Complete Index of Common Names: Supplement to Tropical Timbers of the World (AH 607) by Nancy Ross Preface Since it was published in 1984, Tropical Timbers of the World has proven to be an extremely valuable reference to the properties and uses of tropical woods. It has been particularly valuable for the selection of species for specific products and as a reference for properties information that is important to effective pro- cessing and utilization of several hundred of the most commercially important tropical wood timbers. If a user of the book has only a common or trade name for a species and wishes to know its properties, the user must use the index of common names beginning on page 451. However, most tropical timbers have numerous common or trade names, depending upon the major region or local area of growth; furthermore, different species may be know by the same common name. Herein lies a minor weakness in Tropical Timbers of the World. The index generally contains only the one or two most frequently used common or trade names. If the common name known to the user is not one of those listed in the index, finding the species in the text is impossible other than by searching the book page by page. This process is too laborious to be practical because some species have 20 or more common names. This supplement provides a complete index of common or trade names. This index will prevent a user from erroneously concluding that the book does not contain a specific species because the common name known to the user does not happen to be in the existing index. August 1989 Alpha List by Common Name Common name Scientific name Country Region Aba Lophira alata Nigeria AF Abababite Poulsenia armata AM Abachi Triplochiton scleroxylon Germany, Holland AF Abale Combretodendron macrocarpum syn. C. africanum Ivory Coast AF Abang Chlorophora excelsa and C. regia AF Abarco Cariniana pyriformis and Cariniana spp. Colombia AM Abel Canarium schweinfurthii Cameroon AF Abem Berlinia spp. Cameroon AF Abey Jacaranda copaia AM Abey Lysiloma spp. AM Abihy Pradosia spp. AM Abin Combretodendron macrocarpum syn. C. africanum Gabon AF Abing Combretodendron macrocarpum syn. C. africanum Cameroon AF Abo emido Uapaca spp. AF Aborzok Mammea africana Cameroon AF Aboudikro Entandrophragma cylindricum Ivory Coast AF Abumana Nesogordonia papaverifera syn. Cistanthera papaverifera AF Abura Mitragyna ciliata AF Abure Licania spp. AM Aburuhi Scottellia coriacea Ivory Coast AF Acacia franc Enterolobium schomburgkii French Guiana AM Acacu Hura crepitans Brazil AM Acaiba Spondias mombin AM Acajou Swietenia macrophylla French-speaking area AM Acajou blanc Simarouba amara French Guiana AM Acajou d’Afrique Khaya ivorensis and K. anthotheca Ivory Coast AF Acajou rouge Cedrela spp. French West Indies AM Acapu Vouacapoua americana Brazil AM Acapurana Andira inermis Brazil AM Aceite maria Calophyllum brasiliense Colombia AM Aceituno Simarouba amara Honduras, Nicaragua, AM Panama Aceituno Vitex spp. Colombia, Venezuela AM Achi Brachystegia spp. AF Achi Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum AF Acoita-cavallo Luehea spp. Brazil AM Adau Lophopetalum spp. Brunei AS Adjouaba Dacryodes spp. AF Adoum Cylicodiscus gabunensis AF Adoung Monopetalanthus heitzii AF Adoung de heitz Monopetalanthus heitzii Gabon AF Adza Baillonella toxisperma Gabon AF Afara Terminalia superba Nigeria AF Afina Strombosia glaucescens AF Afo Poga oleosa Gabon AF African Blackwood Dalbergia melanoxylon AF African Canarium Canarium schweinfurthii AF African Celtis Celtis spp. AF African Corkwood Musanga cecropioides AF African Crabwood Carapa procera and C. grandiflora AF African Ebony Diospyros spp. AF African Homalium Homalium spp. AF African Mahogany Khaya grandifoliola and K. senegalensis AF African Mahogany Khaya ivorensis and K. anthotheca AF African Padauk Pterocarpus soyauxii AF African Pearwood Baillonella toxisperma U.K. AF Common name Scientific name Country Region African Pencil Cedar Juniperus procera AF African-Walnut Lovoa trichilioides syn. L. klaineana AF Afrormosia Pericopsis elata syn. Afrormosia elata AF Afzelia Afzelia spp. AF Agba Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum AF Agboin Piptadeniastrum africanum syn. Piptadenia africana AF Aglay Chukrasia tabularis India AS Agnegre Aningeria spp. AF Agogo Carapa procera and C. grandiflora Nigeria AF Agoho Casuarina spp. Philippines AS Agracejo Gossypiospermum praecox Cuba AM Aguabola Maytenus spp. AM Aguacatillo Nectandra spp. Mexico, Honduras, AM Costa Rica Aguacatire Sickingia spp. AM Aguarras Tetragastris spp. Colombia AM Aguay Cynodendron spp. and Chrysophyllum spp. AM Ahuatl Quercus spp. AM Ahun Alstonia congensis and A. boonei AF Aiele Canarium schweinfurthii Ivory Coast AF Aimpem Helicostylis tomentosa AM Ainee Artocarpus spp. AS Aiomoradan Parinari spp. AM Aji Clarisia racemosa AM Aji Caryocar spp. : C. costarricense Costa Rica AM Ajillo Caryocar spp. : C. villosum Costa Rica AM Akasinsa Celitis spp. Uganda AF Ake Testulea gabonensis AF Akewe Testulea gabonensis Gabon AF Ako Antiaris spp. Dahomey, Senegal AF Akolodo Brachystegia spp. Nigeria AF Akom Terminalia superba Cameroon AF Akomu Pycnanthus angolensis Nigeria AF Akondoc Nauclea diderrichii syn. Sarcocephalus diderrichii Cameroon AF Akuk Khaya grandifoliola and K. senegalensis AF Akumaba Nesogordonia papaverifera syn. Cistanthera papaverifera AF Alan Shorea spp. (Dark Red Meranti-Red Lauan group) Sarawak AS Alastioelan Apeiba spp. AM Alazano Calycophyllum candidissimum Panama AM Albarco Cariniana pyriformis and Cariniana spp. AM Albizzia Albizia spp. AF Alcanfor Protium spp. AM Alcarreto Aspidosperma spp. (Araracanga group) Panama AM Alcornoque Bowdichia spp. Venezuela AM Alerce Fitzroya cupressoides AM Algarrobo Hymenaea courbaril Spanish America AM Algarrobo Pithecellobium saman syn. Samanea saman Cuba, Mexico, AM Guatemala Algodon de monte Luehea spp. Colombia AM Aligns Afzelia spp. Nigeria AF Alla Carapa procera and C. grandiflora AF Allen ele Microberlinia brazzavillensis Cameroon AF Alma negra Clathrotropis spp. AM Alma negra Swartzia spp. Colombia AM Almaciga Agathis spp. Philippines AS Almacigo Bursera simaruba AM 2 Common name Scientific name Country Region Almendrillo Caryocar spp. : C. costarricense AM Almendro Buchenavia capitata Colombia AM Almendro Caryocar spp. : C. villosum Peru AM Almendro Dipteryx odorata syn. Coumarouna odorata Costa Rica, Panama AM Almendro Terminalia amazonia syn. T. obovata Honduras AM Almendron Caryocar spp. : C. costarricense Colombia AM Almesca Tetragastris spp. Brazil AM Almon Shorea spp. (Light Red Meranti-Light Red Lauan group) AS Alone Bombax spp. AF Alstonia Alstonia congensis and A. boonei AF Ama-apa Couma macrocarpa Surinam AM Amansamujer Prioria copaifera AM Amapa Tabebuia spp. (Lapacho group) Mexico AM Amapa Tabebuia spp. (Roble group) AM Amapa asta Cordia spp. (Gerascanthus group) Mexico AM Amapa doce Brosimum spp. (Utile group) AM Amapa-rana Bagassa guianensis Brazil AM Amarante Peltogyne spp. French Guiana AM Amaranth Peltogyne spp. AM Amarela Clarisia racemosa AM Amarello Euxylophora paraensis AM Amarello Chlorophora tinctoria Brazil AM Amarello Aspidosperma spp. (Peroba group) AM Amargo amargo Vatairea spp. Panama AM Amargo blanco Ormosia spp. Panama AM Amargoso Aspidosperma spp. (Peroba group) Brazil AM Amargoso Vatairea spp. Honduras AM Amari Amoora spp. India AS Amarillo Buchenavia capitata AM Amarillo Chlorophora tinctoria Bolivia AM Amarillo carabazuelo Terminalia amazonia syn. T. obovata Panama AM Amarillo guayaquil Centroiobium spp. Panama, Ecuador AM Amazakoue Guibourtia ehie Ivory Coast AF Amazoue Guibourtia ehie AF Ambahu Cecropia peltata Argentina AM Ambayguazu Didymopanax morototoni Argentina AM Amboyna Pterocarpus indicus AS Amburana Amburana cearensis syn. A. acreana AM Amendoim Pterogyne nitens AM American Muskwood Guarea spp. AM Amoora Amoora spp. AS Amugis Koordersiodendron pinnatum Philippines AS Amunu Podocarpus spp. Fiji AS Anacaguita Sterculia apetala Puerto Rico AM Anacahuite Cordia spp. (Gerascanthus group) AM Anamemila Lovoa trichilioides syn. L. klaineana AF Anan Fagraea spp. AS Ananma Fagraea spp. Burma AS Anany Symphonia globulifera Brazil AM Anaura Licania spp. Surinam A Andjek Ongokea gore AF Andok Irvingia gabonensis Cameroon AF Anegre Aningeria spp. Ivory Coast AF Angelica Tree Dendropanax arboreus AM Angelica do Para Dicorynia paraensis Brazilian Amazon AM Angelim Vatairea spp. AM 3 Common name Scientific name Country Region Angelim do Para Hymenolobium excelsum AM Angelin Andira inermis AM Angelina Genipa americana Colombia AM Angelique Dicorynia guianensis AM Angelique batard Dicorynia guianensis AM Angelique gris Dicorynia guianensis French Guiana AM Angico preto Anadenanthera macrocarpa syn. Piptadenia macrocarpa Brazil AM Angouma Aucoumea klaineana AF Angsana Pterocarpus indicus Sabah AS Angu Pterocarpus spp. AM Angueuk Ongokea gore Gabon, Cameroon AF Anime Protium spp. AM Aningeria Aningeria spp. AF Anis Nothofagus spp. AM Anokye Guibourtia ehie Ghana AF Anonang Cordia spp. AS Antiaris Antiaris spp. AF Antipolo Artocarpus spp. AS Anubing Artocarpus spp. Philippines AS Anume Metrosideros collina subsp. polymorpha Samoa AS Apa Eperua spp. AM Apa Afzelia spp. AF Apa apa Durio spp. and Neesia spp. AS Apamate Tabebuia spp. (Roble group) Venezuela AM Apapaye Turreanthus africanus Ghana AF Apareiba Rhizophora mangle AM Apaya Turreanthus africanus Nigeria AF Apazeiro Eperua spp. AM Apiranga Maytenus spp. AM Apitong Dipterocarpus spp. AS Apixuna Micropholis spp. Brazil AM Apopo Lovoa trichilioides syn. L.
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