some members that they were taking the easy way out by attempting to sell off part of the land, endowed to the community, rather than looking at long-term, sustainable finance solutions to the issue. Unfortunately Cllr Toland would be away until after the April meeting, but it was believed she had had some contact about grant funding streams. Cllr Sadler asked that a further meeting before their AGM in April be arranged. 2924.19 TO RECEIVE ANY INFORMATION ON NOTED TRAFFIC & FOOTPATH ISSUES Cllr Bradley said that the CNP funding for multiple highways pot projects had been downgraded to feasibility studies, not real works. Some of the CNP members were worried that the funding would be spent within Cornwall Council on studies and run out before actual works took place. Cllr Bastin was to raise this with the Council Portfolio holder directly. Speedwatch – nothing to report back as yet from the Police Commissioner. Hopefully this item would be on the March agenda. A request for any EOI for the highways pot for 2019/20 to be submitted before the next meeting. Currently, part for the pavement from Lowenna the parish did not have anything prepared, as we needed to see how the crossing at the school would affect through traffic. But by the time this now went through the speed survey information it relies on would be out of date. Report from Cllr Whibley: public need to honour and follow the SWCP diversion around Trebah due to the works being conducted in the Trebah vicinity. Lisa has asked NT Glendurgan team to re-enforce this request to their visitors. I will do likewise while on a volunteer shift. National Trust ranger team have removed the fallen ash tree from the NT footpath at Candy's Gate, and have started preparatory work on a diversion to the footpath at the higher end of Carwinion footpath. Works will be fully undertaken there in 3-4 weeks’ time (avoiding the wet caused by the spring/ run off on that path). We still await budget and timing confirmation from Cormac (Penny Hodgson) for remedial work on the steps and SWCP at Meudon. I will approach Cormac (Penny Hodgson) about the wobbly "Kissing gate" post and rails near Porthallack (not a National Trust one apparently). Helford River Group say Clean Ocean Sailing (based at Gweek) have obtained a £3K grant from Trinity House to remove non organic abandoned vessels from the Helford River to Newham and then on to be incinerated. A test case has been identified. They are to place a notice on the canoe chained to the railings at Helford Bar (FP35). Next National Trust beach clean was to be Sunday 3rd March. This was cancelled due to stormy weather and will be rescheduled. Great British Spring Clean is 22-23 March. Shall we have a parish initiative? (Inconclusive discussion followed). Page 3 of 10 Chris Kinder attended the latest public NDP meeting and brought to my attention the opportunity to register ancient footpaths if we have any that were not listed in 1949.
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